KLH-52-rec-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf
PHOO INPUT R.ok c 801 .,_ _ -c 2 PRE AMP 4 .-()6 400-1004 8 7 5 Rin 80- l ou.t PHONO L.c.k To.pe In AUX R : +.1 GND I : n-:_ _ .!.-.-_+-, I TONE CONTROL I I I ! II 1! I I I -,!I =) SWITCH FOR SORCE. SW1-3 SW1-4 SWl-5 SWITCH FOR +12VDC. SWl-6 SWITCH FOR SORCE INDICATOR. SWI-7 SWITCH FOR METER SW2-1 SWITCH FOR CONTOUR SW2-2 MODE SWl-:3 TAPE MONITOR. SWl-4 MUTING. SW2_5 HIGH FILTER. SW2-6 SW2-7 MAIN SPEAKER REMOTE SPEAKER. SW3 POWER SWITCH v,. v, v . v . v. LAMP FOR DIAL SCALE 208-6250 Vo. V7 LAMP FOR METER 208-6250 Va L.AMP FOR DIAL POINTOR 208-0840 Vq .Vo. v . v., LAMP FOR SORCE INDICATOR 208-6100 V13 LAMP FOR STEREO INDICATOR 208-2840 V FZ 601 , I a:,r.c 5 _l, DRIVER AMP f 4C0-1031 DbG I s T1-3 7 HEAD PHONES Q641,Q642,Q661,Q662 250201-. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPCIFIED,ALL RESISTORS IN OHMS. 1/4WATT. :t 10% . AND CAfli.CITORS IN MFO. SOWV. THE BOLD-LIE 0 THE SCHEMATIC SHOW.S THE: MAIN S6*l FLOW FOR THE RIGT CHANIJIcL. FM AUDIO R.c.h SW2 -5 +19VDC ON OFF MPX L.oh 4 400-1025 3 n-2 .-+-_J 6 +IVDC 6 1 ,-t-!Yd -+-b l.lK !.2.Vv 6 5 FM If AMP 400-1030 2 3 4 AM. AUDIO AM IF AMP 400-1015 AMAGC FM FRONT END 600-1002 11 .-+-+- AM FRONT END 400-1029 5 4n-. - 2 C 807 2P NPD l,C ;, A L-:=w=-1s8:tls-s _ _j I -BOTTOM VIEW REMOTE SPEAKER i .CO! + &5VDC y, Vz Model S;,al StNth M.tn 207-1002 +12VDC +30V 2 4 5 52 Schematic RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库r AUDIO ELECTRONICS BIAS and CLIPPING ADJUSTMENT Bias alignment Connect VAO to T,P. on output stage (the end point of R645 and R665) and adjust VR601 and VR 621 on Driver board to 20-25mv. Move VAO to pin 4 on regulator board andalign VR551 to get 18 volts de. Symmetrical clip adjustment Apnly input signal (1KHz) to Aux input and observe the output wave form on scope. Adjust output until clipping just barely occurs. Align VR602 on Driver board for equal clipping of both halves of the sine wave. Set controls as follows: Function selector: AUX Tone : Flat Loudness : Max Balance Midpoint Push buttons : All OUT position Connect the main speaker outputs to the 8 ohm 50 watt noninductive load resistors. SCHEMATIC BOTTOM VIEW -1l E C B I _L BOTTOM vIEW I C B -Q551 2SD313D ;-;(; -Q552 2SC372Y ,_) 0553 SE1001 DC Regulator B I UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ALL RESISTANCE IN OHM, 1/4WATT,:!:10%, E cJ AND CAPACITOR lN MFD. Section 2 COMPONENT SIDE 2 ey_,5 6 C55Y) BOTTOM VIEW 1M IF-4 !ORANGE) M IF-I 6 3LACKJ ,:; sw i-5-t 12V ; 5 R556 ,. R554 . . E. VR5?1 , . , . R5 . ;: . . ttt csss SW2.