CD mechanism extension cord : W05-0935-00Mounting hardware assy(J21-9823-03)DC cord (E30-6062-05)Lever(D10-4674-04) x 2Size AA battery(Not suplied)Plastic cabinet assy(A02-2731-03)Remote controller assy(RC-505)(A70-2040-05) Screw set(N99-1734-05)Escutcheon(B07-3079-01)Screw set(N99-1723-05)CD mechanism operation description is not in this service manual.Please, refer to service manual X92-4030-0x (B51-7867-00).s 50 4WDIGITAL AUDIOCOMPACTPanel assy(A64-2980-01)Escutcheon(B07-3079-01)Panel assy(A64-3001-02)© 2003-2 PRINTED IN JAPANB53-0037-00 (N)1459CD RECEIVERKDC-X769SERVICE MANUAL3HOW TO THE PANEL MECHANISM ASSEMBLY1. Fixed the position of operation side(Fixed the horizontal position when the panel opened)q The mounting hardware (281) of operation side is rota-tion (A) into the stop position with close side.w As figure (B) line is just above and the gear (230) at-tached to pin.BARotary to the stop position281230This line attached just aboveFig. B(This figure from look at B arrow)C284702SWDEF702SW2842. The slider assembly insert to bottom chassisq The bracket for display panel (284) is leave down, in-sert to the chassis (702). (C)w The slider assembly insert to the chassis (702) afterthat shift (D) direction.e The bracket for display panel (284) is raised (E) direc-tion.r Keep the raising conditions, the slider assembly is shift(F) direction.(Note) Do not bend the knob of chassis detection switchwhen the slider assembly insert.KDC-X769KDC-X7693BLOCK DIAGRAMBUFFERRESET SWKEY MATRIXu-COMMPXE-VOL&ACC DETB.U DETDRIVERMUTEPOWERICACCBACK UPSP OUT (FL)RESETKEY ILLIC2IC1IC4IC7Q102,103AM+BPRE MUTEPRE MUTEPRE MUTEPRE OUT(FRONT)PRE OUT(REAR)(NF)PRE OUTAUX INSP OUT (FR)SP OUT (RL)SP OUT (RR)EXT AMPDIMMER DIMMEREXT.AMP.CONANT-CON ANT CONP-CON P CONIC8Q59,60Q55,56Q57,58BU5VSW 5VSW 14VSERVOILL+BSW REGA8VQ1,2Q3Q4,5Q6-8Q9,34BU5VSW5VSW14VA8VSERVOIC14MOTORDRDRMOTORIC13ROTARYENCODERLCD DRIVERIC2EEPROMEEP5VQ63IC1Q23,24Q30Q29Q25,26Q32Q33Q11-14Q53SW5VQ6PANELIC3REMOCONWITHLCD DRIVERIC1KEY MATRIXLCDOP AMPOP AMPOP AMPIC11IC10IC99VS-METERAUDIO OUTSERVO8VBU5VCD4.7VBACK UPFMAMCDQUALCHKEYBU5V8VSW5V8V8VSW5VBU5VBU5VBU5VSERVOBU5VBU5V BU5V BU5V9V9V9VTUNERCDCHMECHAPANELTDF UNIT (X16-208)(X16-214)(X25-968)(X16-219)SWITCH UNITDISPLAY UNITKDC-X7694a71 SUB-CIRCUIT UNIT (X16-2080-10)Ref. No. Application/Function Operation/Condition/CompatibilityIC1 E2PROM For securitya71 SUB-CIRCUIT UNIT (X16-2140-10)Ref. No. Application/Function Operation/Condition/CompatibilityIC1 LCD driver KEY InputIC2 LCD driverIC3 Remote control sensorQ1 KEY scan start SW ON when the base goes “L”.Q5, D26 VLCD AVRQ6 Remote control sensor power supply SW ON when the base goes “L”.Q11 Dimmer control LCD back light control. OFF when the base goes “L”, ON when the base goes “H”.a71 SWITCH UNIT (X16-2190-10)Ref. No. Application/Function Operation/Condition/CompatibilityQ1 DSI (Disabled System Indicator) DSI blinks when the base goes “H/L”Q2 KEY illumination SW (GREEN) ON (KEY illumination green) when the base goes “H”Q3 KEY illumination SW (RED) ON (KEY illumination red) when the base goes “H”a71 ELECTRIC UNIT (X25-9680-10)Ref. No. Application/Function Operation/Condition/CompatibilityIC1 System µ-comIC2 E-vol & N.C. & MPXIC3 Regulator IC for A8VIC4 Power ICIC6 -9V AVR (DC/DC IC) for 4.5V Pre-outIC7 Reset ICIC8 Logic IC for mutingIC911 AMP for 4.5V Pre-outIC13, 14 Motor driver IC for panel mechanismIC15 ROM IC For ROM correction.Q1, 2 B.U.5V AVR While BU is applied, BU5V AVR outputs +5V.Q3 SW5V When Q3base goes Lo, SW5V outputs +5V.Q4, 5 SW14V When Q5base goes Hi, SW14V outputs 14V.Q68 AUDIO 8V AVR When Q6base goes Hi, A8V AVR outputs 8.4V.Q9, 34 SERVO+B AVR When Q602base goes Hi, S+B AVR outputs 7.4V.Q1114 ILL+B AVR When Q11base goes Hi, AVR outputs 10.5V.Q15, 