InterM-ACR120-rec-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf
http:/www.inter-MADE IN KOREANO: 9007978900SERVICEMANUALC O M P A C T D I S CRECEIVERACR-60/120RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库1AMP SECTION1. OFF SET VOLTAGEA. SettingSet the master volume controls minimum.B. ConnectionC. AdjustmentControl OFFSET until voltmeter is the “0” position.2. IDLE CURRENTA. SettingSet the master volume controls minimum.B. ConnectionC. AdjustmentAdjust IDLE so that the current through the R56, R57, R58, R59 become 10 milliampere. When thatvoltage across the IDLE2 TO IDLE3 becomes 10 millivolt, the current becomes 10 milliampere.ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENT PROCEDUREElectrical Adjustment Procedure1, 2, 3Micom Data (CD)4, 5, 6, 7Specifications8Electrical Parts List9, 10, 11, 12Top and Bottom View of P.C. Board13, 14, 15Wiring Diagram16Block Diagram 17Schematic Diagram18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23Exploded View of Cabinet & Chassis / Mechanical Parts List24, 25Assy Drawing26, 27CONTENTSRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库FM SECTION1. IF ALIGNMENTA. Set up the test equipment as Fig. 2-1.B. Adjust the cross T604 and T605 so that the S curve developed on the oscilloscope become pointsymmetry to the centry frequency poine of 10.7MHz with a maximum amplitude.C. If the genescope is not available, set the unit detuned and adjust the cross of T604, T605 so that noiseoutput is maximized.32AM SECTION1. IF ALIGNMENTA. Set up the test equipment as Fig. 1-1 and set the genescope output level to 110dB (300mV).B. Adjust T603 so that the figure developed or the oscilloscope become laterally symmetrical with the axisof symmetry at 450kHz and it has a maximum amplitude as well.2. RF TUNING ALIGNMENTA. Set up the test equipment as Fig. 1-2.B. Set AM SG to 30% modulation at 400Hz and 30-40dB output.C. Set the up and down switch of the frequency display to 603 (or 600) kHz.Adjust AM SG to 603 (or 600) kHz, adjust T602 (RF) to maximize audio frequency output level.D. Set the up and down switch of the frequency display to 1404 (or 1400) kHz, adjust AM SG to 1404 (or1400) kHz, and adjust AM trimmer capacitor C605 to maximize audio frequency output level.E. Repeat steps and so that output is maximized at the given frequencies.Fig. 1-1Fig. 1-2FEATURESMemory ROM: 32-Kbyte (KS88C2432/P2432) ROM: 16-Kbyte (KS88C2416/P2416) RAM: 1056-Byte (KS88C2432/P2432,KS88C2424/P2424) RAM: 544-Byte (KS88C2416/P2416,KS88C2408/P2408) Data memory mapped I/OOscillation Sources Crystal, ceramic, RC (main) Crystal for subsystem clock Main system clock frequency 1-10 MHz(3 MHz at 1.8 V, 10 MHz at 2.7 V) Subsystem clock frequency: 32.768 kHz CPU clock divider (1/1, 1/2, 1/8, 1/16)Two Power-Down Modes Idle (only CPU clock stops) Stop (System clock stops)Interrupts 6 level 8 vector 8 internal interrupt 1 level 8 vector 8 external interrupt45 I/O Pins 45 configurable I/O pinsBasic Timer Overflow signal makes a system reset Watchdog function8-Bit