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    © 1999-12 PRINTED IN JAPANB51-7564-00(S) 2219SERVICE MANUALCD RECEIVERKDC-3016RG/303RG/3080RA/RG/RYA/RYGExtension cord Parts No.CD mechanism(22P) W05-0618-00SRCLOUDPWROFFVOL ADJPTYMENUCLKSCAN RDM REPKDC-3016R 45W 4XTISRCLOUDSRCLOUDPWROFFVOL ADJPTYMENUCLKSCAN RDM REPKDC-303R 40W 4XTIPWROFFVOL ADJPTYMENUCLKSCAN RDM REPKDC-3080R 40W 4XTIThe MECHANISM OPERATION DESCRIPTION is the same as model KDC-S3007 and KDC-5050RG.Please refer to the service manual for model KDC-S3007(B51-7029-00) or KDC-5050RG(B51-7099-00).Escutcheonl KDC-3016RGl KDC-3080RA/RG/RYA/RYGl KDC-303RG(B07-2181-02)Front glass(B10-3126-11)Panel assy(A64-1892-12)Lever x2(D10-3031-04)(D10-4197-04)DC cord(E30-4790-05)Plastic cabinet assy(A02-1486-13)Screw set(N99-1632-05)DC cord(E30-4785-05)Stay(J54-0606-04)Mounting hardware assy(J21-9491-03):KDC-3016RG:KDC-3016RG/RG/RYA/RYGScrew set(N99-1610-15):KDC-3016RG:KDC-3016RG:KDC-3016RG/3080RYA/RYG:KDC-303RG/3080RA/RG:KDC-303RG/3080RAAntenna adaptor(T90-0523-05)/RG/RYA/RYG:KDC-303RG/3080RAEscutcheon(B07-2181-02)Front glass(B10-3131-11)Panel assy(A64-1899-12)Escutcheon(B07-2181-02)Front glass(B10-3130-11)Panel assy(A64-1898-12)KDC-3016RG/303RG/3080RA/RG/RYA/RYG2CONTENTSBLOCK DIAGRAMBLOCK DIAGRAM . 2COMPONENT DESCRIPTION . 3MICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTION. 4ADJUSTMENT . 6PC BOARD . 7SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM . 11EXPLODED VIEW . 19PARTS LIST. 22SPECIFICATIONS . 28FM+BAM+BRDSDECODER AMPNOISETEL-MUTEACC DET.BU DET.WITHLCD DRIVERKEY MATRIXLCDA8VSERVOSW14VILLUMSW5V BU5V P-CONMUTE DRIVERMUTEPOWER ICu-COMandPRE OUTSP-OUTTEL-MUTEACCP-CONBACK UPE-VOLPAN 5V SW203mV170mV1200mVMPXQ202,203Q200,201IC2Q153,154Q155,156IC5,IC4IC6Q13Q12Q17-20Q1,2Q14Q5,6Q7Q3,4Q8-11Q207IC1TUN5VBUFFPROTECTIONTHERMALDSIRSTRST SWQ204,206IC1IC3,Q50Q205S-METERMO SWSERVOLO/EJSTOPRSTCSMUTESRQDATA SDATA MCLKSW3SW2SW1A8VCDAMFMMUTEDATASCLK CE DATALRESRDCK RDDAQUALNOISESDASCLA8VSW5VBU5VAUDIO OUTBU5VPAN 5VSDASCLVDDPHONEACC DET.BU DET.REMOAFCSDDSI BU5VSW5VBU5VAM+BFM+BSDS-METERPAN 5VPANELPANELCDTUNERKDC-3016RG(X13),208QUALQ51SVR SWSVRQ150VDD 5VIF1/IF2/PLL+BLEVELKDC-303RGKDC-3080RG3529mVAMFM792mV1276mVCDKDC-3016RG/303RG/3080RA/RG/RYA/RYG3l ELECTRIC UNIT(X25-84X2-7X)Ref.No. Component Name Application/Function Operation/Condition/CompatibilityIC1 UPD780058GC107 System MI-COM.IC2 TDA7400D E-VOL. & N.C. MPXIC3 PST9130NR Reset IC ”Lo”: Detection voltage below 3.0VIC4 TDA7384A Power ICIC4 TDA7386 Power ICIC5 HD74HC27FP Mute logic 3 input NOR gate x3IC6 TDA7479D RDS decoderQ1 2SB1565F(E,F) BU 5V AVR Inverted darlington connectionQ2 2SC1740S ON during BU appliedQ3 DTA124EKorUN2112 SW14V Audio 8V AVR and Servo AVR ON/OFF controlQ4 DTC144EKorUN2213 Q3 is turned ON when Q4s base goes ”Hi”.Q5 2SB1184 Audio 8V AVR Q5 is turned ON when Q6s base goes ”Hi”.Q6 2SC1740S Inverted darlington connectionQ7 2SD2396F40 Servo AVR ON when the base goes ”Hi”.Q8 DTC144EKorUN2213 Illumination AVR Q10 is turned ON when Q8s base goes ”Hi”.Q9 DTA124EKorUN2112Q10 2SB1184Q11 2SC1740SQ12 2SC1740S BU detection(Momentary power down detection) ON when the base goes ”Hi” during BU applied.Q13 2SC1740S ACC detection ON when the base goes ”Hi” during ACC applied.Q14 2SA1036K SW 5V ON when the base goes ”Lo”.Q17 2SB1277(Q,R) P-CON SW Q17 is turned ON when Q20s base goes ”Hi”.Q20 DTC114YKorUN2214 ON while power is on or CD loading/eject.Q18 2SA1037K P-CON protection Protect Q17 by turning ON when P-CON output is grounded.Q19 DTA124EKorUN2112 Prevents Q18 tuning ON during start-up after power ON.Q50 DTC144EKorUN2213 RESET SW System RESET is activated when the panel reset SW is pressed.Q51 2SC2412Kor2SD601A