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    EFISHERRSIti./R S Ir l -o-06-In-olI1RS- 1 080THE FIRST NAME IN HIGH FIDELITYSERVICE MANUALRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库TABLE OF CONTENTS?Specifications. . rrRecommended Test Equipment . . r . . .D isassembly I nstructionsParts List (RS-1060/1080) .Exploded View of Cabinet and ChassisFront & Rear Mounted Asemblies . . .7 , 8Exploded View of ChassisBottomMountedAssemblies. .9AM-FMMultiplexAlignment .10AM-FM RF/IF MPX Board Layout . . . . 11A l i g n m e n t W a v e F o r m s . . . . . . . . 1 2Dial CordStringing .12AM-FM RF/IF MPX P.C. Board (Bottom View) . 13,14AM-FM RF/IF P.C.B.AssyParts List. . 15F M l F l C L A l 2 3 O S i g n a l F l o w . . . . . . 1 6F M M P X l C L A 3 3 s O S i g n a l F l o w . . . . . . 1 6FM Tuner Section Characteristic Curve. . . . 17, 18AM RF lF lC HA1138 Signal Flow. . . . . 17FwI lFlelA1222Signal Flow&EquivalentDiagram .18 n + aFM Multipath P.C. Board (Bottom View) ,r,.iFM Multipath P.C.B. Assy Parts List & Adjustment 19, 20FM Dolby P.C. Board (Bottom View) . 21FM Dolby P.C.B. Assy Parts List & Adjustment 21,22Equalizer P.C. Board (Bottom View). . . . . 23Equalizer P.C.B. Assy Parts List & Characteristic Curve . . . 24Pre Amp P.C. Board (Bottom Vicw) 25,26PreAmpP.C.B.AssyPartsList. .26Tone Control P.C. Board (Bottom View) . 27,28Tone Control P.C.B. Assy Parts List & Characteristic Curve . 28Low Range P.C. Board, VR P.C. Board & VR IND P.C. Board (Bottom View) & Parts List . .29,30Protector P.C. Board & Dial Lamp P.C. Board (Bottom View) . . . . . 31Protector& Dial LampP.C.B.AssyPartsList .32Power Supply P.C. Board (Bottom View) (RS-1060) . . . . 33, 34(RS-1080) 37,38Power Amp P.C. Board (Bottom View) (RS-1060) . 35, 36(RS-1080) 39,40Power Supply & Power Amp P.C. Board Adjustment . . . . 41PowerSupplyP.C.B.AssyPartsList. .42Power Amp P.C.B. Assy Parts List. . . . 43Functional BlockDiagram(RS-1060/1080) . .44Schematic Diagram (RS-1060/1080). . . . Insertion 1.Point to Point Wiring Diagram (RS-1060/1080) . Insertion 2.56o(o- 2 -RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库IlIIILIIIIltIIi,lami;.a! Specif icctic:t Fcr ! -f:naticni-ii tZi-Jiax l6-15/16flnlrr-.,x 18-9/16Ba.lou: Fi*!r. prduc orc sublec l to continuout impre ment Fither wBs the right to mdify, chongc. or otter qy d4srgn or specifiatioF uithout notaa ond without arcufting onyoblolion Frcher reews lhe nght ro mohe chonget ind impruimenu upon its prdwtt witht any obtigott to itall such chdnges upon ant ol its du palioty ,rufetured.2_RECEIVERSRS-1060RS-1080POWER AMPLIFIEB SECTIONContinuous RMS sine wave power Berchannel within stad bandwidth at nomore than stated distortion and withan I ohm load.125 W170 WPower Bandwidth20 Hzl2O kHz2O Hz/2O kPzTotal Harmonic Distortion0.1 %0.1 %PREAMPLIFIER SECTIONInput Sensitivity and lmpedanceAt rated output, S-ohms at 1 kHzPhono (1 and 2)2 mV/50k ohm2 mV/50k ohmPhono (max input capabilitv)300 mV30O mVAuxiliary15O mV/100k ohm150 mV/lOOk ohmTape Monitor (1 and 2)150 mV/l00k ohm150 mV/l00k ohmHum & Noise (belory rated outoutlPhono (1 and 2)70 dB70 dBAuxiliary82 dB82 dBTape Monitor (1 and 2)80 dB80 dBFrequency ResponsePhono ( 30 Hz - lS kHz)+ 0.5 dBt 0.5 dBAuxiliary input 20 Hz - 20 kHz1 O.5 clB I r u.f, oTape Monitor input 20 Hz - 2O kHz+ 0.5 dB+ n q i RBass Control Range (at 100 Hz)! 