Timer/Counter A Programmable 8-bit timer Interval, capture, PWM MODE Match/capture, overflow interrupt8-Bit Timer/Counter B Programmable 8-bit timer Carrier frequency generator16-Bit Timer/Counter 0 Programmable 16-bit timer Match interrupt generates16-Bit Timer/Counter 1 Programmable 16-bit timer Interval, capture, PWM mode Match/capture, overflow interruptWatch Timer Real-time and interval time measurement Clock generation for LCD Four frequency outputs for buzzer soundLCD Controller/Driver Maximum 16-digit LCD direct drive capability Display modes: static, 1/2 duty (1/2 bias) 1/3 duty (1/2 or 1/3 bias), 1/4 duty (1/3 bias)A/D Converter Eight analog input channels 50s conversion speed at 1 MHz fADCclock 10-bit conversion resolution8-Bit Serial I/O Interface 8-bit transmit/receive mode 8-bit receive mode LSB-first/MSB-first transmission selectable Internal/external clock sourceVoltage Booster LCD display voltage supply S/W control en/disable 3.0 V driveVoltage Detector Programmable detection voltage(2.2V, 2.4V, 3.0V, 4.0V) En/Disable S/W selectableInstruction Execution Times 400 ns at 10 MHz (main) 122 us at 32.768 kHz (subsystem)Operating Temperature Range 40C to 85COperating Voltage Range 1.8V to 5.5VPackage Type 80-pin QFP 80-pin TQFPKS88C2432s ROM version device KS88C2424 (ROM 24 Kbyte)KS88C2432s ROM version device KS88C2408 (ROM 8 Kbyte)5KS88-SERIES MICROCONTROLLERSSamsungs KS88 series of 8-bit single-chip CMOS microcontrollers offers a fast and efficient CPU, a widerange of integrated peripherals, and various mask-programmable ROM sizes. Among the major CPUfeatures are: Efficient register-oriented architecture Selectable CPU clock sources Idle and Stop power-down mode release by interrupt Built-in basic timer with watchdog functionA sophisticated interrupt structure recognizes up to eight interrupt levels. Each level can have one or moreinterrupt sources and vectors. Fast interrupt processing (within a minimum of four CPU clocks) can beassigned to specific interrupt levels.KS88C2416/P2416/C2432/P2432 MICROCONTROLLERThe KS88C2416/P2416/C2432/P2432 single-chip CMOS microcontroller are fabricated using the highlyadvanced CMOS process, based on Samsungs newest CPU architecture.The KS88C2416 is a microcontroller with a 16-Kbyte mask-programmable ROM embedded.The KS88C2432 is a microcontroller with a 32-Kbyte mask-programmable ROM embedded.The KS88P2416 is a microcontroller with a 16-Kbyte one-time-programmable ROM embedded.The KS88P2432 is a microcontroller with a 32-Kbyte one-time-programmable ROM embedded.Using a proven modular design approach, Samsung engineers have successfully developed the KS88C2416/P2416/C2432/P2432 by integrating the following peripheral modules with the powerful SAM8 core: Six programmable I/O ports, including five 8-bit ports and one 5-bit port, for a total of 45 pins. Eight bit-programmable pins for external interrupts. One 8-bit basic timer for oscillation stabilization and watchdog functions (system reset). Two 8-bit timer/counter and two 16-bit timer/counter