PHOTO FACT* Folder PACKARD-BELL MODELS 2291-TV, 2292-TV, 2293-TV, 2294-TV, 2295-TV, 2296-TV, 2297-TV, 2298-TV VOLUME CONTROL ON-OFF SWITCH HORIZ. CONTRAST VERT. BRIGHTNESS HOLD PACKARD - BELL MODEL 2293-TV CHANNEL SELECTOR FINE TUNING TRADE NAME Packard-Bell Models 2291-TV, 2292-TV, 2293-TV, 2294-TV, 2295-TV, 2296-TV, 2297-TV Standard, 2297-TV Deluxe, 2298-TV. MANUFACTURER Packard-Bell Co., 3.443 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. TYPE SET Television Receiver TUBES Twenty Two POWER SUPPLY 110-120 Volts AC - SOCycle RATING 2Amp. at 117 Volts AC TUNING RANGE Channels 2 thru 13 Alignment Instructions 6, 7 Block Diagram 13 Horiz. Sweep Circuit Adj 7 Parts List and Description 14,15,16 INDEX Photographs Cabinet-Rear View. .13 Capacitor Identification 11,18 Chassis-Top View 3 Photographs (continued) RF Tuner 10 Resistor Identification 12,17 Trans., Inductor and Alignment Identification. 4, 9 Schematic 2 Tube Placement Chart 5 Voltage and Resistance Measurements 8 o 2? - OB o ni W S ?s to K K) O tO 00 -O HOWARD W. SAMS the picture should synchronize normally. Adjust the horizontal drive (B3), horizontal width (B4), and the horizontal linearity (B5) alternately until the picture is symmetrical from left to right. If adjustment of B3, B4, or B5 was necessary, repeat the adjustments of Bl, and B2. HORIZONTAL WAVEFORM ADJUSTMENT Connect the verical amplifier of an oscilloscope thru 1 megohm to terminal C of the horizontal oscillator transformer. Turn the horizontal hold control to sync the picture horizontally. Adjust the waveform adjustment (B6) until the broad and narrow peaks are of equal amplitudes (See Fig. 5 below). If necessary, keep the picture in sync with the hold controls while making this adjustment. ADJUST FOR EQUAL PEAKS 7T7T/T FIG. 5 HORIZONTAL LOCKING RANGE ADJUSTMENT Turn the horizontal hold control fully counter-clockwise and momentarily interrupt the signal by switching to another channel and back again. Slowly turn the hold control clockwise and note the least number of bars present just before the picture falls into synchronization. If more than three bars are present, turn the horizontal lock trimmer (B7) 1/2 turn counter-clockwise. If less than three bars are present, turn B7 1/2 turn clockwise. Repeat this check and adjustment procedure until three bars are present just before the picture falls into synchronization. o s 3 P K P K) P 5 2 O < o - O N O Ki 00 -O PAGE 7 RadioFans.CN a s VOLTAGE AND RESISTANCE MEASUREMENTS VOLTAGE READINGS RESISTANCE READINGS Item V 1 V 2 V 3 V 4 V 5 V6 V7 V 8 V9 V 10 V 1 1 V 12 V13 V14 V 1 5 V16 V 17 V 18 V 19 V20 V21 V22 Tube 6AG5 6J6 6AU6 6AU6 6AU6 6AU6 6AL5 12AU7 6AU6 6AU6 6AL5 6AU6 6V6GT 6C4 6SN7GT 6SN7GT 6SN7GT 6BG6G 6W4GT 1B3GT 5U4G 10BP4 Pin 1 -.7VDC 95VDC -.4VDC -.3VDC 0V 0V 10VDC 105VDC 0V 0V 0V -.6VDC 0V -6.2VDC -1VDC 1-2.6VDCJ l-2.2VDq 0V 0V Pin 2 0V 75VDC 0V 0V 0V 0V -.2VDC -. 