Marantz-2250B-rec-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf
RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库3.AM ALIGNMENTPROCEDURE(3.1AMIF Alignment()1. Connect a sweep generator to the J 153 and an alignment scope to the test point B.2. Rotate each core of IF transformerL153 formaximum height and flat top symmetricalresponse.3.2AMFrequency Rangeand Tracking Alignment1. Set AM signal generator to 515 kHz. Turn the tuning capacitor fully closed (place the tuningpointerat the low end) and adjust the oscillatorcoilL152 for maximum audio output.2. Set the signal generator to 1650 kHz. Placethe tuning pointer in the high frequency end andadjust the oscillator trimmer on the oscillatortuning capacitor for maximum audio output.3.Repeat steps 1 and 2 until no further adjustment is necessary.4. Set the generator to 600 kHz and tune the receiver to the same frequency anq adjust a slugcore of AM ferrite rod antenna and RF coil L151 for maximum output.5. Set the generator to 1400 kHz and tune the receiver to the samefrequency and adjust bothtrimmingcapacitors of antenna and RF tuned circuit for maximum output.6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until no further adjustment is necessary.Note:During tracking alignment reduce the signal generator outputas necessaryto avoid AGCaction.3.3AM Signal Strength Meter AlignmentSet an AMsignal generator to1000 kHz at 5k1-N, and adjust R178 so that the signalstrength meter may read 90% of the full scale.,134.FM ALIGNMENTPROCEDURE1. ,Connect an FM signal generator to the FM ANTENNAterminals and an oscilloscope and anaudio distortionanalyzer to the TAPE OUTPUT jacks on the rear panel.2. Set the FM SG to 87 MHz and provide about 3 to 5J.1.V. Placethe tuning pointer at the lowfrequencyend by rotating the tuning knob and adjust the core of oscillator coil L104 toobtain maximum audio output.3. Set the FM SG to 109 MHz and provide about 3 to 5J.1.V output.Rotate the tuning knob andplace the tuning pointer at the high frequency end and adjust the trimming capacitor C106for maximum output.4.Repeat steps 2 and 3 until no further adjustment is necessary.5. Set the FM SG to 90 MHz and tune the receiver to the same frequency. Decreasesignalgeneratoroutputuntilthe audio outputlevel decreases withthe decreasing generatoroutput.Adjust the antenna coil L101, RF coils L102 and L103 and IF transformer L105 forminimum audio distortion.6. Set the FM SG to 106 MHz and tune the receiver to the same frequency. Adjust the trim-ming capacitor C102, C104 and C105 for minimum distortion.7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until no further adjustment is necessary.8. Adjust the secondary core (upper) of discriminatortransformerL201 sothat the center tun-ing meter pointerindicates its center at no signal applied. Set the FM SG to 98 MHz andincrease its output level I kJ.l.V and tune the receiver to the samefrequency sothat the centertuning meter pointer indicates its center.Adjust the primary core (lower) of L201 for minimum distortion.9. Set the FM SG to 98 MHz at 1000 kJ.l.V,and adjust R374 so that the signal strength metermay read 90% ofthefull scale.RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库5.STEREO SEPARATIONALIGNMENT1. Set the FM SG to provide I kj.LVat 98 MHz. Tune the receiver to the samefrequency sothatthe center tuning meter pointer indicates its center.2. Turn the FM SG modulationoff(withthe pilotsignal