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    Marantz-SR1100-rec-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

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    Marantz-SR1100-rec-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

    .4r;SERVICEMANUALRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库MARANTZ DESIGN AND SERVICEUsing superior desiqn and selecte.l high grade components, lilARANTZ has created the ultimate in stereo sound. Only orlginall,lARANTZ parts can insure that your t!,4ARANTZ product will continue to pefform to the specLfications or which it isfamou s.parts for your MARANTZ stereo are generally available withln 72 hours throughout the nation via a toll-free llne to ourNational parts Depot in California. The sales professionals who take your call immediately refer to thelr own desk top com_puter terminal and can qulckJy determine the availability and price lnformation yoLt reqLrire. lf for some reason, your ordershoLlld exceed our available stock, we usually can instantly provlde an alternate replacement part or current delivery information. When the order is placed and confirmed, the computer simultaneously generates hard copy orders at the dlstribLltlon center. As hard copies come directly from the computer to the national partsdepot, your requested stock sassembledand orepared for shipment and placed on the first available carrier ior dellvery to youORDERING PARTSphone orders will eliminate mail delays, and we encourage the use of this metho(l. lf you order by mail, use IVIARANTZparts order forms which are available frorn our National Parts Depot located at the following addresslThe following information must be supplied to ellminate delays in processinq yo(rr orcler:1. Complete address.2. Complete part n um bers-3. Complete description of Parts.4. lModel number for which part is required (indicate MARANTZ).5. Account number (for account customers only).Direct consumers wilL be provided with the current rta I prlve quotation on available parts in order to advise them ol thccost of the Parts and shiPP ngOVERSEAS PARTS ORDERINGParts rnaV also be ordered from the fo lowing overseas addresses:Maranfz Australta32 Cross StreetBrookvale,N.S.W.2100 D6072DreieichMarantz Germany Gmbh Marantz Audio U.K. Ltd. Marantz Svenska A.B.MaxPlanck StraRe 22,Austra llaMaran? Eu rope, S.A326, Avenue LouiseBoite 321 050 B russelsBelgrumWest GermanyMarantz Belgium193, London RoadSTA lN ES, l4idcllesexUnited K ingdomMarantz FranceFranzengatan 610425 StockholmS,vedenMarantz Norske A.S.R efstadaileen 13Oslo 5Norway45 qJe ALg-srp Van Trnc 4 Rro Ber rard Dal s.r92600 AsnieresFrance1080 B ru sselsBelgiumAll of the above locations are fu ly equipped to take care of yolrr tota service needs. Because various countries have differingconiguration requirements, it is necessary that you contact the service facility ln your particular country. In lhe event thatthere is no service location listed for your country, p ease conlact the nearest facility for the necessary asslstance.rrr-rr-alrt_-RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库1 .2.J .4.qTAB LE O F CONT ENTSP.W. BOARDSTEST EOUIPMENT REOUIRED FOR SERVICING .ALIGNMENT PROCEDURESVOLTAGE CONVERSIONDIAGRAM AND COMPONENT LOCATIONS5.1 Main Amp. & Power suppty (P700) Schematic Diagram and Component Locations - - 65.2 Antenna/Osc PBOO) Schematic Diagram and Component Locations - 65.3 Signal & Tuning LED (PX00) Schematic Diagram and Component Locations 85.4 Tuner P100) Schematic Diagram and Component Locations I5.5 switch Assembly (PS00) Diagram and component Locations . 105.6 Speaker Terminal (PTO0) Diagram and Component Locations . 