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    Pioneer-PLL1000-tt-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

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    Pioneer-PLL1000-tt-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

    FSEefticec%anualLINEAR MOTOR ARM STEREO TURNTABLEPL-L1cI0(f()rrrorueErRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库TypeVoltageRemarksHET22OV and 240V (SwitchablelEurope model (without cartridge)HBT22OY and 24OV (SwitchablelUnited Kingdom model (without cartridgels/G1lOV. 12OV, 22OV,24OV and (SwitchablelU.S. Military model (with cartridge)MODEL PL-LIOOO COMES IN THREE VERSIONS DISTINGUISHED AS FOLLOWS:CONTENTSt1. SPECIFICATIONS2. PANEL FACILITIES3. DISASSEMBLY3.1 Panel .3.2 D.D. Motor3.3 Tonearm3.4 CdS Detector and Lamp4. PARTS LOCATIONS5. BLOCK DIAGRAM5.1 Tonearm Control Stage .5.2 End Detector Stage .5.3 Arm Elevation Control Stage5.4 Size Selector Stage .5.5 Repeat Control Stage5.6 Lowering Position Detector, PlungerControl Stage and Descent SignalGenerator5.7 Display Stage and Plunger Driver .5.8 Manual Drive Stage5.9 Tracking Sensor Stage andTonearm Driver Stage5.10 D.D. Motor Control Stage andD.D. Motor Stop Control6. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONS6.1 Full Auto Logic .6.2 Tonearm Drive .7. ADJUSTMENTS7.1 D.D. Motor Operating PointAdjustment7.2 Auto Lead-in Timing Adjustment7.3 End Sensor Sensitivity Adjustment7.4 End Timer Adjustment7.5 Tracking Sensor Zero PointAdjustment7.6 Tracking Sensor Gain Adjustment . . . . .7.7 Lead-in and Return Speed Adjustment . . .8. TIMING CHART9. TROUBLESHOOTING9.1 Circuit Block .9.2 Mechanism Block .10. EXPLODED VIEWS10.1 Exterior10.2 Tonearm10.3 EV Mechanism10.4 Bottom Plate .1 1 . P A C K | N G . . . .12. SCHEMATTC DTAGRAM (HET,HBT modet). .13. P.C. BOARD CONNECTION DIAGRAM(HET, HBT model)14. PARTS LIST OF P.C. BOARD ASSEMBLY(HET, HBT model)15. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (S/c model)16. P.C. BOARD CONNECTION DIAGRAM(S/G model)17. PARTS LIST OF P.C. BOARD ASSEMBLY(S/G model)34677II1 31 31 41 41 4t25252525262626271 113131313133: l1 521454850515455586163eaRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库Fr1. SPECIFICATIONSMotor and TurntableDriveSystem . Direct-driveMotor. .OuartzPLLHall motorTurntable Platter . . 31Omm diam. aluminum alloy die-castInertial Mass . . . . 330kg-cm2 (including platter mat mass)Speeds . 33-1/3 and 45rpmWow and Flutter Less than *0.013% (WRMS)o.o25Yo (WRMS)0.035% (DtN)Values marked with an * designate the wow and flutter jfor motor, and do not include the cartridge or tonearm Iload.Signal-to-Noise Ratio More than 78dB (DlN-B)(with Pioneer cartridge model PC-600)Rotational CharacteristicsBuild-up Time . . Within 90o rotation at 33-1/3rpmSpeed Deviation . . . Less than O.OO2TISpeed vs. Load Characteristics . . . . Stable up to 220 gramsdrag loadSpeed Drift . . Less than 0.00008o/o/h at 33-1/3rpmLess than 0.00003%/degree temp. change at 33-1/3rpmTonearmType . . LinearMotorDirect-driveStatic-balance type, Linear-tracking armEffectiveArmLength .190mmO v e r h a n g . . . . 0 m mUsable Cartridge Weight . . .49 (min.) to 249 (max,)Arm Height Adjust Range . . t3mmHeadshell weight 10.5gSubfunctionsAuto lead-inAuto-returnAuto cutOuick repeatOuick playOuick stopStyl us pressu re d i rect-readout counterwei ghtArm height adjusting deviceCueing deviceFree stop hinges)PL-L1 clclclSemiconductorsf C s . . . 2 2Transistors 17Diodes 16H a l l E l e m e n t s . . . . . . . 3L E D . . 1 4P h o t o T r a n s i s t o r s . . . . . . 5c d s . . 1MiscellaneousPower RequirementsHET, HBT models. . . AC22O/24OV - (switchable)50,60H2S/G model. . ACl 10/ 12O/22O/24OY - (switchable)50,60H2PowerConsumption .35WDimensions 494(W) x 154(H) x 456(D)mm19-7116(W) x 6-1116(Hlx 17-15/16(D) in.Weight 12kg/261b fbzAccessoriesEP Adapter 1Screwdriver 1O v e r h a n g g a u g e . . . . . . . 