© 2005-6 PRINTED IN JAPANB53-0296-00 (N)1703CD RECEIVERKDC-MP928KDC-PSW9531/PSW9531YXXV-01DSERVICE MANUALXXV-01DKDC-PSW9531/PSW9531YK typeE typeK typeE,M typeK typeE typeKDC-MP928SIZE AA BATTERY(Not supplied)Compact disc *(W01-1643-15) :K,M(W01-1647-05) :EPlastic cabinet assy(A02-2749-03)Remote controller assy(RC-527)(A70-2067-05)Escutcheon(B07-3125-01)Mounting hardware assy(J21-9716-03)DC cord *(E30-6412-05) :EDC cord *(E30-6408-05) :K,M(E30-6414-05) :KDC-MP928Lever(D10-4589-04) X2Cleaning cloth *(W01-1649-05)Antenna adaptor *(T90-0523-05)Screw set *(N99-1758-05)Screw(N09-6280-05)* Depends on the model. Refer to the parts list.CD MECHANISM EXTENSION CORD (24P) : W05-0934-00A unique identification number (Unique ID) is given to each unit, which is imprinted on the CD mechanism assembly. If and when the mechanism assembly or Flash ROM (IC17) on the mechanism board is replaced, it is necessary to write the Unique ID. For details, refer to “How to Write the Unique ID” on Page 18. MODEL TDF PANEL No. TDF NAMEKDC-MP929 Y33-2350-60 TDF-MP59DKDC-W9531/W9531Y Y33-2350-62 TDF-W9531XXV-01D (K,M type) Y33-2350-61 TDF-XXV01DXXXV-01D (E type) Y33-2350-63 TDF-XXV01DTDF PANEL INFORMATIONThis product uses Lead Free solder.2KDC-MP928/PSW9531/PSW9531Y, XXV-01DBLOCK DIAGRAMF/ECDLXSW5VAM+BAGCRDSDECODERMEMOINSTALLERROM CORRD3.3VA3.3VDRIVERMUTELPF DACD5VA5VA3.3VMUTEPRESERGEPROTECTIONOPAMPLEVELSHIFTDSPADCIC301,302 IC305IC303 IC306-308IC102IC300ICRESETP-CONANT-CONDIMMEREXT AMPB.U DETSERGE DETACC DETTEL MUTESW 16VILL+BA8VSW 14VBU5VPAN3.3VSW 16VOEL +BSERVOSW 5V(5VPRE)DC/DCMOTOR+B5VPANELMOTORDRIVERMECHAPANELOPEN/PANELDET3.3VDRIVECOMPPOWERICDSI3.3V2.5VROMCORE2P ROMSW(16x64kBIT)SRAM FLASHROM(16x8MBIT)OEL MODULE(256x64PIX. 4096COLOR)IR REMOCONANA.SPE.(6BAND)BU5VA8VD5VSERVOBACKu-COME-VOLu-COM(FST)BUSLPFIC400IC104IC4IC750CD D5VA8VA8VSW5VUPBU5VA8VBU5VREFSVRBU5VD3.3VBU5VA8V9VCLOSESW5VSERVOSWSW SWSW SWSWSWSWLEVELSHIFT9VD5VSHIFTLEVELICRESETAUX INPRE OUT(REAR)SP OUT(FR)OPEL DISPP CONANT CONEXT. AMP. CONDIMMERLINEACCBACK UPKEYSRESETJOGROTARYBU5VPRE OUT(FRONT)PRE OUT(SW)SP OUT(FL)SP OUT(RL)SP OUT(RR)WIRED REMOILL+BE2P ROMFSTAUXFM/AMCDCHSPEANAMPXforRDSMUTE 0,1,2WININDCERRMUTE A,CMUTE A,CRSTSTBYOFFSETMUTE 0,1,2PRE MUTERSTE2P P-ONROMP-ONI2C BUSRESETA1-A23D0-D15GREENKEY ILLKEY ILLREDSUB ILL BLUE(R)SUB ILL BLUE(L)TRIANGLEILL CONT.KEY SCANKEY INP-ON 5VA/D 7CHCW. CCWSPEANA5V SYSTEM3.3V SYSTEMPANELELECTRIC UNIT (X34-356)3KDC-MP928/PSW9531/PSW9531Y, XXV-01DBLOCK DIAGRAMTR COILFO COILCFABEPDLDSERVO DSPMOTORDRIVERSP MOTORLOADING &MOTORSLEDIC4IC2u-COMIC1MP3/WMA/AACIC15IC53.3V REG.3.3V REG.IC211.8V REG.IC20 IC193.3V REG.IC145V REG.SWDAC3.3 5V3.3 5V3.3 5V3.3 5VLPFIC18IC1316MBITSDRAMIC16ROMFLASHIC174MBITD5VS7.5VA8VBU5VRF AMPDECODERACD DECODER16.898MHzSW3.3V(712)S7.5VRESETSCKSISTBA0SOINTQPOWER ON26.88MHzBU3.3VD5VFLAGC16MBCLKDATALRCKSW3.3VSW3.3VSW1.8V(CS7410)(CS7410)(712)POWER ONBU3.3VSW5VBU5VA8VRESETDATA MUTESREQ BREQDOCSCLKDI PCM DATAPCM BCLKPCM XCKPCM LRCKDAC RSTDAC MUTEINFINITY 0 DET.L/RSER/GPIOL/RAUDIO