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    Knight-96_499-tape-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

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    Knight-96_499-tape-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

    PnoToFACT* FolJtKNIGHTriloDEtS 96-144, 96-499OroTIo;- -.rrI+*e+3tlnJEIoo=oElltFUIriiE.5iI5IFigure 1GENERAL INFORMATICNrhe Knight Models g6-144and g6-4gg Tape Recorders are designed tomagnetically record on a 5 or ? reel of l/4, wide tape, two tracksinstead of one which doubles the playing time with no loss in frequencyresponse or quality. rhese models 96-144 and g6-4gg Recorders areidentical except f or the speed. Model 96-144 is 7-l/2, per secondwhile the Model 96-4gg is g-B/4 per second.Model 96-144 7-t/2 per second - ? reel - l/z hour playing timeone track, or t hour playing time - two track operationModel 96-499 - 3-B/4 per second - ? reel - t hour playing time onetrack or, 2 hours playing time - two track operation.These Recorders incorporate two Inputs - Radio and Microphone, twooutputs - Ext. Amplifier and Ext. speaker, Fast Forward and Fast Re-wind. The Knight Recorders may also be used as a p.A. system.Allied Radio C orporation83.? West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago ?, IllinoisTOHEYOLUMEc0lTR0tfhis msteriol compiled ond published bysAtls & co., lNc., lNDlANApOllS, INDIANACOPYRIGHT l95a . ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDDATE I - 52$rT t58TOTDER 6HOWAR,Dl/.RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库*.-ar*;jit:*Figure 2CPERATING INS TRUC TIONStrreparing the Knight for Recording -1. Insert the Iine cord in a convenientwall receptacleof the proper rating.2. Place a reel of tape on the right hand spindie insuch a manner that when the tape is pulled, the reelwill turn clockwise. Make sure the pin on the spindleengages a slot of the reel.NOTE: This recorder requires tape with Type Bwinding, i.e. the (dull) magnetic coated sidefaces out on the reel. In case the (dull) sideof the tape f aces in onthereel (TypeAwound tape) it can be changed to Type E foruse on this recorder by winding the tape witha half twist. The two types are identical ex-cept the way in which they are wound on thetape.3-. Place an empty reel on the left hand spindle (2a).4. trull about 2 f.e et of tape from the supply reel,drop the tape into the slot between the trim covers(4 and 6). Guide the tape into any one of the threeopenings at the center of the empty reel. Use a pencilto hold the tape in place, then turn the reei severalturns clockwise to secure the tape to the reel and toremove all slack in the tape.5. Turn the Cff -On-Tone Control on. This suppliespower to the entire recorder.Page 2To Make a Recording -1. After the recorder has been properlyprepared forrecording, connect the microphone to the ?Mike?jack.2. Press down on the Record button above the volumecontrol.3. Turn the r Volume control clockwise u n t i I theincoming signal causes the F-ecord Level IndicatorEye to close on high peaks only.NOTE: Correct recording volume is very important.Too weak a signal, which does not cause theRecording Indicator to close will result inweak playback and high background noise.Too strong a signal, causing the Indicator toove rlap will result in distortion dur ingplayback.4. Turn the tape mechanism control knob (1) to PIay-Record position. Any sound now entering the micro-phone will be recorded on the tape.NOTE: Make sure Skip Forward control is in theNormal position, if not the mechanismwill not operate.To fi.ecord Direct From Radio -t. If a recording from a radio iscommended that a connector corddesired, it is re-be connected to theRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库,*t,;:r ii,! /46il ,j td*ti ,:irffi-,. Jfr4ffi*.:. ll, l:i :ttl%8 r ffi* *TtIJfta)3oE,trtFUIr2IE.s=oiIq./-JuvFigure 3speaker voice coil of the radio, by means of alligatorclips, and the other end (using a standard phono plug)of the cord plugged into the Fadio Input.2. Better quality recording from a radio set can beobtained by connecting to the output of the second de -tector (usually right across the volume control of theradio set). This kind of connection may be desirablein some cases, because any circuit deficiencies in theamplifier of the radio will not be included in the re-cording.To Record From Record Plaer-1. Connect the output leads of the crystal pickup tothe Radio Input jack through the connecting cable.2. If the player has a. magnetic cartridge connect tothe output of the preamplifier.To Stop the Recorder -The recorder may be stopped at any time by turningthe mechanism control (1) to r Offrt. This stops themovement of the tape and removes the power to themotor.Two Track Recording -1. The Knight is designed for two channel recordings,therefore, after a reel of tape has been recorded asecond track may be recorded on the same reel, whichdoubles the playing time with no Ioss of frequencyresponse or quality.NOTE: Recordings are made on l/2 the tape width ata time; thereby, resulting in two channel re-cording.2, This two channel operation is accomplished by re-moving the reels f