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Sonoclock 53 SC 5303 DCFService DocumentExchange SetEs gelten die Vorschriften und Sicherheitshinweisegemäß dem Service Manual “Sicherheit“, Material-nummer 720108000000, sowie zusätzlich die even-tuell abweichenden, landesspezifischen Vorschrif-ten!The regulations and safety instructions shall bevalid as provided by the “Safety“ Service Manual,part number 720108000000, as well as therespective national deviations.SDieses Service Dokument ist nur in Datenform verfügbarThis Service Document is only available as dataÄnderungen vorbehalten/Subject to alterationMade by GRUNDIG in Germany H-S 43 1003http:/www.grundig.comSServiceManualSicherheitSafetyMaterialnr./Part No.720108000000IK501Sonoclock 53 SC 5303 DCFIK501Sonoclock 53 SC 5303 DCFIK501Sonoclock 53 SC 5303 DCFIK501Sonoclock 53 SC 5303 DCFIK501Sonoclock 53 SC 5303 DCFIK501Sonoclock 53 SC 5303 DCFIK501Sonoclock 53 SC 5303 DCFIK501Sonoclock 53 SC 5303 DCFIK501Step Signal source ( AM RF Gen. ) Connect toSet signal toAligment indicator connect to Socilloscope or SSVMSet radio dial to Adjust Adjust for Remarks1 A standard radiation loop 460 KHz TP2 Detector Output Terminal Quiet point T2 Maximum2Signal source ( AM RF Gen. ) Connect toSet signal toAligment indicator connect to Socilloscope or SSVMSet radio dial to Adjust Adjust for Remarks1515 KHz( modulated )515 KHz( lowest end )T1( Ssc, coil )21640 KHz( modulated )1640 KHz( Highest end )C3( Osc, coil )3600 KHz ( modulated )600 KHzC5( Ssc, coil )41440 KHz( modulated )1440 KHzC4( Ssc, coil )5Step Signal source ( FM RF Gen. ) Connect toSet signal toAligment indicator( ocsilloscope, VTVM Connect to )Set radio dial to Adjust Adjust for Remarks187.35 MHz modulated 87.35 MHz( lowest end )C2( Osc, coil )2108.25 MHz modulated 108.25 MHz( Highest end )C1( Ssc, trimmer )3 90 MHz modulated 900 MHzc1 ( RF coil ) stretrch orsqueeze4106 MHz modulated 106 MHz C2 ( RF trim )5AM IF ALIGNMENT* UK models must not be able to tune below 87.5 MHzRepeat Steps 3 and 4 as necessary to minimize tracking error. Also repeat steps 1 and 2 if necessary.MW RF ALIGNMENTVolume control max-positionFM FR ALIGNMENTVolume control max-positionReqpeat for maximum outputTP 1,GND (Test point ) through matching network if necessaryAcross speaker voice coil MaximumA standard radiation loop antenna Across speaker voice coil MaximumRepeat Steps 3 and 4 as necessary to minimize tracking error. Also repeat steps 1 and 2 if necessary.Sonoclock 53 SC 5303 DCFIK501