1Level . 1C l e a n i n g c l o t h . . . . . . . . 1Cartridge mounting parts (HET, HBT models only)Cartridgemountingscrews .6Cartridgemountingnuts .2Cartridgemountingwashers . 2Cartridge PC-600 (S/G model onty) . 1Operating instructions (French and Germanfurnished on models for HET) 1NOTE:Specif ications and design subject to possibte modif icationwithout natice, due to improvements.ftr,tT2. PANEL FACILITI ES/ t vPower switch ouartz lockindicator seeeo otsc slZE switch(!) R EPEAT switch(O ARM ELEVATION swi srnnr/sroP switch Remote operation knobe POWER SWTTCHUsed to switch on and off the power to the turntable.Power is supplied when the switch is depressed (ON).The SPEED switch indicator (33) comes on. The power isswitched off when the POWER switch is released.NOTES:r The platter doos not rotate when tho tonearm is positioned atthe far right oven if the sl,lritch is depressed and the powgrsupplied. With each push, this switch alternates between the ON andOFF positions. Keep the POWER switch at the OFF position when you arenot using the turntable. euARTz LocK rNDrcAToRThis indicator illuminates when the platter is revolvingat the specif ied rate of 33-1/3 or 45 rpm. Dust cove. Arm rest Arm ctampA-19, I onearmNOTE:lf the platter speed varies, such as when the speed s:witch ischanged from one position to another or when you press mo-mantarily on the platter, ths indicatorwill go off. As the platterro/olution returns to the specified sped, the indicator will il-luminate again. sPEED swrrcH33 . . . . . . Set the switch to this position when playinga 33-1/3 rpm record such as an LP. When itis depressed, the 33 indicator lights up, andthe platter rotates at a speed of 33-1/3 rpm.45 . . . . . . Set the switch to this position when playinga 45 rpm record like an EP. When it is de-pressed, the 45 indicator lights up, and theplatter rotates at a speed of 45 rpm.Iatr)-V.at Drsc srzE swrrcHSelects the switch that corresponds to the size of the rec-ord you want to hear for auto play operation.1230 . . . For 30cm records1025 . . . For 25cm records717 . . . ForlTcmrecordso Used to select the record size when depressed. For in-stance, when the 30cm indicator lights up, depress theswitch for the 25cm position, and depress it again forthe 17cm position. Depressing the switch once moresets it to the 30cm position.o When the power switch is turned ON, the turntablewill always be set for records with a diameter of30cm and the corresponding light will come on.NOTE:This sruitch will not work if depressed when the tonearm ismoving (auto lead-in, auto-return, auto cut). REPEAT swtrcHPress this switch for repeat play. When pressed the indi-cator will light up, and the record will be played again(refer to page 12 for further details on repeat play).Press this switch again to release it. The indicator will gooff and the repeat play function will be released.NOTE:This slitch will not work if depressed wh6n the tonarm ismoving (auto-return, auto cut). enru ELEVATIoN swtrcHUse this switch to interrupt play temporarily or to per-form manual play.When the DOWN position is depressed the tonearm willdescend and when the UP position is depressed the tone-arm will rise. These two operations will be performed al-ternately every time the switch is pressed.NOTES:r When th POWER switch is set to ON, the tonearm will startin the UP position.r This switch will not work if depressed when th tonearm ismoving (auto lead-in, auto-return. auto cutl.o When the switch is at UP, tho auto-return cancelling mecha-nisrn is actuated and so there will be no auto-roturn.O sranr/srop swtrcHPress this switch for auto play. The platter will start to ro-tate, the tonearm will automatically move over to theedge of the record and play will begin (auto lead-in).lf this switch is pressed during play, the tonearm