MUTEI2CMSTOP,MRESETLOE/LIM SW8EJE-SWLOS-SW12EJE-SWL/RSW3.3V(712)CONTROLLERMEMORY8BIT0-2MBROMDRAM256k-8MB4,8,16BIT(CS7410)SW3.3V2x512kx16BIT512kx8BITSW3.3V(CS7410)SW5VEMPHI2SCD I/FDAC CONTROLSW3.3V(CS7410)SW1.8V&CD PLAYER UNIT (X32-5730) SWITCH UNIT (X16-3070-10)Ref. No. Application / Function Operation / Condition / CompatibilityIC1 FLASH ROM IC Graphics data storing. Reading and writing (Customize) are possibleIC2 SPECTRUM ANALYZER IC 6ch band pass filterIC3 ROM CORRECTION For program correcting emergencyIC4 PANEL µ-COM Micro Controler for PANELIC5 RESET IC Reset to IC4. When panel is attached & ACC OFF, IC5 activeIC6 REMOTE CONTROL IC Remote control receiverIC7 BUFFER IC It is change into 3.3V from 5VIC8 BUFFER IC It is change into 5V from 3.3VIC9 LOGIC IC Logical invert for XCS (OEL Module)IC10 2.5V REGULATOR The power supply For 2.5VIC11 3.3V REGULATOR The power supply For 3.3VCOMPONENTS DESCRIPTION4KDC-MP928/PSW9531/PSW9531Y, XXV-01DRef. No. Application / Function Operation / Condition / CompatibilityIC12 STATIC RAM IC Temporary graphics data storingIC13 LOGIC ICFor Control AVDD of OEL Module. When “H” out (AVDD ON) both DVDDof OEL Module and pin#87 of IC4 are HQ1 TRIANGLE RED LED SW Triangle red LED is lighting when Q1s base level goes “H”Q2 SUB ILLUMINATION BLUE LED (ROTARY) SW Sub illumination LED Rotary is lighting when Q2s base level goes “H”Q3 SUB ILLUMINATION BLUE LED (JOYSTICK) SW Sub illuminaiton LED Joystick is lighting when Q3s base level goes “H”Q4 KEY ILLUMINATION GREEN LED SW Green LED are lighting when Q4s base level goes “H”Q5 KEY ILLUMINATION RED LED SW Red LED are lighting when Q5s base level goes “H”Q6,9 AVDD OF OEL MODULE SW AVDD of OEL module is turned on when Q9s base level goes “H”Q7,8 SW5V SW SW5V the power supply of IC2, IC6 is turned on when Q8s base level goes “H”Q10 IC3 POWER SUPLLY SW Power of IC3 is turned on when Q10s base level goes “L”Q16,17 IC1, IC12 POWER SUPPLY SW SW3.3V the power supply of IC1, IC12 is turned on when Q16s base level goes “H” ELECTRIC UNIT (X34-356x-xx)Ref. No. Application / Function Operation / Condition / CompatibilityIC1 DSP Analog Power Supply Output 3.3VIC3 DAC Digital Power Supply Output 5.0VIC4 DAC Analog Power Supply Output 5.0VIC5 DSP Digital Power Supply Output 3.3VIC10 Audio8V Ref Power Supply Output 1.27VIC100 Reset IC “L” when detection voltage goes below 3.6V or lessIC102 System µ-com Controls FM/AM tuner, the changer, CD mechanism, Panel, volume and toneIC103 Muting logic IC Controls logic for mutingIC104 EEPROM For instrallers memoryIC200 Power Control IC Power control switchIC300 Eelectrical Volume & Source Selecter Controls the source, volume, and toneIC301,302 Audio buffer AMP Low pass filter for DSP inputIC303 DSP Digital signal processerIC304 Buffer IC It changes into 3.3V from 5.0VIC305 DAC Digital to Analog converterIC306308 Audio buffer AMP Low pass filter for DAC outputIC400 RDS decoderPanel mecha controlIC450 Panel mecha motor driverIN PanelIN1 IN2 