105,7 Power Switch (PUOo) Diagram and Component Locations . . . l06.8.9.BLOCK DIAG RAM . . .1 3EXPLODED VIEWS AND PARTS LISTTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSSCHEMATIC DIAG RAM261a-INTRODUCTIONThis service manual was prepared for use by AuthorizedWarranty Stations and contains service information forlMarantz lvlodel SF1 100L Stereophonic Receiver.Servicing information and voltage data included in thismanual are intended for use by the knowledgeable and experienced technician only- All instructions should be readcarefully. No atternpt should be made to proceed withouta good understanding of the operation of the receiver.The parts list urnishes information by which replacementparts may be ordered Jrom the N4aranlz Company. A simpledescription is included for parts which can usually be obtained through local suPPliers2. TEST EOUIPMENT REOUIRED FOR SERVICINGItemManufacturer and Model No.Alvl Signal Generatort. P.w. BoABDSAs can be seen from the circuit diagram the chassis ofl4odel SR1100L conssts of the following units. Each unitmounted on a printed circuit board is described within thesquare enclosed by a bold dotted line on the circuit dia-gram.1. Tuner . . - mounted on P-W. Board P1002. Main Amp/Power Supply. mounted on P.W. Board P7003. Volume/Balance Push Switchmounted on P.W. Board PS004. Speaker Terminal . . . . mounted on P.W. Baord PT005. Tuning LED . . . . . mounted on P.W. Board PX006. Antenna Coil mounted on P.W. Board PB007. Power Switch mounted on P.W. Board PU00UseSignal source for AM alignmentTest LoopUse wlth AM Signal GeneratorFIM Signal GeneratorSound TechnologySignal source for FM alignmentMPX Oscillator adjLrstment (VCO )Trouble shootingVoltage measurements (DC)lvlonitors primary power to amplif ierStereo separation alignment and troLrbleshootrngDistortion measurementsSinewave and squarewave signaJ sourc-Voltage measurements lAC)Waveform analysis and trouble shooting andASO alignmentOscilloscopeFrequencY Cou nterFluke Model 19004Flukp l,4odel 8000 Dig.tal Simpsonf4odel 313, Triplet Model 801Simpson Model 1379Commercial Grade (1-10A)Simpson Model 1359Tektronix Model T932Philips l,.4odel 3232Superior Electronic Co.,Circuit TesterDC VTVMAC WattmeterOutput Loadr0.5%, 100w)AC AmmeterLine VoltmeterVariable AutotransformerShorting PlugPowerstat l4odel 1 168-10AlMonitors amplifier output under short crrcu tcond itionMonitors potential of primary power toam p lifierUse phono plug with 600-ohmacross center pin and shellCommercial GradeShorts amplifier input to eliminate norsep rcKLr pAdjustsevel ot pr mary power to dmp if erProvides 8-ohm load Jor amplifier outputtermrnar ronThis table lists the test equipment required for servicing the N4odel SR 1 100L ReceiverCommercial GradeOutput Load10.5%, 100w)Provides 4 ohm oad for amplifier outputrermtna( tonSRl1OOL TUNER P.W. BOARDg . I l*M w l w I I L w M wwl-lwFigure 2. Adjustment Point Locations3. ALIGNMENT PROCEDURESA dummy resistor of 47 k-ohms must be connected across the tuner output terminals before alignment.3.1 FM Alignment Procedures (Function switch in the FM position)Flvl RF Alignment3,3 Multiplex Alignment Procedures (Function switch in the FM position/Mode switch in the STEREO position)StpSignal So0rc6ConneclionSignalIndicttorConnoctions( rhe oigitllRoadout FrrquonryAdrurtIRF generalor toterminals throughmatching network(300 ohms, balanced)lMaintain RF lev6lbelow limit.)87.4 MHzchannel outputTuning capacitorminimum closed.L106 for maximumoutpui.2108.2 MHzTuning cepacitorC 118lor maximumoutpur,90 lvlHz90 lvlHzL101, L103 for maximum4106 MHz106 M HzANT. RF. TRIM. CAP.tor maximum output,5Repeat steps 1 to 4.6Check overall response curve and repeat above steps as necessarv to obtain maximum sensirivaty,1No signal0 center meteror DC currentmerer in 100pAJ2O1 and J2O2L2O1 primery core sothal the meter indacalesits center or may readO. (RED core)8RF gnerator 1mV or300pV, only Step 10)outpul lo Flvl antennaterminals th.oughmatching network,300 ohms, balanced)98 MHzDistortion meter