1 2 d 8+l 2 dBTreble Control Range (at 10 kHz)a 1 2 d B+12 dBBass Selector (Bass Range: Max.)45Hz|OFFO Hz45 Hz|OFF/8O HzLoudness Contour (at 30 dB volume attenuation)+8 dB at 100 Hz+8 dB at 10O Hz+3.5 dB at 10 kHz+3.5 dB at l0 kHzHigh Filter-6 dB (5 kHz)-6 dB (5 kHz)Low Filter-6 dB (30 Hz)-6 ctB (30 Hz)Separation (Stereo from AUX)50 dB50 d8POWER SECTIONINPUT150 mV/l 00k ohm150 mV/100k ohmFM TUNER SECTION MonoUsable Sensitivity S,*.1.1 ttY /9.8 d9t1.7 mV/9.8 dBf4.3 ,V /17 .9 dBI4.3 uv I 17 .9 dgl50 dB Ouieting Sensitivity MonoStereo2.5 tV /13.2 dBI2.5 uv/13.2d8134 ,rVl35.8 dBf34 /V/35.8 dBlCapture Ratio0.8 dB0.8 dBAlt- Channel Selectivity75 dB75 d8lmage Response Ratiotm dB100d8)punous Hesponse Hatio100d8100 dBAM Suppression Ratio65 dB65 dBSignal-to-Noise Ratio (Mono & Stereo)80n 5 dB80/75 dBTotal Harm. Distortion (Mono & Stereo)0.1/0.1s %o.1/0.15 %50 dB Quieting sensitivity THD MonoStereo0.3 %0.3 %o.4%0.4 %Stereo Separation (t xnzlt xHzi5tli36,iB- taC aQSubarrier Product Batio70 dB70 d8AM TUNER SECTIONSensitivitySOpVlm28O pY lmSelectivity (+10 kHzl45 dB45 dBSignal-to-Noise Ratio55 dB55 dBlmage Response Ratio70 dB70 dBI F Response Ratio80 dB80 dBGENERALPower Requirements (50 Hz)AC 110/220v110/220VPower Consumption800 w/920 vA| 000 w/1200 vAU r m e n s t o n s H x W x DtrclRECOMMENDED TEST EOUIPMENTThe following test equipment is recommended to completely test and align the Receiver. Line Voltage lsolation Transformer. o Two (2) Load Resistors.8-ohms,250Wattso AC DC Multimeter. (Miriimum Rating). Accurately Calibrated AC Voltmetey. o Low-Distortion AM-FM Signal Generator. Oscilloscope (Flat to l 00 KHz Minimum) o 10.7 MHz Sweep Generatora Low-Distortion Audio Sine-Wave Generator o Multiplex Generator. Harmonic Distortion Analyzer . 455 kHz Sweep GeneratorHARMONIC DISTORTION TEST CAUTION: Limit the following tests to no more than tenminutes each. Use 8-ohm resistors with a minimum powerrating of 250 watts when connecting a load across theSPEAKERS terminals.CONTROLSETTINGS: ONE CHANNEL DRTVEN:Unplug the AC power cord and set the front panel controls 1)Connect a low distortion audio generator to LEFT AUXirs iuiivvS, lN jack Set oenerator frequency to t kHz and outputTONE controls and BALANCE controls to center positions to minimum.POWER sfvitch to OFF 2) connect an 8-ohm load resistor between SPEAKERSi SPEAKERS switch to PHONES MAIN LEFT and COM terminals.FUNCTION switch to AUX Connect a Harmonic Distortion analyzer and an ACHIGH & LOW,FILTER, MONO MODE, LOUDNESS CON- VTVM in parallel across the Sohm load.TOUR and TAPE MONITOR switch toOFF and SOURCE 3) Connect the AC power cord and set SPEAKERS switchVOLUME control to MINIMUM position to MAIN. Turn VOLUME control to MAX.LEFT CHANNEL