8VDC 0V 0V -.3VDC 0V 0V 0V 170VDC 135VDC 197VDC 1100VDC 6.3VAC 0V Pin 3 6. 3VAC 6.3VAC S.3VAC 6. 3 VAC 6.3VAC 6.3VAC 6. 3VAC 0V 6. 3VAC 6. 3VAC 6. 3VAC 6. 3VAC 220VDC 0V 0V fOV 12VDC 110VDC 320VDC Pin 4 ov ov ov ov ov ov ov 6. 3VAC OV OV OV OV 240VDC 6. 3VAC -6.2VDC TOV 1-32VDC H-.3VDC OV Pin 5 100VDC -I.6VDC 120VDC 120VDC 117VDC 117VDC OV 6. 3 VAC 112VDC 112VDC -.3 VDC 105VDC OV -8. 2VDC 260VDC 1285VDC 1165VDC 1-.5VDC 250VDC Pin 6 IOOVDC -4. 8VDC 120VDC 120VDC 117VDC 117VDC OV 1160VDC 112VDC 112VDC OV 25VDC OV -6. 2VDC 2. 4 VDC 17VDC H14VDC 10V Pin 7 OV OV .6VDC .6VDC 16VDC 1.1VDC OV 12.3VDC .7VDC .9VDC -.3 VDC OV 6. 3VAC OV 6. 3VAC 6.3VAC 6.3VAC 15.4VDC OV 240VDC.120VDC Pin 8 187VDC 15VDC OV OV OV 1250VDC .120 VDC Pin 9 OV TOP CAP * DO NOT MEASURF 0V .120 VDC 260VDC 70VDC 0V PIN 10 310VDC 325VAC PIN 11 160 VDC OV PIN 12 .120VDC 325VAC OV260VDC g Taken with vacuum tube voltmeter. T Measured from pin 3 of V16. * 6.3VAC measured across filament. Note. Contrast control set at maximum for these measurements. Item V 1 V 2 V 3 V 4 V 5 V 6 V 7 V 8 V9 V 10 V 1 1 V 12 V 13 V 14 V 15 V 16 V 17 V18 V 19 V20 V 2 1 V22 Tube 6AG5 6J6 6AU6 6AU6 6AU6 6AII6 6AL5 12AU7 6AU6 6AU6 6AL5 6AU6 6V6GT 6C4 6SN7GT 6SN7GT 6SN7GT 6BG6G 6W4GT 1B3GT 5U4G 10BP4 Pin 1 2.3 Mee. t6Kn 2.3 Mee. 2.3 Meg. 2.3 Meg. .20 3Kn t4.8K!J on on on 4.7 Meg. on 4.7 Meg. IMee. 1.1 Mee. IMeg. Inf. Inf. Inf. Inf. tl.4Kn Pin 2 on t!6Kn on on on on 2Kn eooKn on on 20Kn on on Inf. tiSKn #3 Meg. #1. 5Mee. #180Kn .in Inf. Inf. 7Kn t5.5Kn Pin 3 .in .in .in .in .in . in .in on .in .in .in .in ti.sicn on on ion wooKn is en 190Kn Inf. Inf. PIN 10 *56Kn Pin 4 on on on on on (Kl on .in on on on on tiooon .in 4.7 Meg. 12. 2Mee. l250Kn 1280Kn Inf. Inf. 25n PIN 11 200Kn Pin 5 t3.6Kn 220Kn ti.4Kn ti. 5Kn ti.6Kn ti. 7tcn .2n .in t2.4Kn t2.4Kn Inf. t470Kn 470Kn 4.7 Meg. tson tsicn *i30Kn H280Kn tson Inf. Inf. PIN 12 ti.4Kn Pin 6 t3.6Kn lOKn ti.4Kn ti. 5Kn ti.eicn ti . 7Kn on ts.SKn t2.4xn t2.4Kn on f2.2 Me(f. in 4.7 Meu. 6.8Kn 15.5Kn 1560n ton 147H tseoKn Inf. 27n Pin 7 on on 82n 82n 82n ison lOOKn IMee. 82n i2on Inf. 39n .1ft on .in .in .in on ti.4Kn Inf. Inf. Pin 8 iison eson on on on #ioicn ti.4Kn Inf. 7icn Pin 9 on TOP CAP #2oon TOP CAP #590n I Measured from # Measured from * Measured from I Measured from pin 8 of V21. from pin 3 of V19. center tap of power transformer. pin 3 of V16. 