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    PHOTO FACT* Folder OLYMPIC MODELS TV-1O4, 1O5, 1O6, 1O7, 1O8, 922L, 944, 945, 946 HORIZ. VERT. HOLD CONTRAST BRIGHTNESS CONTROL VOLUME CONTROL ON-OFF SWITCH CHANNEL SELECTOR OLYMPIC MODEL TV-944 TRADE NAME Olympic Models,TV-104,TV-105,TV-106,TV-107,TV-108,TV-922L (Ser.#-10,000 to E-16,000 Incl) TV-944,TV-945,TV-946. MANUFACTURER Olympic Radio and Tel. Corp., 3101-19 38th Ave., Long Island City, New York TYPE SET Television Receiver TUBES Twenty-Three POWER SUPPLY 105-125 Volts, 60 Cycles TUNING RANGE-Channels 2 through 13 ACRATING: 1.75 Amps 117 Volts Alignment Instructions Block Diagram Disassembly Instructions Horizontal Osc. and Linearity Adjustments Parts List and Description Photographs Cabinet Rear View Capacitor Identification Chassis-Top View High Voltage Compartment Resistor Identification INDEX Page 8,9,10 Photographs (continued) 23 Tuner (CL-1428) 24 Tuner (CL-1633) Tuner (CL-1677) Trans., Inductor and Alignment Identification 24 18,19,20 Schematic 20 Schematic-Tuner CL-1428 5,12 Schematic-Tuner CL-1633 3 Tube Placement Chart 23 Voltage and Resistance Measurements 15,22 Page 11 7 4,13 2 14 17 21 16 HOWARD W. SAMS 203.75MC 193.25M: 197.75MC 187.25MC 191 .75MC 181.25MC 185.75MC 175 . 25MC 179.75MC 83.25MC 87.75MO 77.25BC 81.75MC 67.25M3 71.75MC 61.25MC 65.75MC 55.25M3 59.75MO CHANNEL 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 CONNECT SCOPE Vert .Amp . thru 10KS to Point Low side to chassis. n n ADJUST A601, A602, A603, A604 A605, A606, A607, A608 REMARKS Adjust for approx. response pattern as per Fig 2 with markers appear- ing more than 70% of peak amplitude Keep RF and Mixer slug pairs In approx. same relative position. Check response pattern for all high band channels. Slight adjustments of A601 thru A604 may be required to obtain optimum response on all these channels. Adjust for approximate response as per Fig 2. Keep slug pairs In approx. the same relative position. Check response on all low band channels. Slight adjustments of A605 thru A608 may be required to give optimum response on all these channels . ALIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE -o NOT MORE THAN SOUND 30Z VIDEO MARKER MARKER FIG. IFIG. 2 PAGE 9 RadioFans.CN ALIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS CCONTJ OSCILLATOR ALIGNMENT ILTUNER CL-14281 Set the fine tuning control approximately 140* from Its full counter-clockwise position. This aligns the holes In the drive disc with the adjustment screws on the oscillator switch wafer. Do not change this position during the entire oscillator alignment. DUMMY ANTENNA Fwo 125S carbon res. SIGNAL GENERATOR COUPLING Across antenna ter- minals . - SIGNAL GENERATOR FREQUENCY 315.75MC 209.75MC 203.75MC 197.75MC 191.75MC 185.75MC 179.75MC 87.