DRIVEN 4) Increase generator output forRS-1060 125W RMS (31.6V across the 8-ohm load)RS-1080 170W BMS (36.8V across the B-ohm load)Harmonic Distortion Analyzer should measure approxi-mately 0.1o0 distortion.5) Repeat steps l through 4 for R IGHT CHANN E L.BOTH CHANNELS DRIVENConnect B-ohm load resistors across LEFT and RIGHT MAIN SPEAKERS terminals Push down MONO sryitch. Adjuslgenerator output and BALANCE control for RS-1060: 125W/RS 1080: 170W at Leitand RightChannels (RS 1060:31.6V/RS-10: 36.8V) across the 8-ohm loads. Harmonic Distortion Analyzer should measure approximatelv 0.1o/o distortion a1each channel.- a _oRemoval of Ghasis from Cabinet1. Remove 6 screws from let and right sides of cabinet.2. Separate cabinet from chassis.3. Remove 18 screws from bottom of cabinet.4. Remove 4 screws from Leg.5. Separate bottom of cabinet from chassis.Removal of Front Panel Assembly1. With Allen wrench remove Tuning and Volume Knobs.2. Remove all Knobs and Lever switches f rom panel.3. Remove 2 screws from top of panel.4. Remove 2 screws from bottom of panel.5. Remove nut from Function and Speaker switcheslocated on Front Panel Assembly.6. Separate Front Panel Assembly from chassis.Removal of Slide Rail Pointer1. Remove Metal Slide Pointer from Slide Rail Pointer.2. Remove 3 screws from top of Slide Rail Pointer.3. Remove 2 screws from left and riqht sides of Slide RailPointer.Removal of Meter1. Remove One screw and Meter Cover.2. Unsolder leads f rom meter terminals.3. Grasp Meter firmly and pull back separating Meter fromoanel.Removal of AM-FM Stereo Function Indicator Lamps1. Grasp base of lamp with long-nosed Pliers and Carefullyextract from grommet holder.2. Unsolder AM-FM Indicator Lamo from P.C. Board.Removal and Replacement of Dial Lampc1. Remove 4 plastic screws from top of Dial P.C. Board.2. Grasp Dial Lamp and extract from lamp grommetholder.Removal of Front End from Chassis1. Unsolder leads from Front End terminal.2. Unscrew 2 screws from Drum. (Do Not Remove DialString From Drum.)3. Remove 4 screws from insides of Front End. (Do NotRemove 4 screws From Outsides Of Front End Case.)Testing and troubleshooting any of the P.C. boards doesnot require removal since all iomponent parts are top boardmounted. For underneath board inspection purposes orr-ri,:, = .iei,:;i;l :iipalcar is :,- i-,rnsnl,lcr;J an1replaced, the P.C. board can be sufficiently turned overby only removing the hold down hardware. Where it neces-sitates complete removal of any individual board thenoroceed as follows.DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONSRemoual of AM-FM RF/lF/TtlPX Amp P.C. Board1. Urisolder wire wraps from terminals.2. Remove 4 screws from P.C. Board.3. Slide P.C. Board from plastic clip.Removal of Multi Path and Dolby P.C. Board (RS-1080Only)1. Unsolder wire wraps from terminals.2. Remove 4 hold down screws.Removal of EO-Amp P.C. Board1. Unsolder wire wraos from terminals.2. Remove 4 Hold down screws.3. Grasp P.C. Board and extract from Shield Case.