willautomatically return to the arm clamp position, the plat-ter will stop rotating and play will be suspended (autocut).NOTE:This saritch will not work if depressed when the tonearm ismoving (auto lead-in).PL-L1 Clclc REMoTE opERATtoN KNoBUsed when moving the tonearm by remote control.Rotate counterclockwise to move the tonearm to the left.Rotate clockwise to move the tonearm to the right.NOTE:Whon the arm elevation switch is at DOWN or auto lead-in, autocut and auto-return, the tonearm does not move even when theremote operation is released and th6 knob rotated. ToNEARMThe tonearm function is to apply the correct trackingforce to the cartridge. maintbin this value precisely and al-low the stylus to trace the record grooves accurately.The tonearm can be operated manually with your hand orremotely with the remote operation knob. lt is coupled tothe motor switch and when it moves across to the record,the platter rotates and it stops when the tonearm is re-turned to the arm clamp position.NOTE:When the POWER switch is at OFF, the tonarm cannotbe moved by either manual or remote operation. lf it is forcedat tho OFF position, this may result in damage so always re-member to set the POWER switch to ON when moving it. ARM cLAMpUsed to secure the tonearm.To secure the tonearm, move it to the right and then pushdown on the clamp. When you do not intend to use theturntable, secure the tonearm in this way. The tonearm isreleased when the clamp is raised. anru REsrThis secures the tonearm pipe. When playing a record,rotate the arm rest counterclockwise and release theclamp. When not playing a record, set the arm elevationswitch to UP ( ! ) and then rotate the arm rest clockwiseand secure the pipe.NOTE:When the arm elevation sritch is at DOWN (l l, ttre tonearmpipe cannot be secured. Make sure this sl,tritch is set to tho UP( ! l position. pIRIIER/RUBBER pLATTER MATWhen the tonearm is moved and power is supplied to theturntable, the platter will start rotating at the set rotationspeed. The rubber platter mat stabilizes the records andalso absorbs external vibration, ousr covERKeep this closed unless operating the controls or tonearm,or changing records. This serves to keep dust off of the re-cords during record play. When fully opened and pulledstraight up, this dust cover can be removed from thecabinet.nnt,I3. DISASSEMBLY3.1 PANEL1. Remove the 4 insulator mounting screws.2. Remove the top cover.3. Shift the tonearm across to the center-4. Lift the panel up, and disconnect the B con_nectors from the printed circuit board below.Top coverI)EiFis. 3-1at3.2 D.D MOTOR1. Remove the 3 D.D motor securing screws.2. Disconnect the D.D motor connector.3.3 TONEARM1. Remove the plate pressing against the tone-arm output cable.2. Remove the coil & rail assy.3. Disconnect the ground lead connected tothe front rail from P.C.B.4. Remove the E-type washers and screw holdingthe gear and rail of the elevation mechanism.The front rail may then be removed by pullingE-typewasherGround leadFL-LI OclclFis. 3-2out towards the right.5. The other rail may also be removed by pull-ing out to the right after loosening the securingscrew.6. The tonearm may be removed once both railshave been pulled across to the right by atleast 15cm.Coil & Rail assy)laE!tFig. 3-3Fig.3-43.4 CdS DETECTOR AND LAMP1. After removing the tonearm, remove the CdSdetector and lamp in the way indicated inFig. 