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    Hitachi-DVP305U-cd-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

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    Hitachi-DVP305U-cd-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

    TK No.9003ESPECIFICATIONS AND PARTS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE FOR IMPROVEMENTDVD PLAYERSERVICE MANUAL2000MarchDigital Media Products Division, TokaiDV-P305UDV-P303U1. Precautions2. Reference Information3. Product Specification4. Operating Instructions5. Disassembly and Reassembly6. Circuit Descriptions7. Troubleshooting8. Exploded Views9. Replacement Parts List10. Block Diagram11. PCB Diagrams12. Wiring Diagram13. Schematic DiagramsCONTENTSRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库1-11. Precautions1-1 Safety Precautions1) Before returning an instrument to the customer,always make a safety check of the entireinstrument, including, but not limited to, thefollowing items:(1) Be sure that no built-in protective devices aredefective or have been defeated during servicing.(1)Protective shields are provided to protect boththe technician and the customer. Correctly replaceall missing protective shields, including anyremove for servicing convenience. (2)When reinstalling the chassis and/or other as-sembly in the cabinet, be sure to put back in placeall protective devices, including, but not limited to,nonmetallic control knobs, insulating fish papers,adjustment and compartment covers/shields, andisolation resistor/capacitor networks. Do notoperate this instrument or permit it to be operatedwithout all protective devices correctly installedand functioning.(2) Be sure that there are no cabinet openings throughwhich adults or children might be able to inserttheir fingers and contact a hazardous voltage. Suchopenings include, but are not limited to,excessively wide cabinet ventilation slots, and animproperly fitted and/or incorrectly securedcabinet back cover.(3) Leakage Current Hot Check-With the instrumentcompletely reassembled, plug the AC line corddirectly into a 120V AC outlet. (Do not use aisolation transformer during this test.) Use aleakage current tester or a metering system thatcomplies with American National Standardsinstitute (ANSI) C101.1 Leakage Current forAppliances and Underwriters Laboratories (UL)1270 (40.7). With the instruments AC switch firstin the ON position and then in the OFF position,measure from a known earth ground (metal waterpipe, conduit, etc.) to all exposed metal parts of theinstrument (antennas, handle brackets, metalcabinets, screwheads, metallic overlays, controlshafts, etc.), especially any exposed metal partsthat offer an electrical return path to the chassis. Any current measured must not exceed 0.5mA.Reverse the instrument power cord plug in theoutlet and repeat the test. See Fig. 1-1.Any measurements not within the limits specifiedherein indicate a potential shock hazard that mustbe eliminated before returning the instrument tothe customer.Fig. 1-1 AC Leakage Test(4) Insulation Resistance Test Cold Check-(1) Unplugthe power supply cord and connect a jumper wirebetween the two prongs of the plug. (2) Turn onthe power switch of the instrument. (3) Measurethe resistance with an ohmmeter between thejumpered AC plug and all exposed metalliccabinet parts on the instrument, such asscrewheads, antenna, control shafts, handlebrackets, etc. When an exposed metallic part has areturn path to the chassis, the reading should bebetween 1 and 5.2 megohm. When there is noreturn path to the chassis, the reading must beinfinite. If the reading is not within the limitsspecified, there is the possibility of a shock hazard,and the instrument must be re-pared andrechecked before it is returned to the customer. SeeFig. 1-2.Fig. 1-2 Insulation Resistance TestDEVICEUNDERTEST(READING SHOULDNOT BE ABOVE0.5mA)LEAKAGECURRENTTESTEREARTHGROUNDTEST ALLEXPOSED METERSURFACESALSO TEST WITHPLUG REVERSED(USING AC ADAPTERPLUG AS REQUIRED)2-WIRE CORDAntennaTerminalExposedMelal PartohmohmmeterRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库Precautions1-22) Read and comply with all caution and safety re-lated notes non or inside the cabinet, or on thechassis.3) Design Alteration Warning-Do not alter of add tothe mechanical or electrical design of thisinstrument. Design alterations and additions,including but not limited to, circuit modificationsand the addition of items such as auxiliary audiooutput connections, might alter the safetycharacteristics of this instrument and create ahazard to the user. Any design alterations oradditions will make you, the service, responsiblefor personal injury or property damage resultingtherefrom.4) Observe original lead dress. Take extra care toassure correct lead dress in the following areas:(1) near sharp edges, (2) near thermally hot parts(be sure that leads and components do not touchthermally hot parts), (3) the AC supply, (4) highvoltage, and (5) antenna wiring. Always inspect inall areas for pinched, out-of-place, or frayed wiring,Do not change spacing between a component andthe printed-circuit board. Check