PHOTOFACT* Folder RCA VICTOR MODELS 14-S-7O52, U, 14-S-7O7O, U, 14-S-7O71, U, 14-S-7O74, U, (Ch. KCS1O2B, D) DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS CHASSIS REMOVAL 1. Remove 6 push-on type knobs from side of cabinet. 2. Remove 3 metal screws holding front trim and remove trim. 3. Bend 2 tabs at top of safety glass up and remove safety glass. 4. Remove 6 metal screws and remove rear cover. 5. Remove speaker leads. 6. Remove 1 metal screw holding chassis to brace at top. 7. Place receiver front down on a pad. 8. Remove 3 chassis screws from bottom. 9. Lift cabinet off of chassis. 10. Remove 2 speaker nuts and remove speaker. MODEL 14-S-7052 CHASSIS KCS102B SERVICING IN THE FIELD TUNER OSCILLATOR ADJUSTMENTS Touch-up adjustments of the VHF tuner oscillator circuit may be accomplished by removing the channel selector and fine tuning knobs. PICTURE TUBE SAFETY GLASS CLEANING 1. Remove 3 metal screws from bottom holding front trim and remove trim. 2. Bend up tabs at top of safety glass and remove safety glass. 3. Caution: Use only a soft cloth and water to clean safety glass. FOCUS Adjust Ion trap for best focus consistent with maximum brightness. HORIZONTAL OSCILLATOR FIELD ADJUSTMENT The horizontal frequency coil is located on the control panel of the chassis and is used as the horizontal hold control. Adjust the horizontal hold until the picture synchronizes horizontally. FUSES One fuse is used for horlz. sweep circuit protection. (For location see tube placement chart.) CENTERING Centering is accomplished mechanically by adjusting two magnetic rings around the neck of the picture tube. Rotate the two rings around the neck of the tube until the picture Is properly centered. i o i m JS -* a K N 09 O k.s HOWARD W. SAMS AC voltage measured at 1,000 ohms per volt. 4. 2. Pin numbers are counted i n a clockwise direction on bottom of socket. 5. Measured values are fr unl Line voltage ma All controls set ocket pin to common negative tated. intained at 117 voltsfor voltage readings. for normal operation; no signal applied, A PHOTOFACT STANDARD NOTATION SCHEMATIC O Howird W. Smt A Co., Inc. 19S7 PAGE 2 RadioFans.CN SOUND IF V6) 6AU6 HORIZ OUTPUT ii) 6DO6A DO NOT MEASURE 39KIW 240V RadioFans.CN AUDIO OUTPUT (re)6AQ5 (Viewed From Side (Viewed From Outside adjacent To Chassis Edge of Chassisl Center) RCA VICTOR MODELS 14-S-7O52, U, 14-S-7O7O, U, 14-S-7O71, U, 14-S-7O74, U, (Ch. KCS1O2B, D) RadioFans.CN RCA VICTOR MODELS 1 4-S-7US2, U, I 4-b-/U/U, U, 14-5-7071, U, 14-S-7074, U (Ch. KCS1O2B, D) M3IA dOl SISSVHD RadioFans.CN CHASSIS BOTTOM VIEW-CAPACITOR At PAGE 4 RadioFans.CN DR AND ALIGNMENT IDENTIFICATION PAGE 9 RadioFans.CN CHASSIS BOTTOM VIEW-RESISTOR PAGE 8 RadioFans.CN ilSTOR AND INDUCTOR IDENTIFICATION SET 354 FOLDER 16 PAGE 5 RadioFans.CN ALIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS ALIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS READ CAREFULLY BEFORE ATTEMPTING ALIGNMENT The high voltage lead should be securely taped and kept away from the chassis. VIDEO IF ALIGNMENT Connect a 1000 ohm potentiometer across a 7. 