© 2003-11 PRINTED IN JAPANB53-0106-00 (N)1029CD RECEIVERKDC-3025/325/5026/GSERVICE MANUALExcept KDC-5026GSIZE AA BATTERYPanel assy (A64-3190-02):KDC-5026G(A64-3191-02):KDC-5026Plastic cabinet assy(A02-1486-13)Lever(D10-4589-04) x2Screw set(N99-1730-15)DC cord(E30-6322-05)Screw set(N99-1719-05)Escutcheon(B07-3083-02):KDC-5026G(B07-3098-02):KDC-325/5026(B07-3100-02):KDC-3025Mounting hardware assy(J22-0011-03)KDC-5026/5026GKDC-3025KDC-325Panel assy (A64-3183-02):KDC-325(A64-3185-02):KDC-3025Remote controller assy (RC-505)(A70-2040-05)CD MECHANISM EXTENSION CORD : W05-0618-00TDF PANEL INFORMATIONMODEL TDF PANEL No. TDF NAMEKDC-325 Y33-1930-60 TDF-43DKRC-3025 Y33-1930-61 TDF-43DBMODEL TDF PANEL No. TDF NAMEKDC-5026 Y33-1930-63 TDF-5026KRC-5026G Y33-1930-62 TDF-5026GKDC-3025/325/5026/G2BLOCK DIAGRAMQ201BUFFERIC1IC2REMOCONRESET SWENCODERROTARYS1WITHLCD DRIVERKEY MATRIXIC1LCDPANEL DETS1EJECT SWS1EJECT ILLUMIDSIu-COMIC2MPXE-VOL&ACC DETTEL MUTEB.U DETPRE MUTEDRIVERMUTEIC6POWERICIC4THERMALPROTECTACCTEL MUTEBACK UP(REAR)PRE OUT(FRONT)PRE OUTSP OUTSURGE DETSERVOSERVO+B SW 14VQ21WIRED REMOSUPPLYICIC3POWER ANT CONP CONRESETIC8SW 5VQ4PANEL 5VQ152SW5VILLUMI CONDRIVERMUTEPRE MUTEKDC-3025 onlyS-METERAUDIO OUTIFC OUTPLL-DATAPLL-CLKSW5VAM+BA8VLOE/LIM SW12EJE SWLOS SWMS CLKMS DATAM MUTELO/EJM STOPMOSWM RSTSERVO+BA8VBU5VLX-DATA CLX-MUTELX-REQ HLX-REQ CLX-CLKLX-CONLX-DATA HBACK UPNOISES-METERFMAMMP INLEVELCDQUALAFSCHBU5VPANEL DETEJECT DSI L CLKL DATASL CE L DATALVOLUME AVOLUME BREMO ILL CONMUTEP-MUTEPHONEACC DETB.U DETBEEPPS1-0PS1-1PS1-2PS2-0PS2-2RSTBU5VBACK UPA8VSW5VBACK UPAM+BILLUMIA8VBU5VBU5VBU5VMODECDFMAMCHLEVEL3600mV1800mV600mV3600mVLX-RSTREARFRONTTUNERCDCHSWITCH UNIT (X16- )DAUGHTER UNIT(X89- )KDC-3025/325/5026/G3BBB BA x2A x2DCEGFHJHow to Disassemble (PANEL ASSY)1) Remove four screws (A).2) While holding the section (B) indicated with arrows, pull andremove PANEL ASSY.DISASSEMBLY FOR REPAIR3) Pull SWITCH UNIT (C) as indicated in the diagram and re-move knob (D).(The knob (D) is attached to the rotary with hook (E) and itis not possible to remove hook (D) only.)How to install knob (SRC)1) Place knob (F) and knob (G) in the positions indicated inthe diagram below.2) While keeping these positions, use a piece of adhesive tape(H) to hold knobs in position, as shown in the diagarma.3) Set the rotary (J) position as shown in the diagram.4) While keeping the letters “SRC” horizontally in position, setit to the rotary on the panel.5) Remove the adhesive tape (H).KDC-3025/325/5026/G4 SWITCH UNIT (X16-2500-xx)Ref. No. Application/Function Operation/Condition/CompatibilityIC1 LCD Driver Drives LCDIC2 Remote Control IC Controls the unit.Q1,Q4 REMO ON SW The power supply of IC2 is turned on when base level goes “L”. ELECTRIC UNIT (X34-3090-xx)Ref. No. Application/Function Operation/Condition/CompatibilityIC1 System µ-COM Controls FM/AM tuner, the changer, CD mechanism, Panel, volume, and tone.IC2 E.Vol & N.C.MPX Controls the source, volume, tone and FM multiplex detector.Bu5V (5V) Audio8V (8V) FM+B (8V)AM+B (8V) P-CON ANT-CONIC3 Power Supply ICIC4 Power IC Amplifies the front L/R and the rear L/R to 50W maximum.IC6 Muting logic IC Controls logic for muting.IC8 Reset IC “L” when detection voltage goes below 3.5V or less.Q1 Surge Detection“L” when the back-up voltage becomes more than 24V (momentary power down).