DSI SW ON when the base goes ”Hi”.Q150 DTC114YKorUN2214 SVR SW POWER IC RESET is activated when the base goes ”Hi”.Q153 DTC143TKorUN2216 Audio mute SW Audio pre-outs are muted when the base goes ”Hi”.Q154 DTC143TKorUN2216Q155 DTA124EKorUN2112 Mute driver for Audio mute SW ON when the base goes ”Lo”.Q156 DTC144EKorUN2213 E-VOL. mute SW E-VOL. is muted when the base goes ”Hi”.Q200 2SB1277(Q,R) FM+B SW Q200 is turned ON when Q201s base goes ”Hi”.Q201 DTC124EKorUN2212 ON during FM receptionQ202 2SB1277(Q,R) AM+B SW Q202 is turned ON when Q203s base goes ”Hi”.Q203 DTC124EKorUN2212 ON during AM receptionQ204 2SC1740S Tuner audio out bufferQ205 DTC114TKorUN2215 AFC time constant SW OFF during FM seek,ON during FM receptionQ206 DTA124EKorUN2112 Q205 is turned OFF when Q206s emitter goes ”Lo”.Q207 2SA1037K Panel detection SW ON when the base goes ”Lo” during the panel closed.Q208 2SC1740S Noise bufferCOMPONENT DESCRIPTIONl SWITCH UNIT(X13-96X2-7X)Ref.No. Component Name Application/Function Operation/Condition/CompatibilityIC1 LC75883E LCD driver with key-matrixQ1 DTA114EKorUN2111 key-matrix permission SW Ready on key-matrixl CD PLAYER UNIT(X32-4600/4700-00)Ref.No. Component Name Application/Function Operation/Condition/CompatibilityIC1 AN8806SB RF amplifier Generation of RF signal based on the signals from the APCcircuit and pickup, and generation of servo error(focusingerror and tracking error) signals. Detection of dropout, anti-shock, track crossing and off-track conditions.IC2 MN662770KA7 CD signal processor bult-in MI-COM. Focusing,tracking,sled and spindle servo processing. Automaticadjustment(focusing, tracking, gain, offset and balance)operations. Digital signal processing(DSP, PLL, sub-codes,CIRC error correction, audio data interpolaration) operations.IC4 BA5917AFP BTL driver Focusing coil, tracking coil, spindle motor and sled motor driverIC5 TA78L05F 5V AVRIC6 NJM4565MD Low pass filterQ1 2SA1362(Y) APC LD power controlQ2 DTC124EUA POWER SW Power on during the source selected CDQ3 2SA1362(Y) A.8V SW A8V line ON/OFF controlQ4 2SA1362(Y) D.5V SW D5V line ON/OFF controlQ5 DTC124EUA MOTOR ON SW Power on during CD roading or eject actionQ6 2SA1576A TE LEVEL SW OFF during CDR playKDC-3016RG/303RG/3080RA/RG/RYA/RYG4MICROCOMPUTER'S TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONl Terminal DescriptionPin Function I/O Description Processing Operation1 AV CONT O A/D converter reference voltage control output ”Hi”: ON / ”Lo”: OFF2 IC2 TYPE0 I IC2 setting terminal ”Lo”: Initial value3 IC2 TYPE1 I IC2 setting terminal ”Lo”: Initial value4 AVSS - Ground connection terminal connected to GND5 M MUTEL I Muting request from the MICOM. of CD mecha. ”Lo”: Mute request6 N.C O Not used7 AVREF1 I D/A converter reference voltage input8 ILLUMI O Illumination AVR ON/OFF control output ”Hi”: AVR ON9 L RES O Reset output to the LCD driver IC ”Lo”: Reset10 PANEL I Panel open/close detection input ”Lo”: Panel closed11 L DATAL I Data input from the LCD driver IC12 L DATAS O Data output to the LCD driver IC13 L CLK O Clock output to the LCD driver IC14 N.C O Not used15 N.C O Not used16 CH-DATAC I Data input from changers17 CH-DATAH O Data output to changers18 CH-CLK I/O Clock input/output with changers19 L CE O CE output to the LCD driver IC ”Hi”: Active20 N.C O Not used21 M RST O Reset output to the MICOM. of CD mecha. ”Lo”: Reset22 M STOP O Stop request to the MICOM. of CD mecha. ”Lo”: Stop23 MOSW O CD mechanism loading motor control output ”Hi”: Loading & Eject / ”Lo”: other24 PLL SCL O Clock output to the tuner pack25 AM+B O AM+B control ”Hi”: during AM reception26 FM+B O FM+B control ”Hi”: during FM reception27 M-SCL I/O Clock