1. DC Voltage measurements ore at 20,000 ohms per volt; AC Voltage measured at 1,000 ohms. 2. Pin numbers ore counted in a clockwise direc- tion on bottom of socket. 3. Measured values are from socket pin to com- mon negative unless otherwise stated. 4. Line voltage maintained at 11 7 volts for volt- age readings. 5. Front panels controls set at minimum. 6. Where readings may vary according to the setting of the service controls, both minimum and maximum readings are given. RadioFans.CN A13 THRU A24 RF TUNER-RIGHT SIDE li f RF TUNER-BOTTOM VIEW PAGE 1O RadioFans.CN CHASSIS BOTTOM VIEW-CAF PAGE 18 RadioFans.CN PACITOR IDENTIFICATION PAGE 11 RadioFans.CN lOVd W-M3IA lAIOHOa SISSVHO RadioFans.CN ESISTOR IDENTIFICATION PAGE 17 RadioFans.CN WIDTH HORIZ. LIN. FOCUS VERT. HEIGHT LIN. CABINET-REAR VIEW RF AMP. CONVERTER LV HECT. V21J 1st SOUND IF V 9 2nd SOUND IF V10 1 J 1st VIDEO IF 2nd VIDEO IF 4th VIDEO IF 1 1 J SYNC CLAMPER SYNC AMP. SYNC SEP. (AT1ODET. Vll VIDEO DET. 6 AGC ;RT. osc. 1/2 vie I HOR. AFC 1/2 V17 HOR. OSC 1/2 VI7 AUDIO OUTPUT V13 VERT AMP. 1/2 VI6 HOR. OUTPUT HV RECT. BLOCK DIAGRAM PAGE 13 RadioFans.CN PARTS LIST AN TUBES (SYLVANIA or Equivalent) CAPACIT ITEM No. VI V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 Vll V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 VIS V19 V20 V21 V22A B C D E USE RF Amp. Converter 1st Video IF 2nd Video IF 3rd Video IF 4th Video IF Video Del. -AGC Rectifier Video Amp. 1st Sound IF 2nd Sound IF Ratio Del. AF Amp. Audio Output Sync. Clamper Sync. Amp. -Sync. Sep. Vert. Osc. -Vert. Amp. Hor. AFC-Hor. Osc. Hor. Output Damper HV Rectifier LV Rectifier Picture Tube Picture Tube Picture Tube Picture Tube Picture Tube REPLACEMENT DATA PACKARD-BELL PART No. 6AG5 6J6 6AU6 6AU6 6AU6 6AU6 6AL5 12AU7 6AU6 6AU6 6AL5 6AU6 6V6GT 6C4 6SN7GT 6SN7GT 6SN7GT 6BG6G 6W4GT 1B3GT 5U4G 10BP4 10FP4 12BP4 12KP4 12QP4 STANDARD REPLACEMENT 6AG5 616 6AU6 6AU6 6AU6 6AU6 6AL5 12AU7 6AU6 6AU6 6AL5 6AU6 6V6GT 6C4 6SN7GT 6SN7GT 6SN7GT 6BG6G 6W4GT 1B3GT 5U4G 10BP4 10FP4 12BP4 12KP4 12QP4 RMA BASE TYPE 7BD 7BF 7BK 7BK 7BK 7BK 6BT 9A 7BK 7BK 6BT 7BK 7AC 6BG 8BD 8BD 8BD 5BT 4CG 3C 5T 12D 12D 12D 12D 12D NOTES CAPACITORS Capacity values given in the rating column are in mfd. for Electrolytic and Paper Capacitors, and in mmfd. for Mica and Ceramic Capacitors. ITEM