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    Pioneer-SX202L-rec-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

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    Pioneer-SX202L-rec-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

    (v) rrtoNeerl345689ORDER NO.ARP-230-Osx-?;0e-MODEL SX.2O2 (SX.2O2LI COMES IN SIX VERSIONS DISTINGUISI.IED AS FOLLOWS:additional service manual.o Ce manuel dinstruction se refdre au mode de r6glage, en frangais. Este manual de servicio trata del m6todo de aiuste escrito en espaiiol.CONTENTSt. sPEctFtcATtoNs . . . . .2. FRONT PANEL FACILITIES3. PABTS LOCATTON . . . . . . .4. BLOCK DIAGRAM5. CIRCUIT DESCR IPTIONS6. PACKING7. EXPLODED VIEW AND PARTS LIST . . .8. P.C. BOARDS CONNECTION DIAGRAM9. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM10. ELECTRICAL PARTS LISTI1. DIAL COR D STRINGING12. ADJUSTMENTS ,. ,.REGLAGEAJUSTE.12t 51 71 920FICINEEFI ELECTFICINIC GCIFIPCIFIATION a I, Mesuno 1 Ljhome, Mesu.o-ku, Tokyo 1:3, JspenPICINEEFI ELEC:THONICB IUBAI lNC. 1925 E. oomnguez SE., Long Beach, Cahfo.nra go8lO u.S.A.PIGINEEFI ELEC?FIC,NlC EUnclPEI N.V. Keerbenglssn 1, 2740 Beve.en, Eletg,umPICI|YEEFI ELECTFIEINICB AUBTFIALIA PTY. LTE!. 178-1821 tsounde.v Fosd, Bnaesde, Vrcco. a 3195. a.usc.atrYX O DEC. 1982 Printed in laDanAM/FM STEREO RECETVERModolVoltegR6mrrksSX-202/KUAC12OV onlyU.S.A. modelsx-202/KcAC120V onlyCanada modelsx-202/sAC11OV ,12OV ,22OV and 240V switchableGeneral export modelsx-202lYPAC240V onlyAustralia modelSX-202L/HEAC22OV onlyEuropean continent model with AM,LW band runersx-202LlHEZAC220V onlyWest Germany model with AM-LW band tunero This service manual is applicable to the KU types. For servicing of tlte other types, please refer to theRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库1. SPECIFICATIONSAmplifier SectionContinuous Average Power 0utput is 25watts* per channel, min., at 8 ohms from40Hertz to 20,000 Hertz with no morethan 0.3%o tolal harmonic distortion.Total Harmonic Distortion (40 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz,8 ohms, from TAPE)continuous rated power outputNo more than 0.3%12.5 watts per channel power outputNo more than 0.15%No more than O.2o/Intermodulation Distortion (50 Hertz:7,000 Hertz = 4: 1,8 ohms, fror;r AUX)continuous rated power outputNo more than 0.3%Damping Factor (1 kHz,8 ohms) 22I nput (Sensitivity/l mpedance)P H O N O . . . . . 2 . 5 m V / 5 O k i l o h m sTAPE PLAY 150 mV/50 kilohmsPhono Overload Level (T.H.D.0.1%, 1,000H2)PHONO . . 150mVOutput LevelTAPE REC . 150 mVSPEAKER . A, B,AseriesB.offFrequency ResponsePHONO (RIAA Equalization). 30Hz to 20,000H2t05dBTAPE PLAY . l5Hzto50,000Hz+ldBTone ControlBASS . r9dB (100H2)TREBLE . rgdB(10kHz)Loudness frntour (Volum control set at-40d8 position). . +8dB (100H2), +6dB (10,000H2)Hum and Noise (lHF, short circuited, A network)P H O N O M M . . . . . . . 7 1 d 8TAPE PLAY .97d8FM Tuner Section*UsableSensitivity .10.7dBf (0.9pV)50dB Ouieting Sensitivity* * M O N O . . . . 1 5 . 3 d 8 f ( 1 . 6 p V )STEREO .37.6d8f (21pYlSignal-to-Noise RatioM O N O . . . . 