input/output with the MICOM. of CD mecha.28 DSI O DSI output ”Hi”: LED ON29 LO/EJ I/O CD mecha.Loading/Eject switching output ”Lo”: Loading / ”Hi”: Eject30 SW3 I Down & limit switch detection input ”Hi”: Chucking / ”Lo”: Pickup most inner position31 R DATA I Data input from RDS decoder32 R QUAL I Quality input from RDS decoder33 VSS1 - Ground connection terminal connected to GND34 SD I SD input from the tuner pack ”Hi”: Station detected35 IC2 SCL O Clock output to the E-VOL. IC36 M-SDA I/O Data input/output with the MICOM. of CD mecha.37 PLL SDA I/O Data input/output with the tuner pack38 IC2 SDA I/O Data input/output with the E-VOL. IC39 MUTE O Mute control output ”Hi”: Mute ON / ”Lo”: Mute OFF40 N.C O Not used41 AFC O AFC control output ”Lo”: during FM seek42 CH-REQH O Request output to changers ”Lo”: Request43 CH-CON O Changer control ”Lo”: Standby / ”Hi”: ON44 N.C O Not used45 P MUTE O Power IC mute control ”Lo”: Mute46 SVR O Power lC reset terminal When the momentary power down,after ACCOFF/ON is detected and after POWER ON/OFF, the output goes ”Hi” temporarily.47 STBY O Power IC standby control output ”Hi”: POWER ON mode48 P CON O Power control ”Hi”: POWER ON mode except ALL OFF mode49 P ANT O Antenna control ”Hi”: during FM/AM reception50 BEEP O BEEP sound output51 ACC DET I ACC detection input ”Hi”: ACC OFF / ”Lo”: ACC ON52 BU DET I Momentary power down detection input ”Hi”: When momentary power down detectedor BU OFF / ”Lo”: BU ON53 N.C O Not used5 6KDC-3016RG/303RG/3080RA/RG/RYA/RYGMICROCOMPUTER'S TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONKDC-3016RG/303RG/3080RA/RG/RYA/RYGNOTE1. For arm assies Nos.6 and 7 used in the CD mechanismassy, use the combination of the following parts.Ref.No. Parts No. Parts No.6 D10-4306-04 D10-3083-447 D10-4305-04 D10-3084-442. The parts numbers of arm assies Nos.6 and 7 shown in theexploded view of CD mechanism assy are D40-4306-04and D40-4305-04 respectively.TEST MODE1. To enter test modeWhile holding the “FM” key and preset “6” key, reset the unit.All indication segments are ON at the beginning of test mode.2. To release test modeSimply reset the unit.(NOTE) The test mode is not canceled by ACC OFF, powerOFF, momentary power down or the panel detaching.3. CD receiver test mode specificationPressing the “Track up” key jumps between tracks in thefollowing order.No.9 No.15 No.10 No.11 No.12 No.13 No.14No.9 (Same as the beginning)Pressing the “Track down” key jumps to the previous track tothe being played.Pressing the preset “1” key jumps to No.28 track.4. Audio adjustmentThe volume is set to -10dB (which is shown as 30).Loudness is OFF.The BASS / TREBLE and BALANCE / FADER controls canbe set to the full boost / full cut and full front / full rearrespectively by pressing the “Track UP” / “Track DOWN” keys.Sound coordination doesn't appear for the feed.ADJUSTMENTPin Function I/O Description Processing Operation54 N.C O Not used55 N.C O Not used56 SW5 O SW 5V control ”Lo”: POWER ON mode57 P ON O Microprocessor peripheral power supply control terminal ”Hi”: ACC ON or during CD Loading/Eject58 TYPE2 I Destination type input terminal 259 N.C O Not used60 RESET I Reset input terminal ”Lo”: System reset61 REMO I Data input from the remote control light sensor62 R CLK I Clock input from RDS decoder63 CH-REQC I Request input from changers ”Hi”: Request64 SW1 I Loading detection ”Lo”: CD chucking65 KEY-REQ I Key request terminal ”Lo”: Request66 SW2 I 12cm disc detection terminal ”Lo”: 12cm disc67 VSS0 - Ground connection terminal connected to GND68 VDD1 - VDD connection terminal69 X2 - Main clock resonator connection terminal70 X1 I Main clock resonator connection terminal71 IC(TEST) - Not