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    Seymour_duncan_100_watt_convertible_man 电路图 维修原理图.pdf

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    Seymour_duncan_100_watt_convertible_man 电路图 维修原理图.pdf

    收音机爱好者资料库 Ra d i o Fa n s .CN If youre like most musicians I know, the first thing you want to do is plug-in your new amp and start playing - the last thing you want to do is read an owners manual. Go ahead and play the amp and see what it can do for you. Once youve completed the breaking in experience, please read through this manual. The Convertible amp was designed to give you any sound thats in your head. To provide that versatility, many unique and exclusive features are built-in. This manual will show you the easy way of getting a wide variety of great sounds just by properly setting up the amp. Enjoy it. If you have any comments about the design of your amp, Id like to hear from you. If you have any ideas for modules or other related products, please write me at the address below. Thank you, P.S. If you havent mailed in your warranty card, please do it now. It may seem like a hassle, but its the only way we have to verify warranty status of your amp. 收音机爱好者资料库 Ra d i o Fa n s .CN Unpacking Inspect your ConvertibleTM amp for hidden damage that may have occurred in transit. Your amp was inspected and sound tested before shipment from the factory. All claims for shipping damage must be made by the receiver. Save your box and packing material for evidence of damage if it has occurred. Packing Materials The original box and packing materials are specially designed to protect your amp during shipment. SAVE ALL PACKING MATERIALS. In the unlikely event that your amp needs to be returned to the factory, the original box and packing material will be necessary for shipment. These are carrier approved packing materials and they will insure safe transit back to the factory. Specifications for 100 watt Convertible Amps Combo Head Weight: 57 lbs 42 lbs Cabinet Dimensions: 19 3/4 h 10 15/16 h 18 25/32 w 21 25/32 w 11 3/8 d 11 1/16 d Power Requirements: 120 volts a.c. (U.S. models) Power Consumption: 480 watts at full rated output. Power Circuit: All tube, EL-34 tubes 100 watt rms 8 ohms from 8 ohm output 120 v.a.c. 5% 1 khz. Damping Factor: From damping output: - Low 0.1 into 4 ohms, - High 4.0 into 8 ohms Input Impedance: 4.7 meg-ohms adjustable to zero via load resistor plugs. Input Sensitivity: (With Normal, Normal, Normal modules): 1.2 millivolts. Dynamic Headroom: 4-5 db 收音机爱好者资料库 Ra d i o Fa n s .CN Table of Contents Front Panel ControlsPage 4-5 Rear Panel Controls.Page 6-7 Module Arrangements.Page 8-9 Preamp Modules.Page 10-11 Changing Modules.Page 12 Tubes Preamp.Page 13 Power.Page 14 Load Resistor Plugs.Page 15 Trouble Shooting.Page 16-18 Blank Module Arrangements.Page 19-20 1) LOAD RESISTOR INPUT (Combo only) Guitar pickups have different output voltages. Using the load resistor plugs supplied with your combo amp, you can match your pickups to the amps input. STANDARD ELECTROMAGNETIC PICKUPS Convertible amps have 4.7 meg-ohm input jacks. Some players prefer using no load resistor plug because they want the brightest sound possible and 4.7 is a good match with their pickups. You should experiment with the two load plugs provided to find your favorite setup. It is recommended that the input impedance of the amp be 10 to 20 times higher than the pick-up output impedance to avoid excessive loading. UNIOUE DESIGN PICKUPS LOW IMPEDANCE PICKUPS: To optimize signal to noise ratio, input impedance should be fairly low - typically 100 to 10k ohms. Try the lOk330pf load resistor plug for great tone and low noise. PIEZO TRANDUCERS (built in to acoustic guitars): To avoid loading down Piezo pickups, the input impedance should be high. Most players like the sound with these pickups using no load resistor plug. ELECTROMAGNETIC ACOUSTIC GUITAR PICKUP: To get a warm, round sound, many players like using the 1 meg load resistor plug, It gives a smooth high end and quiets the signal. 2) MAIN GUITAR INPUT: When using only one instrument, this is the only jack that is live. 3) AUXILIARY GUITAR INPUT: Use this input for a second guitar or other instrument. This is a parallel input to the Main Guitar Input so they will both play through the on channel. If you use the Auxiliary Input for a second instrument, the output volume from both instruments will be reduced. You will have to increase the Master Volume control to compensate. Also, the instrument that is plugged into the Auxiliary Input will have less volume than the instrument plugged into the Main Input. If you need both instruments playing at their loudest volume, you can plug them into a Y cord and run them both through the Main Guitar Input. If you want to use one guitar playing through two amps, plug your guitar into the Main Guitar Input and run a normal guitar cable from the Convertibles Auxiliary Guitar Input to the main input on your second amp. 4) OVERDRIVE: This control dictates the amount of preamp distortion and influences the volume you want to add to your signal. The lowest setting gives the cleanest signal and lowest volume. The highest setting gives the most distortion and highest volume. Technically it controls the gain level applied from Stage 2 to Stage 3 of the preamp, Although the intensity of overdrive varies with the modules YOU use, the relative effect is the same: clockwise increases distortion: counterclockwise decreases distortion. Like all of the preamp controls on this amp, each channel is independent. You can have a clean setting on one channel and a distorted setting on the other channel. 