philips-23rl475 电路原理图.pdf
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philips-23rl475 电路原理图.pdf
PHILIPS gt PHILIPS mica PHILIPSELECTRICALINDUSTRIESOF NEW ZEALANDLIMITED HEAD OFFICE:181-195WAKEFIELDSTREET.WELLINGTON. G.P.O. BOX2097. PHONE 57-250. AUCKLANDBRANCH:5-7HARGREAVES STREET,AUCKLAND.P.O.BOX5124. PHONE 34-410. CHRISTCHURCHBRANCH:77 FERRY ROAD.CHRISTCHURCH.PO.BOX1488. PHONE 65-244. 23RL475 GENERAL Power Supply Speaker 9v. Philips Power PackER4304orEveready765Battery. Controls 6Eliptical,8ohms,6watts Ctin 7transist , 3 5. Four pushbuttonsoff, on,treble, bass cm ry us gor diode Tuning and volume knobs. (1)Thespeakerimpedance is8ohms. (2)With volume controlminimumthetotalcurrent consumptionofthesetwith9volt supplyatan ambient temperature of20Cshould be between12and16M/a. (3)Toadjust the collectorcurrentoftheoutputtransistors,proceedas follows:- (a)TurnVolumeControl downtominimum. (b)Turn trimpotR23tothe rightagainst stop. (c)Insertmeter (range 10Ma) incollector-lineofTR 6atpointXoncircuit. (d) AdjustcollectorcurrentofTR 7 (AC128)atabatteryvoltageof 9volt by meansoftrimpotR23to 3Maatan ambient temperatureof20C.This adjustmentshould not be normallynecessaryunlessthetransistorshave beenreplaced. (4)Forthepositionof trimmers andcoils seethe trimmerlocation diagrams. ALIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS Turntuningcondensertominimumcapacity(higher frequency) and the volume controlto maximum.Keep the audio outputlevel constant atapproximately50 Mwduring alignmentoperations. Screw outall coresofLP.transformersexceptL15-Ll6 and L7-L8. Trimming FrequencyConnect Signal GeneratorAdjust for Max. Output 455KcVia 33K pfdto baseTR 2Cores L15-L16, L11-12 Modulated30% 400/Fr . Cabinet Front Grille Rear Grille Dial Scale Speaker8ohms P.B. Switch KnobTuning Knob Volume Handle Dial Scale Stud AerialPlug Dial Pointer L7.La,L9.LIo_ LII.LI2.L13.LI4. VIEWSFROMPINENDS. BOTTOM VIEW P. BOARD VOLTAGE READINGS ARE TAKEN BETWEEN THE 83: o L|5.LI6. PARTS LIST. -3123 10880830 312310160120 312310400490 312310500270 242325580104 3122 10843170 312310400510 312310400520 312310810140 312310040030 4823264 18027 312310100050 Transistorsand Diodes TRl AF117 TR2AF117 TR3AF117 TR4.AC127 TRSAC125 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM ER4304POWER SUPPLY. BackScrew Feet Choke Coil Aerial AerialRod Oscillator lstI.F. 2ndI.F. 3rdI.F. Tuning Gang Vol. Control TR6AClZ7 ) TR7A0128) X1AA119 X2.AA119 x3BAll4 BOTTOM VIEW POINTSINDICATEDAND THEPOSITIVEPOLE OFTHE BATTERY WITHAVOLTMETER HAVING ASENSITIVITY OF20.000OHMSPERVOLT. 1303711173x10 312310401280 A3.986.92 EN.470.04 56.681.23/4B 312310820040 3122 10823160 312210823160 312210823150 4822 12520004 B0980G/OOB29 Matched Pair SWITCH SKI PRINT BOARD LAYOUT RadioFans.CN