mechanismLL WAITLH OPENHL CLOSEHH STOPCOMPONENTS DESCRIPTION5KDC-MP928/PSW9531/PSW9531Y, XXV-01DRef. No. Application / Function Operation / Condition / CompatibilityIC451 G-Analyzer Analog gravity sensorIC500 Spectrum analyzer Buffer AMP & AGC It is buffer and auto gain control for spectrum analyzerIC600 ±9V AVR Power supply for 5V Pre Out OP-AMPIC601603 5V Pre-out AMP Output buffer and gain controlIC750 Power IC Amplifies the front L/R and the rear L/R to 50W maximumIC800Audio3.3V Ref Supply Audio3.3V Ref supply to electrical volume and all low pass filtersSVR6.8V Ref Supply SVR6.8V Ref supply to power ICIC901 Switching Regulator Mecha digital (DXM-680x : 4V)IC902 Switching Regulator ControllerPower Supply for OEL & PANEL ROMCH1 : ROM (3.3V), CH2 : OEL (7.1V)Q10,11 Audio8V AVR When Q11s 2pin goes Hi, A8V AVR outputs 8.0VQ12 SW14V When Q12s 2pin goes Hi, SW14V outputs 14VQ20,21 B.U.5V AVR While BU is applied, BU5V AVR outputs +5VQ22,23 SW5V When Q23s base goes Hi, SW5V outputs +5VQ30,32 Moter+B AVR (Panel Mecha) When Q9s base goes Hi, Moter+B AVR outputs 7.5VQ31,33 Servo+B AVR When Q33s base goes Hi, Servo+B AVR outputs 8.5VQ40,42,45 Panel5V AVR When Q42s 2pin goes Hi, Panel5V AVR outputs 5VQ41,43,44 Illumination AVR When Q43s 2pin goes Hi, Ill AVR outputs 10.5VQ51,901904 SW16V (Surge Protection) When Q51s 2pin goes Hi, SW16V outputs 13VQ91 Panel5V Discharge SW When Q91s base goes Hi, Panel5V is dischargedQ100,101 Panel Detect SW When Q100s base goes Lo, panel is detectedQ200,201 Pre-out mute driver When a base gose Lo, mute driver is turned onQ202 Acc Detect SW When Q202s base gose Hi, Acc voltage is detectedQ203,204 Surge Detect SW When Q204s base goes Hi, IC750 is changed into a standby stateQ205 B.U Detected SW When Q35s base gose Hi, B.U voltage is detectedQ206 Ext Amp Control Buffer It is buffer for IC102 outputQ207 Small-lamp Detect SW When Q207s base goes Hi, Small-lamp is detectedQ208,209 Power Antenna SW When Q206s base goes Hi, power antenna switch outputs 14VQ300 DSP mute SW When base goes Lo, DSP is set to muteQ402,403 AM+B SW When Q403s base gose Hi, AM+B is outputsQ450 DSI DriverDSI lights when the base is “L”, DSI turns off when the base is “H”DSI turns on and off when panel is taken offQ500 Spectrum analyzer AGC Controller When this circuit has an excessive input, a return is hung and an output is reducedQ600602 Pre-Amp +9V AVRQ600 and 602 works as a differential amplifier, Q601 works as a driverand +9.4V is supplied to OP Amp for Pre-outQ603605 Pre-Amp -9V AVRQ603 and 605 works as a differential amplifier, Q604 works as a driverand -9.1V is supplied to OP Amp for Pre-outQ606,607 AUDIO 10.5V AVR When Q606s base goes Hi, AVR outputs 10.5VQ608613 Pre-out mute SW When a base gose Hi, Pre-out is set to muteQ800,802 REF+B AVR When Q800'base goes Hi, AVR outputs 13VCOMPONENTS DESCRIPTION6KDC-MP928/PSW9531/PSW9531Y, XXV-01DRef. No. Application / Function Operation / Condition / CompatibilityQ801 SVR6.8V Ref Supply AGC Controller When the