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    Harpers-NL404-tape-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

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    Harpers-NL404-tape-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

    etE=tslco-l l-et irlLV?iiti!.nji!:iiiiiijr!.fiiiirrli:i.ilffiffiGENIERAL INFORMATIONThe Harpers Model NL-404 is a tuo-speed tape recorder designed to play and recordtwo tracks of material on standard-width recording tape.Recordrngs can be made from a phonograph, radio, television receiver, or directlyfrom the microphone.two speeds arcIL/2 and 3 3/4 ips. Using both traeks, the recording times arellfolnrfc,jlItL34turtE3otrr-F=-! 3A1?njr raosTheas follows:Reel Size5 (600 ft. )Model NL-404HOWARD W. SAMS &The lieting of any available replacement part herein doesnot congtitute in any case a recommendation, warranty orguarantyby Howard W. Sams & Co. , Inc. , as to the qualityand eultability of euch replacement part. The numbers ofthese parts have been compiled from lnformatlon furntehedto Howard W. Same & Co. , Inc. , by the manufacturers ofcQ4987 r/2 ipsI,/ 2 houris designed to operate on 60 cycles, ll0-120 volts, AC supply only.Supplied By:Harpers lnternational, I nc.3 15 Fifth AvenueNew York 16, New York3 3/4 ipsI hourG |o.r I ll (C. lndlanalrolls i, lndlanathe particular type of replacement part listed. Repro-ductlon or use, vithout express permission, of editorial orpictorial content, in any manner, ts prohlbited. No patentliabitity is assumed wlth respect to the use of the lnforma-tion contained herein. 1962 tloward W. Sams & Co. , Inc. ,eat+t-lcr:)et-lFEt-l-eEIndianapolis 6, Indiana.oATt t0 - 62Printed in U.S. of AmerlcaHARPERStvloDEt NL-404sET 000 r0tDER IRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库0n-0ff -Volume ( Line Off )Turn knob clockwise to turn the power on to theunit. Further rotation clockwise increases the volume.Selector ( Action)Selects the different modes of operation. Turn-ing control in a counterclockwise direction from theStop position, places the unit in the Rewind mode.Turning control clock$ise one position from the StopFUNCTION OF CONTROLSOPERATI NG INSTRUCTIONSposition, places tlte unit in Play model the secondposition is for Record, and the third position forMonitor.Speed ChangeWith the brass bushing on capstan(26)the speedof thetape Is 7 L/ 2 ips. To change speedto3 3/ 4 Lps,remove thumb screw (27)from thecapstan andremovebrass bushlng.Threading the Tapel. Place a full reel of tape on supply reel stand(36).2. Place an empty reel on take-up reel stand (?).3. Unwind about 10 inches of tape from the supplyreel Hold a section taut and insert it in ttetape slot. Make sure the dull-coated side lacesthe rear of the recorder.4. Insert the free end of the tape into one of theradial slots in the hub of the take-up reel. Turnthe reel se veral turng counterclockwise to fastenthe tapeto thereel and take upall slack betweenreels.To Record f rom MicrophoneI. Rotate the On-Off-Volume control clocktpise toturn the recorder on. Allow sufficient time fortubes to warm up.2. Insert the microphone plug into theMike jack.3. Set the speed for the desired speed4. Turn the Selector knob to the record position.5. Hold the microphone about 6 to 12 inches fromyour mouth and speak in a normal voice.6. Adjust the volume control until the record levelindicator flashes on the loudest passages.N0TE: Correct volume level is veryimportant.Tooweak a signal willresult in weakplay-back and high background noise. Toostrong a signal will result in distortionduring playback.Recording Radio ProgramsRadio programs may be recorded by one of thefollowing method,s:I. Using Radio Trner - Connect the output of tteifrFT6-iffiii6 jack and turn the Selectorknob to Record position. The program can bemonitored while recording, by turning the selec -tor knob to the Monitor position.2. Microphone Pickup from Speaker of Radio -inPAGE 2front of the radio speaker. Turn the radio vol-ume control to a normal level. Trrn tfie radiotone control to treble or high. Set the record-ing level and record as described under ToRecord from Microphone.3. Direct Connectlon to Radio Speaker - Make ahone plugon one end and two alligator clips on the otherend. Connect the alligator clips across thevoice-coil terminals of the radio speaker andinsert the phone plug into the Mike jack. Setthe radio volume and tone controls as describedin Step 2. Set the recording level and proceedas described under To Record from Micro-phone.4. Direct Connection toVolume Control of Radio -orphone plug on one end. Connect the other end,across the radio volume control. Insert thephone plug into the Mike jack. Set the re-cording level and proceed as described underTo Record from Microphone. The setting ofthe radio volume and tone controls will have noeffect on this setup.To Record from PhonographA phono-type plug is required on the pick-upIeads. Insert it into tte Mike jack and proceed asdescribed under To Record from Microphone.To Record from a Television ReceiverUse method 2, 3, or 4 as described under Re-cordlng Radio Programs.Dual Track RecordingThis recorderis designed to record and play onone-half of the tape at a timel thereby, resulting intwo-track recordlng. After the first recording iscompleted, remove the full reelfrom the take-up reelstand (?), turn the reel over and place it on the supplyreel stand (36). Then make another recording. Thetape can be played back in the same manner.RewindTo rewind the tape at a rapid speed turn theselector lmob to Rewind position.RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库=or.FTzxIFitnosTo Play a RecordingI. Thread the tape as described under Threadingthe Tape.2. Turn Selector knob to Play position.3. Adjust the Volumecontrol to tre desired listen-ing level.Using Recorder as an Amplifier for a Radio Tuner1 To use the recorder as an amplifier, connectthe output of the tuner into the Tuner jack.2. Leave the Selector knob in the Stop position.3. Adjust the volume to tfie desired listening level.4. Trne in the desired station.To Erase a RecordingAny recording on ttre tape is automaticallyerased before a.new recording is made. To erase arecording without recording new material, follow thenormal recording procedure but set the volume controlto the full counterclockwise position.To Edit and Splice TapeNOTE: It is impossible to edit and splice onetrack without affecting the other. Record-ings to be edited should be limited to onetrack.I Tape maybe edited by cutting outunwanted por-tions, or by jammi.ng selections into anothersequence. Announcements can be inserted be-tween selections, etc. Unused tape can bespliced for reuge.2. For best results, cut tape at a slight diagonal,butt ends tqether and fasten on the glossy sidewi.th splicing tape. Trim off any excessivewidthOarrln6PAGE 