No. C56 C57 C58 C59 C60 C61 C62 C63 C64 C65 C66 C67 C68 C69 C70 C71 C72 C73 C74 C75 C76 C77 RATING CAP. .005 4900 .1 .25 100 .002 .02 .2 .05 180 .01 .002 .01 .05 .1 .033 .05 500 5 .01 .01 .05 VOLT 600 500 400 200 600 600 400 600 500 500 600 500 600 400 400 600 10000 125AC 25AC 600 REPLACEMENT Packard-Bell PART No. 23004 23207 23011 23021 23914 23002 23007 23020 23010 23216 23023 23002 23023 23010 23011 23026 23010 23938 23919 23932 23932 23010 AEROVOX PART No. P688-005 1467-005 P488-1 P4S8-25 1468-0001 P688-002 P688-02 P488-22 P688-05 P688-01 P688-002 P688-01 P688-05 P488-1 P488-033 P688-05 1468-000005 P688-01 P688-01 P688-05 CORN DUBII PART GT6D 1D5D! GT4P GT2P 5W5T GT6D GT6S GT4P GT6S GT6S GT6D GT6S GT6S GT4P GT6S 5W5V GT6S1 GT6S1 GT6Si When either items C43 or C44 ; eplaced, replace bot. CO ITEM No. CIA B C C2A B C C3A B C C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CIO Cll C12 C13 C14 CIS C16 C17 CIS C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 C28 C29 C30 C31 C32 C33 C34 C35 C36 C37 C38 C39 C40 C41 C42 C43 C44 C45 C46 C47 C48 C49 C50 C51 C52 C53 C54 C55 RATING CAP. 40 10 80 40 40 10 40 40 10 40 25 5 25 150 5 120 1000 100 10 72 20 10 1000 1000 300 1500 1500 100 1500 1500 100 47 1500 1500 100 50 1500 5000 100 470 .05 330 .25 .05 .05 .2 1500 1500 22 22 .003 .05 .05 .2 .02 .005 .05 100 390 .002 .005 VOLT 450 450 150 450 450 500 450 450 450 450 25 50 25 50 200 200 200 600 400 600 200 200 400 600 600 200 600 600 REPLACEMENT DATA Packard-Bell PART No. 24049 24048 24048 24014 24006 24038 24006 24052 23936 23936 23914 23936 23936 23914 23936 23936 23914 23936 23914 23916 23010 23944 23021 23010 23010 23020 23936 23936 23911 23911 23016 23010 23010 23020 23007 23004 23010 23914 23945 23002 23004 AEROVOX PART No. AF82J16D AF88J2K AF882J AF8J PRS25/25 PRS150/4 PRS25/25 -PRS50/100 IPRS50/50 1467-0015 1467-0015 1468-0001 1467-0015 1467-0015 1468-0001 1469-00005 1467-0015 1467-0015 1468-0001 1469-00005 1467-0015 1467-005 1468-0001 1468-0005 P288-05 1468-00035 P488-25 P288-05 P688-05 P488-22 1467-0015 1467-0015 1468-000025 1468-000025 P688-003 P288-05 P288-05 P488-22 P688-02 P688-005 P288-05 1468-0001 1468-0004 P688-002 P688-005 CORNELL- DUBILIER PART No. UP9CJ729 UP9CJ1085 UP9CJ897 UP4045 BR252A BR550 BR252A BRH501 1W5D15 1W5D15 5W5T1 1W5D15 1W5D15 5W5T1 5R5Q5 1W5D15 1W5D15 5W5T1 5R5Q5 1W5D15 1D5D5 5W5T1 5W5T5 GT2S5 5W5T3 GT2P25 GT2S5 GT6S5 GT4P2 1W5D15 1W5D15 5W5Q25 5W5Q25 GT6D3 GT2S5 GT2S5 GT4P2 GT6S2 GT6D5 GT2S5 5W5T1 5W5T4 GT6D2 GT6D5 ERIE PART No. NPOK-5 GP2K-120 