5 volt bias battery (capable of an appreciable current drain). Connect the potentiometer to point and the positive lead of the battery to chassis. Set the potentiometer arm to provide -3. 5 volts at point , Connect the synchronized sweep voltage from the sweep generator to the horizontal input of the oscilloscope for horizontal deflection. DUMMY ANTENNA 1500MMF SWEEP GENERATOR COUPLING High side to point . Low side to tuner chassis High side to point . Low side to chassis. Use shortest leads possible with no more than 1 inch exposed on end of hot lead. SWEEP GENERATOR FREQUENCY Not used. 44MC (10MC Swp) MARKER GENERATOR FREQUENCY 45. SMC 4 3. OMC 4 7. 2 SMC 43. OMC 45. 75MC 41. 2 SMC 43. OMC 4 5. OMC 45. 75MC CHANNEL Any unused channel. ADDITIONAL VTDEO IF A DUMMY ANTENNA 1500MMF ceramic capacitor and 1000ft carbon resistor in series. Two 130S2 carbon resistors SWEEP GENERATOR COUPLING High side to front termi- nal of 1N82 crystal holder after removing crystal apperture cover. Use shortest leads pos- sible and connect low side to tuner case. Across VHF antenna terminals with 130ft In each lead. Across UHF antenna terminals with 130ft in each lead. SWEEP GENERATOR FREQUENCY 44MC (10MC Swp) See VHF freq. chart. See UHF freq. chart. MARKER GENERATOR FREQUENCY 41. 25MC 45. 75MC See VHF freq. chart. See UHF freq. chart CHANNEL UHF Between channels 68 and 89. Ail VHF channels. All UHF channels. CONNECT SCOPE USE VTVM DC probe to point . Common to chassis. Vert amp. thru de- tector probe (Fig. 1J to pin 2 (plate) of 6CH8 (V3). Low side to chassis. Vert. amhat Is essentially the same on all channels by retouching Al and A2. Check for response similar to Fig. 5 on all UHF channels, retouching A9 and AID, If necessary, to correct for any overall tilt. Remove test equipment and bias battery. Do tot retouch any adjustments other than A9 and A10. IOK 1N34 .OOSmtt To Scope or VTVM 1 100 100K 10K mmf M 09 O Channel p requency Video Sound No. Band (Me) Carrier Carrier 2 54-60 55.25 59.75 3 60-66 61.25 65.75 4 66-72 67.25 71.75 6 82-88 83.25 87.75 7 174-180 175.25 179.75 8 180-186 181.25 185.75 9 186-192 187.25 191.75 10 192-198 193.25 197.75 11 198-204 199.25 203.75 12 204-210 205.25 209.75 13 210-216 211.25 215.75 15 476-482 477.25 481.75 16 482-488 483.25 487.75 18 494-500 495.25 499.75 19 500-506 501.25 505.75 20 506-512 507.25 511.75 21 512-518 513.25 517.75 22 518-524 519.25 523.75 Channel Frequency Video Sound No. Band (Me) Carrier Carrier 23 524-530 525.25 529.75 24 530-536 531.25 535.75 25 536-542 537.25 541.75 27 548-554 549.25 553.75 28 554-560 555.25 559.75 29 560-566 561.25 565.75 30 566-572 567.25 571.75 31 572-578 573.25 577.75 32 578-584 579.25 583.75 33 584-590 585.25 598.75 34 590-596 591.25 595.75 36 602-608 603.25 607.75 37 608-614 609.25 6 3.75 39 620-626 621.25 6 5.75 40 626-632 627.25 6 1.75 41 632-638 633.25 6 7.75 42 63ri-64-l 639.25 6 3.75 13 6-14-650 645.25 6 9.75 Channel Frequency Video Sound NO. Band (Me) Carrier Carrier 4 650-656 651.25 655.75 5 656-662 