-2 4 055l ( + +_;) C555 C556 C557 BLACK RED ORANG r I .2 R55 -.- C35A I =-J RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库Driver, Output and High AC VOLTAGES DRIVER & OUTPUT COMPONENT E B Q601, Q621 82mV 8lmV Q602,Q622 0 lmV Q603, Q623 3.4V 3.4V Q604, Q624 3.3V 3.5V Q641 Q661 3.2V 3.4V Q642, Q662 *155mV 4V *NONSINUSOIDAL WAVEFORM E ECB - !o c oi -, _) B c lmV RGOI 3.5V 18K *l25mV 4V *125mV I 50K 3V .L_ _ _,n-mS. a.s. 9623 :.QS242SM$CBU -QM.-25. HF COMPONENT SIDE SICIFII,!U IN. Preload Frequency Preload BOTTOM EW L64: -/,/-w 0 () :- 0: i.l.! (.t: :l l!. 5 I) 1.-0 0 Cl N 0: c.r: UJ z Q t w I w 1: I :;: ,., I I l +65VDQ I Jl w z 0 :r: u. Q, : o_ w (; :r: : : - - J ( _J D (!J :r. LiJ z 2 0 0 3 ) :=) -0 0 CJ z :;: 0 0: D .0 w c:. (!) - (J) :l l!. L:.: 0. (J) z 3: 0 0: m 1 - c; z :._: G z z 5 0 G 3: w u 3: w Lr.l !: 0 w -E m CD as -0: m 6 7 8 9 10 H !5 16 18 lEFT INPUT R4-02 220( R4-2. 220K I Preamplifier R4-IO R4-IIIM R412. I I 5% -o,.:.-7 _ I _ :h)- 0 0 ) l !:( :E () :E -; - c. =E c. () (J) ) c. ) =E () ) 1J ! 0 :A A () z A z I A (;.8 z z :0 z G5 r r I IT! IT! G) -l ., ., I -; -; -1 RIGHT INPUT RIGHT LOUDNESS SW RSOI 4-.1 K Tone Control 5 VR504-IM !.SY. Il 2 LEFT LOUDNESS SW NOTE: VRS02. csos R513 R530 CSII + 4.1K 4-70135! t C525 C52.6 .0033 .0033 TONE CONTROL. AMP 400-1005 DSG Q501,Q521-2N5457-UNI.ESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED,ALL RESISTANCE IN OHM,:t10%, 1/4MTT, CAPACITANCE IN MFO. SIGNAL VOLTAGE Volts RMS unless otherwise specified) COMPONENl D s G Q501 80 mV 0 *5.5 mV Q521 80 mV 0 *5.5 mV *NONSINUSOIDAL WAVEFORM 1 Insert a sine wave of 100 mV at 1000Hz into the Aux. Input. RIGHT OUTPUT GND +30VDC +65VDC LEFT OUTPUT COMPONENT SIDE BOTTOM GRAY SW-2-1 GREEN SW-2-1 GREEN SW-2-1 BROWN -1-_./ VIEW a 2 rz a:_ a. a. tu:;: I) J.:5t I N I-uuu ( ( a: .J.J.J (!) IDCDCD I) I N I 3: en z ;: 0 Q: Ill N t-zz + a: a: ;I) en en CDCD3:z en uu o-a.a. ,._a. t :X: lk,. . ll.a. u :l.:E -.: i: oC 0 1-00 ow I-a. :.: D va. u ( a. X ., a. :;: z 15 0 a: w a: (!) a: CD FM-AM ELECTRONICS 0801 IS1SSS A6C 2 AM L _ - Q101,Q102 2SC380A(0) I Front c 108 0.04-1 LESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ALL RESISTOR IN OHM, 1/-4-WATT, 10%, AND CACITOR IN MFO. YELLOW AM IF-I GREEN AM IF-2 End Q.l02 AM FRONT END 400-1029 COMPONENT SIDE YELLOW AM IF-5 GREEN ANT GREEN SW 1-5-3 WHITE ANT BLACK ANT BOTTOM VIEW Section 3 AM-IF C704-. 3.-7 R?OS T701 TlOZ 12 2:l r+-r rrJ R701 Q701 INCH - : I It I 3.3K I I 1 1 .9 -y _ j !