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    PHOTO FACT* Folder SILVERTONE MODELS 9123 (Ch. 110.499), 9124 (Ch.llO.499-1), 9126 (Ch. 11O.499-2) BRIGHTNESS VERT. HOLD HORIZ. HOLD MODEL 9123 CONTRAST VOLUME ON-OFF SWITCH CHANNEL SELECTOR FINE TUNING TRADE NAME Sllvertone, Models 9123 (Ch. 110.499) 9124 (Ch. 110.499-1), 9126 (Ch. 110.499-2) SUPPLIER Sears, Roebuck and Co., 925 S. Homan St., Chicago, Illinois TYPE SET Television Receiver TUBES Twenty One POWER SUPPLY 110-120 Volts AC 60 Cycle TUNING RANGE-Channels 2 thru 15 RATING 1.75 Amp. 117 Volts AC Alignment Instructions Block Diagram Disassembly Instructions Horizontal Sweep Circuit Adj. Parts List and Description Photographs Cabinet-Rear View Capacitor Identification Chassis-Top View INDEX 6,7,8 Photographs (continued) 20 19 19 14,15,16 19 11,18 3 RF Tuner Resistor Identification Trans., Inductor and Alignment Identification Schematic (Main) Schematic (Tuner #2) Tube Placement Chart Voltage and Resistance Measurements 10 12,17 4,9 2 8 13 5 2 K) m 2 S O z gc; o * t HOWARD W. SAMS AC Voltage measured at 1,000 age reaoingS. oh 2. Pin numbers are counted In a clockwise direc- tion on bottom of socket. 3. Measured values are from socket pin to com- mon negative unless otherwise stated. age readings. 5. Front panels controls set at minimum. 6. Where readings may vary according to the setting of the service controls, both minimum and maximum readings are given. (L-66frOUH: SlldOW 3NO133A1IS RadioFans.CN ALIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS ALIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS READ CAREFULLY BEFORE ATTEMPTING ALIGNMENT If set is to be aligned with the picture tube removed, remove the horizontal oscillator tube V15 to disable the high voltage. The local oscillator tube V3 should be removed during IF Alignment to prevent erroneous Indications. VIDEO IF ALIGNMENT DUMMY ANTENNA SIGNAL GENERATOR COUPLING ilgh side to un- grounded tube shield floating over mixer tube V2. Low side to chas- sis. SIGNAL GENERATOR FREQUENCY 22. SMC (Unmod. ) 25.3MC (Unmod.) 21.25MC (Unmod.) CHANNEL Any CONNECT VTVM 3C Probe to Point n to Point point n ADJUST A1,A2 A3,A4 A9 REMARKS Adjust for maximum deflection. n Adjust for MINIMUM deflection. OVERALL VIDEO IF RESPONSE CHECK Connect the synchronized sweep voltage from the signal generator to the horizontal Input of the oscilloscope for horizontal deflection. DUMMY ANTENNA SWEEP GENERATOR COUPLING High side to un- grounded tube shield floating over mixer tube V2. Low side to chassis SWEEP GENERATOR FREQUENCY 24MC (10MC Sweep) MARKER GENERATOR FREQUENCY 22. SMC 2S.2MC CHANNEL Any CONNECT SCOPE Vert . Amp . to Point A Low side to chassis. Connect two matched 100KS2 (-1% resistors In series from Point Is alignment Point E as shown on the schematic. DUMMY ANTENNA .01MFD .01MFD SIGNAL GENERATOR COUPLING High side to pin 4 (Grid) of 6AC7 (V10) Low side to chassis SIGNAL GENERATOR FREQUENCY 4. SMC ( Unmod . ) CHANNEL Any CONNECT VTVM JC Probe to Point ? Common to chas- sis. JC Probe to Point ) Common to Point Joint