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    Linn-LP12-tt-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

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    Linn-LP12-tt-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

    LINN LP12TURNTABLESET UP MANUALRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库Page 2Copyright 1991-1998 by Linn Products Limited. All Rights Reserved.Revised Jan 1998INDEXIN THE BEGINNING .This is where it all began back in 1973 - the Sondek LP12,which revolutionised peoples perception of what pro-duces good hi-fi. At Linn we have demonstrated thatturntables are the most important component in a recordplaying hi-fi system. Twenty five years after its introduc-tion, the LP12 is still the reference turntable.Since 1973, Linn has invested a great deal of time andeffort upgrading the LP12; improvements which havehad far reaching effects on the whole system. Today,the LP12 sounds significantly better than at any time inits history, and has an ever expanding customer base.Looking after yesterdays customer has always beena priority at Linn, ensuring that almost all the upgradesare retrofittable, thus making it possible to upgrade anyLP12 to current specification and performance.This section is designed to assist you to carry out anyrequested upgrades to the LP12, to help you identify andcorrect minor irregularities, to familiarise you with recom-mended tools and provide useful information on LP12specifications. We hope this section will help you providebetter service to all your existing and future LP12customers.RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库Page 3Copyright 1991-1998 by Linn Products Limited. All Rights Reserved.Revised Jan 1998INDEXINDEXContents.PageLP12 Introduction . 2LP12 Set-up . 4Required Tools . 5Set-up Jig . 6Preparation . 7Assembly . 10Suspension Adjustments . 14Arm cable fitting. 17Motor adjustment . 21Final Installation . 23Tips. 24Common Turntable Set-up Faults . 25LP12 Fault Finding. 26Lingo Fault Finding . 32LP12 Guidelines for Upgrade and RepairLingo. 33Suspension Grommets . 36Motor Thrust Bearing. 37Bearing Housing “CIRKUS” . 38Armboard . 41Suspension Springs. 41Sub-chassis (glued). 42Plinth. 43Valhalla Power Supply. 44Nirvana Kit . 45Valhalla Repair Kit. 46Valhalla Update Kit . 47Motor Adjustments . 48Linn Speedchecker. 50Kinky Arm Alignment Tool . 51T-Bar Bolt Straightener. 5245-rpm Adaptor. 53LP12 History and Upgrade Path . 54LP12 Specifications. 57Separate Documents:LP12 Circuitry Fitting Instructions for Basik/Valhalla/Lingo includingWiring Diagram for Early LP12 . LP12_tech_circuitry.pdfLP12 Trampolin Fitting Instructions . LP12_tech_baseboard.pdfLP12 Motor Flush Instructions . LP12_tech-motorflush.pdfPage 4Copyright 1991-1998 by Linn Products Limited. All Rights Reserved.Revised Jan 1998INDEXLP12 SET-UPINTRODUCTIONImportant - read this before you beginIt is extremely important that you read this entiresection before attempting to set up a Linn SondekLP12 Turntable. Failure to do so may well result insubstandard performance, and could result in perma-nent damage to the turntable.We realise that the policy of most hi-fi dealers is, “Ifall else fails, read the instructions”. The set up procedureused on the Linn Sondek, while not terribly difficult, issignificantly different from that used on other turntables.It is virtually impossible to set the table up correctlywithout following the steps in this section.These instructions refer specifically to the set up of theLinn Sondek LP12 fitted with a Linn Tonearm andcartridge.Tightening ProcedureSince we are dealing with a transducer that has to recoverinformation considerably smaller than a millionth of aninch from a phonograph record, it is important that allfasteners (screws, nuts, and bolts) in the turntable bevery tight. Whenever the instructions call for youto tighten a fastener, we do mean tight - probably tighterthan you would have imagined.However, there is no advantage to tightening past thepoint where materials will deform, or where you damagethe materials or destroy their structure. A good rule ofthumb is simply to bring the nut or screw up to where itseems tight and then turn it about 1/8 turn more (in thecase of armboard screws, which are put into wood, 1/16turn will do).Estimated Timefor Completion oftask 60 minutesPage 5Copyright 1991-1998 by Linn Products Limited. All Rights Reserved.Revised Jan 1998INDEXTools Needed For Set-Up5.5mm or 7/32 Hollow Shaft Nut Driver8mm or 5/16 Hollow Shaft Nut DriverNo. 1 Pozidrive ScrewdriverNo. 2 Pozidrive ScrewdriverAll cross slot screws on the LP12 are Pozidrive. While aPhillips screwdriver will work, the correct Pozidrive screw-driver is preferred.Medium Size (about 5 mm wide) Flat Blade ScrewdriverMedium Size Needle Nose Pliers12mm or Adjustable Wrench5mm or 3/16 Wrench1.33mm Allen Key2mm Allen Key3mm Allen Key4mm Allen KeyRequired allen keys, except for the 3mm, are supplied withLinn tonearms.Turntable Set-Up Jig or SubstituteIt is desirable to raise the turntable to about eye level sothat you can reach and see the underside of the turntable.The set-up jig on a standard-height work bench is best.The surface that the set-up jig or turntable rests uponmust be absolutely steady and level for proper suspen-sion adjustment. If the surface is unsteady or subjectto rocking motion, the energy put into the suspensionduring the adjustment process can induce movement inthe support surface as well as the suspension. Properadjustment of the turntable suspension will be difficult,if not impossible under these conditions.Page 6Copyright 1991-1998 by Linn Products Limited. All Rights Reserved.Revised Jan 1998INDEXLP12 SET-UP JIGWe recommend that you always use a set-up jig whensetting up an LP12. This will facilitate ease of adjustment,prevent damage to your turntable and ensure propersuspension adjustment.1.Before using the jig make sure that the mountingplates have been covered with a protective strip. Fitprotection to underside of clamp and place the jig ona stable surface.2.Fit plinth carefully to set-up jig and lock in place.3.Adjust jig feet until plinth is level. Check with a spiritlevel, both front to back and side to side.? level ? level Page 7Copyright 1991-1998 by Linn Products Limited. All Rights Reserved.Revised Jan 1998INDEXPREPARATIONThe next steps cover unpacking the turntable and check-ing to see that none of the fasteners (screws, nuts orbolts) have become loose due to vibration in transit.CautionMake sure that the turntable is unplugged from the A/Coutlet before removing the bottom cover. High Voltages(400 Volts!) are present on the Valhalla circuit board.Failure to observe this precaution can result in seriouselectrical shock.Please note that, on turntables equipped with the Valhallacircuit board, the board is live at all times. The Valhallaswitch does not turn theA/C power on and off; it simply sends a control pulse tothe board which results in the motor being turned on or off.1. Unpack the TurntablePacked below the dustcover you will find:An armboardTwo dustcover hingesTwo baseboard screwsThree armboard screwsOne inner platter/spindle assemblyTwo phials of main bearing oilUnderneath the turntable you will find:The outer platter, felt mat, and belt2. Place Turntable in Set-up JigAfter placing the turntable in the set-up jig, lock theturntable into place. Use a spirit level to ensure that theturntable plinth (base) is level. This is done by adjustingthe feet of the set-up jig.Please note that if you are using a Linn set-up jig, you maylay the jig on its back at various times during set-up toprovide easier access to the underside of the turntable(steps 3 to 6 for example).However, when this is done you should first remove theinner platter and cap the main bearing well with the redplastic cover provided to avoid spillage from the bearinghousing if it has been charged with oil.Page 8Copyright 1991-1998 by Linn Products Limited. All Rights Reserved.Revised Jan 1998INDEX3. Remove BaseboardBefore proceeding with this step, stop and check to makesure the turntable is unplugged! To remove the base-board, unscrew and remove the four feet on the bottomof the turntable.If you are working on a previously set-up table, you willalso have to remove the two baseboard screws that arelocated in the centre of both the front and rear edges ofthe baseboard.NOTE: If the turntable is to be repacked in its originalcarton, the two baseboard screws must be removed. Ifleft in, they will scratch the rim of the platter which ispacked directly under the turntable.4. Remove ground and P-Clip NutsUse the 8mm nut driver to remove the nut holding theturntable earth jumper wire to the front chassis bolt, andthe nuts holding the nylon P-clip, washer, and greenA/C ground wire (if fitted) to the rear chassis bolt. (SeeTurntable Exploded View).5. Tighten Wiring Strap NutsCheck to see that the nuts holding the wiring strap, onwhich the circuit board is mounted, are tight. These nutsare located directlyunder the ones just removed. The chassis bolts passthrough the wood mounting blocks of the plinth. Thesewooden blocks may expand and contract due totemperature and humidity extremes during transit andthis can result in the nuts working loose.Observe the top surface of the stainless steel top plate asyou tighten these nuts. Do not overtighten these nutssuch that the stainless steel top plate becomes de-pressed or deformed beneath the heads of the chassisbolts.6. Tighten Sub-chassis Ground ScrewTighten the allen head screw which attaches the chassisearth jumper wire to the right rear edge of the sub-chassis.With older turntables that do not have this screw, proceedto the next step or if welded type,drill the side of sub-chassis and relocate earth wire.Page 9Copyright 1991-1998 by Linn Products Limited. All Rights Reserved.Revised Jan 1998INDEX7. Tighten Top Plate Screws By looking down at the stainless steel top plate fromabove, locate the two small pozidrive screws that help toattach the top plate to the plinth. They can be found nextto the chassis bolts located at the centre front and centrerear of the top plate. Ensure that these two screws aretight.8. Check the Position of the MotorCheck the position