the AC power cordfor damage.5) Components, parts, and/or wiring that appear tohave overheated or that are otherwise damagedshould be replaced with components, parts and/ orwiring that meet original specifications. Additionally, determine the cause of overheatingand/or damage and, if necessary, take correctiveaction to remove any potential safety hazard.6) Product Safety Notice-Some electrical andmechanical parts have special safety-relatedcharacteristics which are often not evident fromvisual inspection, nor can the protection they givenecessarily be obtained by replacing them withcomponents rated for higher voltage, wattage, etc.Parts that have special safety characteristics areidentified by shading, an ( )or a ( )onschematics and parts lists. Use of a substitutereplacement that does not have the same safetycharacteristics as the recommended replacementpart might created shock, fire and/or otherhazards. Product safety is under reviewcontinuously and new instructions are issuedwhenever appropriate.Precautions1-31-2 Servicing PrecautionsCAUTION : Before servicing Instruments coveredby this service manual and its supplements, read andfollow the Safety Precautions section of this manual.Note : If unforseen circument create conflict betweenthe following servicing precautions and any of thesafety precautions, always follow the safetyprecautions. Remember: Safety First.1-2-1 General Servicing Precautions(1) a. Always unplug the instruments AC power cordfrom the AC power source before (1) re-movingor reinstalling any component, circuit board,module or any other instrument assembly, (2)disconnecting any instrument electrical plug orother electrical connection, (3) connecting a testsubstitute in parallel with an electrolyticcapacitor in the instrument.b. Do not defeat any plug/socket B+ voltageinterlocks with which instruments covered bythis service manual might be equipped.c. Do not apply AC power to this instrument and/or any of its electrical assemblies unless allsolid-state device heat sinks are correctly in-stalled.d. Always connect a test instruments ground leadto the instrument chassis ground beforeconnecting the test instrument positive lead.Always remove the test instrument ground leadlast.Note : Refer to the Safety Precautions section groundlead last.(2) The service precautions are indicated or printed onthe cabinet, chassis or components. Whenservicing, follow the printed or indicated serviceprecautions and service materials.(3) The components used in the unit have a specifiedflame resistance and dielectric strength.When replacing components, use componentswhich have the same ratings. Components i-entified by shading, by( ) or by ( ) in the circuitdiagram are important for safety or for thecharacteristics of the unit. Always replace themwith the exact replacement components.(4) An insulation tube or tape is sometimes used andsome components are raised above the printedwiring board for safety. The internal wiring issometimes clamped to prevent contact withheating components. Install such elements as theywere.(5) After servicing, always check that the removedscrews, components, and wiring have been in-stalled correctly and that the portion around theserviced part has not been damaged and so on.Further, check the insulation between the blades ofthe attachment plug and accessible conductiveparts.1-2-2 Insulation Checking ProcedureDisconnect the attachment plug from the AC outletand turn the power ON. Connect the insulation resi-stance meter (500V) to the blades of the attachmentplug. The insulation resistance between each blade ofthe attachment plug and accessible conductiveparts(see note) should be more than 1 Megohm.Note : Accessible conductive parts include metalpanels, input terminals, earphone jacks, etc.Precautions1-41-3 ESD PrecautionsElectrostatically Sensitive Devices (ESD)Some semiconductor (solid state) devices can bedamaged easily by static electricity.Such components commonly are called Electrostati-cally Sensitive Devices(ESD). Examples of typical ESDdevices are integrated circuits and some field-effecttransistors and semiconductor chip components. Thefollowing techniques should be used to help reducethe incidence of component damage caused by staticelectricity.(1) Immediately before handling any semiconductorcomponent or semiconductor-equipped assembly,drain off any electrostatic charge on your body bytouching a known earth ground. Alternatively,obtain and wear a commercially availabledischarging wrist strap device, which should beremoved for potential shock reasons prior toapplying power to the unit under test.(2) After removing an electrical assembly equippedwith ESD devices, place the assembly on aconductive surface such as aluminum foil, toprevent electrostatic charge buildup or exposure ofthe assembly.(3) Use only a grounded-tip soldering iron to solderor unsolder ESD devices.(4) Use only an anti-static solder removal devices.Some solder removal devices not classified as “anti-static” can generate electrical chargessufficient to damage ESD devices.(5) Do not use freon-propelled chemicals. These cangenerate electrical charges sufficient to damageESD devices.