voltage of B.U voltage falls, a return is hung and an output is reducedQ905 ROM (3.3V) AVR Switching Power Driver This FET is governed by IC902. Frequency is decided at Q907Q906 OEL (7V) AVR Switching Power Driver This FET is governed by IC902. Frequency is decided at Q907Switching Regulator frequency control SWQ907(IC902) CD PLAYER UNIT (X32-5730-00)Ref. No. Application / Function Operation / Condition / CompatibilityIC1 µ-com for mechanism controlIC2 LSI for CD signal processing +RF AMPIC4 BTL driver SP, SL (including LO/EJ) motor and PU actuatorIC5 SW3.3V regulator 3.3V power supply for IC2, PU, and IC18 digital sectionIC13 Audio active filter Secondary LPFIC14 A5V regulator 5V power supply for DACIC15 Compacted audio decoding DSP AC drive decoder, MP3/WMA/AAC decoderIC16 Compacted audio expanding SDRAMIC17 Decoder software, unique ID storage flash ROMIC18 Audio external 24-bit D-A converterIC19 BU3.3V regulator 3.3V power supply for µ-comIC20 1.8V regulator 1.8V power supply for core section of IC15IC21 Decoder/SDRAM/Flash ROM 3.3V regulator 3.3V power supply for port section of IC15, IC16 and IC17Q1,4 Level shift (3.3V-5V) FETQ3,5,6 Level shift (3.3V-5V) transistor with 2 elementsQ7 Level shift (3.3V-5V) transistorQ8 APC (Auto Power Control) transistorQ9,10Transistor for preceding beam delaying SWduring non-searchQ11 A5V power supply constant circuit FETQ12,13 SW8V SW transistorQ14,15 SDRAM 3.3V power supply SW transistor SDRAM power supply is turned off when /CSRST is “L”D2UPD63712GC built-in resetting terminal staticprotection diodeD3 Protection diode for pick-up laser diodeD4,D5 Diode for securing audio L-R reference voltageD6Diode for control terminals “L” confirmation forIC20 and IC211 pin2 pinLHL 430kHz 610kHzH 653kHz 823kHzCOMPONENTS DESCRIPTION7KDC-MP928/PSW9531/PSW9531Y, XXV-01DMICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTION System Microcomputer : 30625MWPA46GP (X34 : IC102)Pin No. Pin Name I/O Application Processing / Operation / Description1 VREF I Analog reference voltage2AVCC -3 LX_DATA_S I Data from slave unit LX specification4 LX_DATA_M O Data to slave unit LX specification5 LX_CLK I/O LX BUS clock LX specification6 WIRED_REMO I External display remote controller input7 LX_MUTE I Mute request from slave unit H : Mute ON, L : Mute OFF8AUD_SDA O E-VOL data output terminal SPI communication9AUD_SEL O E-VOL control terminal SPI communication10 AUD_SCL O E-VOL clock output terminal SPI communication11 DAC_RST O DAC reset terminal L : DAC RESET12 NC O Output L-fixed13 BYTE -14 CNVSS -15 XCIN I 32768kHz16 XCOUT I 32768kHz17 RESET I18 XOUT - 12MHz19 VSS -20 XIN - 12MHz21 VCC1 -22 NMI I Not used23 PANEL_DET I Panel detection H : Without PANEL, L : With PANEL24 RDS_CLK I RDS decoder CLK input terminal25 LX_REQ_S I Communication request from slave unit26 PON_AM I/O AM power supply control AM in operation : H, AM not in operation : Hi-Z27 LX_REQ_M O Communication request to slave unit28 TUN_IFC_OUT I F/E IFC OUT input terminal