7 5 d 8 ( a t 8 5 d B f )STEREO 70dB (at 85dBf)Distortion (at 65dBf)MONO 1kHz. O3YoS T E R E O l k H z . . 0 . 6 7 o1 watt per channel power outputCaptureRatio . .2.ft8Alternate Channel Selectivity (400kHz) . 50dBStereo Separation (lkHz) . 35dBFrequency Response . . 30Hz to 15kHz,1! oaSpuriousResponseRatio. .70d8lmageResponseRatio .45d8l F R e s p o n s e R a t i o . . . . . 1 0 0 d 8AM SuppressionRatio .45d8S u b c a r r i e r P r o d u c t R a t i o . . . . . . . 3 1 d 8Muting Threshold .27dBt (6.3PV)Antenna lnput300 ohms balanced, 75 ohms unbalancedAM Tuner SectionSensitivitylHF, Loop antenna 32OtN lmlHF, Ext, antenna 30pVSelectivity .25dBSignal-to-NoiseRatio .43d8lmageResponseRatio .40d8lF ResponseRatio. .45dBAntenna AM LooP AntennaMiscellaneousPower Requirements . , AC 120V, 60HzPower Consumption . . . 125 Watts(UL), 150 VA(CSA)Dimensions . . . . 420(W)x98(Hl x214(D) mm16-9/16(W) X 3-718(H) X 8-7116(D) inWeight (without package) . . . 4.3 kg (9lb 8 oz)Furnished PartsF M T - t y p e A n t e n n a . . . . . 1AM Loop Antenna 1Operating Instructions 1*Measured pursuant to the Federal Trade Commissions TradeRegulation rule on Povnr Output Claims for Amplifier.*FM muting functions with this unit when the signals are weak.The units internal wires are therefore treated so that the signalsara not muted when the sensitiviry is measured.NOTE:Specifications and design subiect to possible modification withoutnotice,RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库2. FRONT PANEL FACILITIESO PowER swtrcHPush this to s1ritch on and off the units power. Power issupplied at the depresed ( - ) switch position (ON) andturned off at the released (I) position (OFF). HEADPHoNE JAcKConnect the plug on the stereo headphones to this jackwhen listening to sound through headphones. ToNE coNTRoLsBASS : The bass is increased when this control is rotatedclockwise from the center position and reducedwhen rotated counterclockwise.TREBLE : The treble is increased when this control isrotatd clockwise from the center position andreduced when rotated counterclockwise. BALANcE coNTRoLThis is normally kept at its center position. lt is rotatedwhen the volume of sound delivered through the left andright channels of the speakers or headphones differs.The right channel volume is reduced when the control isrotatd toward the LEFT from the center position whilethe left channel volume is reduced when it is rotatedtoward the RIGHT.O FuNcrtoN swtrcHEsPHONO : Press when listening to records.FM : Press when listening to FM broadcasts.AM : Press when listening to AM broadcasts. TAPE (ADPT) SWITcHThis is depresed when using a tape deck or adaptor unitconnected to the rear panel TAPE/ADAPTOR jacks. LOUDNESS SWITcHDepress this switch to the ON position when listening tosound at a low level of volume. This will enhance the bassand treble and give more life to the sound even at a lowvolume. voLUME coNTRoLUse this to adjust the volume of the sound deliveredthrough the speakers or headphones.The volume is increased when this control is rotatedclockwise from the minimum 0 position. TUNING INDIcAToR (TUNING)This lights up to indicate that an FM, AM station has beentuned in. srEREo tNDtcAToR (srEREo)This lights up automatically when an FM station broad-casting in stereo has been tuned in. SPEAKERS swrrcHEsThese are used to select the speakers through which youwill listen to the sound.The selected speakers are now working.A: The sound is heard from the speakers connected tothe speaker A terminals on the rear panel.B: The sound is heard from the speakers connected tothe speaker B terminals on the rear panel.No sound will be heard when SPEAKERS A and B switchesare both released. This is the position at which the soundcan be heard through the headphones.NOTE:No sund will be heard through the geakers when both the Aand B switches are depressed if only one et of speakerc has beenconnected to either the A or B SPEAKERS terminals. FREoUENcY scALEThis indicates the frequency of the broadcasting station(FM, AM).The top level figures (88 - 108) indicate the FM band.The bottom level figures (55 - 1601 indicate the AM band. TUNTNG KNoBRotate this knob to pick up stations (FM, AM). PowER tNDtcAToR/DtAL potNTERr6L;N t;K t;K- I F U N C T I O Nl - * - L FI-EI-E3. PARTS LOCATIONFront Panel ViewSpeaker knobAAD608Front oanel assemblvANM-292AADO5Phone jackAKN45NOruSr. Parts uithout part number connot be supplied.o ?he I morh found on some component ports indicotes the impottonce of thesofety foctor of the port- Therefore, uhen replacing, be sure to use parts of identicoldesEnation. For your Ports Stoch Control, the fost mouing items dre indicdted uith the morhst* ond *.,* CENERALLY MOWS FASTER THAN .This classificotion shall be odjusted by each distributor becduse it depende on modelnumber, temperoture, humidity, e tc.BonnetAN E4I OTuning knobAAA84Knob B(BASS, TR EBLE, BALANCEAAB-317Rear Panel ViewEarth terminalComplex terminalAKX-073Top ViewA * Fuse (T 1 .6A)AEK-121A * Power transformer 1120v)ATT.942e- Knob A lvoLuME)AAB.3I6Function knob ATAPE, LOUDNESS)AAD6O6Function knob BPHONO, FM, AM)AADO7AC socketAKP-O39Rear panelADG-073Switch assembly4. BLOCK DIAGRAMF R O N T E N D ( 1 / 3 )t-| 3OOOFM BALI| 75oL-UNBALl- GNDAMI LooPL ANTl- ernvLch RECi- rrorol-enor.roIRch RECL PLAYFMISTEREOQ6LED DRIVERFM MUTEFM IF AMP+82( 13.4VD 7Q4AM FRONT ENDtrsomvl :EqUALIZER AMPs r - 4TAPE(t/21s r - 5LOUDNESS+q2 -(v4llz.smvl a 5, lt5omvl. _IfT,(3l4.,4/41( 2 / 2 1O N - O F FO N - O F FTONE CONTROLvR2-2,2-3s 2 - 2S P . B(t/2?tlr4. rv I PHONESTORchS PEAKE RSsrol1, ,1, ;o-l u I/tri-D9t0t l321,-2U 9rs./2, Z722| 727)7z?4? 2 0ABCD6V.Ihss-)|is-j=/ -S=),)iq, Ks)IE 18. P.C. BOARDS CONNECTIONExternal Appearances of Transistors and lCs32IDIAGRAM2SC1923COMPLEXQ3 A2Assy GWM - 2672SC 461B:f+irvpN. -S:-2SA11152sc26lt3 ar, , ML M ,il lill.ll!jilsTK4141-2SM521aPNJIT44558DC.,-.detxIt tt Jt lld32IM51533 LLED AssyI654Q 7q9 q0 Qroot6ofi qt732- O2l654II87HEADPHOTEJACK AssyBSWITCHO UNSWITCHEOroow MAx. toow MAx.cDPOINTER AssyIl7ltII329. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM, .oo Io,FMILzsn uraaLL noA ,oAlil, ot, FM lF aMPBLEDol5-17 cr60 _.- _.