(Do Not Remove Shield Case From Chassis.)Removal of Protector P.C. Board1. Unsolder wire wraps from termianls.2. Remove 4 hold down screws.Removal of Volume lnd and Volume P.C. Board1. With Allen wrench remove Volume Ind P.C. Board fromVolume Shaft.2. Remove One nut holding Volume P.C. Board.3. Unsolder wire wraos from terminals.Removd of Pre Amp P.C. Board1. Remove 14 screws from 7 Lever Switches.2. Unplug 2 connectors.3. Unsolder wire wraps from terminals.Removal of Tone Control Amp P.C. Board1. Remove 3 hold down nuts from Tone Control P.C.Board.2. Unplug 2 connectors.Removal of Low Range P.C. Board1. Remove 2 hold down nuts from Low Range P.C. Boarcj.2. Unplug One connector.Removal of Porver Supply P.G. Board.l . Remove 2 screws releasing clip holding P.C. Board.2. Grasp P.C. Board firmly and extract from plug. (DoNot Remove Plug From Chassis.)Removd of Porver Amp P.C. Boardr Please refer to Exploded View on Page 8.II- 5 -Ref.No. Part Number DescriptionACCESSORIES PARTS LISTRS 1060 42349 20600 Fuse 54 Slow (Replacement Fuse)42349 29997 Fuse i0AT (Replacement Fuse)RS-1080 4 2349 29996 Fuse 8AT (Replacement Fuse)42349 29998 Fuse 15AT (Replacement Fuse)42449 20230 Antenna FMRS 1060 1316 4119 51205 Explanatory Booklet (English)1316 41 1S 51225 Explanatory Booklet (German)RS-1080 1316 4119 51206 Explanatory Booklet (Englishl1316 4l 1g 51226 Explanatory Booklet (German)1316 4159 26600 Notes (AC VOLT) (RS 1060)1316 4159 266b1 Notes (AC VOLT) (RS-1080)CABINET PARTS LIST1 1310 1101 09000 Cabinet Asv (RS-1060)1 1310 1101 09100 Cabinet Assy (RS-1080) * 1312 1 105 18200 Plate Bottom (RS-060)2 * 1312 1105 18300 Plate Bottom (RS-1080)2 13i2 190.1 13800 I egAPPEARANCE PARTS LIST1310 1001 35500 Knob, Function1312 1601 41700 Knob,Tuning1312 1601 41800 Knob, Volume1310 1001 38000 Knob. Controls1310 1001 36100 Knob, Lever Switch1310 1016 23500 Dress Panel Assl BS-1060)1310 1016 23600 Dress PanelAssy (BS-1080)1310 301 1 16800 Dial Pointer AssY+ 1312 6308 16400 Filter1312 1201 29000 Dial Plate (RS-1060)1312 1201 29100 Dial Plate (RS-1080)CHASSIS PARTS LIST12 1310 3002 11100 Drum Assv, Tuning Gang13 1310 3003 19600 Tuning Shaft Assv14 1310 3008 1 1700 Support, Antenna Assv15 * 1310 3020 05800 Pulley Assy Panel Rear16 * 1310 3020 07800 Pulley Assy Right Front17 * 1310 3020 07900 Pulley Assy Left Front18 * 13123301 22200 Chassis+ 1312 3305 20900 Front Panel (RS-1060)* 1312330520901 FrontPanel (RS-1080)20 + 1312 3306 23002 Rear Panel (RS-1060)20 * 11312 3306 23302 Rear Panel (RS-1080)21 1312 362100400 Clarnp, 75 ohm Coax.22 1312362100500 Base,Coax,ClamP23 1312 41 1 1 00400 Tension SPring24 + 1312 4112102OO Dial Cord25 * 1312 4120 11500 Slide Rail Dial Pointer26 13124121 00100 Coupling (Nvlon)27 x 13124201 12701 Screw, Panel Rear (FM ANT)28 * 1312 6110 26100 Housing, Meter Lamp (RS-l060)28 * 1312 6110 26600 Housing, Meter Lamp (BS-1080)29 * 131 26110 26200 Housing, Meter30 * 1312 6110 26500 Housing, Dial Lamp PCB31 * 13126111 12100 Housing, Stereo Beacon Lamp32 * 1312611120200 Housing, IND Lamp (RS-1060)Sz - i31 2 1: i i -l:00 Hc-.r:i:;, tNn I