5) MASTER VOLUME: This control sends the signal volume from the preamp to the power amplifier. For the cleanest signal, turn the Master Volume up high and keep the Overdrive low (but not off). For the dirtiest signal turn the Master Volume down (but not off) and the Overdrive up high. 6) CHANNEL 1 INDICATOR (Red): When your amp is in Channel 1 and the power is on, this L.E.D. will glow. Its indicating that only the controls on this row will affect your sound. 7) CHANNEL 2 INDICATOR (Green): When your amp is in Channel 2 and the power is on, this L.E.D. will glow. Its indicating that only the controls on this row will affect your sound. Your Convertible amp uses L.E.D.s instead of bulbs because L.E.D.s will last up to 10 times longer than regular bulbs. Under normal usage, your L.E.D.s should last 10 years. 8) TONE CONTROLS: The two sets of tone controls allow you to get the tone coloration you want from each channel without affecting the tone of the other channel. The three tone controls - treble, mid, bass - are a standard interdependent circuit. As you increase the mid control, the treble and bass will yield less range. Experiment with these controls to find where they work best with your guitar and the room youre playing in. Note: If you turn all tone controls Off (farthest to the left), no sound will come out of your amp. When you re using Low-Cut modules the bass controls will have less effect on your sound because the module s rolling off much of the bass response. The Presence module will be greatly affected by the treble control (See pages 10-11 Preamp Modules for other tone you can get with different modules) TREBLE TONE CONTROLS: These controls you change the high-end response of your amp Each is a high-pass passive that can reduce the signal level 0-38 db with a 6 db per octave slope Turning the dial clockwise increases high-end response: counter reduces the high-end response MID TONE CONTROLS: These controls let you change the volume of mid-range within a range of 0-12 db. Turning the dial increases your midrange volume. BASS TONE CONTROLS: These controls let you change the low-end response of your amp. Each is a low-pass passive filter that can reduce the signal level 0-15 db. Turning the dial clockwise increases the low-end response. 9) REVERB: These controls let you set the amount of reverberation you want in your sound. Turn the reverb control clockwise to increase the amount of reverb and counter-clockwise to decrease. Some players prefer no reverb or one channel only. Can you imagine changing channels with a footswitch and using another switch to turn the reverb on and off? With the two independent reverb controls, you can see as much reverb, as you like on one channel and turn the other channels reverb “off” by simply turning the control counter clockwise That way you can concentrate on your playing and avoid the footswitch distraction. 10) CHANNEL SELECTOR BUTTON: This pushbutton lets you change channels manually The L.E.D s show you which channel is on If you prefer to use a footswitch, use the channel selector button to put the amp in the green L.E.D channel first, then the footswitch will operate 11) CHANNEL SELECTOR JACK: This jack accepts a standard 4 guitar cord (not supplied) for connection to the footswitch. When hooked up, the footswitch allows you to change channels arid take advantage of the independent volume, overdrive, tone, and reverb controls The Seymour Duncan footswitch L.E D will glow only when youre playing through the top channel. Some amps produce a loud pop through their speakers when channel switching The Convertible amp uses a channel switching circuit built into the preamp that is isolated from other electronics No annoying pops will occur when changing channels 12) VARIABLE POWER CONTROL: This control changes the power amplifier current to reduce or increase power amplifier wattage 100 watt tube amps are great for playing in large clubs where you need lots of power, but for smaller places, a low powered amp might be more useful To get amplifier distortion you need to work the power amp section hard - pushing it beyond its limits With the Convertible amp, you dial in the amount of power you need from 100 watts down to 5 watts For the cleanest signal, use all 100 watts and turn the Master Volume control to adjust loudness. For a distorted sound, turn