Pioneer-SX9000-rec-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf
INSTALLAT ION. OPERATIONAND SERVICE MANUALIncluding PARTS LIST, CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS,TROUBLE SHOOTING AND MOUNTING TEMPLATE.rJIONEEIiIRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库FEATURESA MULTI-PURPOSE, EASY-TO.USE DESIGNThe SX-9000 was designed to give you a high degree of versatilityin operation. You can, for example, use two microphones, two tapedecks, two headsets with the SX 9000. All controls are rationallvplaced for easy use. The circuitry is qrlite advanced, on a par withprofessional designs.CLEAN-LINED, CONTEMPORARY APPEARANCEThe SX-9000 looks good, too. The front incorporates a folding panelthat adds to its distinctive design. When in operation, the smokedglass dial window lights up with subdued illumination. and the sourcealso lights up for quick identification.HIGH PERFORMANCE TUNERThe SX-9000 employs the latest circuitry, including FET and lCs.The resu lt is a professional receiver of exceptional sensitivity andstab i I ity.PRE-SET TONE COLORSIn addition to the normal bass and treble controls, there is a4-position tone color selector knob. This provides quick switchingfrom flat to soft, bass or vivid. These cttaracteristics aresvmbolized in an illuminated window in the dial face.TAPE-TO-TAPE MON ITOR I NGTwo buttons on the front panel allow easy, one-touch monitoring oftapes A or 8 when you use the SX 9000 to copy directly fromone tape to another.FOOLPROOF MICROPHONE USEWhen either microphone knob is set to OFF, the unit operates inparallel to provide monophonic signals for both speakers withouthaving to set the mode switch.REVERBERATION EFFECTAlso included is a reverberation effect knob. The degree of echo iseasily read in the Reverberation window in the dial faceSPECIAL OVERLOAD PROTECTIONYou can play up to three different pairs of speaker systems throughthe SX-9000 in combinations A, B, C, A+8, A+C, B+C. lf all threeare accidentally turned on, however, the Overload Protection goesinto action and the speakers are automatically shut off.EARPHONE VERSATILITYBecause the SX-9000 has two earphones output jacks, two peoplemay I isten simu ltaneously with earphones without having to gothrough an accessory junction box.RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库I TJTONEERLINE VOLTAGE SELECTION AND FUSESWITCHING LINE VOLTAGE SETTING AND FUSETo remove the fuse, turn the fuse cap located on the linevoltage selector switch in the direction indicated by thearrow. Then remove the fuse plug from the unit. Put thefuse plug back so that the proper line voltage marking canbe seen through the cut on the edge of the plug. Wheneverthe position of the selector switch is changed, check therating of the fuse. A 1.5-ampere fuse is to be used foreither22OY or 240V operation and a S-ampere fuse for 110V,120V or 130V operation. If the rating of the fuse is correct,replace cap.FUSE REPLACEMENTIf the fuse blows, remove the fuse cap and replace the fusewith a new one.STEREO SYSTEMThe SX-9000 is general-purpose stereo amplifier. Connect itto the speaker systems (two to six), turntable, taperecorder, etc., which are separately available.INSTALLATIONWhen installing your stereopoints.system, check the followingo The place should be well-ventilated, and free fromdampness and dust.o The units should not be exposed to direct sunlight.o The units should not be placed near radiators or otherheating units.o The place should be substantial and roomy enough for theinstallation, when installing the unit on a shelf.A WORD ABOUT ROOM ACOUSTICSThe quality of reproduced sound varies according to thesize and shape of the room, the materials of walls, floorand ceiling and the amount and arrangement of fumiture.Too harsh or bright a sound usually results from toomany hard reflecting surfaces, and/or too low a ceiling.This condition is improved by having ample carpet area orcovering the wall (especially that facing the speakers) witha thick curtain.On the other hand, too many absorbing surfaces will tendto soak up the sound, resulting in a certain deadness.Furniture may be rearranged to provide irregular reflectionof the sound. In any event, the true stereo effect is lost ifthe two speaker systems are placed too far apart. This maybe corrected by angling them slightly toward each other orreducing the distance between them.FUSE CAPFig. 1Take off the fuse cap by turning it with a coin,etc. an the direction indicated by the arrow mark.A SPEAKER SYSTEMB SPEAKER SYSTEM C SPEAKER SYSTEMFig. 2SPEAKHR SYSTEM CONNECTIONSo First remove the speaker connector plugs from theaccessories bag and then connect the speaker leads asshown in Fig. 3. Be sure to match the speaker and plugpolarities.o After the plugs are connected, insert the one for the rightchannel in the left side of the SPEAKER OUTPUTS (A)panel on the rear of the unit. Connect the left channel tothe right side of this panel as shown in Fig.3.