-75M3 81.75MD 71.75MC 65.75MC 59.751* CHANNEL 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 5 5 4 3 2 WAVE TRA CONNECT VTVM DO Probe to Point % Common to chassis. ADJUST A609 or A610 A611 A612 A61S A614 A615 A616 A617 or A618 A619 A620 A621 A622 REMARKS Adjust for zero reading. A positive and negative reading will be obtained on either slfe of the correct setting. n n r n n ADJUSTMENTS C TUNER CL-1428) Wave traps A623 and A624 are used for specific types of Interference and their alignment will depend upon the type encountered. With the receiver tuned to the channel having the Interference set fine tuning control until Inter- ference is at maximum. Adjust A623 and A624 for minimum interference in the picture and sound, keeping the cores at approximately the same relative position. Turn one core 1/2 turn, adjust the other for minimum Interference 14. 15. RP AMP. ALIGNMENT CTUNER CL-16333 The RF Amp. and Mixer culcuits of this tuner are pre-aligned at the factory and normally do not require adjust- ment. However, if tuner is definitely known to be out of alignment, it will-be necessary to remove the tuner and use extended leads for B+ and the filament supply. Remove the oscillator tube V301 and set the fine tuning control to the center of Its range. DUMMY ANTENNA Two 125S carbon res. IT SWEEP GENERATOR COUPLING Across antenna ter- minals with 1258 resistor in each generator lead. ii V SWEEP GENERATOR I-8EQUENCY 213MC (10MC Sweep 177M3 (10MC Sweep) 183MC (10MB Sweep) 189MG (10BB Sweet) ) 195MC (lore Sweep) 201MC (10MB Sweep) 207MC done Sweep) 85M3 (10MB Sweep) 79MC (10MO Sweep ) 691C ( 10113 Kwefin 1 63MC (10MO Sweep) 57M3 (lore Sweep ) MARKER GENERATOR FREQUENCY 211.25MC 215.75HC 175.25MC 179.75HC 181.35MC 185.75MC 187.25MC 191.75MC 193.25MC 197.7SMC 199.25MC 203.75M3 205.25MC 209.75MO 83.25M3 87.75MD 77.25MC 81.75MC 67.25WD 71 .25Mp 61.25MC 65.75MC bb.25M3 59.75MC CHANNEL 13 7 8 9 10 11 12 .6 5 4 3 2 CONNECT SCOPE Vert .Amp. thru 10KS2 to Point<3i Low side to chassis. n OSCILLATOR ALIGNMENT CT ADJUST A301, A302, A3 03, A3 04 A305, A306 A307, A308, A309, A310 REMARKS Adjust for approx. response curve shown in Fig 2. with markers appear- ing more than 70% of peak amplitude Keep RF and mixer trimmer pairs In approximately the same relative position. Adjust rings for wave form per Fig. 2. Check response on all high-band channels. Slight adjustments of A301 thru A306 may be required to obtain optimum response for all high-band channels. Adjust for approximate response as per Fig 2. Check response on -all low-band channels. Slight adjustments oh A307 thru A310 may be required to obtain optimum response on all low band channels. JNER CL- 8333 Replace oscillator tube V301 and recheck the fine tuning control to s ee that it Is at the midpoint of Its range. DUMMY ANTENNA Two 125S carbon res. n SIGNAL GENERATOR COUPLING Across antenna ter- minals . n ; SIGNAL GENERATOR FREQUENCY 215.75MC 87.75MC CHANNEL 13 j CONNECT VTVM )C Probe to Point p Common to chassis . n n WAVE TRAP ADJUSTMENT ADJUST A311 A312 REMARKS Adjust for zero reading. A positive and negative reading will be obtained on either side of the correct setting. n Check to see that all other channels are received well within the limits of the fine tuning control. If not, compromise may be made using A311 for channels 7 thru . 