_ J IN!C) l2 .: C722 .SS _A_ r- ; C701 C702 R702 R703 aoo1 R704 o.ll I r : : 11: 11101 = . GD -3 y C.717 +14V I = . 7/10 L701 -4- 10mH ls AGC1 I AM IF AMP 400-1015 Q7 D 01, Q702 2SC380A(0) 701, 0702, 0703 INMA. DT04 INGO. R710 1 II 220 T703 t$ r 1.8 10 Q702 I 1f -1.1 r- C708 C7011 M47 R711 01= C7DI TSO 220 R708 *G ljl c 7 56( R717 6.8K 180 METER!+) UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, ALL RESISTOR IN otiM,1/4WATT,:!:10% AND CAPACITOR IN MFO. BOTTOM VIEW AM FRONT END PCB PIN 10 AM FRONT END PCB PIN I I REGULATOR PCB PIN 5 FM IF PCB PIN 3 AM FRONT END PCB PIN 5 R712 L702 02 11 10111H . . 0701 4-701,. 470P 711 ,. C71 C7f4 . =I= = 0710 = 0.1 C119 22/,. = R71G n 6.2K 221 0 D703 R718 271 . 8 7 r.1ETER (-) G713 0.0018 10:1. =I-l-703 S6111H R713 220K C7J=E 0.0047 T :6721 r: -c)s_ AGC2 C715 0.47 R714 221 AMAUD 10 T OUTPU WHITE AM AGC SWI-1-4 1-2-4 SIGNAL STRENGTH METOR 1-) SIGNAL STRENGTH METER I+) AM IF ALIGNMENT Step 1Tuner switches & Coupling Dial setting P,enerator freq. 1Generator RF output and mod, 11v/m 1-A 455KHz Point of no loca -trap interference. 1-B IF Po1nt of no loca Sweep gen-455KHz Use lowest RF level, avo1ding AGC act1on. Alignment interference. erator loose ly coupled t white lead from loopst1 k. 2-A Cali-Local station bration & around 600KHz. tracking at low end 2-B Cali-Local stast1on bration & around 1400KHz, tracking at high end. R50Z BZK R301 390K :!.S.!l 4s FM MULTIPLEX As low as possbile. Multiplex Monitor Adjustments & Ind1cations Before aligning the IF stage entirely tune out 455KHz trap T101. After the next step, tune T101 to the m1d bandpass of IF. Scope to Adjust CF101 on AM RF board rrTane Outt and &701, 702, ?l-3 on IF str1p to get nroper flat-top band-pass resnonse. AdJust T102 on RF board and loopst1ck for maximum output. If necessary, turn the un1 t to get weak output to recog-nlze the peak. AdJust TC6 and 5 on var2able cap for ma.x1mum output. If necessary, turn the un1 t to get weak output. o-.-+-41,_.-L. OUT ch lOOK R3171 400-1025 -tJ-on-:-n7- +12YDC BOTTOM VIEW ECB 0301,0302,0303 2SC373 -0301,0302.-tN34A Q304, 2SCS57 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIEO.ALLRESISTOR IN OHM,1/4WATI,:!:10:1., AND CACITOR IN MFD. +30110C TOP VIEW 1 14 2 13 3 12 4 11 5 10 6 9 7 8 MPX ALIGNMENT Step I Tuner sw1 tches & Dial settnp: Coupl1ng 1-A Compos te Pont of no local Antenna ter sgnal a.lg;n nterference. Ster-mnal. ment eo mode. B, 19KHz . . c. 38KHz . . D. Separaton . adjustment. 2. Stereo . Threshold COMPONENT SWH-5 !BROWN) L5L-3 I WHITE) FM IF-7 (GREEN) SWJ-5-1 (ORANGE) Generator freq. t/!F and mod. Same as FM dial, 400Hz, 75KHz dev. stereo mode 8% pilot level. . I . . SIDE SW2-2 (BLUE) 1Kv/m . . . 