with selectable operating modes. Watch timer for real time. 8-input A/D converter Serial I/O interfaceThe KS88C2416/P2416/C2432/P2432 is versatile microcontroller for camera, LCD and ADC application,etc. They are currently available in 80-pin TQFP and 80-pin QFP package.OTPThe KS88P2416/P2432 are OTP (One Time Programmable) version of the KS88C2416/C2432microcontroller. The KS88P2416 microcontroller has an on-chip 16-Kbyte one-time-programmable EPROMinstead of a masked ROM. The KS88P2432 microcontroller has an on-chip 32-Kbyte one-time-programmable EPROM instead of a masked ROM. The KS88P2416 is comparable to the KS88C2416,both in function and in pin configuration. The KS88P2432 is comparable to the KS88C2432, both infunction and in pin configuration.MICOM DATA (CD)4PIN ASSIGNMENT7BLOCK DIAGRAM6544/1056ByteRegisterFileOSC/RESETBasicTimerWatchTimerI/OPortandInterruptControl16/32-KbyteROMSAM88RCCPU8-BitTimer/CounterB16-BitTimer/Counter016-BitTimer/Counter1I/OPort0I/OPort1A/DConverterI/OPort28-BitTimer/CounterAI/OPort3TAOUT/TAPWM/P3.1TACLK/P3.2TACAP/P3.3TBPWM/P3.0T1CAP/P1.0T1CLK/P1.1T1OUT/T1PWM/P1.2P0.0-P0.7/INT0-INT7P1.0-P1.7AVREFAVSSP2.0-P2.7/ADC0-ADC7LCDDriverSerialI/OPortP3.0-P3.4VoltageDetectorVVLDREFI/OPort5I/OPort4VoltageBoosterCBCAVLC0-VLC2COM0-COM3SEG0-SEG15SEG16-SEG31SI/P1.7SO/P1.5SCK/P1.6P4.0-P4.7P5.0-P5.7RESETBUZ/P1.4XOUTXTOUTXINXTINKS88C2416/P2416/C2432/P2432(80-QFP-1420C)6463626160595857565554535251504948474645444342411234567891011121314151617181920212223248079787776757473727170696867666525262728293031323334353637383940SEG9SEG8SEG7SEG6SEG5SEG4SEG3SEG2SEG1SEG0COM3COM2COM1COM0VLC2VLC1VLC0CACBAVSSAVREFP2.7/ADC7/VVLDREFP2.6/ADC6P2.5/ADC5SEG26/P5.2SEG27/P5.3SEG28/P5.4SEG29/P5.5SEG30/P5.6SEG31/P5.7P3.0/TBPWMP3.1/TAOUT/TAPWMP3.2/TACLKP3.3/TACAP/SDATP3.4/SCLKVDDVSSXOUTXINTESTXTINXTOUTRESETP0.0/INT0P0.1/INT1P0.2/INT2P0.3/INT3P0.4/INT4P0.5/INT5P0.6/INT6P0.7/INT7P1.0/T1CAPP1.1/T1CLKP1.2/T1OUT/T1PWMP1.3P1.4/BUZP1.5/SOP1.6/SCKP1.7/SIP2.0/ADC0P2.1/ADC1P2.2/ADC2P2.3/ADC3P2.4/ADC4SEG25/P5.1SEG24/P5.0SEG23/P4.7SEG22/P4.6SEG21/P4.5SEG20/P4.4SEG19/P4.3SEG18/P4.2SEG17/P4.1SEG16/P4.0SEG15SEG14SEG13SEG12SEG11SEG1089ELECTRICAL PARTS LISTR5443009393973RES CF 39K 15W J N39KR5453009333973RES CF 33K 1/5W J N33KR5463009563973RES CF 56K 1/5W J N56KR5493009564973RES CF 560K 1/5W J N560KR570-5713009221973RES CF 220 1/5W J N220VR5013228074410VR 09VSF30A103 10KA10KAXLR501-502,4438193810XLR JACK (F) 3P (E203A0040N)XLR JACKXLR504AN14355886621CON ASSY 5PCON 5PAN2-3,4428595003LW5267/LWB0640/2.5MM-03PCON 3PCON608CON601-602 3408222261CAP RSA 2200UF 35V SNAP 18P2200/35C605-6063409210141-TCAP AF RSG 100UF 25V 6P100/25C607-608,3509104530-TCAP CE F 0.1UF 50V Z0.1/50C611, C613,C615C6093419568265CAP HE 6800UF 35V 20 PLUG6800/35C610, C6143408247161CAP RSA 470UF 35V SNAP 13P470/35C612, C6163408233141CAP RSA 330UF 25V SNAP 10P330/35CN601-602,4428595003LW5267/LWB0640/2.5MM-03PCON 3PCN604CN603, 6054428595002LW5267/LWB0640/2.5MM-02PCON 2PCN6064428595008LW5267/LWB0640/2.5MM-08PCON 8PCON6074428595005LW5267/LWB0640/2.5MM-05PCON 