13 and A312 for channels 2 thru 6. CTUNER CLH633J Wave traps A313 and A314 are used for specific types of Interference and tneir alignment will depend upon the. type encountered. With the receiver tuned to the channel having the Interference set fine tuning control until interference is at maximum. Adjust A313 and A314 for minimum interference in the picture and sound, keeping the cores at approximately the same relative position. Turn one core 1/2 turn, adjust the other for minimum Interfer- ence. 10. 11. 12 14 16. 17. PAGE 10 RadioFans.CN ,i- * it . *< *iir - 11 RF TUNER-LEFT SIDE RF TUNER-RIGHT SIDE PAGE 11 RadioFans.CN A PHOTOFACT STANDARD NOTATION SCHEMATIC Howard W. Sams rlc 1 Meg. 4 PT-1477 Q13-137 M-63-Z Volume Control Switch 76-1 SW-A Attach to R3A Per Instructions 50002 4 PT-1480 Qil-114 M-19-S Vert. Linearity Control 8.5 Meg, 4 PT-1481 11-239 Height Control 25002 4 PT-1484 58-2500 Focus Control (Wire Wound) RESISTORS ITEM No. R7 R8 R9 RIO Rll R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20 R21 R22 R23 R24 R25 R26 R27 R28 R29 R30 R31 R32 R33 R34 R35 R36 R37 R38 R39 R40 R41 R42 R43 R44 R45 R46 R47 R48 R49 R50 R53 R54 R55 R56 RS7 R58 R59 R60 R61 R62 R63 R64 R65 R66 R67 R68 R69 R70 R71 R72 R73 R74 R75 RATING 3900S2 10K2 2200ffi 47008 220K2 10K2 47002 47K2 10KS2 398 10002 10K2 392 lOOOffl lOOOffl 10002 4700S2 398 27002 lOOOffl 1 Meg. 1502 56002 lOOOffl 1 Meg. 47008 10KS 1 Meg. 39002 1 Meg. 472 SSOOffl lOOOffl lOOKffl 1502 SSOOffl lOOOffl 470K8 822 12002 22K2 lOKffl 100K8 100K2 470K2 10002 1 Meg. 68K2 3.9 Meg. 68002 22Kffl 82002 82002 1 Meg. 1.5 Meg. 6.8 Meg. 100K2 2.2 Meg. 5602 33002 560K2 3.3 Meg. 150K2 180K2 100K2 100K2 82002 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 i j l i i 4 REPLACEMENT DATA OLYMPIC REB103K REB390K REB103K REB103J REB390R REB102K REB102K REB102K REB472J REB390K REB272J REB102K REB105M REB151K REB562J REB102K REB105M REB472J REB103K REB105M REB392J REB10SM REB470M REB332K REB102K REB104M REB151K REB562J REB102K REB474M REB820K REB122K REB223K REB103K REB104J REB104J REB106M REB334K REB474M REC102M REB105M RED683M REB395K REB682K REB223M REB822K REB822K REB105J REB155K REB685K REB104K REB22SM REB561K REB332M REB564K REC335J REB154K 1EB184K REC104J REC104J REB822K IRC PART No. BTS-1000 BTS-1000 BTS-1 Meg. BTS-1 Meg. BTS-4700-5% BTS-1 OK BTS-1 Meg. BTS-3900-55S BW-4-47 BTS-3300 BTS-100K BTS-lOOK-5% BTS-lOOK-5% BTS-10 Meg. BTS-330K BTS-470K BW-1-1000 BTS-1 Meg. BTS-3.9 Meg. BTS-6SOO BTS-82QO BTS-8200 BTS-1 Meg. -S) BTS-1. 5 Meg. BTS-100K BTS-2.2 Meg. BTS-560 BTS-3300 BTS-560K BTA-3.3Meg-5 3TS-150K 3TS-180K BTA-100K-5* BTA-100K-5* BTS-8200 IDENTIFICATION CODES ALL RESISTORS ARE + 0 UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. Ant. Coil Shunt RF Coll Shunt RF Decoupling Conv. Grid Conv. Grid Osc. Grid Osc. Plate RF Grid 1st Video IF Grid 1st Video IF Cathode 1st Video IF Decoupling 2nd Video IF Grid 5% 2nd Video IF Cathode 2nd Video IF Decoupling AGC Network 3rd Video IF Grid 5% 3rd Video IF Cathode 3rd Video IF Plate 5% 3rd Video IF