ADJUSTREMARKS Check for response as per Fig 1. with markers as shown. If necessary SLIGHTLY retouch Al, A2, A3, and A4 for optimum response. C to chassis. The Junction of these two resistors ADJUST A5,A6, A7 A8 REMARKS Adjust for maximum deflection. Adjust for zero reading. A positive and negative reading will be obtained on either side of the correct setting. Continue with step 7. SOUND IF ALIGNMEIv I USING FM SIGNAL GENERATOR AND OSCILLOSCOPE Use frequency modulated signal with 60% modulation and 450KC sweep. Use 13CX sawtooth voltage In scope for horizontal deflection. DUMMY ANTENNA .01MFD .01MFD SWEEP GENERATOR COUPLING High side to pin 4 (Grid) of 6AC7 (V8). Low side to chassis SWEEP GENERATOR FREQUENCY 4. SMC (4SOKC Sweep) MARKER GENERATOR FREQUENCY 4. SMC CHANNEL Any CONNECT SCOPE Vert. Amp. to Polnt Low side to chassis. Vert . Amp . to PolntOv Low side to chassis. ADJUST A5.A6, A7 A5.A8 REMARKS Disconnect stabilizer capacitor C4. Adjust A5, A6, and A7 ror maximum amplitude and symmetry as per Fig 2, Reconnect stabilizer capacitor C4. Adjust AS so 4.5MC marker occurs at center of crossover lines as per Fig 3. SLIGHTLY retouch A5 for maximum amplitude and stralghtness of crossover lines. RF . MIXER ALIGNMENT -TUNER* Connect the synchronized sweep voltage from the signal generator to the horizontal Input of the oscllloscooe for horizontal deflection. v Connect a 1000MMF capacitor from the grid of the first video amplifier (6AU6, V4) to chassis Keen leads short as possible. Connect the DC Probe of VTVM to the Junction of R24 and C31, common to chassis. Set contrast control to read -3V The signal generator should be terminated with a resistance equal to Its output Impedance (usually 50 ohms) These adjustments are normally very stable and alignment should not be attempted unless they are known to be out of alignment. DUMMY ANTENNA Two 1202 carbon res. ti it ii SWEEP GENERATOR COUPLING Across antenna t er- mlnals with 120S2 In each lead. n SWEEP GENERATOR FREQUENCY 177MC (10MC Sweep) 183MC (10MC Sweep) 189MC (10MC Sweep) 195MC (10MC Sweep ) 201MC (10MC Sweep) 207MC (10HC Sweep) 213MC (10MC Sweep ) MARKER GENERATOR FREQUENCY 175.25MC 179.75MC 181.25MC 185.75MD 187.25MC 191.75MC 193.25MC 197.75M3 199.25MC 203.75MC 205.25MC 209 .75MC 211.25MC 215.75MC CHANNEL 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 CONNECT SCOPE Vert. Amp. thru lOKffi to Polnt<3pt Low side to chas- sis. n n ADJUST A10,A11 A12,A13 REMARKS Adjust for approximately flat top response as per Fig 4 with markers above 70%. Check for response curve as per Fig 4. a 9 9. 10. 12. If markers are below 70% on any channel make slight adjustment of A10, All, channel. Recheck all high band channels. A12, and A13 with channel selector on that PAGE 6 RadioFans.CN 14. 15. 16. 17 18. 21. 23. 24. 26. 28. 