“H” when the back-up voltage becomes less than 24V.Q2 BACK-UP Detection “L” when B.u is present. “H” when B.u is absent or momentary power down is detected.Q3 ACC Detection “L” when Acc is present.Q4 SW 5V ON when the base is “L”.Q21 Servo ReguratorQ22 Servo SWQ23 Conrtol Power Supply ICDSI lights when the base is “L”.Q151 DSI Driver DSI turns off when the base is “H”.DSI turns on and off when panel is taken off.Q152 Panel 5V SWWhen the panel is attached, the base goes “L”, turning the Tr ON to supply 5V to the panel.When panel is taken off, panel 5Vcut off.Q153,Q154 ILLUMI Control ILLUMI lights when the base of Q153 is “H”.Q201 Noise bufferQ351 Pre Mute SW Mutes the Rear Lch when the base is “H”.Q352 Pre Mute SW Mutes the Rear Rch when the base is “H”.Q354 Pre Mute SW Drives the Pre Mute sw (Q351, 352, 355, 356) when the base is “L”.Q355 Pre Mute SW Mutes the Front Lch when the base is “H”.Q356 Pre Mute SW Mutes the Front Rch when the base is “H”.COMPONENTS DESCRIPTIONSW1 OUT1.53.0 Audio ON3.55.0 Audio P-CON ON7.0 Audio P-CON P-ANT ONSW22.03.0 ILLUMI FM ON4.0 ILLUMI AM ONKDC-3025/325/5026/G5MICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONPin No. Pin Name I/O ApplicationTruth ValueProcessing Operation DescriptionTable15 N.C O OPEN (Output L fixed)6 REMO I Remote control input7 N.C O OPEN (Output L fixed)8 BYTE I External data bus width switching input Connect to GND9 CNVSS I Pull down at 1k10 XCIN I Sub clock input11 XCOUT O Sub clock output12 RESET I Reset input Normal : H, When RESET : L13 XOUT O Main clock output14 VSS - GND15 XIN I Main clock input16 VCC - Power supply input (5V)17 NMI Pull up (B.U5V)18 EJECT I EJECT detection input L : EJECT19 N.C O OPEN (Output L fixed) (Other than RDS model)20 LX-REQ S I Reception request from external slave L : Request21 ILL CON O Illumination output control FLIP DET “L” during “H”22 PANEL 5V I/O Panel 5V controlL : ON (Panel detect & ACC ON)Hi-Z : OFF (Panel no detect or ACC OFF)23 VOL A I VOL key input24 VOL B I VOL key input25 LOE/LIM SW (SW3) I CD DOWN SW detection H : Chucking26 BEEP O BEEP output27 M STOP O STOP request to CD mechanism When CD : H, When STOP : L28 MOSW O CD mechanism MOTOR SW LOADING, EJECT, Brake : H29 PLL-CLK I/O Clock output to F/E30 PLL-DATA I/O Data input/output with F/E31 LX-DATA M O Data output to external slave Last retention32 LX-DATA S I Data input from external slave33 LX-CLK I/O Clock input and output of external slave34 LX-REQ M O Transmission request to external slave At request : L35 L DATAS O Data output to LCD driver36 L DATAL I Data input from LCD driver37 L CLK I/O Clock output to LCD driver38 FLIP-DET I Panel collapse detection L : Panel received, H : Panel collapse39 L CE O CE output to LCD driver40 LO/EJ I/O CD mechanism LOADING, EJECT switchingSTOP, Brake : Hi-zLOADING : L, EJECT : H41 EPM I For flush writing Pull down at 100k SYSTEM MICROCOMPUTER : M30302MC-1N4FP (X34 : IC1)KDC-3025/325/5026/G6MICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONPin No. Pin Name I/O ApplicationTruth ValueProcessing Operation DescriptionTable42 M RST O RESET output to CD mechanism Normal : H, When RESET : L43 M-MUTE R I MUTE request (Rch) from CD mechanism L : MUTE ON44 12EJE SW (SW2) I 12cm DISC detection input L : 12cm disk45 M-MUTE L I MUTE request (Lch) from CD mechanism L : MUTE ON46 LX-CON O External slave selection ON : H, OFF : L47 LO.S SW (SW1) I LOADING SW detection input L : LOADING START48 DSI O EJECT key, DSI, guide ILLUMI output ILLUMI ON : L, ILLUMI OFF : H49 PANEL-DET I Detection for panel or no panel H : Panel detect, L : Panel no detect50 N.C O OPEN (Output L fixed)51 IFC OUT I F/E IFC OUT input H : Station detect52,53 N.C O OPEN (Output L fixed) (Other than RDS model)54 N.C OPEN (Output L fixed)55 AFS O Constant switch terminal at noise detectionDuring FM seek, AF search : LWhen receiving : H56 SDA I/O Data input/output to IC2, CD mechanism57 SCL I/O CLK output to IC2, CD mechanism58 MUTE O IC2 MUTE control MUTE ON : H, MUTE OFF : L59 N.C OPEN (Output L fixed)60 IC2 TYPE 0 IThird party/genuine switching 0L : Third party, H : Genuine(ROLL-OFF)61 IC2 TYPE 1 IThird