(Refer alsoto the connection diagram on Page 4.). If you have one (or two) more speaker system(s),connect them in the same way, using the B (and C)terminals.ANTENNAAND GROUND CONNECTIONSWhen using the SX-9000 at a place of low field strength ordistant from the station, select the most suitable FM andAM antennas as follows, and the efficiency of any antennadepends on its height more than its length.FM ANTENNAo Reception is easier if the building is primarily of woodand is near the FM station, in this case, use the accessoryT-type indoor antenna. Unfold the horizontal section ofthe antenna to its full length, and determine the bestdirection for the antenna while actually receiving an FMbroadcast program. Attach the horizontal section to awall or other place in the determined direction. (See Fig.4.)o When using the SX-9000 at a relatively long distancefrom the station, or within a building or home withrelatively thick walls, or vicinity of tall buildings, erect anFM outdoor antenna, and connect it to the FM antennaterminals as shown in Fig. 5.AM ANTENNAo If your house is located in area relatively close to the AMstation, the ferrite loopstick antenna provided on theback of the SX-9000 will be sufficient for reception ofAM broadcast program. The antenna is directional itshould be moved about while listening to a station andset at the position which provides the best reception.( See Fig. 6. ). If the loopstick antenna does not provide sufficientsensitivity for reception and static is noticeable, put thefurnished antenna wire on the wall and connect one endof the wire to the AM antenna terminal. (SeJfig. +.;o If you want reception from a distant AM station, youmay have to set up an AM outdoor antenna. In such acase, connect one end of the AM outdoor antenna to theAM antenna terminal. (See Fig. b.)RIGHT CHSPEAKER SYSTEMLEFT CHFig. 3SPEAKER SVSTEMFig.- FM OUTDOOR ANTENNAAM OUTDOORANTENNAFig. 5CONNECTION DIAGRAMN O T E :lf connecting one set of speaker sys-tems to speaker output terminal thespeaker of each channel should be 4to | 6 ohms : however, both outPutterminals (A, B and C speakers)to twospeaker systems the of each channel,8 to 16 ohms.AM ANTENNAAM FERRITE ANTENNAPRE OUT& MIXING REC. pAE & t,tntNMAIN INJNTfRCOUPLEDPHONOMAG I MAG 2SPEAKER PLUGSSPEAKER OUTPUTS i4 to | 6() rCENTERCHANNEOUTPUTlo)tY7e*clTAPEREC P.B/TAPE TAPEMON A REC. AI:l-4,IrFUSE5 A: 2 4 0 V220V3 4 : | 3 0 V| 20v| 1 0 v#TURNTABLES(RECORD PLAYERS)GROUNDINGThe SX-g000 will provide stable performance whethergrounded or not. In rare case, however, grounding mayhelp. If so, connect a wire from the GND terminal to awater pipe or balcony, fastening it FIRMLY. Never use agas pipe as a ground.MICROPHONE CONNECTIONInsert the plug on the microphone cord into either one ofthe MIC jacks on the front panel of the unit.Use both jacks when you wish to employ two microphonesat the same time.o e r ! ! f . . .TAPE DECK OR TAPE RECORDERMICROPHONE A(LEFT CH.)TURNTI. If the turcartridge,1 terminacrystal carConnect tright to tleither terro A secondused, con. If a tumtused, eithseparate h. Some turterminalswith the sFM INDOOR ANTENNAHED-l-1-!FM OUTDOOR ANTENNANTABLE CONNECTION:re tuintable is equipped with a moving-magnet type:idge, connect its output cords to the PHONO MAGrminais on the rear of the unit. If the turntable has abal catridge, connect it to the AUX 1 terminals.nect the left channel cord to the upper terminal, theb to the lower. If the cartridge is of monophonic type,:r terminal will do.:cond turntable with magnet type cartridge is to bel, conoect its cords to the PHONO MAG 2 terminals.turntable with a moving-coil (MC) cartridge is to bel, either a matching transformer for MC cartridge orrate head amplifier must be employed.Le turntable output cord plugs do not match therinals of this unit. In such a case, replace the plugsL the spares provided in the accessories bag.PI()NEERTAPE DECK (RECORDER)CONNECTION. A tape deck connected to this unit must have arecord/playback preamplifier built-in. PIONEERs modelsT-600 and T-500 feature characteristics ideally suitedto the SX-9000.o The connected tape recorder should also have outputterminals for tape recorder connection (LINE OUT) ortape monitor terminals.CONNECTION FOR TAPE RECORDINGConnect this units TAPE REC terminals to the signal input(LINE IN) terminals of the tape deck. Use the cordsprovided with the deck. The upper terminal is for the leftchannel, the lower for the right. If the tape deck is ofmonophonic type, use the CENTER CHANNEL outputterminal instead.CONNECTION FOR TAPE PLAYBACK (OR MONITOR)Connect the LINE OUT or TAPE MONITOR terminals onthe tape deck to the TAPE MON terminals on this unit.Connection is done in the same way as described in theabove paragraph.USE OF RECORD/PLAYBACK CONNECTORThe tape deck has a DIN type record/playback connector,all recording and playback connections can be made bymeans of this one (optional) cord. Plug one end into theTAPE REC/P.B. connector on this unit and the other intothe corresponding connector on the tape deck. In this caseno other connection cords are necessary.CONNECTION FOR MIXED RECORDINGConnect