5PD601-6022058100976DIODE BRIDGE KBP202G/KBP203GKBPC 202GD6052058100996DIODE RECTIFIER LT1N4006(4007)1N 4006IC6012118012005IC KIA 7818 API KEC7818IC6022118013005IC KIA 7918 PI KEC7918IC6032118011805IC KIA 7812 API KEC7812IC6042118011605IC KIA 7809 API KEC7809IC6052128611307IC 7806 SAMSUNG7806PT2828065700TRANS POWER 120Version ACR-60(UL/CSA)P.T (120Version)PT2828065710TRANS POWER 220Version ACR-60(DOM)P.T (220Version)PT2828065720TRANS POWER 230Version ACR-60(EUROPE)P.T (230Version)PT2828065730TRANS POWER 240Version ACR-60(EUROPE)P.T (240Version)PT2828065800TRANS POWER 120Version ACR-120(UL/CSA)P.T (120Version)PT2828065810TRANS POWER 120Version ACR-120(DOM)P.T (220Version)PT2828065820TRANS POWER 120Version ACR-120(EUROPE) P.T (230Version)PT2828065830TRANS POWER 120Version ACR-120(EUROPE) P.T (240Version)R601-602,3059100772RES CE 10 5W JN10 5WR609-610R608, R6123039100572-FRES MO 10 2W J N10 2WR6073059250783RES CE 25 5W K T25 5WSW22423000999SW POLY 50VX110 JX3K-TPOLY SWAC1-24355770517CON ASSY 1P (TERMINAL)CON 1PC6173549472407CAP SPARK KILLER 0.0047UF 400V0.0047/400CN5014428595002LW5267/LWB0640/2.5MM-02PCON 2PCON5024428599003WAFER YW025-03CON 3PSW14628988610SW POWER SDDF3PATL011 (SP278)POWER SWSW6004628984310SW PUSH JPP-22-32H-01 JAEILSWSW7004648098410SW PS-5-W7AVSWACIN14308997310AC CORD DOME 3-CORESAC CORDF6015508412734FUSE TS 20MM 2A/250V (UL/CSA) ACR-602A/250V (UL/CSA)F6015508112237FUSE 51S 20MM 1A/250V (DOM) ACR-601A/250V (DOM)F6015508412234FUSE TS 20MM 1A/250V (Europe) ACR-601A/250V (Europe)F6015508112937FUSE 51S 20MM 3A/250V (UL/CSA) ACR-1203A/250V (UL/CSA)F6015508222530FUSE NB 31.8MM 1.5A/250V (DOM) ACR-1201.5A/250V (DOM)F6015508412434FUSE TS 20MM 1.25A/250V (Europe) ACR-1201.25A/250V (Europe)T1-44465998210TERMINAL (250) PCB TAB250TAN405,4355886621CON ASSY 5PCON 5PCON405C400, C4023509473530-TCAP CE F 0.047UF 50V Z0.047/50C401, C403,3509223530-TCAP CE F 0.022UF 50V Z0.022/50C405,C417-418,C428C404, C406,3409210971-TCAP AF RSG 1UF 50V 5P1/50C416, C430Ref No.Part No.ValueDescriptionSPECIFICATIONSELECTRICAL Rated Output Power (RMS).ACR-60: 60W.ACR-120: 120W Speaker Output ImpedanceACR-60.60W: 15.5V/4, 25V/10.5, 70V/82, 100V/166ACR-120. 120W: 22V/4, 25V/5.2, 70V/41, 100V/83 Input Sensitivity/ImpedanceMIC 1-3. 1mV/600Aux. 350mV/10kAmp In .1V/10k Frequency Response (+1/3dB)MIC 1-3 . 100Hz12kHzAux. 60Hz15kHzAmp In.60Hz18kHz T.H.D.Less than 1% S/NMIC 1-3.Better than 60dBAux.Better than 75dB Tone ControlBass (100Hz) .12dBTreble (10kHz).12dBTUNER SECTION Tuning Range.FM: 87.5108MHz.AM: 5221620kHz Usable Sensitivity.FM: 2V, AM: 12VCOMPACT DISC SECTION Type.3 CD Changer of Magazine Type Frequency Response (+1/3dB).20Hz20kHz THD.Less than 1%GENERAL Power Source .AC 110V240V, 50/60Hz Power Consumption.ACR-60: 85W.ACR-120: 120W Weight.ACR-60: 13kg.ACR-120: 14.5kg Dimensions.420(W)132(H)320(D)mm*Specifications and design subject to change without notice for improvements.PRE POWER BD (4005410200)POWER SW BD & SPK SEL BD (4005410320)INLET BD (4005410220)TUNER BD (4005412700)Ref No.Part