the Master Volume control pas! 1 oclock and use less power. You will get a warm, round distortion that is heard only on small amplifiers Variable Power is not like typical preamp overdrives. The. Variable Power circuit actually controls the cutout stage of the amp. When the Master Volume control is set low you will notice little or no change from the Variable Power control because you are asking the amp to give you very, little wattage. The higher you set the Master Volume control, the more you will notice the effect of Variable Power. Experiment to find where you like it best, Note: The full Power range (5 to 100 watts) is available when running the amp in the Pentode mode (See page 7 for Pentode/Triode switch). Variable Power will control 3 to 60 watts in the Triode mode. 13) VARIABLE POWER JACK: Use this lack with a PASSIVE volume pedal (100-500k ohm range) to remotely change Variable Power. CAUTION: An active volume pedal (the type that uses batteries or a c. power) will not work in the circuit. When you turn up the Variable Power, you not only get the most power available, but also less distortion from the amp. If you want to change Variable Power while youre playing, a volume pedal lets you do it easily. Many players like to use all 100 watts while playing clean rhythm and then use the Variable Power with a volume pedal to reduce the power and get amplifier distortion for lead work Variable Power can also be changed with a footswitch. When the footswitch is off, you will get all 100 watts. When the footswitch is on, you will get only 5 watts. When using the footswitch, the Variable Power Control knob will have no effect. Your only choices are 100 watts or 5 watts. 1) FUSE HOLDER: The fuse is located in the cap of the fuse holder. If the fuse fails, it must be replaced with one that provides proper current protection or you will void the warranty. The proper fuse rating for the 110-120 v.a.c. Convertible amp is 5A 250V slo blow. Before removing the fuse cap, UNPLUG THE POWER CORD FROM THE WALL A.C. OUTLET. After checking the fuse and replacing the fuse cap, you can plug the amp back into the wall. To remove the fuse cap, simply grasp the cap with your fingers, push in, and turn counter-clockwise. To replace the cap, grasp the cap with your fingers, push in, and turn clockwise. Fuses do not wear out; they do not deteriorate with age. Fuses are protection devices that prevent the electronics from damage if there is a serious electrical problem. If your amp repeatedly has fuse failures, check page under Fuse Failure for troubleshooting tips. 2) ON/OFF/ON POWER SWITCH: This switch is designed to turn your amp on and to allow you reverse the a.c. polarity. If youre picking up 60 hz hum from the wall current, put the ON switch in the other ON position. If youre using other equipment like a P.A. and you get a shock when touching the microphone, place the ON switch in the other ON position to eliminate the shock. The middle position is OFF. 3) STANDBY: Use this switch when you will not use the amp for a short time period (like in-between sets). This switch turns off the sound output but keeps the tubes warm and ready to play. Standby switches are important on tube amps because the tubes wear out quickest from temperature change. When the amp is off, the tubes will cool, when theyre on, they get hot. Standby keeps them in operation so they stay warm and give you long life. Because of the high gain circuitry in your amp, it is normal to hear some residual noise through your speaker for one minute after switching into Standby. With the Standby switch in the up position, your amp will be on With the Standby switch in the down position, Standby will be in operation and no sound will come from the amp. 4) A.C. CONVENIENCE OUTLETS: These outlets let you plug in other equipment for a.c. power. They can supply a total of 700 watts. To find out how much wattage your equipment uses, look on the back of the unit where the power cord is located. Most companies will list the wattage demand there. For example, your Convertible amp uses 480 watts. NEVER PLUG IN UNITS THAT DRAW MORE THAN A TOTAL OF 700 WATTS, OR YOU WILL RISK THE POSSIBILITY OF AN ELECTRICAL FIRE. 5) EFFECTS LOOP: Use this circuit with your effects for the least amount of hiss, In older design amps, players had to plug their guitars directly into effects and plug the effects into the guitar input jacks on their amps. With the Convertible amp, you can plug your guitar into the guitar input jack and run your effects through the Effects Loop. The Send Level control lets you match the Effects Loop output to the input of your effects. When the level is set too low, too much hiss will come through the speaker and the volume will be low. When the level is set too high, you will overload the effect input and cause too much distortion Experiment with the setting to find the best match for your effects Effects Send should be connected to the in


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