party/ genuine swithcing1L : Third party, H : Genuine(NOISE-CANCEL)62 VCC Power supply input (5V)63 N.C O OPEN (Output L fixed)64 VSS GND6567 TYPE 0TYPE 2 I Destination switching port e68 N.C O OPEN (Output L fixed)69 SVR O Power IC SVR control Momentary power dropped : H70 P-STBY O Power IC STBY controlPOWER IC ON : H, OFF : LALL OFF during : L71 P-MUTE O Power IC MUTE controlWhen POWER OFF : L, When ALL OFF : LWhen TEL MUTE : L72 SW5V I/O SW5V control ON : L, OFF : Hi-z73 B.U-DET I Momentary power dropped detection input L : B.U detect, H : B.U no detect74 ACC-DET I Acc detection input L : Acc detect, H : Acc no detect75 N.C O OPEN (Output L fixed)7678 PS1-0PS1-2 O Power supply IC control terminal q79,80 PS2-0PS2-1 O Power supply IC control terminal w81 LX-MUTE I MUTE request from external slave H : MUTE ON, L : MUTE OFFKDC-3025/325/5026/G7MICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONTruth Value Table qPS1-0 PS1-1 PS1-2 AUDIO P-CON P-ANTLLLOFOFF OFFH (L) L (H) L ON OFF OFFHH ONOFFHHHONON ONTruth Value Table wPS2-0 PS2-1 ILLUMI FM+B AM+BLLOFF OFF OFFH(L) L(H) ON ON OFFHHONOFF ONTruth Value Table eMODEL DESTINATIONTYPE012KDC-5027 E L L HKDC-5027Y E2 L L HKDC-508 E L L HKDC-3025 K H L HKDC-325 K H L HKDC-5026 M (K) H H HKDC-5026G M (K) H H HPin No. Pin Name I/O ApplicationTruth ValueProcessing Operation DescriptionTable8288 N.C O OPEN (Output L fixed)89 KEY-REQ I Communication request from LCD driver L : Key input detect9092 N.C O OPEN (Output L fixed)93 S-METER I S-meter voltage input94 NOISE I FM noise detection95 N.C O OPEN (Output L fixed)96 AVSS - GND97 N.C O OPEN (Output L fixed)98 VREF I Reference voltage input Connect to 100 pin99 AVCC - 5V100 REFCON O VREF control While power ON : HKDC-3025/325/5026/G81. How to enter the test mode While holding the Preset 1 and Preset 3 keys, reset the unit.2. How to exit from the test mode Reset the unit, momentary power down, ACC OFF, powerOFF, and Panel detached.(Note) The test mode cannot terminated by Panel is falldown.3. Initial status in the test mode Sources : All OFF.Display : All segments are lit.Volume : -10 dB (displayed as 30) Loudness : OFF CRSC : OFF regardless of the presence ofswitching function. SYSTEM Q : Flat. BEEP : When pressing any keys, the buzzergenerates a beep at any time. DISPLAY TYPE: TYPE A4. RDS automatic measurement An addition to disposal of substitute for visual check PSdisplay as usual production lines. P-CON terminal is OFF by force, when received the PSdata and in case of corrobaration PS display is“RDS_TEST”. (“_” is mean blank.) This disposal is test mode only. P-CON is switching the source or return with power onoff.5. Special display in Tuner modeWhen any of the following messages is displayed in Tunermode, the front end may be abnormal. “TNE 2P NG”: The EEPROM is set to the default (unstablevalues) because the F/E was shipped without passingthrough the adjustment process, etc. “TNCON NG”: Communication with the F/E is not possible.6. Forced switching of K3I Each press of the Preset 6 key in Tuner mode should switchK3I from AUTO Forced Wide Forced Middle ForcedNarrow AUTO. The initial status is AUTO and the dis-play shows these modes as follows.AUTO:FMAForced Wide : FMWForced Middle : FMMForced Narrow : FMNTEST MODE7.CD Receiver Test Mode Specification When resetting to start, forced ejection of CD is prohib-ited. When a CD is in place, the CD is not recognized whenreset. When this key is pressed, the mechanism jumps tothe following track.No9 No15 No10 No11 No12 No13 No22 No14 No9 (Return to the first track.) When this key is pressed, the track goes down by onefrom the currently played track.When a CD being played, by pressing 1 key intermittently,the mechanism can be made to