of the motor mounting bolts in theelongated slots in the top plate. These are the two boltson the extreme right and left of the motor.On current turntables, (50 Hz pulley, 21mm diameter)the motor mounting bolts should be in the middle of theadjustment range. While this can be accomplishedby carefully aligning each of the two motor mountingscrews in the middle of the slot provided, it is easierand far more accurate to simply have one motor mountingbolt at the extreme outside of its slot, and the other motormounting bolt at the extreme inside of its slot.In countries with 60 Hz mains supplies, older turntablesmay have a smaller (17 mm) diamter pulley. On theseLP12s the motor should be in the outermost position. Thisis accomplished by having both motor mount bolts at theextreme outside of their slots.Please note:All new turntables are factory fitted with the larger,50Hz pulley, and thus should have one motormounting bolt at the extreme outside of its slot andthe other motor mounting bolt at the extreme insideof its slot.Both Lingo and Valhalla power Suplies use the 50Hzmotor/pulley.Motors with 60 Hz pulleys as supplied in the appro-priate BASIK power supply kit and are not compat-ible with the Lingo or Valhalla power supply.Original Valhallas supplied to countries with 60 Hzmains were supplied 60 Hz Valhalla boards.Page 10Copyright 1991-1998 by Linn Products Limited. All Rights Reserved.Revised Jan 1998INDEX9. Check Motor Mounting NutsAfter you have checked the position of the motormounting bolts, check that the nuts on the motor mountingbolts are tight, using the 5.5 mm nut driver.Do not over-tighten these nuts or you will simply crush themotor mounting domes!10. Check Bearing Housing BoltsCheck that the bolts which mount the bearing housing andoil well to the sub-chassis are tight. These are accessiblefrom the top, through the hole in the centre of the stainlesssteel top plate, by shifting the sub-chassis from oneside to another.Current Cirkus LP12 turntables use 4 mm socket head(Allen key) bolts. Older units may use 2 mm, 2.35 mm2.5mm or 3mm socket head bolts, Phillips screws, orslotted screws.POWER SUPPLIESSince 1991 (serial number 87600) the LP12 has beensupplied as a mechanical assembly only, without powersupply factory fitted.Three different power supplyoptions are available:Lingo, Valhalla and Basik. Valhalla and Basik. If youare setting up a new turntable see separate instructionsfor fitting the power supply.ASSEMBLYSome instructions in this section, concerning certaintools and fasteners, are specific to Linn tonearms.Procedures may vary slightly if other tonearms are used.11. Mount the Tonearm Base on the ArmboardIn the case of the Linn arms, the arm base is fastenedfrom the bottom of the arm board with three 4mm sockethead bolts with lock washers.Read section on Kinky armalignment tool before proceeding.To Locate ProperlyWith arms using other mountings, ensure that the mount-ing screws, bolts, or nuts are properly tightened observ-ing the tightening procedure. With arms using a singlelarge mounting nut, reaching the proper tightness doesrequire the use of a spanner, not just your fingers!Page 11Copyright 1991-1998 by Linn Products Limited. All Rights Reserved.Revised Jan 1998INDEX12. Mount the Arm Rest - Ittok LVII/LVIIIWhen fitting the Linn Ittok LV11 arm, mount the armreston the armboard in the hole provided. This will need tobe drilled out.Position the LVII armrest such that its knurled heightlocking screw will be to the outside when the armboard ismounted on the turntable.Tighten the mounting nut on the underside of the armrestvery tightly with a 12 mm or adjustable wrench. Tightenthe knurled height locking screw only finger tight for now.After you make the final arm height adjustments you willlikely need to re-readjust the height of the armrest, beforefinally locking it in position.13. Mount Tonearm collarPlace the tonearm in the mounting collar on the armboard.Tighten the screws fingertight only at this stage.14. Mount the Arm BoardUse only the screw supplied for mounting the armboard.Do not substitute any other screws for the suppliedscrews!Mount the armboard on the turntable sub-chassis. leavethe screws slightly loose at this point.15. Mount the CartridgeMount the cartridge on the tonearm with stainless steelcartridge nuts and bolts, as supplied with all Linn tonearmsand cartridges. Do not completely tighten down themounting bolts at this time. The cartridge must bemounted loosely enough to allow you to shift its positionwith your fingers for alignment before finally locking it inposition. See Seperate proccedure for complete details.16. Charge Turntable Bearing with OilDischarge the entire charge of oil provided into the bear-ing well - i.e. two small 1 ml phials of Linn oil. Wrapa tissue around the bearing housing to absorb anyoverflow.Page 12Copyright 1991-1998 by Linn Products Limited. All Rights Reserved.Revised Jan 1998INDEX17. Fit InnerCarefully insert the inner platter/spindle assembly intothe bearing well and gently lower into position; ensure th


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