© 2004-12 PRINTED IN JAPANB53-0230-00 (N)1813CD RECEIVERKDC-W4031/YKDC-W409/YKDC-W431GYKDC-W4531/YKDC-WF431ASERVICE MANUAL* Depends on the model. Refer to the parts list.PANEL ASSYKDC-W4031/Y (A64-3455-02)PANEL ASSYKDC-W409/Y (A64-3456-02)ANTENNA ADAPTOR(T90-0523-05)SPARE TDF PANELMAIN UNIT NAME TDF PARTS No. TDF NAMEKDC-W4031/Y Y33-2140-60 TDF-W4531KDC-W409/Y Y33-2140-65 TDF-W409KDC-W431GY Y33-2140-61 TDF-W431GYKDC-W4531/Y Y33-2140-60 TDF-W4531KDC-WF431A Y33-2140-63 TDF-WF431MENU/PTYVOLAUDFFSET UPSCAN RDM REP F.SELMENUVOLAUDFFSET UPSCAN RDM REP F.SEL/PTYMENUVOLAUDFFSET UPSCAN RDM REP F.SELVOLAUDFFSET UPMENU SCAN RDM REP F.SEL M.RDMExternal Media Control /PTY/PIYMENUVOLAUDFFSET UPSCAN RDM REP F.SELPANEL ASSYKDC-W431GY (A64-3457-02)PANEL ASSYKDC-W4531/Y (A64-3454-02)PANEL ASSYKDC-WF431A (A64-3466-02)MOUNTING HARDWARE ASSY(J21-9716-03)PLASTIC CABINET ASSY(A02-2736-03)DC CORD(E30-6413-05)LEVER(D10-4589-04) x2* ESCUTCHEON(B07-xxxx-xx)This product uses Lead Free solder.2KDC-W4031/W4031Y/W409/W409YKDC-W431GY/W4531/W4531Y/WF431ABLOCK DIAGRAMMECHACD or MDCHANGERJ2E-VOLIC10&AM AGCQ501FM AGCL506J4TUNERIC11E2PROMSYSTEM u-COMIC1IC7RDSDECODERRST ICIC8PRE MUTEQ351,352IC4POWER ICMUTE LOGICIC6SURGE DETBU DETACC DETQ51Q52Q53J1PAN5VQ151Q72,73SERVOVFD REGIC15POWER SUPPLY ICIC3ED1VFDwithVFD DRIVERIC1REMOTEIC3VOLS11KEY MATRIXDSIQ155.J6SERVOA8VBU5VAUDIO OUTAM+BANTMPX OUTMPX IN800mV1200mVAUDIO OUTBU5VA8VBACK-UPSP OUTBACK-UPACCTEL MUTEP-ANTP-CONPAN5SERVOP-ANTSW5VAM+BA8VBU5VP-CONSW5VAM+BAUDIO+BVCCILLUMIBU5VILLUMIPAN5V BU5VPRE OUTKEY:CHANGERCD/MD RECEIVERFM (E Type)FM (J/K Type)AM (J/K Type)AM (E Type): 1800mV1372mV600mV855mV3600mV3600mVELECTRIC UNIT (X34-)SWITCH UNIT (X16-)S7VA8VBU5VD5VA3.3VSW3.3VBU3.3VBU2.5VCD PLAYER UNIT (X32-5500-00)IC1MECHANISMCONTROLQ8APCQ9,10SWIC44ch BTLDRIVERMMDM1DM2SPINDLEMOTORLOADINGMOTOR& SLEDS1S2IC9DAC 3.3VAVRQ3,5,6S3LEVEL SHIFTQ7Q1,4LEVELSHIFTMICROPROCESSORAVRBU 3.3VIC6DAC 3.3VAVRIC7SW 3.3VAVRIC5LEVELSHIFTIC3MP3/WMADECODERIC2PROCESSORRF AMP/SERVOCD SIGNALBUFFERIC8FO COILTR COIL(OPTICAL PICKUP)ACFBEDPU1LDPDCN2CN115141312DGNDDATACLKMUTERMUTELMSTOPMRST10LOS20191817161A8VLAGNDDOUTRMOTORLO/EJ54329876SGNDS7V12EJELOE/LIMX216.00MHz16.898MHzX1OPEND5DGNDD524232221BU5338124444VREFSLDTRKFCSSPD516PON3KDC-W4031/W4031Y/W409/W409YKDC-W431GY/W4531/W4531Y/WF431ACOMPONENTS DESCRIPTION ELECTRIC UNIT (X34-3402-7x)Ref. No. Application / Function Operation / ConditionIC1 SYSTEM µ-COM System control.IC3 POWER SUPPLY DC5Vx2, 7.9Vx1, 8.1Vx1, 10.3V, P.CON, P-ANT output.IC4 POWER IC Audio signal amplifier.IC6 MUTE LOGIC Mute control.IC7 RDS DECODER RDS decode.IC8 RESET “L” when detection voltage goes below 3.6V.IC10 E-VOL & TUNER E-VOL, Tuner, Stereo decode.IC11 E2PROM Saves and writes tuner adjustment data.IC15 VFD REGULATOR 11.3V output voltage for LED and VFD.Q51 SERGE DET “ON” when the base goes “H”.Q52 BU DET “ON” when the base goes “H”.Q53 ACC DET “ON” when the base goes “H”.Q71 SERVO+B CONTROL SW “ON” when the base goes “H”.Q72,73 SERVO+B AVR Output voltage level : 7.5V.Q74 IC3 