657.25 661.75 6 662-668 663.25 667.75 8 674-680 675.25 679.75 49 680-686 681.25 685.75 50 686-692 687.25 691.75 51 692-698 693.25 697.75 52 698-704 699.25 703.75 53 04-710 705.25 709.75 54 10-716 711.25 715.75 55 16-722 717.25 721.75 57 28-734 729.25 733.75 58 34-740 735.25 739.75 60 46-752 747.25 751.75 61 52-758 753.25 757.75 62 5H-764 759.25 763.75 63 64-770 765.25 769.75 Channel Frequency Video Sound No. Band (Me) Carrier Carrier 64 770-776 771.25 775.75 65 776-782 777.25 781.75 66 782-788 783.25 787.75 68 794-800 795.25 799.75 69 800-806 801.25 805.75 70 806-812 807.25 811.75 71 812-818 813.25 817.75 72 818-824 819.25 823.75 73 824-830 825.25 829.75 74 830-836 831.25 835.75 75 836-842 837.25 841.75 77 848-854 849.25 853.75 78 854-860 855.25 859.75 80 866-872 867.25 871.75 81 872-878 873.25 877.75 82 878-884 879.25 683.75 83 884-890 885.25 889.75 560K Input FIG.6 FIG.4 FIG.5 FIG. 7 PAGE 7 RadioFans.CN To UHF Tuner Antenna Terminals Ufir-WTuFrie7Anten Connections Used In Model 14-S-7052U A PHOTOFACT STANDARD NOTATION SCHEMATIC g How.rd W. Semi ft Co., Inc. 1957 UHF Tuner KRK 36-F. VHP Tuner KRK 29-D - Used With Chassis KCS 1020 ALTERNATE UHF-VHF TUNER SCHEMATIC RadioFans.CN TUBE PLACEMENT CHART CHANNEL SELECTOR HORIZ AFC HORIZ OSC HORIZ HOLD 0 0 HORIZ WAVEFORM HORIZ OUTPUT A V 6DQ6A I r*S OFF-QN VOL (MOUNTED BEHIND BRIGHTNESS CONTROL-REAR VIEW! ye n SI S? 8? TUBE FAILURE CHECK CHART OB O 2P c The following chart lists tubes whose failures are most likely to produce the indicated symptoms. Refer to tube placement chart for location and type of tube. POWER SUPPLY FAILURE No raster, no sound - V14 LOSS OF PICTURE OR SOUND No pic, no sound, has raster - V3,V4, Diode ( M 2 ) , V5 No pic, no sound, has snow - VI, V2 No pic, has .sound, has raster - V5, V15 Has pic, no sound - V6, V7, V8 SYNC FAILURE No vert, sync - V3, V4, V5, V9 No horiz. sync - V4, V5, V10 No vert, or horiz. sync - V4, V5 SWEEP FAILURE No raster, has sound - V10, Vll, V12, V13, V15, Fuse (Ml) No vertical deflection - V3, V9 Poor vert, linearity or foldover -V3, V9 Poor horiz. linearity or foldover - V10, VU, V12 Narrow picture - V10, Vll, V12, V14 Vert, off freq. - V3, V4, V5, V9 Horiz. off freq. - V4, V5, V10 SET 354 FOLDER 16 PAGE 11 RadioFans.CN TUBES (GENERAL ELECTRIC, SYLVANIA) ITEM No. VI V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 USE RF Amp. Mlxer-Osc. 1st Video IF Amp. - Vert Mult. 2nd Video IF Amp. - Sync Amp. Video Output -Sync Sep. Sound IF Amp. TYPE 6CB6 6U8 6CH8 6CH8 6AW8 6 AH 6 NOTES ITEM No. V7 V8 V9 V10 Vll V12 V13 V14 USE Audio Det. Audio Output Vert Mult. -Vert Output Horlz. AFC-Horlz. Osc. Horiz. Output Damper HV Rectifier LV Rectifier TYPE 6DT8 6AQ5 6AQ5 6CG7 6DQ6A 6AX4GT 1X2B 5U4GB NOTES PICTURE TUBE ITEM No. V15 REPLACEMENT DATA RCA Victor PART No. 14RF4A CBS PAST No. GENERAt ElECTRIC PART No. 14RP4A CD 14RP4 SYLVANIA PART No. 14HP4A NOTES CD Alumlnlzed (2 Silver Screen 85 ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS ITEM No. CIA B C D RATING CAP. .80 100 .10 20 VOLT. 350 350 300 50 REPLACEMENT DATA RCA Victor PART No. 103111 AEROVOX PART No. AFH4-56-80 , CORNELL- DUBILIER PART No. C0896 f BR205 l MALLORY PAST No. -FP389. 