10v/m , Man tor AdJustments and Indicatons scope at AdJUst T301 for straght base TP1, must lne of compos te sgnal. use hgh freq. prob Move scope Peak T303 and 304 for 19KHz. to TP2. Move scope Peak T305 for 38KHz to TP-3. Scope to Al1gn T305 and 301 :for max-Tape Out. mum separaton and lowest THD. If necessary, touch up T303 and 304, but not more than i turns. AdJust VR202 to allow un t to allow un t to sw tch nto i stereo. FM IF Amp. :-r-9 220:? f2-210 R2.14-21 K +12V- DC R2.10-21K BOTTOM VIEW ECB -IJ:=J-14-R201 !OM FM AGC 3 II AMP 400-1030 1 4 5 0201,Q202,Gl203,Q206,Q207 2SC3 l 0204,0205 25C732C8L) B -0201, D202.D203,D204,D207,D208 IN60 R2.12 22 c 230 .02 0 -11- . TUNING TO STEREO MONO 20VDC -+12VOC fPuT METER sw -TO SIGNAL STRENGTH METER 7 -Pcgr: Pc22 ro575 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED,ALL RESISTOR IN OHM,1/- noise. Point of no local interference B 00 ._. _,. oc- c Point of nc local Antenna interference. Unit t.erminal in mono mode D 2. Muting . 00 threshold -. -= -=-o =-= *Note: The above steps are required for sweep generator to Fld antenna te: D204 to get proper flat-top band-=- COMPONENT SIDE =-=-= enerator freq.l Generator RU Monitor and mod. ame as FlV! dial OOHz 75KHz dev 00 00 c.=S= -. scope connected to Tape Out. - 1Center tuning meter. 1K.!.V/m li 5.1.v/m Tape Outwi th harmonic dis-tortion analyzer. . Adjustments and Indications T203 for maximum noise output . Adjust T204 Secondary for zero center of meter. Align T204 Primary for lowest total harmonic distortion. Repeat B and C to get equal swing of center meter and lowest THD. Adjust VR201 to switch Muting in and out giving approximately 70% attenuation of wave form swing on scope. touch up only. If it is necessary to align IF bandpass, minal and peak L5 on Front-end and T201, 202 on IF strip ass response before Front end alignment. connect RF at TP of SYMBOL # Capacitors Cl02 Cl03 Cl05 Cl08 Cl 09 C110 C111 C114 Inductors TlOl Tl02 L 101 Resistors Rl04 Ri05 Rl06 Rl07 Rl08 R109 R110 Rlll Ri12 Semi-Conductors QlOl Ql02 Miscellaneous CF-101 Capacitors C201 C202 C203 C204 C205 C206 C207 C208 C209 C210 PARTS AM FRONT END DESCRIPTION +80 0. 0211F -20% 50wv YZ., Ceramic +80 0.04711F -20% 0.0471F 0. 04711F 0. 0471F 30pF 10% 50wv N330, +80 0. 