Decoupling AGC Network 20% 4th Video IF Cathode 4th Video IF Plate 5% 4th Video IF Decoupling AGC Diode Load 20* Video Det. Diode Load 5% 1st Video Amp. Grid 2W 1st Video Amp. Plate 5% 2nd Video Amp. Grid 20* 2nd Video Amp. Cathode 20l Shunt ;oupling Grid Grid Irld late d dec IF Grid .deo IF Cathode deo IF Decoupling deo IF Grid deo IF Cathode deo IF Decoupling twork deo IF Grid deo IF Cathode deo IF Plate deo I?1 Decoupling twork deo IF Cathode deo IF Plate deo IF Decoupling ode Load Det. Diode Load deo Amp. Grid deo Amp. Plate deo Amp. Grid deo Amp. Cathode deo Amp. Plate e Divider und IF Cathode und IF Plate und IF Decoupling und IF Grid und IF Cathode und IF Decoupling und IF Grid and IF Decoupling Load Grid Plate Grid Imp. Grid imp. Plate Sep. Grid Sep. Cathode itor tec. Grid )sc. Plate ! Divider lutput Grid Jutput Cathode taking AFC Grid Divider k AFC Cathode AFC Cathode Osc. Grid AFC Filter 5% 20% 5% 20* 20% 20% 5% 5% 20* 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 5% ITEM No. Tl RATING PRI. 117VAC 1.7SA SEC. 1 710VCT .23A SEC. 4 6.3VAC .6A SEC. 2 5VAC 3A SEC. 3 6 .3VAC 9.2A REPLACEMENT DATA OLYMPIC PART No. TR-1688 STANCOR PART No. P-8153 T T P-5014 CHICAGO PART No. MERIT PART No. P-3059 TT Drill new mounting holes. TRANSFORMER (SWEEP CIRCUITS) ITEM No. T2 T3 T4 T5 T6A B T7 RATING DC RESISTANCE PRI. 1102 Tap 302 1602 SOOffl Tap i) 1302 730S 122 552 3902 SEC. ssoa SEC. 1 102Tap .52 SEC. 2 02 8.52 REPLACEMENT DATA OLYMPIC PART No. TR-1475 TR-1473 TR-1492 TR-1343 CL-1356 CL-1687 STANCOR PART No. A-8111 A-8117 A-8115 DY-1 CHICAGO PART No. TBO-1 TFB-1 TSO-2 MERIT PART No. A-3000 A-3035 TT NOTES Hor. Osc. Trans = Vert. Block. Osc. Trans. Hor . Output Trans . Vert. Output Trans. Hor. Deflection Yoke Vert. Deflection Yoke Focus Coil TT Drill new mounting holes. TRANSFORMER (AUDIO OUTPUT) ITEM No. T8 RATING IMPEDANCE PRI. 62002 SEC. S.Sfl DC RES. PRI. 2752 SEC. .42 REPLACEMENT DATA OLYMPIC PART No. TR-1506 STANCOR PART No. A-8114 CHICAGO PART No. RO-16 Tt MERIT PART No. A-2S31 INSTALLATION NOTES TT Drill new mounting holes SPEAKER ITEM No. SP1A B c SP2A B , C RATINGS FIELD PM CONE DIA. 6 4 x 6 8 V. C. IMP. 3.52 V. C. )IA. 3/4 REPLACEMENT DATA OLYMPIC PART No. SK-792 SK-1521 SK-1634-1 JENSEN PART No. ST-109 MOD.P6-W QUAM PART No. 6A21 INSTALLATION NOTES Used in model TV-944 Used in model TV-922L & TV-104. Used in model TV-945 & TV-105. o| o f2 o BP FILTER CHOKE TEM No. LI RATINGS TOTAL DIRECT CURRENT .230A D.C. RESISTANCE 622 INDUCTANCE (0 CURRENT 1000 ) 2.6Henries REPLACEMENT DATA OLYMPIC PART No. CK-1346 STANCOR PABT No. C-2325tt CHICAGO PART No. TR-4225 MERIT PART No. C-2991TT INSTALLATION NOTES TT Drill one new mounting hole. COILS (RF-IF) ITEM No. L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 USE Ant. Strip RF Mixer & Osc. Strip Fll. Choke m. Choke 3onv . Trans . 