29. DUMMY ANTENNA Two 1202 carbon res. SWEEP GENERATOR COUPLING Across antenna ter- minals with 1202 In each lead. 11 n SWEEP GENERATOR FREQUENCY 85MC (10MC Sweep) 79M3 (10MO Sweep) 69MC (10MC Sweep ) 63MC (10MC Sweep) 57IE (10MC Sweep) MARKER GENERATOR FREQUENCY B3.25IC 87.75MC 77.25IC 81.75MC 67.25MC 71.7SMC 61.25MC 65.75IC 55.25MD 59.75IC CHANNEL 6 5 4 3 2 CONNECT SCOPE Vert. Amp. thru 10K2 to Polnto? Low side to chas- sis. ADJUST A14,A15 A16,A17 REMARKS Adjust for approximately flat top response as per Fig. 4 with markers above 70%. Check for response as per Fig 4. H 11 markers are below 70% on any channel make slight adjustment of A14, A1S A16, and A17 with channel selector on that channel. Recheck all low band channels. OSCILLATOR ALIGNMENT-TUNER*! DUMMY ANTENNA Two 1202 carbon res. ri 11 n n * SWEEP GENERATOR COUPLING Across antenna ter- minals with 1302 In each lead. n * n n SWEEP GENERATOR FREQUENCY aisrc (10MC Sweep) 207MC (lOtC Sweep) 201PE (10MC Sweep) 195MC (10MC Sweep) 189te (10MC Sweep) 183MC (10JK Sweep) 177MC (10MC Sweep) 85tK (10MC Sweep) 79M3 (10MC Sweep) 69MS (lone Sweep) 63MC (10tK Sweep) S7MO (10M3 Sweep ) MARKER GENERATOR FREQUENCY 211.25MC 215.75MC 305.25MC 209.75MC 199.25MC 80S.75MC 193.25MC 197.75MC 187.35MC 191.75MC 181.2SMC 185.75MC 175.25IC 179.75MC 83.25M: 87.75M) 77.25M3 81.75M3 67.25W; 71.75113 61.2SM3 65.75IE 55.25MC 59.75MD CHANNEL 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 CONNECT SCOPE Vert. Ajnp. to Point 2 o J* o NOT MORE THAN SOUND 3OS VIDEO MARKER t MARKER RF OSCILLATOR ALIGNMENT POINTS FIG. 4FIG. 5 BGET RadioFans.CN ALIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS CCONTJ RF 8. OSCILLATOR ALIGNMENT CTUNER*2) The sweep generator output lead should be terminated with Its characteristic Impedance, usually 50 ohms. Set the contrast control to measure 1 volt on a VTVH connected between pin 5 of V8 and chassis. Complete SSclllatS? alignment may not be necessary. If the oscillator seems to be off frequency approximately the same amount for a majority of the channels, It may be possible to correct them In one step using A504 It should be notedhat this Is an all channel oscillator circuit adjustment and should not be adjusted for any Individual channel. I? adjustment of A504 will not bring all channels within the range of the fine tuning control It will be necessary to use t individual channel oscillator adjustment for each channel that is off frequency (step 32). The Individual ohamel oscillate? adjustments are reached, through a hold Just to the right of the channel switch shaft. The correct adjustment screw is accessible through this hole as the channel switch Is turned to each channel. DUMMY ANTENNA Two 1202 carbon res. SWEEP GENERATOR COUPLING Across antenna ter- minals with 1208 In each lead. SWEEP GENERATOR FREQUENCY 207MC (10IK Sweep ) 213MC (10MC Sweep ) 207MC (10MC Sweep ) 201MC (lore Sweep ) 19bMC (10MC Sweep) 18SMC (10MO Sweep ) 183r (10MC Sweep ) 177MC (10MC Sweep) 85MC (10MC Sweep) 79MC (10MC Sweep) 69I1C (10MC Sweep ) 63MD (10MC Sweep) 57MC (10MC Sweep) MARKER GENERATOR FREQUENCY 205.25MC 209.75MC 211.25MC 215.75MC 205.25MC 209.75MC 199.25MC 203.75MC 19B.iibrE 197.75MO 1 8 7 . 