H : With station, L : Without station29 RDS_AFS_L I/O Constant switching at noise detection30 RDS_AFS_M I/O Constant switching at noise detection31 RDS_QUAL I RDS decoder QUAL input terminal32 RDS_DATA I RDS decoder DATA input terminal33 PWIC_BEEP O Beep output34 TUN_SCL I/O F/E I2C clock input/output terminal I2C specification35 TUN_SDA I/O F/E I2C data input/output terminal I2C specification36 SYS_DATA OBetween-panel communication dataData output (MAX 500kbps)output terminal37 VCC1 -38 PAN_DATA I Between-panel communication data input terminal Data input (MAX 500kbps)39 VSS -40 SYS_REQ OCommunication request terminal fromsystem µ-com8KDC-MP928/PSW9531/PSW9531Y, XXV-01DMICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONPin No. Pin Name I/O Application Processing / Operation / Description41 PAN_REQ I Communication request terminal from panel42 SDA I/O CD mechanism I2C data input/output terminal43 SCL I/O CD mechanism I2C clock output terminal44 PON_PANEL I/O Panel 5V control terminalON : H, At the time of momentary power down and panel off,After 11 minutes of ACC_OFF : Hi-Z45 DSI I/O (D) SI control terminal Soft DSI control specification4649 NC O Not used Output L-fixed50 PM_MOT1 O Panel motor control 151 PM_MOT2 O Panel motor control 252 EPM I FLASH EPM input terminal53 PM_OPEN I Panel full open detection5456 NC O Not used Output L-fixed57 DIS_PAN5V I/O PAN5V discharge circuit H : Discharge (Panel reset compensation ), Hi-Z : Normal58 PM_CLOSE I Panel mechanism close detection59 ROMCOR_DET I E2PROM write request H : Write60 PM_DET I Panel mechanism detection H : In function check61 SC_CON O Between-panel communication (CE at FLASH) POWER OFF, ACC OFF : L62 NC O Not used Output L-fixed63 TUN_TYPE1 I Destination setting 164 TUN_TYPE2 I Destination setting 265,66 NC O Not used Output L-fixed67 CD_DISC12_SW I CD disk detection terminal (12cm)68 CD_LOS_SW I CD loading detection terminal69 CD_MUTE_R I CD MUTE (Rch) request terminal L : Rch mute request70 CD_MUTE_L I CD MUTE (Lch) request terminal L : Lch mute request71 CD_MRST O CD mechanism µ-com RST terminal H : Normal, L : Reset72 CD_MSTOP O CD mechanism µ-com STOP terminal H : Mechanism µ-com in operation, L : Mechanism µ-com stop73 CD_DISC8_SW I CD disk detection terminal (8cm) (J only)74 CD_LOE_LIM_SW I CD detection terminal (Chucking SW) H : Loading complete, L : No disk75 CD_LOEJ I/O CD motor control terminal76 CD_MOTOR O CD motor control terminal77 PON_ILLUMI I/O Key illumination power supply control ON : H, OFF : Hi-Z78 PON_CD I/O CD WMA power supply control terminal CD is used as source : H, Source other than CD is used : Hi-Z79 PON O Power supply control POWER ON : H, POWER OFF : L80 PON_OEL+B O Power supply control terminal for OEL POWER ON : H, POWER OFF : L81 NC O Not used Output L-fixed82,83 F_SEL1, F_SEL2 O SW-Reg frequency switching84 DIAG I/O PCON excess current monitoring85 VCC2 -86 EXT_AMP_CON I/O PCON excess current monitoring External amplifier control specification