1st Video TF DC RES. PRI. 02 02 .12 .12 02 .59 SEC. Offl REPLACEMENT DATA OLYMPIC PART No. MEISSNER PART No. NOTES Part of Tuner PAGE 19 RadioFans.CN PARTS LIST AND DESCRIPTIONS (Continued) COILS (RF-IF)CONT. ITEM No. L8 L9 L10 Lll L12 L13 L14 L15 U6 117 LI 8 L19 L20 L21 USE 2nd VideoIF 5rd VideoIF 1th VideoIF Sound Trap 5th VideoIF taking Peaking eaklng Peaking 1st SoundIF 2nd SoundIF )lsc. Trans. lldth Cont. lor. Line- arity DC RES. PRI. .IE .18 .152 02 .12 32 82 82 62 .12 .12 .12 362 SEC. .12 .12 REPLACEMENT DATA OLYMPIC PART No. CL-1471 CL-1471 CL-1471 CL-1472 CL-1471 CL-1535 CL-1537 CL-1536 CL-1537 CL-1471 TR-1470 TR-1469 CL-1502 CL-1503 MEISSNER PART No. NOTES Wound on 36K2 resistor . Some models have this coll In plate circuit or 1st Video Amp. Wound on 39K2 resistor. Wound on 22KS2 resistor. Not used on all models. MISCELLANEOUS ITEM No. MIA B C M2 re PART NAME Tuner Tuner Tuner Fuse Ion Trap Cabinet Cabinet Cabinet Cabinet Cabinet Safety Glass Safety Glass Safety Glass Back Back Knob Knob Knob Knob Knob Knob Knob Knob Knob Knob OLYMPIC PART No. CL-1677 CL-1633 CL-1428 FU-1683 PP-1347 CA-1702 CA-1727 CA-1467 CA-1709 CA-1698 PP-1527 PP-1712 PP-1703 ST-1545-1 ST-1713 KN-1516 KN-1517 KN-1518 KN-1586 KN-1587 KN-1588 KN-1514 KN-1515 KN-1584 KN-1585 NOTES 12Channel-2 Tubes 12 Channel-3 Tubes 13 Channel-3 Tubes (Alternate) Type AGC .25A PM For Model TV-104 for Model TV-105 For Model TV-922L For Model TV-944 For ModelTV-945 For Model TV-922L and TV-105 For Model TV-944 and TV-945 For Model TV-104 Masonlte For Model TV-922L and TV-104 Masonlte For Model TV-944, TV-B45 and TV-105 Mahogany Outer Knob Mahogany Inner Knob Mahogany Volume Control Knob Tan Outer Knob Tan Inner Knob Tan Volume Control Knob Mahogany Channel Selector (Used with MIA and MIC) Mahogany Fine Tuning (Used with MIA and MIC) Tan Channel Selector (Used with MIA and MIC) Tan Fine Tuning (Used with MIA and MIC) HORIZ. LOCK HORIZ DRIVE CABINET-REAR VIEW PAGE 20 RadioFans.CN BOTTOM VIEW SYNC LIMITER _ _ J4THVIDEOI.E t- cr u LJ LJ O _ Q_ LJ CD D JO. _, PAGE 2 RadioFans.CN HIGH VOLTAGE COMPARTMENT 1st SOUND I.F. VI0 2nd SOUND I.F. Vll 3rd SOUND I.F. Vl21 DISCRIMINATOR VI3 A.F.AMP. 1/2 V14 AUDIO OUTPUT V15 1st VIDEO I.F. V4 3nd VIDEO I.F. V5 3rd VIDiO I.F. V6 4th VIDEO I.F. V7 SYNC. LEMITER1/2V14 SYNC. AMP. 1/2V16 SYNC SEP. 1/2V1 L.V.RECT. V22. AFC 1/2 VI 8I_ HOH. OSC. 1/2 V18 HOR. OUTPUT DAMPER H.V. RECT. vi9 h V20 Ol o 1 V21 6.5 KV BLOCK DIAGRAM OLYMPIC TV 944 PAGE 23 RadioFans.CN HORIZONTAL OSC. AND LINEARITY ADJUSTMENTS HORIZONTAL OSCILLATOR ALIGNMENT CHECK: Tune In test pattern and turn horizontal hold control to extreme counter-clockwise position. Picture should re- main In synchronization. Turn channel switch to another channel and then back to the original channel. Normally, the picture should be out of synchronization. Turn the control clockwise and the picture should slowly begin to synchronize and finally lock-In. This should occur when the control Is approximately 90 from the extreme counter- clockwise position. The picture should remain In synchro- nization for another 90 In the clockwise direction of the control. At the extreme clockwise position the picture should again drop out of synchronization and


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