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    Knight-35DU807-tape-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

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    Knight-35DU807-tape-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

    !=r*l CC)el-l t-et l*lLV)/KNIGHT MODEIS KN.4O75(35DU7t3), KN-43|O (35DUSO7RnOloo3$a)3VYIq9EOaltgsl.A-()OFIlJEeI-yaUl-eaF1I1foG)IY-10Lgtltr6i,IaA9,4E5COoourJGENERAL INFORMATIONThe Knight Models KN-4075 and KN-4310are three-speed, stereophonic tape recorders.These units play back 2- and 4-track stereo and mbna.ural recordings and record 4-trackgtereo or monaural material. Themajor differences in these recordersare in the amplifiers.Recordings can be made from a microphone, radio, phonograph, tuner, or TV set.Speaker jacks are provided for connecting external speakers.Model KN-4310 is a complete record and playback unit. Model KN-40?5 contains pre-amps for recording, however, external amplifiers and speaker systems are necessary to playback prerecorded material.These unlts operate at 7 L/ 2, 3 3/ 4, andl 7 / 8 ips. A two-positlon equalization switchtot 7 l/ 2, 3 3/4 and L 7/ I ips ie provided.These recorders operate on lI5-120 volt, 60 cycle AC only.Supplied By:Allied Radio100 North Western AvenueChicago 80, lllinoisHOWARD W. SAMS &The lieting of any available replacement part herein doesnot constitute in any case a recommendatlon, warranty orguarantyby Howard W. Same & Co. , Inc., as to the qualityand euitability of such replacement part. The numbers oftheee parts have been compiled from lnlormation furnishedto Howard W. Same & Co. , Inc. , by the manufacturers ofcQ530lC (O., I N (E. tndlanapoils 6, lndtanathe particular type of replacement part listed. Repro-duction or use, without express permission, of editorial orpictorial content, in any manner, ls prohibited. No patentItability is assumed wlth respect to the use of the lnforma-tion contained herein. G) 1962 Howard W. Sams & Co. , Inc. ,alFt-lctite-let|.Erl.t-Indianapolis 6, Indiana.DATI 12 - 62Printed in U.S. of AmerlcaMODEL KN-4310SET 610 TOTDERRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库10222524748rIn151713FIG. 1 TOPVIEWSM WITH TOP COVTRFUNCTION OF CONTROLSPlay-Stop Tone ( Model KN-43 t0 onty)Starts the tranaport ln motlon to plsy back or Aquds the tone durlng playback only,record. When returned to Stop position, stops thetape moveDent. Head Elevator (Model KN-4075 onlylRewind-Fofwafd Moves the Recold-Playback headto the I/4 o!Moves the tape at I last rate to ettrer the supply l/2 trEck pottlon.reel or take-up reel. lndeX COUntefRecofd lnterlock Provldes a leference to the begimtng of selec-Muat be pressed do$n to prace the recorder ln tlons on a reel of tapei1ilfil;i3.-Jli;,j:tT,ff:H* ffiil:l speed serectorInterlock prevents tape movement. -Hold the Record slect8 the sped at rrhlch tapes are recolded,Interlock down Iehle 8ttlng record levels. | 1/ S, S g/ 4, a i i/Z ip.- -CLff spled whue unttvorume t8 .peratng onlvModel KN-43I0 hsa & volume control tor each Equalization Switchchannel. Thla control adjusta the-volume durlng play- provldesproper equaf,izauo for the speedausedb6k ol tape and adjusta therecord level shen reccd- to record and piay ieck osterlal.lrg, Channel I Volume control also turns power on orf#iTf #iHi;T#iiHr31rXr*?- l3im! Record Lever I ndi catorsonly Show correct recordlng level for each chanlelRecord Level ( Model KN-4075 only) when recordlnsAdJuEts therecord level rhen Eeklrg a record- Speaker Switch (Model KN-4310 only)ttg. Turns both channel speakera on or off.Channel Selector Normal-Sound on Sound Switch( Model KN-4075 onlYlslects chetmel I or chamel 2 for roneural r- used to addEaterial on one treck rith meterlelcordlngs or bdh channels for stereophonlc recordlngs. betng recorded on the other track.PAGE 2RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库0utput I and Output 2 Model KN-4075 only)back prerecoded tape are connected to these jaclis. -High Level lnput I and High Level lnput 2( Model KN-4075 only)Used to connect a TV set, tuner, phono, orother high level source to the unlt for recording.Mic I and Mic 2 (Models KN-4075 and KN-43I0)Used to connect the microphones to the unit forrecording.Radio-Phono I and Radio-Phono 2 Model KN-4310 only)Same as theHigh Level Inputs on Model KN-40?b.INPUT AND OUTPUT JACKSO PERATI NG I NSTRUCTIONSMagnetic lnput I and Magnetic lnput( Model KN-4075 onlylUsed to eonnect a phono with a magnedc cart-rie to the unit.External Speaker I and External Speaker 2( Model KN-4310 onty)External speakers can be connected to the unitby inserting the speaker plugs into these jacks. Whene:rternal speakers are connected to these jacks, thespeakers in the unit are disconnected.Threading the TapeI. Plaee a full reel of tape on the supply spindleand an empty reel of the same size