CONTROL SW “ON” when the base goes “H” (Output voltage : 10.3V).Q151 PANEL 5V SW “ON” when the base goes “L”.Q155 DSI ILLUMI SW “ON” when the base goes “L”.Q252 IC4 STBY SW “ON” when the base goes “L”.Q330 Q351, 352 MUTE DRIVER “ON” when the base goes “L”.Q351 Lch PRE MUTE SW Pre-output is muted when the base goes “H”.Q352 Rch PRE MUTE SW Pre-output is muted when the base goes “H”.Q501 AM RF AMP Adjusts for AM-RF gain. CD PLAYER UNIT (X32-5500-00)Ref. No. Application / Function Operation / ConditionFocusing, tracking, sled and spindle servo processing.IC1MECHANISM CONTROL Automatic adjustment (Focusing, tracking, gain, offset and balance) operations.MICROPROCESSOR Digital signal processing (DSP, PLL, sub-codes, CIRC error correction, audio datainterpolation) operations, and microcomputer function.Generation of RF signal based on the signals from the APC circuit and pickup, andIC2RF AMP/SERVO CD generation of servo error (Focusing error and tracking error) signals.SIGNAL PROCESSOR Detection of dropout, anti-shock, track crossing and off-track conditions, includedgain control function during CD-RW.IC3 MP3/WMA DECODERIC4 4ch BTL DRIVERFocusing coil, tracking coil, spindle motor and sled motor driver, disc loading andeject operation.IC5 SW 3.3V AVRIC6 BU 3.3V AVR 3.3V power supply for back-up.IC7 BU 2.5V AVR 2.5V power supply for back-up.4KDC-W4031/W4031Y/W409/W409YKDC-W431GY/W4531/W4531Y/WF431ARef. No. Application / Function Operation / ConditionIC8 SELECTOR (SERIAL DATA) Serial audio data switch.IC9 DAC 3.3V AVR 3.3V power supply for IC2.Q1 LEVEL SHIFT 3.3V to 5.0V.Q37 LEVEL SHIFT 3.3V to 5.0V.Q8 AUTOMATIC POWER CONTROL LD driver.Q9,10 SWITCH Switch for anticipation sub-beam delay. SWITCH UNIT (X16-2932-7x)Ref. No. Application / Function Operation / ConditionIC1 VFD DRIVERIC3 REMOTE SENSORQ1 GREEN LED SW “ON” when the base goes “H”.Q2 RED LED SW “ON” when the base goes “H”.Q21 PAN SW5V “ON” when the base goes “H”.COMPONENTS DESCRIPTIONMICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTION SYSTEM µ-COM : IC1 on X34- (ELECTRIC UNIT)Pin No.ActivePin Name I/O Application Processing Operation(H/L)1 DC ERR I DC offset detection input2 LINE MUTE I Phone detection NAVI MUTE : Over 2.5V, TEL MUTE : Below 1V3ROTARY CW I Rotary encoder input4AVSS -5 TUN TYPE1 I E-VOL setting switch Refer to “TUN TYPE” on the TRUTH TABLE6 TUN TYPE2 I E-VOL setting switch Refer to “TUN TYPE” on the TRUTH TABLE7AVREF1 -8 VFD DATAF I Data input from VFD driver9 VFD DATAS O Data output to VFD driver10 VFD CLK O Clock output to VFD driver5KDC-W4031/W4031Y/W409/W409YKDC-W431GY/W4531/W4531Y/WF431AMICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONPin No.ActivePin Name I/O Application Processing Operation(H/L)11 L VFD RST O Reset output to VFD driverDisplay OFF, Key reset, TDF panel OFF : LDisplay ON, Key scan : H12 VFD CE O Chip enable output to VFD driver13 ROTARY CCW I Rotary encoder input14 L TDF DET I TDF panel detection TDF panel OFF : H, TDF panel ON : L15 PWIC BEEP O Beep output16 