Technics-SAT670KFP-rec-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf
IrceManual5A.T6TOKFP2 x 75W (4 ohms)2 x 65W (B ohms)2 x 65W (4 ohms)2 x 60W (B ohms)7 Hz-35 kHz, -3 dB4.040/a 14,8 ohms)0.05% (4 oht;ts)0.03 % B ohms)0.025 % (B ohms)0.007 % (B ohms)Frequency responsePHONOAUXTone ControlsBASSTREBLE185.040233FM/AM STEREO RECEIVER2.5 mV/47k ohmsI50 mV/33k ohms150 mvi 33k ohms3 mV/10k ohms170 mVRIAA standard curve30 Hz* 1 5 kHz, t 0.2 dB2O Hz-20 kHz, + 0.5 dB, - 1 dB10 Hz-40 kHz, + 0.5 cB, * 2.5 dB50 Hz, + 12 dB- - 12 dB2OkHz, + 12 d8- - 12 dB1 00 Hz. - 6 d8/oct7kHz, *6dB/oct50H2. +9dB-F?Specilications(DlN 45 500)AMPLIFIER SECTION1 kHz continuous power- both channels driven20Hz - 20 kYz continuous oowerboth channels drivenPower banciwidthboth channels driven at B ohmsTotal harmonic dislortionrated power at 1 kHzrated power at 20 Hz-20 kHzfated power a1 20 Hz*2C kHzhalf power at 20 Hz-20 kHzhall power at 1 kHzI ntermodulation distortionrated power at 250 Hz: B kHz = 4.1, 4 ohms 0.04%rated power at 60 Hz: 7 k1z = 4: 1 , SMPTE, B 0.03 %Damping factor 25 (4 ohms), 50 (B ohms)lnput sensitivity and impedancePHONOAUX.1. AUX.2TAPE.1. TAPE.2MICPHONO maximum input voltage (1 kHz, HMS)S/Nrated power (4 ohms) PHONO 72 dB (lHF, A:80 dB)TAPE 85 dB (lHF, A:92 dB)26 dB power (4 ohms) PHONO 65 dBAUX 75 dB50 mW power (4 ohms) PHONO 60 dBAUX 62 dBAcoustjc Controls Tone Conlrols 0 positibn)Lour filterHigh filterLoudness control (volume at - 30 dB)Marketed and Serviced throughout New Zealandby Fisher and Paykel LimitedHtpbg&TechnicsRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库SPECI FICATIO N S SA.T6TOKFPOutput voitage and impedanceTAPE 1 REC OUTTAPE 2 REC OUTTAPE 3 RECIPLAY (Din Socket) . . .Channel batance, AUX 250 Hz 6300 Hz .Channei separation, AUX 1 kHzHeadphones level and outpul impedanceLoad impedanceMAIN or REMOTEMAIN + REMOTEFIli TUNER SECTICINFrequency rangeAntenna IermrnalsSensitivity + 40 kHz deviation)Total haimonic dislortion (al 1 kHz)MONO, .STEREOSIN + 46 kHz deviation)MONOSTEBEOFrequency FesponseSelectivrty (400 kHz)Capture ratiolmage rejection al 98 MHzlF re1ection at 98 MHzSpurious response rejection at 98 MHzAM suppressronStereo separation1 bl-lz10 kHzLeak carrier19 kHz38 kHz ,Channel balance (250 Hz * 6300 Hz) .Limiiing point .BandwidthlF amplifierFM demodulatorAM TUNER SECTIONFrequency RangeSensitivity (S/N 20 dB) Selectivitylmage rejectjon at 1000 kHz .lF rejection at 1000 kHz .GENERALPower Consumption . .Power SupplyDimensronsiWxHxD)WeightACCESSORTESSpeaker-circuilprotectionfuse$ . . . . .sA.T6702150 mV150 mV30 mV/80 k ohms* 1.0 d855 dB500 mV/330 ohms4 - 16 ohrnsB * 16 ohms88 - 108 MHz300 ohms balansed)75 ohms (unbalanced)10.3 dBt, 1.8 UV lHF, usablo)22 vV (lHF, S/N 46 d8, 75 ohms, STEREO)1.8 uV (S/N 30 dB, 300 ohms)1.6 !V (S/N 26 dB, 300 ohms)1.4 l,lv (S/N 20 dB, 300 ohms)1.3 trV (S/N 30 dB, 75 ohms)1.2 pV (S/N 26 dB, 75 ohms)0.9 uV (S/N 20 d8, 75 ohms)0.1%O.2a/o60 dB (rHF, 75 dB)56 dB (rHF, 70 dB)+ 0.2 dB20 Hz - 15 kHz, * 0.8 dB80 dB1.0 dB85 dB100 dB100 dB60 dB45 