1 TC80 PYRAMID PART No. SANGAMO PART No. rT-537 -MT-4580 SPRAGUE PART No. R2352 * Non catalog Item. FIXED CAPACITORS Capacity values given in the rating column are in mfd. for Paper Capacitors, and in mnifd. for Mica and Ceramic Capacitors. ITEM No. C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CIO Cll C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 CIS C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 C28 C29 C30 C31 C32 C33 C34 C35 C36 C37 C38 C39 C40 C41 C42 C43 C44 C45 C46 C47 C48 C49 C50 C51 C52 C53 C54 C55 C56 C57 C58 C59 C60 C61 C62 C63 C64 C65 C66 C67 C68 C69 C70 C71 C72 C73 C74 C75 C76 C77 C78 C79 RATING CAP. 270 1000 1-4 1000 1000 18 270 390 270 12 10 82 100 1-4 2 1000 470 10000 470 470 27 100 1000 560 4700 5 .047 1000 .39 9 .1 .047 .022 3 56 10000 10000 10000 10000 1000 .0015 10 .047 10000 .0063 .0039 .33 1000 .033 330 330 10000 .0047 .0033 .01 .0027 .022 .033 .022 .056 .001 .015 .027 82 .022 .47 330 .01 47 .001 .001 .1 470 .039 120 .1 .1 82 VOLT 200 400 400 200 400 600 200 200 1000 200 600 600 600 400 600 600 400 400 200 1600 200 600 400 200 600 600 600 600 1000 3500 400 100 2000 REPLACEMENT DATA RCA Victor PART No. 77838 77084 76532 77252 77084 57517 77838 75641 77838 79710 77865 78603 79735 76532 77084 77293 73960 77293 77293 79488 77252 103033 73473 77688 78921-A 77252 103034 103035 77423 78921-A 79932 102415 71924 73960 73960 73960 73960 102234 103031 103174 78921-A 73960 102078 73804 102075 77252 102227 100123 100123 73960 73920 102174 102220 102224 103036 73552 79932 73791 73849 79530 75345 76474 79932 79148 76476 73594 79063 75249 75643 79149 77293 74728 79532 77423 77423 AEROVOX PART No. BPD-00027 EF-001 BPD-001 EF-001 NPO-SI 18 BPD-00027 BPD-00039 BPD-00027 BPD-00001 NPO-SI 10 BPD-0001 NPO-SI 2. 2 EF-001 BPD-00047 BPD-01 BPD-00047 BPD-00047 NPO-SI 27 N750-S1 100 BPD-001 BPD-00056 BPD-0047 NPO-SI 5 BPD-05 BPD-001 P488N-39 N750-SI 9 P488N-1 BPD-05 BPD-02 N750-SI 3 NPO-SI 56 BPD-01 BPD-01 BPD-01 BPD-01 BPD-001 BPD-0015 BPD-05 BPD-01 BPD-0068 P1088N-004 P288N-33 BPD-001 BPD-03 BPD-00033 N750-SI 330 BPD-01 BPD-0047 BPD-0033 BPD-01 BPD-003 BPD-02 BPD-03 BPD-02 BPD-05 P1688N-001 BPD-015 BPD-03 1468-000082 BPD-02 P288N-47 1468-00033 BPD-01 1468-000047 BPD-001 BPD-001 P688N-1 BPD-00047 P1088N-04 P488N-1 P188N-1 rENTRALAB PART No. DD-271 MFT-1000 829-4 DD-102 MFT-1000 TCZ-18 DD-271 DD-391 DD-271 DD-120 TCZ-10 D6-82 DD-101 829-4 TCZ-2.2 MFT-1000 DD-471 DD-103 DD-471 DD-471 TCZ-27 TCN-100 DD-102 DD-561 D6-472 TCZ-5 DF-503 DD-102 TCN-9 DF-104 DF-503 DF-203 TCN-3 TCZ-56 DD-103 DD-103 DD-103 DD-103 DD-102 DD-152 DF-503 DD-103 DD-102 DF-303 DD-331 TCN-330 DD-103 D6-472 D6-332 DD-103 D6-272 DF-203 DF-303 DF-203 DF-503 DD30-102 DF-203 DF-303 DF-203 DD-103 DD-470 DD-102 DD-102 DF-104 DD-471 DF-403 DD60-121 DF-104 DF-104 DD3-820 , CORNELL- DUBILIER PART No. L10T27 BYA6D1 C10Q18C L10T27 L10T39 L10T29 L10T12 C10Q1C L10Q82 L10T1 C10V2C BYA10D47 BYA6S1 BYA10D47 