turned off), connect a frequencycounter to test point J310, and adjust R311 so that the frequency counter may preciselyread 19 kHz.3. Modulate the FM SG with stereo composite signal consisting only of subchannel signal (ofcourse a pilot signal must be included).4. Adjust the trimmingresistor R301 for maximumand same separation in both channels.6.MUTINGCIRCUITALIGNMENT1. Connect a VTVMacross the resistor R363 and adjust the resistor R363 untilthe meterreads0.75V DC at no signal.2. Set the FM SG to provide I kJ1Vat 98 MHz and tune the receiver to the same frequencycorrectly.3. Turn on MUTI NG push switch. Shift the FM signal generator frequency to plus and minusand note both plus and minus shifted frequencies at which undesirable audio side responsesare muted out. Adjust the R363 so that the same shifted frequencies mute the undesirableside response.4. Adjust R362 for proper frequency shift at which the muting circuit operates.7.DOLBYFM TAPE OUTPUT SETTING1. Set the modulation of FM SG to 400 Hz, 50% (37.5 kHz Dev.)2. Set the FM SG to provide 1 kJ1Vat 98 MHz. Tune the receiver to the same frequency sothat the center tuning meter pointer indicates its center.3. Turn on DOLBY FM push switch. Set the semifixed resistors RC01 and RC02 so that theoutput of the TAPE OUTPUT terminals Rand L become 580 mVat VTVM.8.AUDIOADJUSTMENT1. Voltage adjustmentConnect a DC voltmeterbetween pin terminal804 and 805, and adjust the trimmingresistor R806 for 35V DC.2. Main AmplifierDC off-setalignmentConnect a DC voltmeter with 0.5 or 1 V range between the speakerterminals and adjust thetrimmingresistor R707 for zeroDC output on the meter.Repeat the sameprocedure for the other channel.Note:During this alignment no load should be connected to the speakerterminals.3. Idle-current adjustmentConnect a VTVMbetween pin terminals 708 and 710. Next, adjust the trimmingresistorR719 sothe VTVM reads10mV DC. Repeat the sameprocedure for the other channel.4. Check DC off-set voltage aligned in the procedure 2 and if any DC output is observed on theDC voltmeter, adjust the R707 again for zero output.5. Phono-amplifier adjustmentConnect an oscilloscope to the TAPEOUT jacks and an audio signal generator to thePHONO jacks. Placethe selector switch in the PHONO position. Increase1 kHz audio signalgradually untila slight clipping on top of the sine-wave is observed on the oscilloscope.Adjust the trimmingresistor R408 for equal clipping level.For the other channel adjust R409.4:Figure 1. Dial Stringing5COO3-J314J305IIJ304.1303J316 306J205(:r-J:OSJJSP6J210:.-.J-,-J:;02-hP200J309P300J310JJ9TIJ317J318J320J319 J13J321 J307J31lI.TPrIr-t-Z1_:;IC-I-;06 J404 )-P400PHONOJ405Jl3AMP.tlJ-:-).;c; JCOe JC;02-)XC-J,JJJ210ROO-,:-J.,:,-,J309J301J302J31.5f-II.P300J314-J310-vDI7,(j)-8SOOI3Jjp4J-J0071JIOOlryJ2OJI05J202LOO3-JI60JI03-JI6 J58:-PI501IJJ02JlOJI53Jr5rJI01;108 JI09).,52r-IPIOOIIItlI-IIr:=I;.:.-nJLcIIIU-0.J-!-Ol)r-406J404-I7).,.v.P400,j,-PorePHONOJ405I.1) AMP_J402-I5001-29JC08JC02-.-tl04 PCOIJCOI-COOJCOJIIi,j,r;z19ISOOI-4flUlIFOOl-J,.r-;!REJ027,T1iNdTFOO3t?NCN.YlGNc(:,J,.JJ803J802JSOlJ804IJ808J807 J809J810iP900POWERSUPPLYIJ8C16IT20 _RTOtJT2rIPTOII tnRT02.JT22.uIQ?ISTOI-SSOURCE+TAPET17JTl9,-JTI6ON.2STOI-3STOOFI+MUTINGMONO5101-2ST+.:JNO:REMOTESPEAKERJOJ5.,SPOKEJ(r-0L-o1-0- -0 -rLrDJOl3MOOS-J703J704J,2.!.8J714J705(),.-J701J706LJ708J702L.:.J71Q()HOO2P700IMAINAMPJ711J712rJ713JOlTJ709-,.