dB35 dB-65 dB, tHF- 70 dB, IHF-F 1.5 dB1.2 1tY180 kHz1000 kHz525 - 1605 kHz30 UV, 250 uV/m35 dB50 dB45 dB550W50 Hz, 230 V450 x157x411mm(ltryx63,.x16ri12.5 kg (27.s lb)2RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库AIJX 1 Fhona CUTf- XI S lerii() i1-lC lGaltr-voiLrrTie *0n1foiJ-aDe-,nonrior$Feaker Circuil Frotecircn iuses!1lC !1 iirclPubi ic :liriress facilit;Iw,ry&IHe;lriniror:e iac,) DIAL CORD STRINGING GUIDEBLOCK DIAGRAM OF SIGNAL PATHSto SEL SWAM TERMTuning Capacitor - Closed PositionDial Cord Length 200 cm3 Turns ClockwiseQl 0235K.r0 2SC1047Mixer03 042SC1675 2SK49OSC Buflerrct024N377IF AMP &DETo109r05Power SupplyO701,702. Regul.O751. 752 ReoulalorMic jack SWBul16r 0451,452,lix AmpQ153454 Mic AmPo455fteAmp &0riv60601,602,607608,60S,610,611,612, 13.614.619.620SwilchProlecliono811,812,813,814sA,TABOUT THE CIRCUITRYPROTECTION FUSESSoeaker CircuitProtection FusesR 5.OA LCircuitry-Protection FuseCircuitry damage may result il - with the power on andthe volume control 7 set to any position except 0 - theplus (+ ) and minus (- ) speaker terminals areaccidentally shorted or if speaker impedance is nolcorrect. These fuses prevent such circuitrydamage.lf no sound is heard f rom one or both speakers althoughthe dial is illuminated and there are no mistakes wilhconnections or operating mode, one tuse or both Jusesmay have failed.Note concerning speaker impedance:1. When two pairs of speaker systems (,4AlN anoREMOTE) are used, use speaker systems wtth animpedance o B ohms or more each.Normalm$ailedffisReplace if no sound heardfrom right speaKer systemReplace if no sound heardfrom left speaker system.2. When MAIN or REMOTE speaker systems are usedseparately, use speaker systems with an rmpedance of4 ohms or more.FUSE REPLACEMENT1 . Loosen the screw and remove the cover.2. After fuse replacement, close the cover.Note: Replacement fuses are included with the operationinstructions.CHASSIS VIEWFuse PrimaryPower TransformersA.T6706Relay Switch Power amplifier Equaliser AMPFM IF AMP & FMDetecto? lCTuning capacitorPX ICPower SuPPPROTECTION CIRCUIT CHECKMain Amplifier (lCQ) Alignment1. ThelCQadjustment should be started in less than 30secs after setting the power switch to the ON position.2. Left Channel. Connect DC voltmeter between TP601 and TP603. Adjust VR60 1 to B mV on DC voltmeter indication,3. Right Channel. Connect DC voltmeter between TP602 and TP604.o Adjust VR602 to B mV on DC voltmeter indication.Note:The unit is provided with speaker circuit protection fusesfor the right and lelt channels respectively. The fuseprotects the power transistor lrom damage should thespeaker terminals be short circuited. Accordingly if thespeakers fail to operate after the speaker connections aremade, check whether the speaker circuit prolection fusesare intact or blown.+FRONTvnsoz ALIGNMENT POINTSStereo modulatorFN,I S.G.Tape 2Playback REC OUT AUX PHONOFM IFT T1300ohms +FM Dummy AntennaTo S.G. (S.G. imp. 75 ohms)vnoor BFi9.4 Abb.4).Tffi7Ox+x06 BVR3O1A-8, O-E: Stereo OFF PosilionB-D: Stereo ON Posilion(lndicator lighting).C: Adjusl Point ol Pilot Ci.cuitFig. 