0471F -20% 50wv YZ, 470pF 10% 5wv, Styrol 455kHz, Trap Coil LAC 30141 ASF AM Oscillator Coil YXR-30250BC 1 J.lH Fero i8K 10% l,;w 3.3K 2 .2K 27K 47K 11 220SJ 220SJ 220SJ 2SC380A (0) Transistor 2SC380A (0) Transistor 455kHz, Ceramic Filter CFT -4558 FM-IF DESCRIPTION PART # 291-2036-504 291-4736-504 291-4736-504 291-4736-504 291-4736-504 291-3001-503 291-4736-504 295-4711-500 210-1012 210-1009 213-1092 414-1831-000 414-3321-000 414-2221-000 414-2731-000 414-4731-000 414-1021-000 414-2211-000 414-2211-000 414-2211-000 250-0380-603 250-0380-603 201-0301 O.OOS11F 8% 50wv Yz, Ceramic 291-5026-504 0.0211F 0.021F 0.021F 220pF 10% 0.021F 8% 0 .021F 0.021F N330 Yz, 1.5pF 0.25pF NPO Yz, 291-2036-504 291-2036-504 291-2036-504 291-1511-503 291-2036-504 291-2036-504 291-2036-504 291-1593-500 291-2036-504 LIST Capacitors C2ll C212 C213 C214 C215 C216 C217 C218 C219 C220 C221 C222 C223 C224 C225 C226 C227 C228 C229 C230 C231 C232 C722 C723 Inductors T201 T202 T203 T204 L201 L202 L203 Potentiometers VR201 VR202 Resistors R201 R202 R203 R204 FM-IF (contdl DESCRIPTION 0.021F 1 OpF 1 pF NPO o.04M 8% 0.021F 0.0211F 0.021F 0.0211F 0.0211F 0.01 8% 50wv Yz, Ceramic lOOpF 10%50wv N330, Ceramic lOOpF 0.471F lOwv Single End Electrolytic 220pF 10% 50wv, Ceramic N330 0.00181F 10% 50wv, Ceramic Z5p 220pF 10% 50wv, Ceramic N330 l11F 16wv Single End, Electrolytic +80 0. 0211F -20% 50wv Yz, Ceramic lJF l6wv Single End, Electrolytic +80 0.02pF -20% 50 wv Yz,Ceramic 0.021F 330pF 10% N330 47pF 5% 50vJV, Ceramic N750 - Nl500 4.71F/16 Single End, Electrolytic 4.71F/16 Single End Electrolytic FM 1FT 94AC-2007BHB FM DET 95-5138 821H 10% Fero Inductor lOmH 10% 821H 10% 15KSJ Trim Pot 5DM 15KQ Trim Pot 5DM 10M 10% l,;w 470SJ 10% l,;w 27K 10% l,;w 4.7KQ 10% J,;w 291-2036-504 291-1009-500 291-4736-504 291-2036-504 2915026-504 291-2036-504 291-2036-504 291 -2036-504 291-1036-506 291-1011-503 291-1011-503 293-4740-100 291-2211-503 291-1821-505 291-2211-503 293-1050-160 291-2036-504 293-1050-160 291-2036-504 291-2036-504 291-3311-503 291-4705-507 293-4750-160 293-4750-160 210-1104 210-1104 210-1104 210-1107 213-8201 213-1031 213-8201 813-1531 813-1531 412-1061000 414-4711-000 414-2731-000 414-4721-000 Section 4 RESISTORS R205 R206 R207 R208 R209 R210 R2ll R212 R213 R214 R215 R216 R217 R218 R219 R220 R221 R222 R223 R224 R225 R226 R227 R228 R229 R230 R231 R232 R233 R234 R235 R236 R237 R238 R239 R240 R241 R242 R243 R722 Semiconductors Q201 Q202 Q203 Q204 FM-IF ( contd l DESCRIPTION 470Q 150SJ lOOK 470$.1 4. 7K 27K 150$.1 220Q 220SJ 27K 4. 