the tape deck input terminals and this units PREOUT & MIXING REC terminals. Connection is made in thesame way as outlined above.CONNECTION WHEN USING TWO TAPE DECKS (RE-CORDERS)When using two tape decks, for example, when you wish toedit an already-recorded tape or practice along with arecorded concert, etc., and then hear the results, connectthe second tape deck to the TAPE MON B and TAPE RECB jacks on the front of the SX-9000. These jacks take 1/4standard phone plugs.FRONT PANEL FACILITIESPush once to switch on the power, once again to turnit off.PHONES JACKSThese phones jacks for stereo headset(s).The two jacks (A, B) are available for connection withtwo stereo headsets.TUNING IWhen selectipointer of thpossible.For an FMway. Precisithat the dialTUNINGThis knob isthe tunirgTONEINDICATORBALANCEUsed to adjuright chanchannel souMODE SIIVIControls theunit as folREV: SRightspeakf,eftTurn this knob to the right tothe left to reduce them. Setposition for flat response.TREBLEUse of this knob is similar to that of the BASS knob.REVERBThis is the reverberation adjustment knob. Turn it to theright to increase reverberation, to the left to reduce it.accentuate bass tones, tothe knob at its centerUse this filter to cut out low-frequencyference, such as motor rumbling or hum.Use this filter to cut out high-frequencyference, such as that from fluorescentFM MUTINGThis switch is used to suppress much noise between FMstations when tuning. In a fringe area, however, thisswitch should be kept off because it may suppress thedesired station signal at the same time.LOUDNESSAt reduced volume the ears sensitivity to extremely lowand high frequencies is reduced. This switch compensatesfor that phenomenon by emphasizing these frequencies.At normal or high volumes this switch should be keptoff.TAPE MON B JACKThis jack is for connecting to the LINE OUT terminalsof a tape deck or tape recorder. It is designed to accept a3-P type plug.TAPE REC B JACKFor connecting to the LINE IN terminals of a tape deck(recorder). Allows recording of another program sourceor tape for editing.F I LTERLOW:HIGH:ST:LT:T O N E C O L O Raa s 92AM 55 6ct 70F M S T E R E o A MO F F O NP O A / E R6PHetcNG INDICATORselecting an ANI broadcast, tune so that the dialer of the lower meter deflects as far to the right FM broadcast, use the lower meter in the samePrecision FM tuning is also possible by adjusting sothe dial pointer of the upper meter is ceuteredThis knob is used to adjust the volume of AM and FMbroadcasts, record play and tape playback It is alsoused to balance the program source signal level duringmixed recording with a microphoneRCE VOLUMEASTER VOLUMETurn this knob to the rightthe speakers. If this knob issound will come frorn theSOURCE and MIC LEVELall the waY to the right.S P E A K E R SABcT O N E C O LINGknobunirgE COLORCATORREVERBERATIONINDICATORis used to locate AM or FM stations Watchmeter(s) for more Precise tuning-to increase the volume fromturned down all the waY nospeakers, even though thevolume controls are turnedS E L E C T O RPHONO 1T U N I N GI E C O L O Rs s 2 s 1 s 6 9 A 1 O O 1 O 2 1 O 4 1 0 6 1 O 8 M H z:l-;-;-; t t 12o 14o 160 xlokHzoooF M P H O N O A U X S S T R E E L EV O L U M EB A S S . l .vtvloM I NM A STERQ- souaceA N C EMIC LEVEL CONTROLS() r:torueenR E V E R B E R A T I O Nod to e.djust the stereophonic balance between left andLt channels. Turning to the left strengthens the leftnnel sound; to the right, the right channelLANCE CONTROLDE SIIIITCHrtrols the stereo aud mono output functions of thet as foliows .V: Stereo, with right arldr3versed.r Normal stereo.: Left channel sigual fedspeakers.: Ii.,ight channelspeakers.signal fedP U S H O NM U T I N G L oleft chairnel siglalsto both left and rightto both left and rightchannel sigr-rals mixed, then fedright channel sPeakers.Control the microphone signal input levelControl A is for a microphone connected to MIC JACKA, and Control B for MIC JACK B Turning either to theright increases the signal.Ulroplrones can be used at any time, for mixing withanother sound source such as a record or recorded tapeWhen a microphone is not being used, that controlshould be turned all the way to the left (off)NOTE: When only one microphone is used its signal is monaurally fedthrough both left and right speakers regardless of which iack isuseo.When two microphones are used however the one connectedto jack A broadcasts through the left speakers while the oneconnected to iack B is heard through the rightM O N .B.lJM I C L Er F:,:. L (T O N ER: l,eft ar-rd righttr both left and PIONEERSPEAKERSThese switches turn the various speaker systems on andoff. Push each button once to turn it on, once again foroff. Pushing the A button will cause the sound to bereproduced from the speakers connected to theSPEAKER A terminals. The B and C buttons controltheir corresponding terminals on the rear of the unit.NOTE: Only two speaker systems can be used at the same time (i.e.A+8, B+C, or A+C). lf all three speaker buttons are pushed atthe same time, no sound will be