Knight-35DU805-tape-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf
r-cEcr:,l*t t.f:)er-l l-et r*lLVaKNIGHTMODEL KN4O35 (35DUSO5)ao(,3ou1()l-./6s=oe2vJlt|oo=*irGEGEEtrIGEGENERAL INFORMATIONThe Knight Modet KN4035 is a two-speed, dual-track tape recorder. The transportholds any size reels up to seven lnches.Recordings can be made from a radio, TV receiver, phonograph, tuner, or directlyfrom a microphone.The transport operatee at two speeds; 3 3/ 4 and ? l/2 ips.Connect the tape recorder to a power source supplying 105-120 volts, 60 cycles, AConly.Supplied By:Allied Radio100 North Western AvenueChicago, I llinois, .=*,u,i*. k#,3oglnF7-Eo=EgaG)tttCoo(ltHOWARD W. tBAIUls &The liating of any available replacement part herein doesnot conetitute in any case a recommendatlon, warranty orguarantyby Howard W. Same & Co. , Inc. , ae to the qualityand euitability of such replacement part. The numbers ofthese parts have been compiled from information furnishedto Howard W. Same & Co., lnc., by the manufacturers ofcQ528G |o.r I t (G. lndlanapolls 6, lndlanathe particular type of replacement part listed. Repro-duction or use, without express permission, of edltorial orpictorial content, in any manner, is prohlbited. No patentliability is assumed wlth reepect to the use of the informa-tion contained herein. 1962 Howard W. Sams & Co. , Inc. ,Indianapolis 6, lndiana. Printed in U.S. of Americaal+l-lCJIcEc.t)-lElrl-ct)r0tDER 8oATt l0 - 62sET 599RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库V IEWHAN IFUNCTION OFOff-VolumeTurns the power off or on and vartes the play-back volume and recording level.Function ControlSelects the various modes of operation, play,IdIe (Stop), and Record.Record ButtonWhen depressed, sets the amplifier and trans-port in the Record mode.CONTROLSWind-Rewind ControlRotate clockwise torewind the tape and counter-elockwise to wind in the forward direction. Functioncontrol must be in Idle position before Wind-Rewindcontrol can be operated.Speed ChangeChanges transport speed to B 3/ 4 or 7 L/Z ips.Change speeds when the Function control is in theIdle position only.O PERATI NG I NSTRUCTI ONSThreading the Tape1. Place a reel of tape on the supply spindle.2. Place an empty reel of the same size on thetake-up spindle.3. Unwind about 1.8 inches of tape from the supplyreel and place the tape through the head jtoimaking sure that the shiny side faces the frontof the recorder.4. Insert the end of the tape into one of the radialslots in the hub of the take-up reel. Rotate thetake-up reel several times to secure the tapeand take up any slack.PAGE 2To Make a Recordingt. Insert the microphone plug lnto the Mic jackon the top of the recorder.2. Thread the tape as described under Threadingthe Tape. 3. Set the Speed Change control to the desiredspeed.4. Pressdown on tlreRecord buttonand at thesametime, move the Function control to the Recordposition.RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库45 60 56 39 44 43 31 36BOTTOM V IEW OF MECHAN ISIVI3oIrtlFIFao=Hga-lC.)glICooUlN0TE: To record from a radio, phonograph,tuner, or TV receiver, follow the sameproeedureas described above, keeping thevolume of recorder at a normal level.6. To stop movement of the tape, turn the Functioncontrol to the Idle positlon.To Wind or Rewind TapeCheck to see that the Functiori control is in theIdIe position. To wind the tape onto the take-up reel,turn the Wind-Rewindcontrol to the Wind position andhold. To rewind the tape back onto the supply reel,turn the control to the Rewind position and hold. Re-Ieasing the knob will automatically stop the tapemovement.To Play Back a Recordingl. Thread the tape.2. Turn the