7KQ 150$.1 220$.1 4.7K 220SJ 47SJ 4.7K 12K lOK 82K 33Q 47K 10K 22K 5% W 22K 5% v,r 2.2K 39K 4.7K 47K lK 68SJ 3.911V Z5p Ceramic 0 .0015: 10% 50;N Z5p Ceramic q.JOOpF l 0% 125wv Styro 1 l011F 16v:v Electrolytic 22wF 16wv Electrolytic 820pF 10% 50wv Z5p Ceramic 1500pF 10% 125wv Styrol liJF i6wv Electrolytic 1uF l6wv Electrolytic l11F i 6wv 11F l6wv 0.011F 10% 125wv Styrol 0.0221F 10% 50wv Plastic 0.02211F 10% 50wv Plastic lOJ.:F 25vJi Electrolytic 470-!F l6wv MPX 19kHz Coil Grn. CAN-1372 BET 250-0732-506 250-0380-603 250-0380-603 280-2575 280-2575 230-1600 230-1600 230-1600 230-1600 230-1060 230-1060 230-1600 230-1600 201-0201 293-1050-250 293-i 060-25C 291-1521-505 291-1521-505 293-1060-250 295-4721-i 21 293-1060-160 293-2260-160 291-8211-505 295-1521-121 293-1050-160 293-1050-160 293-1050-160 293-1050-160 293-4770-350 295-1031 -121 292-2231-500 292-2231-500 293-l 060-250 293-4770-lSC 210-1201 Inductors T302 T303 T304 T305 Resistors R301 R302 R303 R304 R305 R306 R307 R308 R309 R31 0 R3ll R312 R313 R314 R3i 5 R316 R3l7 R318 R319 R320 Semiconductors Q30l Q302 Q303 IC301 D301 D302 Miscellaneous F301 F302 MPX (contd l DESCRIPTION MPX 67kHz Coil Bl k. CAN-1373 GW MPX 19kHz Coil Grn. CAN-1372 BET MPX 19kHz Coil Yel. CAN-30162 GW MPX 38kHz Coi 1 Red CAN-1378 DRC 390Kre 5% w 82K 2 .2K 220K 6802 22rl 10% / 3.9Krl 5% 3.9Krl 390K 10% 390K 39K 39K 4. 7K 10 v,r 4.7K 820ri 820 lOOK lOOK 2 .2K 1 K 2SC373 Transistor 2SC373 2SC373 MA76A IC IC skt. IC-09-14#2 1N60 1 N60 Gi diode Low Pass Filter 210-1203 210-1201 210-1204 210-1202 414-3945-001 414-8231-000 414-2221-000 414-2241-000 41 -6811-000 414-2201-000 41 -3925-001 414-3925-001 414-3941-000 414-3941-000 414-3931-000 414-3931-000 414-4721-000 C.1-4721-000 41 L-8211-000 (14-8211-000 414-1041-000 4-041-000 414-2221-000 414-1021-000 250-0373-500 250-0373-500 250-0373-500 280-7670 113-0001 230-1600 230-1600 210-0101 210-0101 Capacitors C40l C402 C403 C404 C405 C406 C407 C42l C422 C423 C42C C425 C426 Resistors R402 R403 R405 R406 R407 R408 R4QS R4l0 R41: R412 R413 R422 R423 R425 R426 R427 R428 R429 R430 R431 R432 Semi conductors Q401 0402 Q42i Q422 PRE AMP DESCRIPTION l011F 25wv Electrolytic 20pF 10% 50wv NPO Ceramic 47!1F l6wv Electrolytic 0. 004711F l 0% Ceramic 0.0015lF 10% 50wv Z5p Ceramic 2211F 50wv Electro 1 yt i c 330lF 50wv Electrolytic (spec. size) 20pF 10% 50wv NPO Ceramic 4hF l6wv Electro 1 yti c 0.0047F 10% SOwv Z5p Ceramic 0.0015lF Ceramic 22f.!F 50wv Elect(olytic 220K 10% w l80K 5% 3901l l 0% 1.2M 10% 4. 7! 5% lc;J 1 COi i 0% 2.2K 10% 47K iO% ,;w 220K 10% w l80K 5% J:iw 1.2M 10% c;w 4.7K 10% vJ lOOK 10% 2.2K 10% i,;w 1M :10% VI 47K lOS w 2SClOOO(Bl) Transistor 2SC1000(8l) Transistor 2SCiOOO(B1) Transistor 293-l 060-250 291-2001-500 293-4760-160 291-4721-505 291-1521-505 293-2260-500 293-3370-50