5 Abb. 5)To OutputMeterLow Pass Filter (lc = 15 k Hz- 19 kHz)Fiq. 6 (Ab. 6)sA.T670L5t2FM FF OET CoilCT1 FM ANT TrimmerL1 FM ANT CoiICT201 AM ANT TrimmerCT2 FM DET TrimmerVR3O1 PLL VCOAdjustmentL2O1 AM ANT COIIVF1O2 METER- LEVVR302 SeoaralionFM OSC Coil L7FM OSC TrimmetFM RF DET CT3 - -AM osc coit L2o2 FSltM uruuorr uuz - -6l folAM IFT T2O1T2i2+vTP201T2O3 F GsMuting Level Adt. VF102AM OSC Trimmer CT202Speakers Terminal(Sine Wave)FM Discr IFTALIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS FM/AM TUfER CIRCUITRY)Notes: 5. Tape monitor switch - SOURCE1. Louciness swtch - OFF 6. Filter switch - OFF2. Band setector switch * AMIFM (FM, RF FM-IF) 7. Maintain line vollage at raled voltage.3. FM muringlmode switch - OFF/MONO B. Outpui of signal generator should be no higher than4. Speaker switch - ON necessary to obtain an oulput reading.SIGNAL GENERATOR DIAL INDICATORccNNEcrQN FHE0. srn-rr.rc ,$18r5J#fi i,3:8, ooigilyst REMAFKSAM ALIGNilIENTHlgn sroe tnrolgn l 00: uF o das rPz o,- t .- .,o,nJ, , c.n6 I?O1 ,15r ;FTiAr,i a.renna :rlmmer ,em,1ar ll9,XT_ nll.i,nl ;pil, ;r; d; l?0l ,2nc rm Adrust ror na4mLm cursJrCommon to cnassrs. wrln iCOHz 1203 3rd iFnFashron looo o several lurns 6CO klt Csnnect VTVM or scope Adjusl ior maximum oulpul.*;:#rJl- slsnai rnlo fl;i$1, 600 kHz i:l rsrnrnars b 331ixff #ii f3$:l:t:;r%fl,J:3,:Fashion loop ol several turns 1500 kHz connecl vrvM or scote cr202 (osc rrimmeO Adjust tor rnaximurn ourpur.of wir6 and radiale signal lnlo (30% Mod.) 1500 kHz to speaker termrnals o1 ct20t (ANT Trimmeo Repear $teps (2) and (3)loop ol receiver wilh 400H2) receivrFM.IF ALIGNTdENTPc ni or non run,ns nete, or ser 119:i9F:, -o I,ri;1,fi*.;ii:,:.No ilgna nierrerence lunlnq nglel ol sel vo, y! uvs :re gos,l,on ci runlng mererFMRF ALIGI.TMENTConnect to FM 300 ohm 90 MHr L7 OSC Corl Fhl muringlmode switch toanlenna lerminai ihrough FM 100% Mog. 90 Mhz connecl scooe lo spgai(erdu,omy antenna w*h 400 Hz) refminars of receiver i? ilii5:,i- 3li;lYirir?,i?:jJ1,t2 ANT ColU rnetrical curve. (Fet. Fig- 4)Connecl lo FM 300 ohm 106 MHz Connect scope lo speaker CT3 OSC Tilnmer) Adjusl ior maximum ampliludeanlenna lermrnal lhrough Flvl (100% Mod. 106 Mhz lerminals ol receiver cT3iRF.DET Tilmmer) and symmetrical curve.durnmy antenna wrlh 400 Hzi CT I iANT Tflmmer I Repear sleps 5) and 6)CTA ANT lrimmer)FM MONO DISTORTION ALIGNMENT:;il: L*Y,1T,?X?, , i,ofouild 100 MHz conncr scope 1o speaker r10llDrscRr rm iB) liHiJi:lJim dislorlrondummy antenna, Appty 80 da with 00 lrminals ol f$ceiv6r Greel cofe iprr ,rp. i4 and (7).lo set. Hz)FM MUTING LEVEL ALIGNMENTConnect to FM 300 ohm 10o MHz M mulinglmode swilch toanlenna rermrnat rhroush FM 100% Mod. 100 MHz connecr vryM or scope vR101 ?X|ij$:i*,pul can bedummy antenna. Ap0ty 16 dg with 400 Hz lo speaksr iermioals(6.3 uV) to set. - oblainedFM SIGNAL METER ALIGNMENT1. Appty 100 MHz FM signal of 100 dB (400 ila 30% modulalion) to FM 3. Adjust VR102 for about 4.7 point ot signal merer indicarion.300 