Function eontrol to the PIay position.3. Adjust the Volume control to the desiredlisten-ing level.To Erase a RecordingIn the Record mode of operation, any recordingon the tape will be automatically erased before thenew recording is made. Should it be desired to erasea recording without recording new material on thetape, follow the normal reiording procedure with theVolume control at minimum.Dual-Track RecordingThis recorder is designed to record and playhck one-half the tape width at a timel thereby, re-sulting in two-track recording. After one side of thetape iscompleted, remove the full reelfrom the take-up spindle and place it on the supply spindle and theempty reel on the take-up spindle. Rethread the tapeand continue recording. The tape is played back inthe same manner.To Edit and Splice TapeNOTE: Since it is impossible to edit and spliceone track without affecting the other track,recordings tobe edited shouldbe limited toone track recordings only.1. The tape may be edited by cutting out unwantedportions or by joining selectlons into anothersequence. Announcements may be inserted be-tween seleetions. Unused portions of the tapecan be spliced together for reuse.2. Cut the tape at a diagonal. Join the ends usinga commercial splicing tape onty. Trim awayexcess splicing tape.TTo(trrln6PAGE 3DISASSEMBLY1.2.3.4.Remove control knobs.Remove screws holding front escutcheon (6).Remove front escutcheon.Remove screws holding rear escutcheon (5).Remove rear escutcheon.Remove screws from dress plate (?) and removedress plate.Remove screws from sides and bottom of case.Slide recorder chassis back and unsolder thespeaker leads.?. Lift recorder from case.B. To reassemble, reverse the foregoing proced-ure.To Remove Amplif ier f rom Transport.l. Remove screws holding chassis to transport.2. Loosen screw on selector lever and slide fromshaft.3. Slide bushing from on-off-volume shaft.4. Remove amplifier chassis from transport.5.6.Record- Playback Head HeightThe top edge of the tape must be even with thetop edge of the pole piece of the head. To adjust,loosen the two head mounting nuts and raise or lowerthe head to meet above requirement. Tighten the nutsand recheck adjustment.Record- Playback Head Azim uthUsing an alignment tape, adjust the azimuthadjustment screw until the maximum high-frequencyoutput is obtained. After the azimuth adjustment iscompleted, recheck the record-playback head height.Erase Head HeightErase head (22) should be adjusted so that theerase magnet erases only the top half of the tape.This adjustment is to be made in the Record position.Loosen the set screw in the rear of the erase head(22) and move the head up or down as necessary.Brake ReleaseBrake release bracket (54) can be adjusted byloosening tte bracket screw and moving the bracketeither forward or backward. When bracket (b4) isr4oved to the rear, wind-rewind lever assembly (b0)contacts brake release bracket (54) causing brakecord to have a greater amount of slack. To tightentte brake cord, move tle bracket toward the front ofthe unit. Repeat adjustment until proper braking actionis obtained.ADJUSTMENTSTROUBLE CHARTSYMPTOMCAUSTREMEDYIncomplete or no erase.l. Erase head set screw loose.I. See Erase Head Height adjust-ment.No drive in Play or Reccrd.Drive belt (34) broken.Pressure roller tension spring(48) broken or disconnected.Take-up drive belt (42) broken.Defective drive motor (43).Flywheel shaft binding.Replace drive belt (34).Connect or replace spring (48).Replace take-up drive beit (42).Replace motor (43).Clean Flywheel bearings andapply a thin film of oil to shaft.I. Rewind.l.2.1.2.Rewind belt (ab) broken.Oll on rewind belt (45).Replace belt (45).Clean or replace belt (45).Wow or flutter.I. Motor pulley, pressure roller(13), or capstan dirty.I. Clean oil and dirtwith alcohol and aclott.from partssoft cottonFunction ccntrol works toofreely.l. Tension springs (47 or 48) dis-connected or broken.l. Connect or replace tensionsprings (47 or 48).Little or no brake action.Misadjusted brake cord (56).Brake cord (5O) broken.Loosen puUey on spindle shaft.See Brake Releaseunder Ad-justment.Replace brake cord (56).Tighten set screw on puey.l.2.3t.2.3.PAGE 4CLEAN INGThe pressure roller (13), capstan sleeve (10),record-playback head (20), erase head (22), and tapeguides should be cleaned occasionally to remove thetape residue which is worn off the tape as it passesthese parts. Use a soft cloth and alcohol to cleanthe parts.LU BR I CATI ONAll rotating parts are provided with oilite typebearings and need no lubrication for a long period oftime. When the reconder is disassembled for service,clean all bearings and apply a thin film of oil on thebearings. Apply a thin coating of grease on all slidelevers and detent rollers.TK-251460026TA-1984TE-2?9TA-1985TP-1603460012TA-103?TR-i846*TT-7121Tc-435TA-1986360012TH-494TB-2028TA-196?360018TA-1987360015TB-1026TT-65?960059Screw, Rear Escutcheon MountingKnob, Wind-RewindKnob, Volume ControlKnob, Function ControlEscutcheon, RearEscutcheon, FrontDress Plate, Motor BoardSpindleWasherCapstan Sleeve AssemblyRetaining RingE Ring* Pressure RollerWasherGuidg TapeGuide, TapePressure Roller Plate AssemblyScrew, Azimuth AdjustmentSpring, Record HeadRecord-Playback HeadBracket, Record-Playback HeadMountingErase Magnet AssemblySpring, Erase Magnet ReturnBracket, Pressure Pad AssemblRetaining RingSpring, Pressure Pad TensionPivot, Pressure Pad BracketE RirgGuide, TapeMotor Board3oItrtF 7=o=8gad0,)UlIcoOt* Pressure Roller, WALSCO part No. L4gZ-04* Drive Belt, WALSCO part No. l4I0-14* Take-Up Belt, WALSCO part No. 1409-10* Rewind Belt, WALSCO part No. t40g-04TIOgrftnOoMECHANlCAL PARTS LISTI23456789l0ltL213*L4l5l6L7l8l9202L22232425262728293031323334*3536373839404L42*434445*46474849505l52535455565,l58596096007096007rTF-304TO-171*12001?TP-849TB-234960065TM-214TB-998*TA-1988TF-33?-1TB-999*TA-r003TS-16823600TL-349TA-IOI5360009TA-1004TS-1625TB-8583600r0TB-1004TA-r031360016Stop Bracket, RewindStop Bracket, WindFlywheel & Capstan Assembly* Belt, Flywheel DrivePul,ley, Spindle BeltPulley, BrakeSub-Plate, Motor BoardBearing, Motor PivotBracket, Motor MountingBracket, Brake Rod GuideMotor Shock Mounts*Belt, Take-upDrlve Motor with PulleyFan*Belt, RewindSwitch Cam AssemblySpring, Swtch Detent LeverSpring, Pressure Roller PlateLeverCam Lever, Pressure RollerWind-Rewind Lever AssemblySprlng, Brake Rod ReturnSwitch Detent Lever AssemblySlide, InterlockBracket, Brake ReleaseSpring, BrakeBrake CordSpringLeve, Record-Playback ActuatingInterlock Shaft AesemblySpring, Take-upPAGE 5s2UcxoEEottEocooodola =rrortc,Goo3otf1(9FV6s=ot2vJulaoEtrl(Je,=o(xtoc-lft(JeoL/to(Y)lrj(J&,ottt(itE3cY) -l :P*4 Elrl Ftr=At_i,./GI6r-nAr-z(Ju,lrJvl+lo-rrtz,u,lrlFilA*r(oooE tRoEox Ea:d- a5= nHii-6 oo:-o$o iqo )ESooo.oNNo- llt=R*e&ola.lfri(9=t-H Rlcf)ro3A? r, /+qE3FHFcogeoct)=CO=8keoatz,z=oi8e2e3I!OOY. t!c-r 32 r*.rO 463E=(9 Is?:= =./tfs$crct-l4rO;E=!d=oocrLzo9ffHEz=9-UVIEFlLe#vtar-L 2.4F-r&1=zoc5gHHZiDoru-6e,= ofzurllJ.t = e,(Yfr =7,Eva=ifH*ooo,AA,-=lale=l.rzot/3l=l )zetl o?FZoo=EL-6PR=Lode.-8lrl -d,2.i- =5go- (/r z.t+t)z(JlF-l a ?I dFi Ht6I trI vrSi E-?! ;=,-.: N r-r:- (-)Gz2z=f!zooHoooCur.t-oGI6.1FY,t.f(.f,lNrcoo.$t.-o-qgEolIco(v.|cotfao1rdooooHrv:z(ol (3$(tIo(ftGo-oo(Jz.cozot.qt(JzocFNElt(r=ctotf(fi=o(frElrJ=z.oFol4l./tElrlE,z.OLHz.z.o(Jo r-oYoofPAGE 6