rom the recorer, turning themover, then placing the f ulI reel of tape on the FeedReel spindle (18) and the empty reel on the Take Upspindle (24).3. Thread the tape and proceed with the recording inthe same manner as previously described.4. After this track has been recorded the first trackof recording is ready to be played without rewinding.5. To Play the first track of recording piace the fullreel on the Feed li,eel spindle and the empty reel onthe Take Up spindle. Thread the tape making surethe (duII) side of the tape faces the heads, then setthe control as described under To Play a R,ecording .Io Rewind The Tat. To rewind a portion of the tape, or an entirechannel of recording for playback, the tape must berewound to the starting point of the recording.2. First make sure the recording light just above theTone control is out. If not, depress the record buttonabove the Volume control.3. Turn the mechanism control (1) to Rewindr .Page 3tt,fTo Plav a Recordi1. Make sure the tape is threaded properly.2. Be sure the record light over the Tone control isout.3. Iurn the mechanism control (1) to trIay-iiecordposition.4. Set the volume and tone controls at desired levels.Fast forward -The control marked Skip Forward-Neutral-Normalon the left side of the upper control panel enables youto skip forward at high speed to any desired section ofthe tape. This control is to be used only when the tapeis moving forward in the plav position. Iurn the con-trol to the lef t through the Neutral position andinto the Skip Forward position holding it thereuntil the desired place on the ta-pe is reached. Thenrelease the control by allowing it to spring back intorNeutral. Then, move the control backintott Normaltt.To Plav a Recording Throughan External Amplifier -1. Frepare a shielded c able with the proper plugs,connecting one end of the cable to the Amplifier Cut-put of the recorder and the othe4 end to the phono.t-age 4ti;.ii; iiiry-:input of any good radio set, or high-fidelity recordplayer amplifier.To PIav a Recording Throughan External Speaker -1. Any external FM speaker having a3.2 ohm voicecoil may be plugged into the External Speaker jackoutput. vVhen an external speaker is plugged in, theinternal speaker is automatically disconnected.Using the Knight Recorder as a tr.A. Svstem -1. Plug the microphone into the Radio jack.2. Be sure the recording light above the tone controlis out.3. Keep the microphone as far as possible from theunit to avoid feed back or rhowlr and adjust the toneand volume controls to your requirements.ADJUSTMENTSMotor Power Switch - (See Iigure 4) -1. The Off -On-Tone control when turned on suppliespower to t h e entire mechanism, however, the motorwill not run until the mechanism control knob (1) isturned to either Record-PIay or Rewind trosition,causing the switch (51) to make contact. Thereforethe switch contacts should be open when the mechan-ism is in Stop position.;i:-T,i:if&dlIFigure 4To adjust the motor switch, turn the mechanism con-trol to the Stop position. Loosen the two screws(54A) and adjust the srvitch to the center of the bake-lite pin on the motor swing plate (51). Continue tomove the switch until there is approximately 1/16rgap between the contacts. Tighten the screws (54A).The Forward Stop Lug - (See Figure 4) -The forward Stop lug (52) should be set so the motorswing plate assembly (51) comes to a rest positionagainst it as soon as the motor pulley (5?) makes firmcontact with the flywheel (40). Excessive pressureagainst the flywheelwillprevent the motorfrom start-ing when the control lever is turned to the Play-Recordir position. Insufficient pressure will resultin slippage causing rr i!owtt. The best setting is toadjust the forward Stop lug (52) l/16, from the edgeof the swing plate (51) at the point when the driveroller begins to touch the flywheel.There is no motor plate stop adjustment in the ttRe-wind position; however, the rewind drive pulley (3?)is located in a hanger whose position is adjusted bybending the Stop lug (3?A), see Figure 3, against theswing plate pushing in a manner that will allow aclearance between the drive roller (5?) and the re-wind pulley (3?) in the Stop position. This willalso allow the drive roller to engage the drive pulleyin therRewind position. In this position, the re-wind drive pulley hanger lug (3?A) is moved awayfrom the stop. The rewind drive pulley (3?) is firmlyheld against the motor drive pulley (5?) by the torsionspring (39) that needs no adjustment.Pressure Lever and Arm Adjusting Plate -Set the pressure lever (15), see Figure 2, so that itis perpendicular to the pressure arm (29A) when thecontrol knobis in the Record-Playback position. Alsoadjust the arm adjusting plate (298) so it will clearthe pressure arm (29A) bV l/64, ,yhen in thisposition.Detent Lever (38) - (See Exploded View) -The roller of the detent lever (38) should be adjustedso that it will engage the detent lever (16) at point X,as shown in the exploded view, when the controt is inthe Off position.Motor Transfer Lever (41) -f he motor transfer lever (41) shoul.d be adjustedwhen the control is in the tOff, position. To adjustthe transfer lever (41) loosen its set screws and movethe motor plate (51) until the motor drive pulley (5?)is midway between the rewind drive pulley (37) andthe flywheel (40), then tighten the scrervs.Head Fressure -The head pressure is adjusted by means of the twoscrews (14A) in the slotted holes in the head bracket(14). See Figure 2. To make the adjustment, turn thecontrol knob (1) torRecord-Playtr position. Loosenthe screws (14A) then adjust the head into the tapeguide block 11) until the pressure pads (11A) show amovement of slightly less than l/32, on the reverseside of the tape guide (11).