2 5 * 191.75MC 181.25rE 185.75MC 175.25MC 179.75MC 83 .25MC 87.75MC 77.25MC 81.75IC 67.25rE 71.75MC 61.25MC 65.75MC 55.25MC 59.75MO CHANNEL 12 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 CONNECT SCOPE Vert . Amp . to Point A. Low side to chassis. ADJUST A501, A502, A503 A505 A506 A507 A508 A509 A510 A511 A512 A513 A514 A515 A516 REMARKS Adjust for response curve similar to Fig S. Adjust to place markers as shown in Fig 5. 31. 32. A PHOTOFACT STANDARD NOTATION SCHEMATIC Howard W. Sams 8, Co., Inc. 1949 RF TUNER *2 PAGES RadioFans.CN RF TUNER-LEFT SIDE RF TUNER-RIGHT SIDE PAGE 1O RadioFans.CN CHASSIS BOTTOM VIEW-CAI PAGE 18 RadioFans.CN CM) (C6!) v. y v ./ ;APACITOR IDENTIFICATION PAGE 11 RadioFans.CN CHASSIS BOTTOM VIEW-RES PAGE 12 RadioFans.CN Ki CJ n o- t- o Jh LSISTOR IDENTIFICATION PAGE 17 RadioFans.CN BOTTOM VIEW O TUBE PLACEMENT CHART (L-66frOL L H3) snaow (66frOL I MD) CC16 RadioFans.CN TUBES (SYLVANIA or Equivalent) PARTS LIST AND I CAPACITORS C( ITEM No. VIA B V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 Vll V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18 V19 V20 V21A B USE RF Amp. RF Amp. Mixer Oscillator 1st Video IF Amp. End Video IF Amp. 3rd Video IF Amp. Video Det.4 AGO Rect. Video Amp. DC Rest. -Sync. Sep. -Sync. Pbase Inverter Sound IF Amp. Ratio Det.-AF Amp. Audio Output Vert. Osc.-Vert Amp. Hor. Phase Det. Hor. Osc, Hor. Output Damper HV Rectifier LV Rectifier LV Rectifier Picture Tube Picture Tube REPLACEMENT DATA SILVERTONE PART No. 6J6 6AG5 6J6 6J6 6AU6 6AU6 6AU6 6AL5 6A07 12AU7 6AU6 6T8 6V6GT 6SN7GT 6AL5 12AU7 6BG6G 6W4GT 1B3GT 6X5GT 5U4G 12LP4 10BP4 STANDARD REPLACEMENT 6J6 6AG5 6J6 6J6 6AU6 6AU6 6AU6 6AL5 6AC7 12AU7 6AU6 6T8 6V6GT 6SN7GT 6AL5 12AU7 6BG6G 6W4GT 1B3GT 6X5GT 5U4G 1SLP4 10BP4 RMA BASE TYPE 7BF 7BD 7BF 7BF 7BK 7BK 7BK 6BT 8N 9A 7BK 9E 7AC 8BD 6BT 9A SET 400 30 6S 5T 12D 12D NOTES Used In Tuner ft Used In Tuner C2 Used In Tuner ft Used In models 9124 and 9126 Used In model 9123 ITEM No. 056 057 058 059 C60 061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 070 071 C72 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080 081 082 083 084 085 086 087 RATING CAP. .01 .005 .005 .01 .002 . 0 0 5 .005 4700 .1 . 2 5 .001 .001 .01 .01 .1 .005 .1 390 3900 390 270 36 36 .05 .25 .25 220 . 2 5 500 .1 . 0 2 .02 VOLT 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 500 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 200 500 500 500 500 1500 1500 600 400 600 2500 600 10000 600 600 600 REPLACEMENT DATA SILVERTONE PART No. P1988 P1987 P1987 P1988 P19101 P19120 P 19 120 P1992 P191S1 P19108 P1991 P1991 P1988 P1988 P19100 P1987 P19111 P19122 P19107 P199S P1994 P19135 P19135 P1996 P1995 P19108 P19136 P19108 P1998-1 P1989 P19106 P19106 AEROVOX PART No. P688-01 P688-005 P688-005 P688-01 P688-002 P688-005 P688-005 1467-005 P688-1 684-25 P688-001 P688-001 P688-01 P688-01 P688-1 P688-005 P288-1 1468-0004 1468-0004 1468-00025 P688-05 P488-25 684-25 684-25 P688-1 P688-02 P688-02 CORNELL- DUBILIER PART No. GT6S1 GT6D5 GT6D5 GT6S1 GT6D2 GT6D5 GT6D5 1D5D5 GT6P1 GT6P25 GT6D1 GT6D1 GT6S1 GT6S1 GT6P1 GT6D5 GT2P1 5W5T4 5W5T4 5W5T25 GT6S5 GT4P25 GT6P25 GT6P25 GT6P1 GT6S2 GT6S2 1 GP2 GP2 GP2 GP2 GP2 QP2 GP2 GP2 GPS GP GP GP GPZ GPi GP GPE 41C