BYA10D47 C10Q27C C10T1U BYA6D1 BYA10T56 BYA10D47 C10V5C CUB2S47 BYA6D1 CUB4P39 C10V9U CUB4P1 CUB2S47 CUB4S22 C10Q56C BYA6S1 BYA6S1 BYA6S1 BYA6S1 BYA6D1 CUB6D15 CUB2S47 BYA6S1 CUB2D68 CUB10D4 CUB2P33 BYA6D1 CUB6S33 L10T33 L10T33U BYA6S1 CUB6D47 CUB6D33 CUB4S1 CUB6D27 CUB6S22 CUB4S33 CUB4S22 CUB2S56 CUB16D1 CUB2S15 CUB6S27 5W5Q82 CUB4S22 CUB2P47 5W5T33 CUB6S1 5W5Q47 CUB6D1 CUB6D1 CTJB6P1 BYA10T47 CUB10S39 CUB4P1 CUB1P1 HVA20Q82 ERIE PART No. ED-270 3115-B ED-1000 TCO-18 ED-270 ED-390 ED-270 ED-12 TCO-10 ED-82 ED-100 3115-E TCO-2. 2 ED-470 GP-10000 ED-470 ED-470 TCO-27 TC7-100 ED-1000 ED-560 GP-4700 TCO-5 ED-1000 TC7-9 ED-02 TC7-3 TCO-56 GP-10000 GP-10000 GP-10000 GP-10000 ED-1000 GP-10000 ED-1000 ED-330 TC7-330 GP-10000 GP-4700 GP-3300 GP-10000 GP-2700 ED-02 ED-02 ED-015 ED-82 ED-02 ED-330 GP-10000 ED-47 GP-1000 GP-1000 ED-470 MALLORY PART No. UC-5327 CT551 DC521 UC-5327 UC-5339 UC-5327 UC-5412 ZT-541 UC-531 CT551 UC-5347 DC 511 UC-5347 UC-5347 NT-531 DC 521 UC-5356 UC-5247 ZT-555 GEM-2147 DC521 GEM-4039 NT-541 GEM-401 GEM-2147 GEM-4122 DC511 DC5U DC 511 DC 511 DC 521 GEM-6215 GEM-2147 DC 511 GEM-2268 GEM-10239 GEM-2033 DC 521 GBM-6133 UC-5333 DC 511 GEM-6247 GEM-6233 GEM-411 GEM-6227 GEM-6122 GEM-4133 GEM-4122 GEM-2156 GEM-1621 GEM-2115 GEM-6127 UC-5482 GEM-4122 GEM-2047 UC-5333 GEM-611 UC-5447 GEM-621 GEM-621 GEM-601 UC-5347 GEM-10139 GEM-401 GEM-101 SPRAGUE PART No. 5GA-T27 503C-D1 5HK-D1 503C-D1 5GA-T27 5GA-T39 5GA-T27 5GA-Q12 5TCC-Q1 5GA-Q82 5GA-T1 5TCCB-V22 503C-D1 5GA-T47 5HK-S1 5GA-T47 5GA-T47 5TCU-T1 5HK-D1 5GA-T56 5HK-D47 5TCCB-V47 2TM-S47 5HK-D1 4TM-P39 5TCU-Q1 4TM-P1 2TM-S47 4TM-S22 5HK-S1 5HK-S1 5HK-S1 5HK-S1 5HK-D1 6TM-D15 2TM-S47 5HK-S1 2TM-D68 10TM-D39 2TM-P33 5HK-D1 6TM-S33 5GA-T33 5TCU-T33 5HK-S1 6TM-D47 6TM-D33 4TM-S1 6TM-D27 6TM-S22 4TM-S33 4TM-S22 2TM-S56 16TM-D1 2TM-S15 6TM-S27 MS-456 4TM-S22 2TM-P47 MS-333 6TM-S1 MS-447 6TM-D1 6TM-D1 6TM-P1 5GA-Q47 10TM-S39 4TM-P1 1TM-P1 NOTES Note 1 N220 PARTS LIST Ah CON ITEM No. R1A B C R2A B R3A B R4A B R5A B R6A B RATING RESIST- ANCE IMeg Shalt Switch 15000 Shaft 200K Shaft 1. 5Meg Shaft SMeg Shaft 1. 5Meg Shaft WATTS i i i k i i REPLACEME RCA Victor PART No. 103105 103106 103108 103107 103110 103109 CENTRAIAB PART No. BT-72 Not Req. KB-1 B-6 Not Req. B-46 Not Req. AB-87 AK-1 BX-842 Not Req. C1ARO PART A47F-U. FS-3 SWE-12 A47-150 FS-3 A47-200 FS-3 A47-1.5H FS-3 A47-5M FKS-1/4 A47-1.5H FKS-1/4 RESIS Allwattagesl/2watt, or les ITEM No. R7 H8 R9 RIO Rll R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20 R21 R22 R23 R24 R25 R26 R27 R28 R29 R30 H31 R32 R33 R34 R35 R36 R37 R38 R39 R40 R41 R42 R43 H44 R45 R46 R47 R48 RATING OHMS 22K 56K 47K 1000(2 47(! 100K 100K 2700 seoon 100K 27K 5% 120(2 470SJ 27(i 820(2 6800(2 8200(2 6800(2 5% 470! 470K 680K 150K 180K 1500(2 5% 47K 2700(2 27K 180B 47K 56K 1000(2 B2O 10K 180K 470K 1. SMeg 18K 96012 IMeg 56K 2200(2 680(2 WATT 1 7 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 REPLACEMENT DATA RCA Victor PART No. 502322 502356 512347 502210 502047 502410 502410 502227 502256 502410 502327 502112 50202