No.ValueDescriptionAN5014428594903LA5268/LAB0640/2.5MM-03PCN 3PC501-502,3509102530-TCAP CE B 0.001UF 50V J0.001/50C505-506,C509-510C503, C507,3509150130-TCAP CE SL 15PF 50V J15PC511C504, C5703529680-311-TCAP CE SL 68PF 50V J AXIAL68PC508, C5123509330130-TCAP CE SL 33PF 50V J33PC5143509509030-TCAP CE SL 5PF 50V J5PC515-5163609153120-TCAP MA 0.015UF 100V J0.015/100(M)C5173509223530-TCAP CE F 0.022UF 50V Z0.022/50C518, C5723509470130-TCAP CE SL 47PF 50V J47PC519, C5213609104120-TCAP MA 0.1UF 100V J0.1/100(M)C5203609103120-TCAP MA 0.01UF 100V0.01/100(M)C522-523,3409247971-TCAP AF RSG 4.7UF 50V 5P4.7/50C525-526,C528-529,C533-534C524, C527,3409210971-TCAP AF RSG 1UF 50V 5P1/50C530-532,C536-537C5353409222071-TCAP AF RSG 22UF 50V 5P22/50C538-541,3409247071-TCAP AF RSG 47UF 50V 6P47/50C543-544C5423409247041-TCAP AF RSG 47UF 25V 5P47/25C5713529330311-ACAP CE SL 33PF 50V J AXIAL33PC573-5773509103530-TCAP CE F 0.01UF 50V Z0.01/50CN501,4428595002LW5267/LWB0640/2.5MM-02PCN 2PCN503-505,CN507CN5024428595509WAFER 9P CA-6210CN 9PCN5064428594903LA5268/LAB0640/2.5MM-03PCN 3PD501-5032058304100DIODE IN41481N 4148D5042058502056DIODE ZENER UZ-5.6BW (5.4,5.8)UZ 5.6BMFB501-5063908609990EMI FILTER 1000PFEMI 1000PIC2-3,2118010432IC NJM2068DD JRCNJM 2068DDIC502-503IC5012128740208IC BXA 4240BXA4240KJK14438097320BOARD PHONE JACK(ST) MPA-95PHONE JACKJK501-5024438194510RCA JACK BOARD 2P (24MM)JACK 2PJMP1508400501JUMP WIRE (0.5/52M/M)JUMPQ5012008606105-TTR PNP KTA 1266YKTA 1266YQ502-5052008606998-TTR NPN KTD 1302 KEC ONLYKTD 1302R501-502,3009103973RES CF 10K 1/5W J N10KR508-509,R515-516,R522, R530,R548R503-5043009821973RES CF 820 1/5W J N820R5053009683973RES CF 68K 1/5W J N68KR506, R513,3009104973RES CF 100K 1/5W J N100KR520,R534-535R507, R514,3009101973RES CF 100 1/5W J N100R521, R524,R539R510-511,3009102973RES CF 1K 1/5W J N1KR517-518,R527, R536R512, R5193009154973RES CF 150K 1/5W J N150KR5233009123973RES CF 12K 1/5 J N (ACR-60)12K (ACR-60)R5233009123973RES CF 15K 1/5 J N (ACR-120)15K (ACR-120)R5253009472973RES CF 4.7K 1/5W J N4.7KR5263009273973RES CF 27K 1/5W J N27KR5283009105973RES CF 1M 1/5W J N1MR5293009274973RES CF 270K 1/5W J N270KR531, R5413009123973RES CF 12K 1/5W J N12KR5323009822973RES CF 8.2K 1/5W J N8.2KR5333009153973RES CF 15K 1/5W J N15KR5373009202973RES CF 2K 1/5W J N2KR5383039561572-FRES MO 560 2W J N560 2WR5403009224973RES CF 220K 1/5W J N220KR542, R5473009473973RES CF 47K 1/5W J N47KR5433009225973RES CF 2.2M 1/5W J N2.2MINPUT BD (4005410210)R903009302973RES CF 3K 1/5W J N3KR923009153973RES CF 15K 1/5W J N15KR933009104973RES CF 100K 1/5W J N100KR943009563973RES CF 56K 1/5W J N56KR973009224973RES CF 220K 1/5W J N220KR993009333973RES CF 33K 1/5W J N33KR1253009471973RES CF 470 1/5W J N470RLY15528009980RELAY HR-311HR-311T64355877007CONNECTOR ASSY 1P MA6301PTH1-22438209011THERMISTOR YSG-503J L=100MM330VR10-113248347120RES SEMI CS 470B 10/5470BC823609102120-TCAP MA 0.001UF 100V0.001/100(M)C83-843609103120-TCAP MA 0.01UF 100V0.01/100(M)C853609152120-TCAP MA 0.0015UF 100V J0.0015/100(M)C863509100130-TCAP CE SL 10PF 50V D10PC87,