ohm anlenna terminal through FM dummy antenna.2. Tuning at 100 MHr.FM MPX PILOT ALIGNMENTUsang a iraqueflcy ccunter Using alt,(nal syslem11000MHzNonmoduialedmonosignal aopliedioset.Apply60dB) 1.Applyslereqsignat lromgeneralororstereoslalionlcreceiver.2, FM muling/.node se/ilch to ON/FN.l AUTO 2.Adj!il VH301 u;tii steraoindicalor lighls up. Cemenr arm sf VR301 as3. Connecl frequency counter to IP301 lhrough resislor .l00 k ohms sfrown in Fig. 5.a. Adjrrsl VR301 to tg kHz r 30 Hz.Noles: 1. Steroo modulalor . a Conftecl stereo modulator oulpul td EXT MOD terminal ol srgnal gensrator.a Pilot signal modulaiion to 10Yo2, FM srgnal gensralor r Frequency approximalely 100 MHz/Output level to 72 dB (lHF). Modulalion mods io FM3. Sleclor swrlch to FM 4. FM muting/mode switch ro ON/FM AUIOsA.T870IFM SIGNAL GTNERATOR STEFEO MCDULATO9 1NOICAIOR ADJUSTIVIENTCONNECTION MODE & MO. RAI; iAC VTVMi POINT RFMAFKSFM STEREO SEPARA?IOTt ALIGNMENTTonrng at ll0 irlli? tvlake acjustneniFLt .3CO ohm arlenna i,l kHr lilt Mccriaiioni Ccnnecl VTVtul l! sreaker so rhal. Bnsn :ts anlera inpul isterminats rhrougi Fil.l MODE L iand n1 termirai$ thro|Eh low Bass VR302 suol*cied to ! madLialton or gdummy antenna. Pilol rignal lo CN liiler Ref . Fig. 5) modu;at1on). il rhannel ouiprrt ior Lchannal cuipu0 becomes minrrnum_REPLACEMENT PARTS LI$TNOTES: 1. Pafi nurnbers are shown for rnos! inechanical parts.2.Sin the Femarks column indjcales that a part is normslly a slock itorn.CABINET AND CIIASSIS PARTSRef. No. Part No. Description Remarks Ret. No. Part No. Description Remarke1 493.281002 Knob, Volume S 37 RBG109 Flubber, Ant.Mtg. (2)2 493-281006 Knob, Tuning S 38 SDZ6-1 Dal Cord, 200 cm4 493-?81004 Kfloh, Ba$s, Ireble, Bal. Sel. (4) S 39 493-662001 Dial Spring S5 493-281002 Knob, Levsr Swilcies (4) S 40 493-285001 Drum. Tuning Capacitor S5-1 493-281005 Knob, Mic Mixino S 41 SJF3025-1 Term, Plate 12 P & DIN6 4S3.233001 Front Pane Assy S 42 SJ F8013 Trm. Plate SpakersI XTS3X8BF2 Front Panol Mtg. Screws 4) 43 SUA9457.6 R6ar Panel9 SUS123-2 Spring Push Swllches (41 44 XTB3 + SBFZ Raar pan. Mt!- Screw 18)10 493-281001 Bstlon. Push S!*itches 14) S 45 SJF8013 Trm. Plate Ant.11 SGX677 Button. Ornamenl 4 46 341440054 Sockel AC Outlel S12 422,041005 Meter, Tuning and Signal S 47 493.343003 Cover, Speaker Fuses 513 422-A4rcA6 M6ler, Powor S 48 XTB3 + SBFZ Cover Mt. Screwt4 XNSS1z Nut, Headphones & Mic Jacks 2) 43 098-026430 Power Cord Assy15 $NE59 Wavy washr, Hd,ph.& Mic Jk l2l 50 SHH131 Bushing16 493349004 Power Swilch S 51 211-?01265 Cabint S17 493-281008 Eutton Sheel (4) 5 52 231448223 Baseboard Sl8 493S51001 Tuning Shaft Assy S 53 383-050007 Transtormer, Mains S19 Glass Parl ot Frl. Pan Assy 54 SMY411 Heal 6ink20 493-234001 Dial Scale Assy S 55 SMV415 Sub Heai Sink (2J21 696-040054 grkt, Diat scale. HH. S 56 XTB3 x 0AFZ Screw, Sub Heal Sink M1g. (8)22 696-040055 grkl, Dial Scale. L.H. S 57 SGM39.2 Covr Grille23 XTW3XBE Brkt Mlg- Sorsw wlwasher (2) 58 XT53 x 8A Wcod Screw, Cover Gr. Mlg. (14)25, 26 493-284003 Dial Pointer Assy S 59 