jump to Track No. 28.8. Audio-related specificationsA short press of the Q key initiates the audio adjustmentmode. Pressing the key on the remote initiates the audioadjustment mode.Fader is selected to the initial item. Continuous holding of a remote control key is inhibited. Bass, Middle and Treble are adjusted in 3 steps of -8/0/+8with the Track Up/Down keys. Balance is adjusted in 3 steps of L15/0/R15 with the TrackUp/Down keys.Fader is adjusted in 3 steps of F15/0/R15 with the TrackUp/Down keys.Volume Offset is adjusted in 2 steps of -8/0 with theTrackUp/Down keys.9. Menu-related specificationsA short press of the MENU key initiates the Menu mode.Except, tape source is usually press and hold 1 second toenter the menu mode and short press initiates turn over. Pressing the DNPP/SBF key on the remote initiates theMenu mode. Continuous holding of a remote control key is inhibited. Contrast is adjusted in 3 steps of 0/5/10 (5x7dot), 0/4/7(14seg) with the Track Up/Down keys.10. Backup current measurementWhen the unit is reset while ACC is OFF (i.e. by turningBack-Up ON), the MUTE terminal goes OFF in 2 secondsin place of 15 second.KDC-3025/325/5026/G911. Special display when the display is All ONPressing the Preset keys while the power is All OFF dis-plays the following information.14seg 8 digits1key Version display (8 digits, Month/Day/Hour/Minute)(Display) xxxxxxxx2key3key Short press: View power ON time. (The All OFFperiod is not counted.)Long press/hold: Clear power ON time.(Display) PONxxxxx Max. 65535 (hours)4key Short press: Display TAPE operation time.Long press/hold: Clear TAPE operation time.(Display) TPTxxxxx Max. 65535 (hours)5key Short press: Display TAPE ejection count.Long press/hold: Clear TAPE ejection count.(Display) EJCxxxxx Max. 65535 (times)6key Short press: Display Panel open/close count.Long press/hold: Clear Panel open/close count.(Display) PCxxxxx Max. 655359 (times)FM key Display ROM colection version(Display) ROM Rxxx Invalid :ROM R15x7dot 12 digits1key Version display (8 digits, Month/Day/Hour/Minute)(Display) SYS_xxxxxxxx2key3key Short press: View power ON time. (The All OFFperiod is not counted.)Long press/hold: Clear power ON time.(Display) PonTim_xxxxx Max. 65535 (hours)4key Short press: Display TAPE operation time.Long press/hold: Clear TAPE operation time.(Display) TPTim_xxxxx Max. 65535 (hours)5key Short press: Display TAPE ejection count.Long press/hold: Clear TAPE ejection count.(Display) EjeCnt_xxxxx Max. 65535(times)6key Short press: Display Panel open/close count.Long press/hold: Clear Panel open/close count.(Display) PnCnt_xxxxxx Max. 655359 (times)FM key Display ROM colection version(Display) ROM Rxxx Invalid: ROM R12. Other specifications The line mute against times are 1 second from 10 sec-onds when starting the test mode. Security Forced Power ON mode (All models)Even when the security is approved, resetting the unit whileholding the Q and 4 keys makes it possible to turn thepower ON for 30 minutes.After 30 minutes have elapsed, itis not possible to return to the previous condition unlessthe unit is reset again. Method of registration of the security code afterEEPROM (F/E) replacement (Code security model)1. Enter the test mode. (See How to enter the test mode)2. Press the MENU key to enter the MENU.3. When the message “Security” is displayed, press andhold the Track Up/Down key for 1second to enter theSecurity registration mode.4. Enter the code using the FM/AM/Track Down keys. FM key : Number up AM key : Number downTrack Up key : Cursor right shiftTrack Down key : Cursor left shift5. Hold down the Track Up key for at least 3 seconds andthe message, “RE-ENTER” appears, so once again en-ter the code according to Step 4 above.6. Pre