-J- ).1713J705()-70JJ706L.J102J708P700IMAIN AMPJ710-LJ1l1J7r4J1J2JJ703J704J709-H006-oNr:rRHl5JOIOiSHOl- 2ISHO-3J027coo.1I_-.JIjiIPRE 0lITMAININrLLL-LOW-FILTERHI-FILTER-5PEOILJY01T JY04lJY05JY06JY07Jl08LOUDNESStSHO-,H-JJt?JiI, ,ClI,I1,II8;!iMOOM002JYOTJYOIII1IJ808 .#)7 J809 J8l0iPYOIFUNCTIONLAMPJ022:;JJ021SOO2GOO!r-,II,L-.JI(r-.,: For CANAOAo:ICN.YIIIr-C;JJ020FOOli-:,1RfJ027 I,TONel:FOO3:_.JlGN9:,j,_lJ803J80IJ804PBOOPOWERSUPPLY; J806I-Figure 2.Wiring Diagram-8_r_ _._.-000wz-177N:l:2.T:l31tT.T05ril(076319CHI00003122SA763(4,l11I1-13.-:.2.I-IT30e73e1I02OOO22!HT30904IOHTI073,310HK(:64919AHI(O919AlSC87EIS24722SC94Q25473302S04Ip.Q.2S849P,O,RFigure 3. SchematicDiagram9.JI04elZ4OluFJ106IIFUllI00II122QI,FRl06,.RIIO2C1l6OluF-,03HT303182SC38,CI19rwC,F6VIII20PF-IRloa21KRIO?TIe1l7411(OJFIR/l:I-.,CIOII,IIII03CI03cr09rOOt(PF,IClIOI roooPFIIIRIOII61(.-r;o-:;A-IFMFRONT END2S,19YC,.IL,a,IILJ102Figure 9. FM Front End (P100) Schematic Diagram,Figure 10.FM Front End (PlOD) Component Locations14Ij-,J61-,IIIII_.J,HHOO00212310271-413.I 4HTI04942A25A494Y,G;!2HT313272A25CI3275,TMIIHCIOOO06jJPC30CLr-P150-IAMTl,NERIIII,7Figure 11.AM Tuner (P150) Schematic DiagramFigure 12. AM Tuner (P150) Component Locations15e-)I=t:1IIIIFigure 13. FM IF (P200) Schematic DiagramFigure 14. FM IF (P200) ComponentLocationsr-II_-.Jr-P200.Uor . lor.HlO_11.28,/IV.111,11.1111I.1/ 6.11.J10.1 ,.II.n./2e,nl,.to.lJ,111-,IFMIFAMPHT308291C(25C829C)HT3044tB(lSC644S)HDIOOOrOIIN60)H0200110(ISI)HOlOOOOZ(20A90M)IIl)IVH204-206H207U1II4AllllIUloffillOlIhnlIll).;.,vCllOHl,e10,101IJO820IVolI,)lll.v_0. 11021044lIrlJ2O,czoe1.nA14rIt.Ill!)It(IHUK/PIIt0161,0_.CUttOt,O0.,. 01T.:e&Jenr-=-IUlC:-HF2003CIC30 03_3I2Sk30THT)08Z810a,.25C8285Figure 15. FM MPX (P300) Schematic Diagram17Figure 16. FM MPX (P300) ComponentLocations.JC04I,:C05JC08I.IC06IJcorCC03,.2Ice04.FICC022I .He0214 OVRC04JL.:.a_peolDOLBYFMOUTr-OlHeozHBI3272AI2SC1327S,TIRC03.JCOIFigure 17. Dolby FM Assembly (peDl)Schematic DiagramFigure 18. Dolby FM Assembly (PCD1) ComponentlocationsJ40I:.JCoil01,PFlt407.408HD2DOOl21IS- 2473Cv.H403.404HT313442A2SCI344D,Er=.4-;-IHT313441E2SCI344EIIJOOP400LPOP_J402IIJ403Figure 19.Phono Amplifier(P400) Schematic DiagramFigure 20.Phono Amplifier(P400) Component locationsI;19no,.)10.J710J711H350;712C710.ljoiFJ113IPoe6.81(7V704R705II(100t.:.JH704P700MAIN AMP,R103OKcro,133,vC102;01I+I_ro,IJ702rIIIJro,Figure 21.Main Amplifier (P700) Schematic DiagramG.-F06J:!P8:;oVJ:t:J710.1711J1l2.G.!j!G1!1,G.:Figure 22.Main Amplifier (P700) ComponentLocations20J002-JOO.:sIOIJOOJa06,.coOovH804H8037.013cvIII.1803r-H808Q8ClHeOIr- -,1044:)vJO!r riV/ica:cIIat .I,Figure 23.Power Supply (P800) Schematic DiagramFigure 24.Power Supply (P800) ComponentLocations,21rW-,CO., (0.IHTI01212AZSA 121S, TIIIIIIIIIII-Figure 25. Pre Tone Amplifier (PEOn Schematic DiagramFigure 26. Pre Tone Amplifier (PEOn ComponentlocationsQ-.,PHO I.(U._.U, .I.T(.A.(-.;IT1IFILTER.SP. ,.eo.,10(1.1 0-J0.poo,. 1Figure 27. Filter (PH01) Schematic DiagramRH16-#N-.RH15.JH13 JH18 JH12 JH160000SHOl-5,: .:lit.Figure 28.Filter (PH01) ComponentLocationsFigure 29.Monitor (PT01) Schematic Diagram238Hle2-AlU:JFigure 30.Monitor (PT01) ComponentLocations)I: -.JZOg.J-MZ05-PZOIDIALLAMP)PYOIFUCTtOJtLAMPr-,Mm ;10-;1;-,;-,l,J,l7t7tgJL . ,. ,. ,. ,.,W,.j(IOl.,. _0.u.raI rUCII1-Figure 31. Dial Lamp (PZ01) Schematic DiagramFigure 32. Dial Lamp (PZ01) ComponentLocationsFigure 34.FunctionLamps Assembly (PY01) ComponentLocationsFigure 33.FunctionlampsAssembly (PY01) Schematic Diagram-