GP2L-001 N750L-100 NPOK-10 NPOK-20 N750K-10 GP2L-001 GP2L-001 GP2K-300 GP2L-0015 GP2L-0015 GP1K-100 GP2L-0015 GP2L-0015 GP1K-100 NPOM-50 GP2L-0015 GP2L-0015 GP1K-100 N750L-47 GP2L-0015 811-005 GP1K-100 GP2K-470 GP2K-330 GP2L-OOI5 GP2L-0015 GP1K-22 GP1K-22 GP2M-003 GP2M-005 GP1K-100 GP2K-390 GP2M-002 GP2M-005 SPRAGUE PART No. TVL-25 TVL-64 UT-85 TVL-30 TVL-45 TVA-6 TVA-13 TVA-6 TVA-16 TVA-17 1FM-215 1FM-215 1FM-31 1FM-215 1FM-215 1FM-31 MS-45 1FM-215 1FM-215 1FM-31 MS-45 1FM-215 29C1 1FM-31 1FM-35 TM-15 1FM-335 TC-2 TM-15 TM-15 TC-2 1FM-215 1FM-215 MS-425 MS-425 TM-23 TM-15 TM-15 TC-2 TM-12 TM-25 TM-15 1FM-3I 1FM-34 TM-22 TM-25 IDENTIFICATION CODES AND INSTALLATION NOTES . Filter Vert. Output Decoupling A Filter . Filter Filter A Decoupling . Filter Filter A Decoupling Output Decoupling 2nd V. Amp. Cath. Bypass Stabilizing Cap. Cmtput Cath. Bypass Vert. Output Cath. Bypass Fixed Trimmer RF Decoupling RF Filament Bypass RF Coupling Fixed Trimmer Fixed Trimmer Osc. Grid Cap. Fixed Trimmer Osc. Filament Bypass RF Bypass IF Coupling AGC Filter RF Bypass IF Coupling AGC Filter 2nd IF Decoupling IF Coupling Fixed Trimmer AGC Filter 3rd V. IF Decoupling IF Coupling Fixed Trimmer 4th V. IF Cath. Bypass 4th V. IF Decoupling IF Coupling IF Coupling AGC Filter AGC Filter AGC Filter Video Coupling Video Coupling Pic- Tube Cath. Dec. 1st S. IF Decoupling 2nd S. IF Decoupling Diode Load Cap. * Diode Load Cap. * De-emphasis Audio Coupling Audio Coupling AF Screen Bypass Audio Coupling Output Plate Bypass Sync. Coupling Sync. Coupling Sync. Sep. Cathode Bypass Integrator Net. Integrator Net. ITEM No. R1A B R2A B C R3A B C R4 R5 R6 RATING RESIST- ANCE 500KS2 Switch I lief. SOKSi Shaft End 500KS! 5000S! Shaft End 5000S2 5000S! 3 Meg. WATTS REPLACEMENT DATA Packard-Bell PART No. 25022 Not Req. 1 / (25820 I 25807 25807 25805D IRC PART No. Q13-133 76-1 Bll-137 * BI1-123 E202 Bll-133 * Bll-114 * E202 Qll-114 Qll-114 Q11.I40 CLAR PAR M-60 SW-A M-19- M-19- Additional parts to be used with Conc RE ITEM No. R7 R8 R9 RIO nil R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20 R21 R22 R23 R24 R25 R26 R27 R28 R29 R30 R31 R32 R33 R34 R35 R36 R37 R38 R39 R40 R41 R42 R43 R44 R45 R46 R47 R48 R49 R50 R51 R52 R53 R54 R55 R56 R57 R58 R59 RATING RESISTANCE 3900S! 20% 47KS! 20% 10KSJ 20% 2200T! 20% 4700SJ 220KS2 20% 10KS! 20% 15KSJ 20% 4700S! 8200T! 82n lOOfi 12 on i2on 8200S! 82! 100S! 4700S2 82SJ 100S2 120SJ 2.2 Meg. 20% 180SJ 8200S2 4700fi 3300S1 100KS! 20% 2700SJ 33Kf! 1 Meg. 20% 1. 