(6) Do not remove a replacement ESD device from itsprotective package until immediately before yourare ready to install it.(Most replacement ESDdevices are packaged with leads electricallyshorted together by conductive foam, aluminumfoil or comparable conductive materials).(7) Immediately before removing the protective ma-terials from the leads of a replacement ESD device,touch the protective material to the chassis orcircuit assembly into which the device will beinstalled.CAUTION : Be sure no power is applied to the ch-assis or circuit, and observe all other safetyprecautions.(8) Minimize bodily motions when handlingunpackaged replacement ESD devices. (Otherwiseharmless motion such as the brushing together ofyour clothes fabric or the lifting of your foot from acarpeted floor can generate static electricitysufficient to damage an ESD device).Precautions1-51-4 Handling the optical pick-upThe laser diode in the optical pick up may sufferelectrostatic breakdown because of potential staticelectricity from clothing and your body.The following method is recommended.(1) Place a conductive sheet on the work bench (Theblack sheet used for wrapping repair parts.)(2) Place the set on the conductive sheet so that thechassis is grounded to the sheet.(3) Place your hands on the conductive sheet(Thisgives them the same ground as the sheet.)(4) Remove the optical pick up block(5) Perform work on top of the conductive sheet. Becareful not to let your clothes or any other staticsources to touch the unit.Be sure to put on a wrist strap grounded to thesheet.Be sure to lay a conductive sheet made of copper etc.Which is grounded to the table.Fig.1-3(6) Short the short terminal on the PCB, which is in-side the Pick-Up ASSY, before replacing the Pick-Up. (The short terminal is shorted when the Pick-Up Assy is being lifted or moved.)(7) After replacing the Pick-up, open the shortterminal on the PCB.THE UNITWRIST-STRAPFOR GROUNDING1M1MCONDUCTIVE SHEETPrecautions1-61-5 Pick-up disassembly and reassembly1-5-1 Disassembly1) Remove the power cable.2) Switch SW3 on deck PCB to“OFF” before removing the FPC. ( Inserted into Main PCB DCN1. See Fig. 1-4)3) Disassemble the deck.4) Disassemble the deck PCB.1-5-2 Assembly1) Replace the Pick-up.2) Assemble the deck PCB.3) Reassemble the deck.4) Insert FPC into Main PCB DCN1 and switch SW3on deck PCB to “ON”. (See Fig 1-4)FPCTO MAIN PCB(DCN1)Note : If the assembly and disassembly are not done in correct sequence, the Pick-up may be damaged.Fig. 1-42-12. Reference Information2-1 IC Dsecriptions2-1-1 AIC1 (AK4393 ; Digital-to-Analog Converter)SerialInputInterfaceDe-emphasisControlDe-emphasisSoft MuteDe-emphasisSoft MuteLeft ChannelRight Channel8XInterpolator8XInterpolatorMulti-bit ModulatorMulti-bit ModulatorSwitchedCapacitor FilterSwitchedCapacitor FilterControlRegisterDoubleSpeed SelectSoft MutePower DownSerial DataBit ClockLeft/Right ClockSerialInput ControlClock DividerMaster ClockClock ControlLeft Output -Left Output +Right Output -Right Output +DVSSDVDDMCLKPDBICKSDATALRCKSMUTEDFSDEM0DEM1DIF0123456789101112DIF113DIF2CKS2CKS1CKS0P/SVCOMAOUTL+AOUTL-AOUTR+AOUTR-AVSSAVDDVREFHVREFLBVSS142827262524232221201918171615No.Pin NameI/OPin Function and Description1DVSS-Digital Ground. Digital ground is 0V.2DVDD-Digital Supply. 3.3V or 5.0V nominal.3MCLKIMaster Clock Input.4PDIPower-down and Reset. When low the AK4393 is in Power-down Mode and held in reset. The AK4393 should always be reset after power-up.5BICKIAudio Serial Data Clock Input. A clock input of 64fs or more is recommended. 6SDATAISerial Data Input. 7LRCKILeft/Right Clock Input. Defines the sampling rate, Fs.8SMUTE(or CS)ISoft Mute Input or Chip Select Input. If the P/S pin (pin 25) is high, SMUTE controls the soft mute function as follows: - When SMUTE goes high, the soft mute cycle is initiated. - When SMUTE goes low, the output mute is slowly released.If the P/S pin is low, SMUTE is the Chip Select Input for the Serial Control Mode. Chip select is active when SMUTE is low.9DFSIDouble Sampling Speed Input. When low, this pin defines the Normal Speed Mode, and 128 x Fs oversampling is implemented. When high, the DFS pin defines the Double Speed Mode, implemented with 64 x Fs oversampling. This pin features an internal pull-down.10DEM0(or CCLK)IDe-emphasis Enable #0 or Control Data Clock Input. If the P/S pin (pin 25) is high, DEM0 is used to select the De-emphasis Mode according to Table 3. If the P/S pin os low DEM0 is the clock input for the Serial Control Mode.11DEM1(or CDTI)IDe-emphasis Enable #1 or Control Data Input. If the P/S pin (pin 25) is high, DEM1 is used to select the De-emphasis Mode according to Table 3. If the P/S pin is low, DEM1 is the control data input for the Serial Control Mode.12DIF0IDigital Input Format Select #0.13DIF1IDigital Input Format Select #1.14DIF2IDigital Input Format Select #2.15BVSS-Substrate Ground Pin. Substrate ground is 0V.16VREFLILow Level Voltage Reference Input. Normally connected to analog ground.17VREFHIHigh Level Voltage Reference Input. Normally


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