-POWR il/OFF 22olo eI ub FrIthvl,1. toL .ffil,t-*;f- R E ClDc r 4 5 , r 4 6 A C H - 2 4 9vR 3 RHAAAV5502Q r , 2 , 7 , 9o4o 5,6,13,16,r7o aot2Qt4. | 52SC46125K246JCSd2SA9922S0aaoJ4101o r , 3o 2D4oaD90 1 1rN4t48 O12 iN4148wz- o75 0r3,r4 roE 2FO2-1K261 0r5 8CR6AM-4KZL14O Dt6 SZ-O2?RB4O2 D17,18 tN4148wz-i 3 0cr57 ! *cr4o I r I,2, r, Lct25 4Rr45 + T z z o l r o kJ:i | 47;F -c!-rrook Icrr4 .;a:-32654AIot3,r 4PR OTECTOR9! - OFFoN - gfrON - OFF-a3FM IFIOET A MPXNOTE:The indicated semiconductors are representatiue onesonly. Other alternatiue semiconductors may be used andare listed in the parts list.L RESTSTORS.Indietd in o, %W, 7.W,i5% tolerance unl6s otheMis notd k; k!)M; Ma, lF); !1%, lcl: !2%, (K),110%, (Ml; i20% tolerance2, CAPACITORS:Indicaid in capachy kF)/voltage (V) unle$ otheBis notdp; pF. ldiBtion whhdt voltage is 50V except etftt.otytic capaci3. VOLTAGEE; Sienat voltase at ( 25 W+ 25 W,8a)outplt 1kHz)Fli DC voltase (V) at no j.put sisnal- Valuein ) bDCvoltageatratdporer.4. OTHERSi+ , Signal route._ A iAdiusting po,nt.I re /n matk round or toFe componenl pans indic.rs the inpodanc-e of rhe salety lactor of the pdn. lh.relore, whcn repttrrng,be ere to u* pafts of identical designarion.X markd capeitoB and rsistoE h&e psds numbe6.This is the basic $hmatic diagram, but the etual circut mayvary due to improvemenb in dsisn.LEo A3rr y!-;-;-tI 06 aEL- 40? :I 0 6 !*:0.L-:* -JPOINTER A3sySITCHES:COMPLEX A.sryS l - t : F U N C T I O N ( P H O N O )s r - 2 F U N C T I O N ( F M )s l - 3 | F U N C T I O N ( A M )SI 4 TAPE MONITOR51 - 5 LOUONESS52_1 SPEAKERS ( A)5 2 . 2 : S P E A K E R S 8 )OUTSIDE OF PC BOAROSlOl : POWER*-1IBoN - gfI9! - oFFoN - 9!ro N - 9 ON _ OFF*.;-lHEAOPHONE JACK A33yThe undedind indites the switch Dosition.sror aCOMPLEX AsBry (3,/3): Furor AEK-r?r IA r,o, ort-.,-1,AswrrdEo uNswrTdED =-.,roow MAr roow Md -;fi,- _ _ _ JARrsT roqr48E 2 F O- o 2 7414 8I 52 SUJeLYXSFL_I54l-6JI i:T_T?l- 2 ero3*ut*LEOcr8; t-reooo I et atr 5 k/25-1 FI-SWITCH A3.y1 61O. ELECTRICAL PARTS LISTNO?ES;o ll/hen ordering resicfors, first conuert resistance wlues into cod,e form as shown inthe following examples.Ex. 1 vthen there are 2 effectiue digits (any digit apart from 0), such as s60 ohmand 47h ohm (tolerance is shown by J = iVo, and K - lOVo).560a 56 x 10t 561 . .47ha 47 x lO3 473 . .0.5t0 R 5 . .RD%PS E|6tflrRD%PS AgJRN2H oBErt( 010. asrPotloKEx. 2 When there are 3 effective digits (such as in high precision metal film resis-tors).5.62ha 562 x loo 5621. . . . RN%SA EGiltrDFo The b, marh found on some component parts indicates theimportance of thesafety factor of the part. Therefore, when replacing, be sure to tlr,e parts of identicaldeeignationo For your Parts Stoch Control, the fast mouing items are indicated with the marhs* ond *.