toL or R channelourpur98 MHzL201 Secondary core(BLK) for minimum distor-1 098 lvtHz98 MHzR219 so that sign6l strengthLED may light 5 points.3.2 Muting Circuit AlignmentStopSignal SourceConnectionSign.llrdicatorConnectionSet ths DigiralRadoul FrGquncyAdiunRF generator 12.5pVoutput to FM antennaterminals throughmatching network(30O ohrns, balancedl98 MHzchannel output98 MHzF.213 tor 12.5pVthreshold level. (Duringthis adjustment turn themuting pushswitchoN.)StopSign.l SourceConnoctionSignalIndicatorConnoclion$t rha oigit.lRdoui FrequencyAdjustRF generator to Flvlantenna termrnalsthrough matchingnetwork (300 ohms,balanced), with 1mVFl!4 stereo simulatorRF level and 1 0096modulation pilor 9%)Frequency counterto J30198 MHzR304 so that Frequencycounter may preciselY re6d76 kHz.2Stereo, left(1,00O Hz)VTVM to rightR331 lor maximumoutpul and same separatlonin both channels.Stereo, right1,0O0 Hz)channel outputPilot onlyoutput98 MHzR307 tor minimumoutput and same output inboth channels,3.4 AM Alignment Procedures (Function iwitch in the AM position)1 . AM lF AlignmentStopSign.l So(l rc.Conn6ctionSign.llndicatorConnsctionSor DblPointer toiAdiun1Sweep generator toOSC Variable Cap.450 kHz markerOscilloscope to T.P.Ouiet point on bandLA02 & LAO3 for m6ximumano symmetflc response.2. MW RF Alignment3. LW RF AlignmentTest LoopFigurB 3. Application of AM SigntlSt.pSignal SourcaConmctionSignallndic.torConnoctionSt tho Dioir.lReado0t Frqu6ncyAdjustApply the signaltothe AM bar antennfrom rhe RF generator,using the test loop.as per the Figure 2.520 kHzchannel outputTuning capacitorminimum closed.LB04 for maximum output,1,630 kHzTuning capacitorCBO2 for maximum output.600 kHz600 kHzLB01 for maximum output.41,400 kHz1,400 kHzCB01 for maximum output.Repat steps 1 to 4 d necessary to obtain maximum sensitivity.Al4 Loop AntennaStopSigrul SoU rceC,onnctionSignallndictorConnectionSet ohlPointor toAdjunIRF gnorator toAlvl antenna t6rminalsthrough IHF dumrrry145 kHzl45 kHz wirhtuning gang closed.L803 for maximum output.2380 kHz380 kHz withtuning gang opn.CB02 for maximum output.t70 kHz170 kHzLB02 for rmximum outpul.4350 kHz350 kHzCBo1 for maximum output.5450 kHzTuning geng clos6d.LB05 for minimum output.Repat steps 1 to 4 as necossary to obtain maximum senritivity.4. VOLTAGE CONVERSIONTo convert the unit to a djfferent power source voltage,change the position as illustrated in the drawing below.CAUTION: DISCONNECT POWER SUPPLY CORD FROMAC OUTLET BEFORE CONVERTING VOLT.AGE. DO NOT DISASSEMBLE THE VOLT-AGE SELECTOR ABSOLUTELY.220v?2AV -(T) VrsionsFigure 3, Voltage Convstsion(Note on safety: The parts marked with A are important parts on the safety. Please use the parts having the designated partsnumbers without fail. )FTZ REGULATIONInstruction for the use in the range other than specified in FTZ codes,Achtung fiir die Leute, die in dem Gebiet wohnen, wo die FTZ-Bestimmungen vorherschend sind.Sollte das Gerat auch fiir Frequenzen auszerhalb des in den FTZ-Bestimmungen angegebenen Bereiches empfangebereit sein,bitten wir, den Bereich durch Nachstellen des Kernes in der Oszillatorspule (in der Abbildung mit FTZ gekennzeichnet) sozu korrigieren, dass er den Bestimmungen entspricht.5. DIAGRAM AND COMPONENT LOCATIONS5.1 Main Amp. & Power Supply (P700) Schematic Diagram and Component LocationsWooI MAIN AMP ondR 7t73,3 ro N o lR736330 ( lw)c713roop e7O9 07t3,+t,p v frPOWER SUPPLYQKO3AR80t 39 (3W)5.2 Antenna/Os0 (P800) Schematic Diagram and Component Locationsc 71rl3,3/fivjQ723 Q705o7r r 0715RzrB 3,3x QNO5 czrq roop QTIO O7l4POWER SUPPLYj5.6 Speaker Terminal (PT00)Schematic Diagram and Component Locations5.7 Power Switch (PU00)Schematic Diagram and Component Locationsl-Fh-ltSEryed1 1IFIJJ;l(N=ITJ) Q A C IO Q Q CU _FQaLf_afiFXuU J Jo.r!a aI3rUJ (Jzl-3=(9Fz_=F(J c= 6H6. BLOCK DIAGRAM5;at!26lrJ - ( LtfuguUJzol-c=ozoI(LozttJFz=8lI- llc)LrjJ(c=zlFo5Jz(96(L=u,EooLr,Jo-JlJ.lZ lr)gJFS ;f,Etu6IE- EffK-/l*=lE-J- lrrt_J4i;-L)Efr(l:CtrFo(ro26=p=f;is(Lg=l.L1-oi7,xozYf,IrJllIEFFLgls l;J1 2Iu000(rIJJJ FE93i35coF|Jt!Jt!aIH=alrjoo=toFz*.otr=til(/)F(L=5=(L=ll-(r=7. EXPLODED VIEWS AND7.1 C01-99 Front Panelo02Bffi_PARTS LISTooau-oilBmho ( N ): for Europeo (T): for United Kingdomorsa IREF,DESIG.OTYPART NO.DESCRIPTIONNTAo01 Bo02BBoo4Boo5BI12111112t11105H0634001 05H06301 0403H06701 01 07H0634001 07H06301 0105H1580tOFront Panel, AssemblyEscutcheon, Front PanelCap, Panel SideDial Panel AssemblyEscutcheon, Dial PanelWindowREF.DESIG.OTYPART NO.DESCRIPTIONNT01 0B01 1B01 4801 8B01 9B003G41I22l4112231 05H 1 54020403H 1 540201 05H 1 5406051 3003068051 3003068051 28030880Knob, Bass, Treble, Vol., Bal.Knob, TuningKnob, SelectorP.H. Tapped Screw P3 x 6P.H. Tapped Screw P3 x 6B.H.Tapped Screw 83 x 81 37.2 C02-99 ToP Goveroo3D*-a-oozo. .2oozD I -.- Y,-Y No07DooSD,a?ot4DooSD00rRr4Dr (N): for Europeo (T): for United KingdomREF.DESIG.OTYPART NO.DESCRIPTIONNT001 R002R112932861 1 1 025788610t0Label, Top CoverLabel, Bottom Coverooz*ASg-oo6DREF.DESIG.OTYPART NO.DESCRlPTIONNT001 D002D003D004D005Do06D007D008D014DI4z|4a2K1421422R20?8H25701051 260408U029912591101 05H25701 0403H 05701 051 2803088029651 18010208H05601 051 28030880Lid, Top CoverB.T. ScrewBushing8 4 x 8Lid, Buttom CoverLegB.H. Tapped Screw 83 xSpacerB ufferB.H. Tapped Screw 83 x 81 47.3 C03-99 Bear Panel005EstEoo3E o/ogEsryiger/:/oo rEot2Eo (N): for Europeo (T): for United Kingdomoo2EPTOOJO9loo3R - A1 oweR E F ,DESIG.OTYPART NO.DESCRIPTIONNT001 E001 Eoo2E003E004E005E007E008E009E01 0E012E01 4Eo4422221111b44z221111 07H 1 6021 0107H16022051 280308UO51 280308UO51 280308U051 280308UO51 280308UO51 420308TO51 280308UO211226501029122590204581 86 1 01 0Bracket. Rear PanelBracket, Rear PanelB.H. Tapped Screw 83 x 8B.H. Tapped Screw 83 x 8B.H. Tapped Screw 83 x 8B.H. Tapped Screw 83 x 8B.H. Tapped Screw 83 x 8O.C.H. Tapped Screw 03 x IB.H. Tapped Screw 83 x 8lndicatorBushingLabel, Made in JapanREF.DESIG.OTYPART NO.DESCRIPTIONNT003RAFOOlAJOOlJO31AJ043AJ091AJOg1LOs1111I11I111I14204A61020FS 1 0080800YJ08000290Y L0301 0250YP040005908Y050600408Y05030030LA0001 501 0LabelFuse T800mAJack, Fuse HolderTerminal, GND.Plug, AC InletVoltage SelectorVoltage SelectorLoop Ant.t 57.4 P01-99 Front Ghassis and General Partso05GrNf&44t J . / .v,/ ,i./ .KWt6ii.I G, orle )_-r .-oo4i ob4F,mS- Y, 6g)S/.- *./qor4Go (N): for Europer (T): for United KingdomREF,DESIG.OTYPART NO.DESCRIPTIONNT00780088004F001 G002Go05G006G008G009G010G01 1G01 2G01 3GI621I22t2111IIIo11221211,1208H 1 540601 05H 1 5401 051 280306801 05H 1 6001 01 05H 1 2001 05t 100306A951 100306A9105H1 18010sl 260308B01 05H 1 6002051 2803088022760,05050105H118020Knob, Power SwitchKnob, Push SwitchB.H. Tapped Screw 83 x 6Bracket, Front ChassisI nsu latorB.H.M. ScrewB.H.M. ScrewSpacer, LEDB.T. ScrewBracket8 3 x 68 3 x 68 3 x 8B.H. Tapped Screw 83 x 8ClamperSpacerREF.DESIG.OTYPART NO.DESCRlPTIONNT014G01 5G017G018G019Go21 G001 i002i003 i004isv021JIzI1II1111121I11111225926250022762625001 05HO5301 029122590201 05H 1 200201 05H2730 t 0403H 1 0301 0403H118010403H303020403H303030sR00040080PulleyPu lleyCover, PointerBushingI nsu latorFlywheelPointerSpacerMaskMaskRotary Switch, Selector1 6?.5 P02-991 Chassis and 0ther PartsoosL gr (N): or EuropeI (T): for United Kingdomr5For5P700or7o,rr/r_o l lfooTFl- &-l -oozr.-q -002LK.l-.-lororr -rool FREF.DESlG.OTYPART NO.DESCRIPTIONNToo1 Foo2F003F004F007F008F009F01 0F0 1 1 F012F01 3F014F01 5F01 7F01 8F01 9F020Fo21Fo24Fo25F026Fo27F038F039Fo40F01 6E01 7E111344111122411111211112211113441111224111II2l1I|22I11 05H 1 2601 01 05H 1 26020t 05H 12603051 2803068051 2603088051 26030880221 805601 0202H2670305t 2803088O1 05H00401 051 2803088051 2603088O51 260408UO51 28030680287 1 00501 072040805AO403


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