16 AUDIO 10.7V AVR When Q16base goes Hi, AVR outputs 10.7V.Q1719 Pre-Amp -9V AVRQ18 and 19 works as a differential amplifier, Q17 works as a driver and -9.0V is suppliedto OP amp for Pre-out.Q2022 Pre-Amp +9V AVRQ20 and 21 works as a differential amplifier, Q22 works as a driver and +9.3V is suppliedto OP amp for Pre-out.Q23, 24 P-ANT SW When Q23base goes Hi, P-ANT SW outputs 14V.Q25, 26 P-CON SW When Q26base goes Hi, P-CON SW outputs 14V.COMPONENTS DESCRIPTIONKDC-X7695Ref. No. Application/Function Operation/Condition/CompatibilityQ27, 28 P-CON protection Protect Q27 by turning on when P-CON output is grounded.Q29 Ex Amp control bufferQ30 Small lamp det SW When Q30base goes Hi, Q30 is turned on.Q32 BU det When Q32base gose Hi, Q32 is turned on.Q33 ACC det When Q33base gose Hi, Q33 is turned on.Q51, 52 Mute driver When a base gose Lo, mute driver is turned on.Q53 Noise bufferQ54 E-vol mute SW When a base gose Hi, mute SW is turned on.Q5560 Pre-out mute SW When a base gose Hi, Pre-out is muted.Q63 E2P 5V SW When Q63base gose Lo, E2P 5V is out.Q102, 103 AM+B SW When Q102base gose Hi, AM+B is out.COMPONENTS DESCRIPTIONMICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONa71 SYSTEM MICROCOMPUTER : UPD703030GC015 (X25-968 : IC1)Pin No. Pin Name I/O Module Purpose / Description Truth table Processing Operation1 PLL_DATA I/O Tuner Data output/input with F/E.2 AM+B I/O Power supply AM+B. AM operation : H3 (FM+B) O Power supply FM+B (S01 F/E only).FM operation : H,Last FM : H (With RDS, RBDS model)4 V_ILL PAN_E2P DATA I/O To panel V-ILL D/A converter (V-ILL, LCD), E2PROM data.5 V_ILL PAN_E2P CLK I/O To panel V-ILL D/A converter (V-ILL, LCD), E2PROM clock.6 EVDD -7 EVSS -8 AFS O Tuner Noise detection time constant switching. FM seek, AF search : L, Receiving : H, Auto 0 : L9 BEEP O Audio Beep output.10 REMO I Extra Remote control input (Panel, External display).11 P_MUTE O Audio Power IC MUTE output. Power OFF : L, All OFF : L, TEL mute : L12 (SVR) O Audio Power IC SVR discharge circuit control.Power OFF momentary power dropped: H (5 second) and then LCD CD mechanism data line.13 IC2_SDA I/O Audio IC2 data line.Extra ROM correction data line.CD CD mechanism clock line.14 IC2_CLK I/O Audio IC2 clock line.Extra ROM correction clock line.15 P_STBY O Audio Power IC STBY output. Power IC ON : H, Power IC OFF : L, All OFF : H16 P_CON I/O Extra Power control. Power ON : H, Power OFF : Hi-Z, All OFF : Hi-Z17 DIMMER_CONT O To panel Dimmer control (W-LED only).Dimmer : Pulse control,Frequency : 1kHz, Normally : H18 TEST - Connect to GND.19 TYPE2 I Extra Destination select. wKDC-X7696Pin No. Pin Name I/O Module Purpose / Description Truth table Processing Operation20 MUTE O Audio Mute output. ON : OPEN, OFF : L21 PRE_MUTEL O Audio PREOUT (L ch) mute.M MUTE L is L : L (CD), Momentary powerdropped : L, 2 zone, NAVI interrupt : Fixed H22 PRE_MUTER O Audio PREOUT (R ch) mute.M MUTE R is L : L (CD), Momentary powerdropped : L, 2 zone, NAVI interrupt : Fixed H23 BU_DET I Extra Momentary power dropped detection.Backup : L,No backup, momentary power dropped : H24 ACC_DET I Extra ACC detection. With ACC : L, Without ACC : H25 SW5V I/O Power supply 5V power supply. ON : L, OFF : Hi-Z26 EXT_AMP_CONT O Extra External amplifier control. Refer to external amplifier control.27 DIMMER I Extra Small lamp detection. ON : L, OFF : H28 ANT_CON O Extra Antenna control. wTuner ON : H, Other source With RDS last FM: H, Other source with RDBS TI ON last FM : H29 P_ON I/O Power supplySW 14V, SW 5V control, AD referencePower ON : H, Power OFF : Hi-Zvoltage control output.30 ILL_ON I/O Power supply FL, illumination output. ON : H, OFF : Hi-Z31 RESET -32 XT1 - Sub clock. 32.768kHz33 XT2 - Sub clock. 