* GENERALLY MOVES FASTER THAN *.This classificotion shall be adjusted by each distributor because it depends on modelnumber , temperuture, humidity, etc.Miscellaneous Parts ListP.C. BOARD ASSEMBLIESlVlark Part No.Symbol & DccriptionCEA 101M 35LCEA 221M 1OLCEA 471 M 6LCEANL 2R2M 50coMA 122K 50coMA 562K 50coMA 153K 50coMA 333K 50caMA242J50coMA 822J 50coMLA 124K 50cosA 182J 50cosA 511J 50ccDUJ 050c 50ccDsL 270J 50ccDsL 121J50ccDSL 101J 50ccDsL 22?tJ 50ccDcH 150J 50ccocH 220J 50CKDYF 1032 50CKDYF 223250CKDYX 47PM25CKDYB 222K 50ACG19cl50cl47, Cl60cl43cl01, cl02cl31, Cl32cl5, Cl33, Cl34cl9, C20c127,C128cl07, cl08c109,cl10cl29, Cl30cl8c34c7c125.C126c30c113,Cl14,Cl17,C118cl03, cl04c2-c5, c23, C29, C32, C40, C42c6, c8, cl3, C43, Cl15, Cl16,c144,c152, Cl56, C157c39, C141 , C142c41C148 ceramic (0.01/1 50VlMark Part No.Symbol & DeccriptionGWM.267OTHERSMark Part No.Complex assemblyHeadphone jack assemblyLED assemblyPointer assemblySwitch assemblySymbol & DGcriptionAAAAAAComplex Assembly (GWM-267)CAPACITORSMark Part No.Porapr transformer (1 20VlPush switch (POWER)Ceramic (0.01/ACl25V)Fuse Tl .64AC power cordAC socketSymbol & Description* ATT-942* ASG-541ACGOl7* AEK-121ADGO73AKP.O39T101s101c501FU1 01c24c36ACH-249CEA 1O1M sOLCEA R22M sOLCEA ORlM sOLCEA R47M sOLCEA OlOM sOLCEA lOOM sOLCEA 22OM 25LCEA 47OM 1OLCEA 47OM 25LCEA 101M 25LC1 45, C1 46 Electrolytic (3300/42V)cl 39cI1,C21,C22ct2cl0c14, C17, C27, C111,c123, C124c16, C28, C31, C38,cl20, c138, Cl54, Cl55,c33, C121 , C122c26, Cl 05, C1 06c135, C136, Cl37, Cl51,c9, c37, Cl40c112,cl 19,cl61cl531 7RESISTORSNote: When ordering resistors, conuert the resistance ualueinto code form, and then rewrite the part no, as before.Part No.Symbol & DescriptionCOILS AND TRANSFORMERSMark Part No.Symbol & Description*ACT-162ACT02RHBSAVSSO2ACN-131ACN-140RD4PMFL trOtrRD/.PM ootrRDl/8PM otrE JVRl Volume (260k1VR2 Volume assembly (100kx2, 1M)VR3 Semi-fixed (5k)Rl66 Wire-wound lO.22x2,VtllR187 Carbon compositionQ.2M,1l2wlRl2, R155-R159, Rl73R3E, R36, Brls, 8116, Rl47-R154, OTHERSR1 60-R165, R167. 8 1 68, R172. P.17 4,ATH53ATH.O58ATEO58ATB85ATBO84ATFO83ATFO84Part No.L1 , L2 AF choke coilL3 Micro inductorTl FM detector transformerT2 AM antenna coilT3 AM oscillator coilF1, F2 FM ceramic f ilterF3 AM ceramic f ilterSymbol & DescriptionAA1SEMICONDUCTORSIMark Part No.Rl75, Rl80Other resistorsSymbol & Description* ASG412AWBO44AKX73AEC-940PBZ30ZP060FMCABA.271Headphone Jack AssemblyMark Part No.51 Push switch(FUNCTION, TAPE,LOUDNESS)FM Front+ndComplex terminalB ivetScrew (3 x 6)ScrewSymbol & Description*A * *a * *25C461(25C19231sTK4141-2SM51533L-BM5218 P(NJM4558DX25K246(25K34l2SD880(2SD31312S49922SA7265)JC501(2sc2603)JA101(2SA1115)1 N4148(us1035)(1520761(1Sl 555)RB4O21 OE2F DBCR6AM42-1K261KZL140s2427wz-l30(MZ-1301w2475(MZO75l01, 02, 07, 09ol 1o3010o4012o805, 06, 013, 016. 017014, Ol 5D1, D3, D12,D17, D18D9Dl3, Dl4D15D4D8Dl6D l 1D2AKN45RD/4PM trtrtr JLED AssemblyMark Part No.Phone jack (PHONES)R176-R179Symbol & Deecription* AEL4O6* AEL-407Pointer AssemblyMark Part No.D5 (Red STEREOID6 (Green TUNING)Symbol & DescriptionA*A*A* AEL4OsAAF-I 18Switch AssemblyMark Part No.D7 (Red)PointerSymbol & Description1 A* SUJSLYXSF52 Push switch (SPEAKERS)11. DIAL CORD STRINGING1. Remove the bonnet.2. Remove the tuning drumtuning capacitor.3. fie one end of the cordinside the tuning dmm.4. Rotate the tuning capacitor right around untilthe rotor blades are fully intermeshed.5.


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