5 Meg. 20% 3300S! 1 Meg. 20% 18 on 3300S! looon 10KS7 330KSJ 20%, 100KS! 20% 82!i 1000! 120! 1000S! 47012 10KJJ 10KT1 22KSJ 4.7 Meg. 20% ra 470KJJ 20% 2. 2 Meg. 2200(2 470KS! 20% WATTS 1 2 1 2 I I 1 2| i 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 i | 2 1 1 2 1 | 1 2 2 3 1 i 1 1 2 1 2 2 I 2 i 1 2 1 I t 2 1 2 k 1 i 1 2 1 ai i i 2 1 REPLACEMENT DATA PACKARD- BELL PART No. 73036 73012 73013 73014 73014 73036 73012 73013 73033 73012 73013 . 73014 73165 73016 73036 73033 73031 73149 73030 73243 73161 73163 73031 73161 73016 73031 73025 73037 73155 73149 73012 73025 73014 73025 73021 73037 73037 73041 73169 73008 73157 73165 73029 73157 IRC PART No. BTS-3900 BTS-2200 BTS-8200 BTS-8200 BTS-4700 BTS-2. 2 Meg BTS-8200 BTS-4700 BTS-3300 BTS-100K BTS-2700 BTA-33K BTS-1 Meg. BTS-1.5 Meg. BTS-3300 BTS-1 Meg. BTS-3300 BTS-1000 BTS-10K BTS-330K BTS-100K BTS-1000 BTS-1000 BTA-470 BTS-10K BTS-10K BTS-22K BTS-4. 7 Meg. BW-l-39 BTS-470K BTS-2. 2 Meg. BTS-2200 BTS-470K PAGE 14 RadioFans.CN PARTS LIST AND DESCRIPTIONS CAPACITORS CCONT.J or Electrolytic lie Capacitors. IDENTIFICATION CODES AND INSTALLATION NOTES Filter Vert. Output Decoupling A Filter . Filter Filter Decoupling . Filter Filter A Decoupling Output Decoupling 2nd V- Amp. Cath. Bypass Stabilizing Cap. Output Cath. Bypass Vert. Output Cath. Bypass Fixed Trimmer RF Decoupling RF Filament Bypass RF Coupling Fixed Trimmer Fixed Trimmer Osc. Grid Cap. Fixed Trimmer Osc. Filament Bypass RF Bypass IF Coupling AGC Filter RF Bypass IF Coupling AGC Filter 2nd IF Decoupling IF Coupling Fixed Trimmer AGC Filter 3rd V. IF Decoupling IF Coupling Fixed Trimmer 4th V. IF Cath. Bypass 4th V. IF Decoupling IF Coupling IF Coupling AGC Filter AGC Filter AGC Filter Video Coupling Video Coupling Pic. Tube Cath. Dec. 1st S. IF Decoupling 2nd S. IF Decoupling Diode Load Cap. * Diode Load Cap. * De-emphasis Audio Coupling Audio Coupling AF Screen Bypass Audio Coupling Output Plate Bypass Sync. Coupling Sync. Coupling Sync. Sep. Cathode Bypass Integrator Net. Integrator Net. ITEM No. C56 C57 C58 C59 C60 C61 C62 C63 CM C65 C66 C67 C68 C69 C70 C71 C72 C73 C74 C75 C76 C77 RATING CAP. .005 4900 .1 .25 100 .002 .02 .2 .05 180 .01 .002 .01 .05 .1 .033 .05 500 5 .01 .01 .05 VOLT 600 500 400 200 600 600 400 600 500 500 600 500 600 400 400 600 10000 125AC 125AC 600 REPLACEMENT DATA Packard-Bell PART No. 23004 23207 23011 23021 23914 23002 23007 23020 23010 23216 23023 23002 23023 23010 23011 23026 23010 23938 23919 23932 23932 23010 AEROVOX PART No. P688-005 1467-005 P488-1 P4S8-25 1468-