EUF225 Front Chassrs27 493-283002 Fllector plate S 60 SUH407 Side Chassis (L)28 SDH4B7 Rellector plale Angle 61 SUH409 Side Chassis R29 XTW3XAE Rell. Flale Mtg. Screw (3) 62 SUw1487 MIC PCB Fixturs30 SJF3223 Term, Strip AUX L. & H. 63 XTBS x 8B Sctew, Fixlure Mtg31 04 Screw, Baseboard lvllg. (4)32 SHD3X1F Pulley Mtg- Screw (4) 65 SKL151 Foot (4!33 65340026 Pully, Dlal Cord t4) %s 66 MM31 x D20 U/ood Screw, Foot Mtg. (4)34 Capacitor Bracket 67 493.343001 Socket. Power Transi$tor (4) S35 XSN4 +12F2 Cab & Tranglormer Mtg Screw i8) 68 SMX137 ln$ulalion Film 435.1 XWA4BFZ Cab & Trans. Mtg. Sprn. Wshr.8 69 XSB3 x 14BNS Screw, Power Ttansistor (8)35-2 XW64BFZ Cab & Tran$. Mtg Washer (8) 70 XWA3BFN Spring Washer (8)sMM35 Rl - 71 XWE3FN Washer (8)iff Metsr Fixture L and FlsMM37 (L)IQ- .n L-t uq-ll-r-r+E-I5A.T670TR-SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM . TONE CONTROL, POWER AMP, POWER SUICtr fltuflJ6, m frsudtEEatop. A IMm / lsw f ?*J 112AtJ._/ I-i.6lsilo-l,gh Fillgr S$t Ilsli rtYdl&r.$2s?tarH2t:3Ts,rJroftEqt ru&*it.rJl)t9ltrrTrt crel,l s rcerl;cal lr !ie ote irtleaxrer: iar CF umsrsL_*NOTS1 a Corresoonds to the nrmber 9n rne Dr,nted crrcuitboari l-2 : SC |oltale neasured 1./1lh a DC rlrcli: lesitf lhqn Irngedaflce, liol aris$rt trturd. !rcer lhe conclls Ioi !O SiGhtAi- Threlqe terP fta, be se Itrtigr?nca n it alla-fe lalugs, deeSA.T67OEwtrnntprDFoErlEEEi all!t* a.z. t !qi. -il tn L-rs.Li-;ri.:ntd b( srctr !t, guEEc.:ril lns L.l5n!F.6aIhrs crcurt rs /denlrcal to lhe oneBbole erceol ror cR WIRING DIAGRAM MODEL 5A.T670-R-?Mdm CordAVACESfi5HF2u_:mflF3 1?5J 2A91, qlo-G-_l_rl_i tor_J t-a/Til- lili:l -llel lllo onlt.E-.U?l-tl.,o, :oolL- - -*lMdin fiohotoS06akarsAC So.*rl&vrm-noSA.T67O13As;d8rGrFatl8 3,.8l:O.i .m7t To CvalgaiNUNlc I IUt:11 O; 5l-igIo-o-il o c o; - 3n:t-i!;ltl ts! .r,o-.-sc-,Or gr-7i-o-6-i3E:lOt:l o o oo ! ,_,! J oEdfHilt-8,19 e - e;-l:l;,a l*l;;,*r l*11:gqr ceJ-.c6flbE*,rS16ill*tlP Fqr h jc5o! Ecro. tO_8vls l$ l;-t*,r: i.t :l _1;l :l cl., i-1, cl:r rf-I lalliiFl : c6 z. 6! nn6 &l!. t6t2. .0ll; tr I - -Y-X re,r - tg-I:rf .e li t* I 616.r.-i.;igl .;: iE*Flg .: i:o ;t;.,l1ltl a ri tt*tlrE;Yt . -. p =,Sll - itqaE rgtgrit6ti,11:.; E lg I EF_, lg.lil:.ii:,:effi-r-i g-+s*rllri#jjnl:rit;:10;*J= * l;: tr:lg lt - ffi;iltlmff= r*ii5,urg.*- -ui- iil li lit -* 3 E : ,nror I lu l- ldJ : ll.g!. - l- r l!96+;.-_ sl: R.i;$b;$iglnn i rr-;*-. - t,? H il,| u , ,.o,o. I la U- o:,e i:6;.+ctor I p52eoh. : I ullllg : ;lnILl:16tMcor l$l l-1! c1!g 6i Il5r u Flle q I- L- JE -.t-O- o r lfrMETER onrvr l:i ,:,i :- l-i # *d,qi .-: ;l :_tlll sg-i*,r 7; .ir;i- g lut ;:. :-!-sr13 BREPLACEMENT PARTS LIST NOTES: )Ret. No, Part No.RF, IF,Ql 361-041280Q2 361.04128303 361-041284Q4 361-041328Q101,102,r03 361-041282Q104 361-041327Q105,106 361-041282Q301,302 361-041281Q201 361.041282Q401,402 361.041332Q403,404 2SC1328STMS0405,406 361-041329Q751 361-0412284752 361.041282DIODES &D1 01,1 02103 361-041025D104 361-041093D201 0499D202,203 361-04.10280204,301302 361.041025D303 361.041060D401,402403,404405 361-0410