CAPACITORS Capacity values given in the rating column are in mid. lor Electrolytic and Paper Capacitors, and in mmfd. lor Mica and Ceramic Capacitors. ITEM No. CIA B C2A B C C3 C4 C5A B C D 06 C7 C8 C9 CIO Oil 012 CIS 014 015 C16 C17 018 019 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 025 C26 0 2 7 C28 C29 C30 031 C32 033 C34 035 C36 037 0 3 8 039 C40 C41 C42 C43 C44 C45 C46 C47 048 049 C50 C51 C52 C53 C54 055 RA CAP. 40 40 40 20 10 500 1 40 20 10 10 100 10 10 1500 270 270 1.5 1.5 . 6 8 5 2 . 2 1500 22 1500 10 4.7 4.7 1500 1500 68 270 5000 5000 5000 100 . 1 5000 5000 100 5000 5000 5000 100 100 5 10000 . 0 1 4 7 0 680 67 47 . 1 22 390 5000 . 0 2 .001 3300 . 0 5 . 0 0 5 ING VOLT 450 450 250 250 150 6 SO 450 450 450 450 25 500 400 400 500 500 500 600 500 500 600 600 2 0 0 600 SILVERTONE PART No. A20126 A20127 P20128 P20129 A20125 P20130 P19109 P19109 P19109 P19110 P19111 P19109 P19109 P19110 P19109 P19109 P19109 P19110 P19110 P19114 P19113 P19116 P19105 P19104 P19121 P1990 P19117 P19109 P19115 P19103 P19118 P19119 P1987 REPLACEMENT DATA AEROVOX PART No. AFH88J AFH84F2D PRS6/500 E26E39 AF8422J PRS50/100 1468-00025 1467-005 1467-005 1467-005 1468-0001 P488-1 1467-005 1467-005 1468-0001 1467-005 1467-005 1467-005 1468-0001 1468-0001 1468-000005 P488-01 P488-01 1 4 6 8 - 0 0 0 5 1469-00005 P688-1 1468-000025 1468-0004 1467-005 P688-02 P688-001 P288-05 P688-005 CORNELL- DUBILIER PART No. UP4445 UP43145C BRH605 BBR1-50 UP421145 BRH251A 5W5T25 1D5D5 1D5D5 1D5D5 5W5T1 GT4P1 1D5D5 1D5D5 5W5T1 1D5D5 1D5D5 1D5D5 5W5T1 5W5T1 5W5V5 GT4S1 GT4S1 5W5T5 1W5T7 5R5Q5 GT6P1 5W5Q25 5W5T4 1D5D5 GT6S2 GT6D1 GT2S5 GT6D5 ERIE PART No. NPOK-10 NPOK-10 GP2L-0015 GP2K-270 GP2K-270 NPOK-5 GP2L-0015 GP1K-22 GP2L-0015 NPOK-10 NPOK-4.7 NPOK-4.7 GP2L-0015 GP2L-0015 GP1K-270 811-005 811-005 811-005 GP1K-100 811-005 811-005 GP1K-100 811-005 811-005 811-005 GP1K-100 GP1K-100 NPOK-5 821-01 GP2-335-01 GP2K-470 GP2K-680 NPOM-50 GP1K-22 GP2K-390 811-005 GP2L-001 GP2M-0033 GP2M-005 SPRAGUE PART No. TVL-64 D9041 TVA-4 TVA-11 TVL-40 TVA-8 1FM-325 29C1 2901 2901 1FM-31 TM-1 29C1 29C1 1FM-31 2901 29C1 2901 1FM-31 1FM-31 MS-55 3601 TM-11 1FM-35 1FM-37 MS -45 TM-1 MS-425 1FM-34 2901 TM-12 TM-21 TM-15 TM-2S IDENTIFICATION CODES AND INSTALLATION NOTES - Filter i Filter - Filter Filter * V. Amp. Screen Byp. Bias Filter Stabilizing Cap. - Filter Decoupling A Vert. Osc. Dec. Vert. Output Dec. Vert. Output Cath. Byp. Fixed Trimmer Fixed Trimmer AGC Filter RF Coupling RF Coupling Neutralizing Neutralizing RF Coupling RF Coupling RF Coupling RF Decoupling Fixed Trimmer Osc. Decoupling Fixed Trimmer Osc. Feedback Osc. Feedback Filament Bypass Mixer Decoupling Fixed Trimmer IF Coupling AGC Filter 1st V. IF Decoupling 1st V. IF Fll. Bypass IF Coupling AGC Filter 2nd V. IF Decoupling 2nd V. IF Fll. Bypass IF Coupling 3rd V. IF Cath. Bypass 3rd V. IF Decoupling 3rd V. IF Fll. Bypass IF Coupling IF Coupling V. Diode Filter Bias Filter AGC Filter V. Amp. Cath. Bypass V. Amp. Cath. Bypass Tlxed Trimmer rixed Trimmer Video Coupli


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