LX DATA S I Data from slave unit17 LX DATA M O Data to slave unit18 LX CLK I/O LX-BUS clock19 RDS AFSL O Tuner RDS mute output Refer to “RDS AFSL” on the TRUTH TABLE20 L TUN ADJ I For adjusting IC10Adjustment=H, PS1-1,2=L, PS1-3=Hi-Z,PS2-1,2=Hi-Z, TUN DATA, CLK=Hi-Z21 TUN SD I Tuner search stop output H : Station exists, L : Station does not exist22 H LX RST O Hard reset to slave unit H : Reset, L : Normal condition23 H LX CON O Start-up request to slave unit H : Slave unit ON, L : Slave unit OFF24 LX REQ M O Communication request to slave unit25 AUD SDA I/O Volume + tuner I2C data input and output26 AUD SCL I/O Volume + tuner I2C clock input and output27 H PWIC STBY O Power IC standby output Power IC ON : H, Power IC OFF : L28 H VOL MUTE O E-VOL mute output L : Mute OFF, Hi-Z : Mute ON29 L PWIC MUTE O Power IC mute output Power OFF : L, Standby : L, Tel mute : L30 TUN FANC OUT O Tuner block (inside the µ-com) check OK : L, NG : H31 RESET2 O Mute for reset Output L32 RDS DATA I RDS decoder data input33 VSS1 -34 RDS QUAL I RDS decoder QUAL input35 L ACC DET I ACC detection ACC exists : L, ACC does not exist : H36 L BU DET I Momentary power-down detectionBU exists : LBU does not exist (Momentary power-down) : H37 NC -38 PS2-2 O Power supply control output Refer to “POWER IC CONTROL” on the TRUTH TABLE39 PS2-1 O Power supply control output Refer to “POWER IC CONTROL” on the TRUTH TABLE40 PS1-1 O Power supply control output Refer to “POWER IC CONTROL” on the TRUTH TABLE41 PS1-2 O Power supply control output Refer to “POWER IC CONTROL” on the TRUTH TABLE42 PS1-3 O Power supply control output Refer to “POWER IC CONTROL” on the TRUTH TABLE43,44 NC -45 CD MUTE I CD mute request L : Mute request46 L CD MSTOP O CD mecha u-com stop H : mecha µ-com operates, L : mecha µ-com is stopped47 CD LOE LIM SW I CD detection (chucking switch) H : Loading is finished, L : Disc does not exist6KDC-W4031/W4031Y/W409/W409YKDC-W431GY/W4531/W4531Y/WF431APin No.ActivePin Name I/O Application Processing Operation(H/L)48 CD LOEJ I/O CD motor controlRefer to “CD MECHA CONTROL OPERATION”on the TRUTH TABLE49 CD MOTOR O CD motor controlRefer to “CD MECHA CONTROL OPERATION”on the TRUTH TABLE50 NC -51 L CD MRST O CD mecha µ-com reset H : Normal condition, L : Reset52 CD SCL I/O CD mecha I2C clock output53 CD DISC12 SW I 12cm CD detection54 CD LOS SW I CD loading detection55 CD SDA I/O CD mecha I2C data input and output56 OEM DISP CE I/O External display chip enable External display57 OEM DISP CLK I/O External display clock External display58 OEM DISP DATA I/O External display chip data External display59 DSI O DSI control DSI ON : H, DSI OFF : L, TDF DET=H (DSI blinks)60 L RESET I61 NC -62 L PON FL O VFD power supply ONVFD ON : H, VFD OFF : LTDF DET H (DSI blinks) : L, TDF DET L : H63 KEY REQ I Communication request from VFD driver L : Key input64 RDS CLK I RDS decoder clock input65 REMOTE I Remote control input66 LX REQ S I Communication request from slave unit67 VSS0 -68 VDD1 -69 X2 -70 X1 -71 TEST -72 XT2 -73 XT1 -74 VDD0 -75 AVDD -7678 TYPE 3TYPE 1 I Destination switch79 RDS NOISE I Tuner quality (Noise) input80 TUN SMETER I Tuner S-meter inputMICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTION7KDC-W4031/W4031Y/W409/W409YKDC-W431GY/W4531/W4531Y/WF431AMICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTION TRUTH TABLE TUN TYPETYPE 1 TYPE 2General models commercially-designated as pure KENWOOD brand (Initial value)LLInitial value setting RDS AFSL (AF search)HighNormal condition communication (IC10 side : High)(Quality time constant long / Stereo Decoder PLL : Not hold)LowAF search (IC10 side : Middle)(Quality time constant short / Stereo Decoder PLL : Hold) POWER SUPPLY IC (IC3) CONTROLSEL1 (Pin No. 11)PS1-2 PS1-3 PS2-1 ILLUMI P-CON P-ANTLLLOFF OFF OFFLLHONOFF OFFHLHONONOFFHHHONONONSEL2 (Pin No. 12)PS1-1 PS2-2 AUDIO SW5 AMLLOFF OFF OFFHLONON OFFHHONON ON CD MECHA CONTROL OPERATIONCD LOEJ CD MOTOR CD MECHA OPERATIONLH LoadHH EjectHi-Z L StopHi-Z H Brake8KDC-W4031/W4031Y/W409/W409YKDC-W431GY/W4531/W4531Y/WF431A CD MECHANISM µ-COM : IC1 on X32- (CD PLAYER UNIT)Pin No.ActivePin Name I/O Application Processing Operation(H/L)1 VREFL - Reference power supply input terminal for ADC (L). GND2AVSS - GND terminal for ADC. GND3AVCC - Power supply terminal for ADC. Back-up 3.3V4NC5L20RST O Reset control (Decoder). L : Reset, H : Normal condition6 20ACK I Acknowledge signal input (Decoder).7 20STBY O Standby control (Decoder). H : Standby, L : Normal condition8,9 NC -10 20INT I Interrupt signal input (Decoder).11 FOGUP I Focus gain-up interrupt. H : Focus gain-up, L : Normal condition12 LZM I 0 bit mute detection (Lch). L : MUTE OFF, H : MUTE ON13 RZM I 0 bit mute detection (Rch). L : MUTE OFF, H : MUTE ON14,15 NC -16 L 20CS O Chip select signal output (Decoder).17 L 20LP O Latch pulse signal output (Decoder).18 20TXD0 I/O Data output for serial data (Decoder). Input condition is kept except in output condition.19 20RXD0 I Data input for serial data (Decoder).20 20SCLK0 O Clock output for serial data (Decoder).21 DSPTXD1 O Data output for serial data (DSP).22 DSPRXD1 I Data input for serial data (DSP).23 DSPSCLK1 O Clock output for serial data (DSP).24 AM0 - ROM mode selection terminal. H : Normal condition, L : External ROM mode25 DVCC - Back-up 3.3V.26 X2 O Resonator terminal. 16MHz27 DVSS - GND.28 X1 I Resonator terminal. 16MHz29 AM1 I “H” condition is fixed. Back-up 3.3V30 L RESET I Reset detection. L : Reset, H : Normal condition3134 NC -35 L DSPSTB O Data strobe signal output (DSP).36 DSPA0 OCommand/Parameter identification signal output H : Parameter data output,(DSP). L : Command data output37 L DSPRST O Reset control (DSP).38 DSPINT I Interrupt signal input (DSP). H : Interrupt39 NC -40 SEARCH O Search condition output. H : Search, L : Normal condition41 LOE/LIM SW I Loading-end detection/Pick-up inner circumference detection H : Inner circumference4249 NC -MICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTION9KDC-W4031/W4031Y/W409/W409YKDC-W431GY/W4531/W4531Y/WF431APin