3-5.2. Remove the shutter before removing the spacersecuring the CdS detector.Sh utter)IFig. 3-5a4. PARTS LOCATIONSPush button unir APAD-058Push button unit CPAD60to The l morh found otr some component parts itldicatesIhe importance of the sately lactor of the parl. There-fore, hen replacing, be sure Io use parts of id.enlicaldesignation.Tonearm assemblyPPD01PNR.I26Dial unitPXT.391Push button unit BPAD-061rialtcoteslherentlcalBtE Rrw-339neltR.l26ialunitxT-391D.D. motorPX B-061EV mechanism assemblyPL-LI Clclc(Coil assembly)PXB 18ControlassemblyPWM325. BLOCK DIAGRAMPL-L1 oclcl-lIIIRest sensorEnd sensorR E PswLead in1q1 7 7IL - _ _ _ _ _ lI1 133 45 QUARTZD.D. motor control|If End signalDisplay driverLowering positioncontrol30 cmroooI, l r -J i$-rl f;?C d sIIITrackingsensor, powersupPlY.TonearmdriveI uollllIIIIManual drivei 1 D.D. motor control2 Tonearm control3 Arm drive control4 Full auto logic5 Arm elevation control6 EV, REPEAT, SIZE selector inputPhoto 5-1IBLOCK DIAGRAM OPERATIONS5.1 TONEARM CONTROL STAGEa. Lead-in FF and Return FFLead-in FF . . . . This FF is set by pressing theS/S (START/STOP) switchwhen the tonearm is on thearm rest, and is reset by adescend signal, or when thepower switch is turned on.Return FF . . . . This FF is set by pressing theS/S switch when the tonearmis not on the arm rest, andalso by the end detector. Itis reset when the power isturned on, or by the descendsignal, or when the tonearmreturns to the arm rest.b. When either of the above 2 FFs has been ser, anAUTO on signal is generated (as well asAUTO on), resulting in the arm elevator beingset to the UP position, and inhibition of manualdrive.5.2 END DETECTOR STAGEThe end sensor input signal is rectified and thenapplied to the detector stage consisting of a dif-ferential circuit, integration circuit, and a mono-stable multivibrator.When the detector stage detects the arrival of 2consecutive input signals within the fixed timeconstant period, an output signal is generated.This output, however, is inhibited by the EV Upsignal when the arm elevator is in the Up position.OUTPUIEV up s qna Fig. 5_15.3 ARM ELEVATION CONTROL STAGEThis stage consists of a J-K-type FF with a reset(clear) input and preset input.The arm elevator is raised (Up position) as aresult of the initial resetting, or by the AUTOoperation signal from the tonearm control stage.The eleyator descend again (DOWN position)when the FF is preset by the descend signal.Furthermore, whenever the EV switch is pressed,Q and Q are generated alternately, resulting in thearm elevator being raised and lowered correspond-ingly.The FF output is applied to a logical ,andcircuit with the outputs from the elevator Up andDOWN switches, the resultant output being appliedto the EV motor drive stage.s.iA SIZE SELECTOR STAGEThis stage consists of a J-K FF 2-stage ringcounter and the QUQ2 logical ,and, gate. As aresult of the initial resetting, Ql = Q2 = L for auto-matic switching of the size selector to the B0cmposition. Every time the size selector switch ispressed after that, the selector is switched fromthe 30 to 25 and 17 positions in turn, and thenback to 30 again. Note, however, that switchingis inhibited when AUTO operation signals arereceived from the tonearm control stage (i.e.during lead-in, return, and repeat operations).5.5 REPEAT CONTROL STAGEConsisting of a T-type FF, e and Q are invertedby Repeat switch operation. Note that the FF isalso turned off by the initial reset, and that thereis no inversion while the tonearm control stagereturn FF remains set (i.e. during return andrepeat operations). Furthermore. the FF is alsoturned off as a result of auto-cut operation duringrepeat mode.5.6 LOWERING POSITION DETECTOR,PLUNGER CONTROL STAGE, ANDDESCEND SIGNAL GENERATORWhen the tonearm shutter passes between thesensors corresponding to the designated recordsize (sensors being mounted in positions corres-ponding to each record size), a lowering positiondetector output signal is generated. This signal isthen applied to the plunger control stage (a mon-stable multivibrator), resulting in a fixed timeconstant pulse signal being generated to activatethe plunger (during lead-in and repeat modes).The down stroke of the pulse signal is differentiat-ed and a descend position s


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