32.768kHz34 REGC - Connect to 1µF capacitor.35 X2 - Main clock. 20MHz36 X1 - Main clock. 20MHz37 VSS -38 VDD -39 CLKOUT -40 LX_REQ_M O LX Communication request to external slave. Request : L41 LX_MUTE I LX Mute request from external slave. Mute ON : H42 LX_CON O LX External slave select. ON : H, OFF : L43 LX_RST O LX Reset output to external slave µ-com.Normally : L, After system reset : H (400msor more) and then L44 NC O NC (Without WMA, MP3 model) Output : L45 TYPE0 I Extra Destination select. w46 TYPE1 I Extra Destination select. w47 IC2_TYPE0 I Extra IC2 destination. w48 IC2_TYPE1 I Extra IC2 destination. w49 NC O NC Output : L50 E2P5V I/O Power supply E2PROM, DA converter power supply control. ON : L, OFF : Hi-Z51 DSI I/O To panel DSI control. ON : L, OFF : Hi-Z52 L_CE O To panel Chip enable output to LCD driver.53 L_INH O To panel Inhibit signal output to LCD driver. Normally : H, Reset, momentary power dropped : L54 VOL A I To panel VOL input.55 BVDD -56 BVSS -57 VOL B I To panel VOL input.MICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONKDC-X7697Pin No. Pin Name I/O Module Purpose / Description Truth table Processing Operation58 M_RST O CD Reset output to CD mechanism. Normally : H, Reset : L (Per mechanism control)59 M_STOP O CD Stop request to CD mechanism. Stop : L, CD : H60 CD_SW3 I CD DC down switch detection. Chucking : H61 LO/EJ I/O CD CD mechanism loading/eject switch. Stop, brake : Hi-Z, Loading : L, Eject : H62 MOSW O CD CD mechanism motor driver switch. Loading, eject, brake : H63 FPM MOTOR B O P-mecha FPM mechanism (Slider) control. e64 FPM MOTOR F O P-mecha FPM mechanism (Slider) control. e65 FPM MOTOR O O P-mecha FPM mechanism (Angle) control. e66 FPM MOTOR C O P-mecha FPM mechanism (Angle) control. e67 NC O NC (Without external display model) Output : L68 NC O NC (Without external display model) Output : L69 NC O NC (Without external display model) Output : L70 M_MUTER I CD Mute request form CD mechanism. (R ch). ON : L (CD)71 AVDD -72 AVSS -73 AVREF - Connect to P_ON (29 pin).74 M_MUTEL I CD Mute request form CD mechanism. (L ch). ON : L (CD)75 PAN_DET I To panel Panel E2PROM detection. With : L, Without : H76 NC I NC (Without TEL-MUTE model) Connect to GND.77 FPM SW4 I P-mechaFPM mechanism position detection,e3.75V or more : No mechanism,mechanism detection. 1.25V or more : H, Less than 1.25V : L78 FPM SW1 I P-mecha FPM mechanism position detection. e79 FPM SW2 I P-mecha FPM mechanism position detection. e80 FPM SW3 I P-mecha FPM mechanism position detection. e81 FPM PHOUT I P-mecha FPM mechanism position detection. e H : 2.2V or more82 S_METER I Tuner S-meter detection. Refer to S03 F/E control.83 NOISE I Tuner FM noise detection. Refer to S03 F/E control.84 IFC_OUT I Tuner F/E IFC OUT input. With station : 2.5V or more, refer to S03 F/E control.85 NC (POWER_DET) I Extra Power IC DC offset detection. 03 model not used. Connect to GND.86 NC O NC (Except J type) Output : L87 NC I NC (Without RDS, RBDS model) Connecto to GND.88 LX_REQ_S I LX Receive request from external slave. Request : L89 KEY_REQ I To panel Communication request from LCD driver90 CD_SW1 I CD Loading switch detection. Loading start power off : L91 CD_SW2 I CD 12cm disc detection switch. 