arrn (RS-!08033 x 1312 6111 1480l Bushing, Line Cord34 * 13126111 14200 Bushing, AM Antenna LeadRef.No. Part Number DesoiptionELECTRICAL PARTS LIST!57II1 0111 1(,PARTS LIST35 4.1255 2040036 4 2359 2016037 4 2312 0003038 42359 2271039 423592273040 4 2359 2301041 423592182042 4 2359 2305043 4 2369 2056144 423692122045 423792146046 423792140047 * Q24392O74O48 425192385248 425192389249 425792504050 4 2599 2030051-A 4 51,19 2067051-B 4 51 19 2068051-C 4 5119 2071052 46129 2028053 4 6129 20592g 461292074055 4 6129 2075056 C2JN R / 1 03C(c01)57 4223921050(c02,03)574 2239 21080(c02,03)58 42221060(c04)CO5,O6 ClHYDZ473A07,080959 C2HYDP1O3A(c10,1112,131C14,15 CIHYDZ473A50 v +80. -20 %C16 C1CUEX22SA Alsicon 2.2pF 16V +4O,-2Oo/o60 (D0i) DDD-S25VB4C Diode S25VB4061 (F01,02, 42349 21340 Fuse l0ASlowBlow03,04,162 (F05.06) 4 2349 21240 Fuse 2.5A Slow Blow 125V63(F07) 4 23r;920600 Fuse 5A l22ovl (RS-1060)42349 29997 Fuse 10AT (110V) (RS-1060)63(F07) 42Ug 29996 FuseSAT (220V) (RS-l080)42349 29998 Fuse 15AT (110V) (RS-1080)64 42319 34230 Switch Rotary Function65 4 2319 34250 Switch Rotary Tape Monitor66 4 2319 3330 Switch Rotary SP Selector67 4 2319 34160 Switch Lever ACNOI b * Asterisk trrcircaisS nO sc; v;u; po i.Front End(Component Pafis used in FrontEnd are not serviceable andavailable.)Holder LampSwitch, Voltage SelectorRear Accesory JackJack, Phones/Record OutConnector 22PFuse Holder (Mini TYPe)Fuse Holder 6PPlug 1PShort PlugTerminal , Antenna ConnectorTerminal, Speakers ConnectorLine CordPower Trans (RS-1060)Power Trans (RS-1080)AM AntennaBalunMeter, Signal StrengthMeter, Center of ChannelMeter, FM Multipath (RS-1080)Pilot Lamp 6.3V 250m4Small Lamp Indicator 5V 60mASmall Lamp Stereo IndicatorSmall Lamp Dolby IND 6.3V 80mACapacitor, Polypropilene g.Q l,rF630V t 20 %Capacitor, E lectrolytic15000 ,F 75v (RS-1060)Capacitor, E lectrolytic22000,F 80v (RS-1080)Capacitor, E lectrolytic22000,Fx2 IOOYCapacitor, Ceramic 0.O41 F50v +80, -20YoCapacitor, Ceramic 0.01 F500v +100, -0 %Capacitor, Ceramic 0.MJ ,F- 6 -; g -i o oF * E gt - o- 0 6E r E b P i: E; ; ri 3 I F 8 :- -9 i l-.b x i u b i . : :i ! g i g r E- . f - : : r !E L e ; e ; EE E E EiEC Gir Cc -Ii E i ?o _E, Ia i E F E2 = E z i yo-3 F : = =CO llc X X l; F :o . . - 9 F : - 6 o - X Y I : Eb 9 k b - c r ;: a . . .:e 3 : : : :i : : , c o o o iE C ( E C E ( C E - o i r i r r iqr, , t f. , B- e / &-(o,qn rOlJYFd9 9X =: : = = 9 Q 9; ; : : - . , ; ; 6 i _ 4 p Ee q e t - n q ; ! 4 4 i . I tm v v 9 d;YiieeF!9FP;Pxi i 4 4 n t t s ! 3 . i 9 i Y . go ; g ! S ! c d d a - t d d l i i -: : R = : l : 9 R = ! P R : 9 t8 8 8 s B s B E g6 6 5 ; - 6 ; 6 ; ; 6 6 8 6 6 Fp/o,F,I/O ouJ ulF iz =R = F E uJ2 w$ oFL 2v o; ESE,AQo lo(Jd ox zur o; ;t :cP( -Fzu=z-rx=g! g r ;a : ; - i : 30 : e Fn 9 zx o u3 E t =; ! s =; 3 =LE6eq, i o- o i! :; ;o5 s lu lIOI1. ilI(DIXtr D - /v f uu,o - , 69 zi O U . . : s ; ar x E * -l F l i : ;s8?8!io - 1 . , 1- !v : E x ! ! ; 9; ; i i 9i E ; : d 6 z - L ,a o R Yr Q !o n l ; o O O T Ga i P8 i6 -:N93


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