-Head Alignment -The lateral movement of each head is done by movingthe heads in the required direction by means of thescrews in the slotted holes that hold the heads to thehead bracket (14). The position should be such thatthere is no hanging up of the tape pressure guide whenthe control lever is turned to the Off position.Make sure after the heads are adjusted that they areparallel with the tape as it is pulled past the heads.TROUBLESIrregular SpeedrWowrt -1. Felt pressure pads (11A) in tape guide assembly(1 1) worn.(a) Replace with new pads.2. Oilor greaseon drive roller (5?), flywheel assem-bly (40), or pressure roller (?).(a) Clean with alcohol.3. Head pressure too great (see adjustment onIHead Pressurer). Be careful not to disturbthehead alignment.4. Check pressure roller lever (1b) to see if it isperpendicular to the pressure arm (2gA). When in the Record-Flay position. See Adjustments on r pre-ssure Lever and Arm Adjusting plate.5. Drive roller (5?) or pressure roller (?) eccentric.Allow mechanism to run for 20 minutes. ff after thistime the rollers are still eccentric, replace with newrollers.6. Motor shaft binding. Motor shaft should turn free-ly when the control knob is in the Off position. Ifnecessary, realign bearings by tapping motor lighilywith a wooden mallet.?. Detent spring (26) not properly connected. SeeFigure 2. If spring (26) is not connected, the detentslide (36) will not be held against the detent lever (38)resulting in the motor drive pulley (5?) not being heldin firm contact with the capstan.Motor Runs but Mechanism Will Not Operate -1. Motor transfer lever (41) not adjusted properly.See Adjustments on Motor Transfer Lever, and The Forward Stop Lug.2. Drive roller (57) defective.3. Fast forward control in r Neutralt position.(a) Turn contr.ol to tr Normalr .Mechanism Runs Forward But Will Not Rewind -t. Checkdrive belt (35) for treing broken or loose.Replace.2. Motor transfer lever (41) not adjusted properly.See adjustment on Motor Transfer Lever (41) .Mechanism Rewinds But WiIl Not Run Forward -1. Forward stop lug (52) out of adjustment. See Ad-justment on rr Forward Stop Lug.=o(,|ltFtas2i0.AiTIPage 5Page 63oElttFta82iEFiotI;trage 7Control Knob and Shaft Turns Bu!Mechanism FailsTo Run1. Motor transfer lever-(41) loose on shaft. Readjustas described under r Motor Transfer Lever.Mechanism Iails to Run in Fast Forward -1. Check drive belt (4?) to see if it is properlyconnected.2. Mechanism control (1) not in the Play-Recordposition. The mechanism must be in the play-Recordposition before power is supplied to the motor andalso for the drive putley (5?) toengage the capstanwhich in turn drives the fast forward pulley (48).SIow Speed -1. Low operating temperature.2. Head pressure too great. See?Head Pressurerradjustment.3. Flywheel (40) shaft binding. Check to see that thescrews holding the mounting plates (20) and (b0) to-gether are tight and that the plates are not warped.4. Motor shaft binding. Realign bearings by tappinglightly on the motor.lfachine Will PIay Back but Does Not Record -1. Defective microphone.2. Defective Record-Playback head (12).3. Defective Amplifier.High Background Noise (Hiss) -1. Defective bias oscillator tube or circuit.2. Defective tape.3. Defective Record-Playback Head.4. Record head magnetized. Demagnetize with 60cycle AC air core coil.Incomplete Erase -1. Erase voltage power too low.2. Erase head (13) open. RepLace.3. Record head lamination dirty. Clean with carbontetrachloride.4; Record head (13) not making proper contact withfelt pressure pad (11A). See Head Pressure ad-ju.stment.Poor Recording -1. Record-Playback head (12) not at right angle to theta-pe. See Head Alignment adjustment.2. Overloading during recording.3. Defective or damaged head.4. ilead lamination damaged or worn.5. Felt pressure pads (11A) worn or missing.Replace.6. Head pressure too light. See Head Pressurerradjustment.irage Bff* r+ry,ll G t. * a- t +,* # # *, * : ?e #iffi.*3 # ffL*ffi s ffiffi#w # ffi#BGG#q?i.rtffie. *, k # #F r.!- * ir* *# e G il#., . ffi 4$*#T*r*:r- *3oIIttFUI8ii0iiIotIPage 9ffiry#tPage 10=oEll|Fta82iF.5*oIh.62Or-E6fiox.aalooQfiIl FEHts frri2iti c2:y5.o-rE urqEB otdE:Gsil3FooFlo.F)otrlrl;PIu.notrlotltl,1iLI9*,B!d*tfi E teRg#Page 11Mechnical Parts ListEle-ctrical Parts ListRef .No.DescriptionRef .No.Description123456I891011t213l41516t71B19202l22te242526212B293031323334tc36313839404l4243444546474B49505152535455565158596061Control KnobSet Screw for item 1Plate Mounting


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