12cm disc power off : L92 NC I NC (Without RDS, RBDS model) Connecto to GND.93 NC I NC (Without RDS, RBDS model) Connecto to GND.94 LX_DATA_S I LX Data input from external slave.95 LX_DATA_M O LX Data output to external slave.96 LX_CLK I/O LX Clock input/output with external slave.97 L_DATAL I To panel Data input from LCD driver.98 L_DATAS O To panel Data output to LCD driver.99 L_CLK O To panel Clock output to LCD driver.100 PLL_CLK I/O Tuner Clock input/output with F/E.MICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONKDC-X7698Truth tablew Destination portMODEL Destination DISPLAY TYPE2 TYPE1 TYPE0KDC-X969 K FL 0 0 0KDC-MP922 K FL 0 0 1FX-9000 J FL 0 1 0KDC-PSW9524 E FL 1 0 0KDC-9023R M (E) FL 1 0 1KDC-X869 K FL 0 1 1KDC-8024 E FL - - -KDC-MP822 K LCD - 0 0KDC-M7024 E LCD - 0 1FX-5000 J LCD - 1 0KDC-V7022 K LCD 0 0 0KDC-X769 K LCD 0 0 1KDC-722 K LCD 0 1 0KDC-7024E LCD 0 1 1KDC-7024YKDC-8023 M (K) LCD 1 0 0Note : When FL model using TYPE2, K & J type (with ANT_CON model) : L, E type (without ANT_CON model) : HDestination(IC2)TYPE0 TYPE1Market model L LMarket model CRSC modiification L HOEM model CRSC modification H LOEM model CRSC and de-emphasis modification H He FPM MOTORSlideFPM mechanism operationFPM MOTOR B FPM MOTOR F0 0 Standby1 0 Backward operation0 1 Forward operation1 1 BrakeAngleFPM mechanism operationFPM MOTOR O FPM MOTOR C0 0 Standby1 0 Angle open direction0 1 Angle close direction1 1 BrakeMICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONKDC-X7699TEST MODEa71 How to enter the test modeWhile pressing and holding the Preset 1 and Preset 3 keys,reset the unit.a71 How to exit from the test modeWhile holding the Preset 6 key, reset the unit.(Note) The test mode cannot be terminated by reset theunit, ACC OFF, power OFF and Panel detached, momen-tary power down.a71 Initial status in the test mode Sources : ALL OFF Display : All segments are lit. Volume : -10 dB (displayed as “30” ) Loudness : OFF CRSC : OFF regardless of the presence of switching func-tion. SYSTEM Q : Flat WOW : All OFF BEEP : When pressing any keys, the buzzer generates abeep at any time. AUX : ON MENU SYSTEM Q : OFF Variable model : Default is white Multifunction : Source dependency (Preset, SCAN, etc.)a71 Special display in Tuner modeWhen any of the following messages is displayed in Tunermode, the F/E may be abnormal. “TNE2P NG” : The EEPROM is set to the default (unstablevalues) because the F/E was shipped without passingthrough the adjustment process, etc. “TNCON NG” : Communication with the F/E is not possible.a71 Forced switching of K3IEach press of the Preset 6 key in Tuner mode should switchK3I from AUTO Forced Wide Forced Middle ForcedNarrow AUTO.The initial status is AUTO and the display shows thesemodes as follows. AUTO : FMA Forced Wide : FMW Forced Middle : FMM Forced Narrow : FMNa71 Test mode specifications of the CD receiver Forced ejection is inhibited in the reset start operation. Whenthe unit is reset while a CD is loaded in it, the CD is notrecognized by resetting. Each press of the Track Up key jumps to the following tracknumbers:No. 9 No. 15 No. 10 No. 11 No. 12 No. 13 No. 22 No. 14 No. 9 (The cycle restarts from here.) Each press of the Track Down key jumps to the previoustrack number to the track being played. When the number of total trucks of the MP3 disc or theWMA disc is less than 9, 1st truck is played. When the disc media is CD, A short press of the Preset 1key jumps to the track number 28. When the model is equipped the CD mechanism assemblyadapted for MP3 or MP3/WMA disc, the mechanism nameand version number are displayed during the FL model islower stand and Display mode of LCD model is DNPS.a71 Audio-related specifications Pressing the key on the remote initiates the audio adjust-ment mode. BL/F key on the Fader initials. Continuous holding of a remote control key is inhibited, andworkings are short press of any keys. Bass, Middle and Treble are adjusted in 3 steps of -8 / 0 /+8 with the Track Up/Down keys (Default value at 0). Balance is adjusted in 3 steps of L15 / 0 / R15 with theTrack Up/Down keys (Default value at 0). Fader is adjusted in 3 steps of R15 / 0 / F15 with the TrackUp/Down keys (Default value at 0). HPF is adjusted in 2 steps of OFF / 170Hz (or 220Hz) withthe Trac