used connected to GND72 XT2 - Sub clock resonator connection terminal N.C.73 N.C I Sub clock resonator connection terminal connected to BU5V lines74 VDD0 - VDD connection terminal75 AVREF0 I A/D converter reference voltage input76 SMETER I S-meter input from the tuner pack77 PHONE I PHONE detection input 1V or less: TEL MUTE,2.5V or greater: NAVI MUTE78 NOISE I Noise detection input79 TYPE0 I Destination type input terminal 080 TYPE1 I Destination type input terminal 15 6KDC-3016RG/303RG/3080RA/RG/RYA/RYGMICROCOMPUTER'S TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONKDC-3016RG/303RG/3080RA/RG/RYA/RYGNOTE1. For arm assies Nos.6 and 7 used in the CD mechanismassy, use the combination of the following parts.Ref.No. Parts No. Parts No.6 D10-4306-04 D10-3083-447 D10-4305-04 D10-3084-442. The parts numbers of arm assies Nos.6 and 7 shown in theexploded view of CD mechanism assy are D40-4306-04and D40-4305-04 respectively.TEST MODE1. To enter test modeWhile holding the “FM” key and preset “6” key, reset the unit.All indication segments are ON at the beginning of test mode.2. To release test modeSimply reset the unit.(NOTE) The test mode is not canceled by ACC OFF, powerOFF, momentary power down or the panel detaching.3. CD receiver test mode specificationPressing the “Track up” key jumps between tracks in thefollowing order.No.9 No.15 No.10 No.11 No.12 No.13 No.14No.9 (Same as the beginning)Pressing the “Track down” key jumps to the previous track tothe being played.Pressing the preset “1” key jumps to No.28 track.4. Audio adjustmentThe volume is set to -10dB (which is shown as 30).Loudness is OFF.The BASS / TREBLE and BALANCE / FADER controls canbe set to the full boost / full cut and full front / full rearrespectively by pressing the “Track UP” / “Track DOWN” keys.Sound coordination doesn't appear for the feed.ADJUSTMENTPin Function I/O Description Processing Operation54 N.C O Not used55 N.C O Not used56 SW5 O SW 5V control ”Lo”: POWER ON mode57 P ON O Microprocessor peripheral power supply control terminal ”Hi”: ACC ON or during CD Loading/Eject58 TYPE2 I Destination type input terminal 259 N.C O Not used60 RESET I Reset input terminal ”Lo”: System reset61 REMO I Data input from the remote control light sensor62 R CLK I Clock input from RDS decoder63 CH-REQC I Request input from changers ”Hi”: Request64 SW1 I Loading detection ”Lo”: CD chucking65 KEY-REQ I Key request terminal ”Lo”: Request66 SW2 I 12cm disc detection terminal ”Lo”: 12cm disc67 VSS0 - Ground connection terminal connected to GND68 VDD1 - VDD connection terminal69 X2 - Main clock resonator connection terminal70 X1 I Main clock resonator connection terminal71 IC(TEST) - Not used connected to GND72 XT2 - Sub clock resonator connection terminal N.C.73 N.C I Sub clock resonator connection terminal connected to BU5V lines74 VDD0 - VDD connection terminal75 AVREF0 I A/D converter reference voltage input76 SMETER I S-meter input from the tuner pack77 PHONE I PHONE detection input 1V or less: TEL MUTE,2.5V or greater: NAVI MUTE78 NOISE I Noise detection input79 TYPE0 I Destination type input terminal 080 TYPE1 I Destination type input terminal 1A B C D E F G IH12345677 8Refer to the schematic diagram for the values of resistors and capacitors.CD PLAYER UNIT SWITCH UNITCD PLAYER UNITSWITCH UNITCD PLAYER UNIT(X32-4XX0-00)SWITCH UNIT(X13-96X2-7X)BU.+5VTRK-ALERchNCVREFRFTEIOP-ARFIOP+GNDSW3S.+BS.GNDVccPD1VRLDFCS+FCS-A.+BFE/CLKSW1BU.5VSPDL-/MSTOP/MRSTA.GNDFA.5VD.OUTMOTORLO/EJ/RSTDATASW2SLED+LOADEJECTSLED-TRK+PDTELDONTR.INMUTERMUTELD.GNDLchSPDL+PD211+8IGOCare!C41X1CP1CN2R32R35C24R36C26R34R77R37 C28C101C2


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