3To Remove Mechanism f rom the Case1. Remove theSelector and ort-Off-Volumecontrolknobs.2. Remove thumb serew from the pressure rollerand remove pressure roller.3. Remove the four thumb screws from the topplate and remove top plate.4. Remove the five hex nuts holding mechanlsm lnthe case.5. Lift mechanism up and unsolder the speakerIeads.Lift the mechanism from the case.To reassemble, reverse the foregoing proced-ure3. Set Volume control to the center of lts range.4. Adjust screws(28A)for theangular position thatwill give maximum output.DISASSEMBLYADJUSTMENTSCLEAN I NG6.7.Record-Playback Headl. Thread a prerecorded 5r 000-cycle note tapeonto the recorder.2. Place the recorder in the Playback mode.The record head, erase head, capstan, pres-sure roller, and tape guides should be cleaned occa-sionally to remove the tape resldue which is worn offthe tape as it passes these parts. Use a soft clothand alcohol to remove the resldue.Clean the rubber-tlred idler wheels and beltswith cleaning fluid.LUBRICATIONAll rotating parts areprovided with oilite bear- tlme. When lubrication becomes necessary, apply aings and are lubricated at the factory. Under normal thin film of oil on bearing surfaceg.use, no lubrication is required for a long period ofTROUBLE CHARTSym ptomCauseRemedyNo Rewind. belt (19) drsconnected orbroken.Drive belt (19) broken.Rewind Iever (23) misadjusted.Motor idler spring (18) discon-nected or broken.l. Connect or replace rewind belt0e).2. Replace drive belt (19).3. Adjust rewind lever (23).4. Connect or replace motor idlerspring (I8).No Record.l. Drive belt (19) broken.2. Motor idler spring (18) discon-nected or broken.3. Defective Record-Playbackhead(28).Replace drive belt (19)Connect or replace motor idlerspring (18).Replace Record-Playback head(28).I.2.3.No Erase.l. Sprlng (32) disconnected orbroken.2. Defective erase head (29).1. Connect or replace spring (32).2. Replace erase head (29).No drive inposition.Play or RecordI. Drive belt 09) broken.2. Motor idler spring (18) discon-nected or broken.3. Pressure roller spring (21) dis-connected or broken.4. Motor (40) defective.5. On-Off switch defective.l. Replace drive belt (19).2. Connect or replace motor idlerspring (i8).3. Connector replacepressure rollerspring (21).4. Replace motor (40).5. Replace On-Off switch.PAGE 4BOTTOM V I EW OF AIVI PLIF IER3otErrFl;r!3ttIFjruro$35W430t2A,5D6fu,ruzAru,oc,rrtnPAGE 5Ref.No.PartNo.DescriptionI234567II10llt2l3L4l5l61?1819*202L53?539505502536531561533534541517549511509538548547 *519550Escutcheon Thumb Screw (4 Reqd.)Pressure Roller Thumb ScrewPressure RollerKnob, On-Off-VolumeTop PlateThumb ScrewReel Stand, Take-upFelt Ring, Take-up Reel StandFriction WheelSleeve, Frictlon WheelShoe, BrakeLever, BrakeSpring, Brake LeverLever, Motor ldlerMain Actuating LeverIdler WheelMotor PulleySpring, Motor ldler Lever* BeIt, Drive, Rewind (2 Reqd. )Pressure Roller LeverSpring, Pressure Roller LeverBelt, Drive, Revind, WALSCO Part No. 1474MECHANICAL PARTS LISTAMP PARTS LISTRef.No.PartNo.Descriptionz223242526272828429303l3233343536373839404L5r46L2535543544536532513503540546551516553523Lever, Pressure Roller ActuatingLever, RewindPulley, RewindFlywheelCapstanCap ScrewRecord-Playback Head Assry.Head Adjusting ScrewsErase HeadSprlngTape Guide LeverSpringTape GuideErase Head LeverThumb ScrewReel Stand, RewindPlate Cam Actuating LeverPlate CamSelector Switch KnobMotorFanTUBESAMPEREX - GENERAL ELECTRIC - RAYTHEON - SYLVANIAAF AmplifierAF AmplifierELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORSITEMNo.RATINGREPTANT DATACAP.VOLT.HARPERSPART No.AEROVOXPART No.coRNEtt-DUBIIIERPART No.GENERATEtECTRtCPART No.MATTORYPART No.PYRAMIDPART No.SPRAGUEPART No.clABcc2c3c4404040l0l0l0150r50r50252525) 6srJ 682632632AFH3-10PTT?9PTT?9PTT?9c0090NLWlo-25NLWI0-25NLWr0-25xc3-38MTI-5MTI-5MTI.5FP311.5fresxoTT25Xl0TT25X10TMT-3I2?MLVI0-25MLVIo-25MLVI0-25TVL-3442TE-1204TE20TE-t2(NFIXED CAPACIIORSITEMNo.RATINGREARKSREPTACEMENT DATAAEROVOXDAel NaCENTRATABPART Noc()ttNErt-DUBITIERPADT NELMENCOPAAT NMAI.LORYPART No.SPRAGUEDADI Nac5c6c?c8c9cr0clI100 5%.01.r 400v.0t250 rw.01.01Note INPO-SI r00sr 10000P488N-lsr 100001469-000?5sr 10000sr 10000TCZ-100D6 -r03DF-IO4D6 -103TCZ-240D6-r03D6-r03cloTlcBYAIOSICUBlPIBYAIOSI22R5T25BYAlOSIBYAIOSIcM-l9B-101JccD-r034DP-3-104ccD-103cM-l9B-25IKccD-r03ccD-r03cNo-310B-ll0GEM-4OIB-ll0MC8240B-ll0B-110roTcc-Tl05HK-Sl04TM-PIO5HK-SI0MS-3255HK-Sl05HK-Sl0Note 1.PAGE 6Not used in some versions.AMP PARTS LIST ( CONT. RE5I5TOR5All wattages l/2wall, or less, unless otherwise listed.* SNAPTROL* Alternate Value.=oEEFTr!tza?v5tao5coNTROtSAltor less, unless otherwise listed.ITE ANo.usERESIST-ANCEREPTACEMENT DATAHARPERSPART No.CENTRATABPART No.CI.AROSTATPART No.cTs - lRcPART No.MAttORYPART No.RIVolume & Switch500KbtuD-9V, N-lIAB-60,KR-1,AK-ll ! 8-60-5)A47-50OK-Z/swE-r2, KsS-3Q13-133,76-1,:BUl, CF25, SSl,Gcl+u48, us-26,uA55A, US-41,sK-1000)WORKMANPART No.R2R3R4R5R6R?R8R9Rl0RURt2Rl3R14Rl5RI6RI?150s250K250KTRANSFORMER (AUD|O OUTPUT)ITEMNo.IMPEDANCEREPLACEMENT DATANOTESHARPERSPART No.MeritPART No.StoncorPART No-ThordorsonPART No.TriodPART No.PRI.sEc_TI2?0003-4fi602A-3025o A-3332o24553os-r2xc)O Driff New Mounting Hole(e)SPEAKERITEMNo.WPEREPLACEMENT DATANOTESHARPERSPART No.QUAMPART No.SIZEFIEIDV. C. IMP.sPl4PM3-4S,PM-44.A0?FUSESLITTELFUSEPART No.MISCELLANEOUSITEM.No.PART NAMEHARPERSPART No.NOTESM2SYlitchFunction (Rotary Wafer Type)WIRING DATAGeneral-use Unehlelded Hook-up Wire . . Use BELDEN No.Porrer Cord . . Use BELDEN No.Power Cdrd (Interlock fype) . . . . . Use BELDEN No.Lon-Loss Shielded Lead (InterconnecEng) . Use BELDEN No.Phono Pick-up Arm Ca.ble . Use BELDEN No.8530 (Solid) Available in 12 Colors8524 (Stranded) Ava-ilable in 12 Cotors17106 (Plastic) or 17126 (Rubber) - 6 Ft.17109 (Plastic) or l?129 (Rubber) - 9 Ft.88?4 (Rubber) or 8895 (PlasHc)8401 or 84218430 (Two Conductor -Unshieldecl)8429 (Two Conductor-Shielded)8419 (three Conductor-shielded)no|-q,rt1nPAGE 7l4J()e,oallot*l(Je,oVIrfotaqc,jlfltLi4t(ur-t-:UNddFz.O&,lJ-FL)lJ-tc/)U(JsscoeAb v,o vt5=Hln(!Ieoo-r ?2 u.3LdOO!Z l&(J (9 r-rOzo66-,;Sto*E?.j-at1LlrnfpH=22,Ev;-t SJ6=ooc)Lzo9ffHE:z9-U.t &, .Lrt lLl -l=Lq=e e*r.L-t!i,22.5:z ut =FFErJ1(9z_olJld.lJl(-)z.r.Frlll /tI LrtI trllEAI_s/-r Illin - rfleJ;o;i u.=E(.:r EiAHL! :!AFAb=aE.lrl FEa3fra.rt5Hz.F=2.6gF(52, z.d.= (f,(J-Ua=+ftd5a: o- F).?=Of-trl-,-JvC-)O-J; _d E =n)3eL-L-zuloaaFHHfid=oa= ttt ar1 ,o42ruJlrl-cr=FJJl-FCiiv(DtCludfrFo-co5Z(fCtct1GooGIqcttoONZo(-tf1cotci.rcroLtC)z.go-cC6ol.rlocoOrno-FltIo)oClvt=AItf.|o=f=tftr1=IJFNl=G)tnVOolHtcooo(r1e.ootsotH=sna r-n lrl-tnidi(Jz.IrlJge,;d9 39:-=urFJt!:lWt- U, tzr & Oa =o=d rz) a cl (Y l rrooNIE:T,Z(J-F=uQ=72.o-2.5=z=J-t! (/loovoor.nLrEEaoo-=?=NeE,OeEz.OELr-cv_r-lc)llrl Ict) EAy.uJll, z.5s(J C)fsO*oacrilZz._Y,(JF=a-zd.u,lz.=FPAGE 8


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