No.ActivePin Name I/O Application Processing Operation(H/L)50 FLAGIN I C2Err impossibility detection.L : Correction is possible.H : Correction is impossible.5161 NC -62 DVSS - GND.63 L NMI I Non-maskable interrupt request.64 DVCC - Power supply terminal.6577 NC -78 NC/BOOT I Mask : Not connected. Flash : For writing (Active “L”). L : Write, H : Nomal condition79,80 NC -81 POND3.3 O Digital 3.3V power-on control terminal. H : POWER ON82 L MUTEL O Lch audio mute control.83 L MUTER O Rch audio mute control.84 SDA I/O I2C data (Main µ-com).85 SCL I/O I2C clock (Main µ-com).86 L MSTOP I Stand-by comeback interrupt. L : Stop, H : Stop is released.87 NC -88 L DMUTE O Driver mute. L : MUTE ON, H : MUTE OFF89 DVCC - Power supply terminal.90 NC -91 DVSS - GND.92,93 NC - GND.94 MSEL I Memory capacity switching terminal. H : Capacity size down, L : Capacity size up95 NC - GND.96 ASEL I Audio output polarity switch. H : Reverse output, L : Non-reverse output97 CHSEL I Changer destination terminal. H : Changer, L : Other source98 SEL0 I µ-com destination terminal 0.99 SEL1 I µ-com destination terminal 1.100 VREFH I Reference power supply input terminal for ADC (H). Back-up 3.3VMICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTION10KDC-W4031/W4031Y/W409/W409YKDC-W431GY/W4531/W4531Y/WF431ATEST MODEHow to enter the test modeWhile simultaneously press PRESET “1” key and PRESET “3”key, press “RESET” button.How to release the test modePress “RESET” button. (The release cannot be achieved inthe conditions of POWER OFF and ACC OFF.)Initial conditions of the test mode The source is “STANDBY”. The displays all lit up. The volume is at 10dB (The display shows “30”.) LOUD is “OFF”. CRSC is “OFF”. SYSTEM Q is “NATURAL”. BEEP is sounded at all time with the key depressed for lessthan 1 second.Special displays when all indicator lights are lightedWhen “PRESET” keys are pressed while all indicators for theSTANDBY sources are lighted, the following displays will ap-pear.PRESET Version display (8 digits : month, date, hour, minute)“1” key (Display) : x x x x x x x xPRESET Serial number display (8 digits)“2” key (Display) : x x x x x x x xPRESET When pressed for less than 1 second : POWER ON“3” key time display (STANDBY source time is not counted.)(Display) : PON x x x x x MAX 60,000 (hours)* The display is cleared by pressing the key for morethan 2 seconds.PRESET When pressed for less than 1 second : CD operation“4” key time display(Display) : PLY x x x x x MAX 60,000 (hours)* The display is cleared by pressing the key for morethan 2 seconds.PRESET When pressed for less than 1 second : CD EJECT“5” key number display(Display) : EJC x x x x x MAX 60,000 (times)* The display is cleared by pressing the key for morethan 2 seconds.PRESET When pressed for less than 1 second : Panel open/“6” key close number display(Display) : PNL x x x x x MAX 600,000 (times)* The display is cleared by pressing the key for morethan 2 seconds.“FM” ROM CORRECTION version displaykey (Di