on itre tate-up spindle.2. Unwind about 18 inehes of tape and thread itthrough thehead slot making sure the shiny sideof the tape is facing the front of the recorder.3. Insert the end of the tape lnto one of the radialslots of the reel. Rotate the reel several timesto secure the tape and take.up any slack.To Make a Monaural Recordingl. Thread the tape as described under Threadingthe Tape.2. Insert the plug from the microphone or otherprogram source to be used into the proper inputjack.3. On Modet KN-40?b, press down on the HeadElevator tab marked l/ 4 Track.4. Turn the power on and allow sufficient ttme fortubes to warm up.5. Select the speed to be used byrotating the SpeedSelector to the desired speed.6. Set the Egualization switch to correspond to thespeed being used; I 7/ B, g 3/ 4, or i ty Z tps.7. Turn theChannel Selector swltch to the ChannelI position.8. To set the record level before beginntng theactual recording, press and hold Aown the ne_cord Interlock button and adjuet for the correctrecordlng level.9. Tobegin therecording, holdtheRecordlnterlockdown and at the same ilme, rotate theplay-Stopcontrol to the play posttion.10. When therecording is finished, rotate the play- fi _Stop control to thJStop positidn. U x4 -Track Monaural Recording S 6Use thesame procedure asdescribed under to 9 IMake a Monaural Recording. After track I is com- pletely recorded, do not rewind the tape. Turn the X 3reels over and rethread the tape. Leav! the Channel Z OSelector in the Channel I position. The material will i. Etnow be recorded on track B. When track 3 is com_ 6 Epleted, turn the tape over. Move theChannel Selecto, i hswitch to Channel 2 and continue recording on track i - _to the end of the tape. Leave the Channel Selector in i 4the Channel 2 posltion and turn the tape over. Now fr fthe material will be recorded on track 4. E BTo Play Back 2-Traek Stereophonic Tape I d(Model KN-4075) 5l. Thread the tape as described under Threadingthe Tape.2. Push down on the Head Elevator tab markedl/2 Track.3. lloye the Play-Stopcontrol to the play position.On Model KI.I-43I0, switch the speakers on bymovlng the Speaker switch to the On position.4. Adjust the Volume controls to the deslred ligten_lng level.5. To stop the tape, move the play-Stop control tothe stop position. At the end of the tape, thetransport will shut off automatieally.To Wind or Rewind the TapeMove the Rewind-Forward control to the direc_tion desired. To stop the tape, move the Rewlnd_Forward control to the center position.To Make 4 -Track Stereophonic Recordingsl. Thread the tape as described under Threadingthe Tape.TTotrrftFPAGT the cables from the sound source into theproper lnput jacksl Channel I and Channel 2input.Place the Record-Playback head to the 4-trackposition by pushing the Head Elevator tab markedI,/4 Track down.Preset the recording levels by pushtng down onthe Record Interlock button and holding it downwhile setting the record level for each channel.To begin the recording, hold the Record Inter-lock buttondown and at thesame tlme, move thePlay-Stop control to the PIay posltion.When side I is completed, turn the tape overand record side 2.To Use the lndex CounterWhen making a recording, eet the index counterto 000 position when the tape is threaded on thetransport. At the end of each selection, note tre read-ing of the index counter. This makes it posslble tofind deslred selections when played back.To Erase the TapeIf it isdesirable to erase the tape without read-ing new materlal on the tape, follow the normal re-cording procedure, however, disconnect the inputsandturn the Record Level controls (Model KN-4075)or Volume controls (tvtodet KN-4310) to the maxlmumcounterclockwlse position .DISASSEMBLY2.3.l.Place theunlt on a level surfaceand remove theItd.Remove the push-on type knobs.Remove the screwe securlng front and rearescutcheons andpull up on escutcheons. RemoveRecord Level indicator plugs on Model KN-40?5.UnsolderRecord Level indicatorleads on ModelKN-43r0.4. Remove screws from head cover (5) and re-move cover.5. Remove screws securing dress plate (?) andremove dress plate.Remove screwa holding input panel plate andremove plate.Remove screws from sldes, baek, and bottomholding transport in the case.PuIl transport up and out of the carrying case.On Model KN-4310 unplug speaker leads.To reassemble the unit, reverse the foregoingprocedure. Align Record-Playback Head ( Model KN-40751l. Place the head in the up position by pushing tlteleft tab of the Head Elevator down-2. Connect an AC VTVM across the left channeloutput.3. Thread a 4 -Track prerecorded alignment tape onthe -transport and move the Play-Stop control tothe Play poeltlon.4. Loosen the stde mounting screws and raise orlower the head until the top ee of the tape lseven witJr the top edge of the upper pole piece.5. Adjust the azlmuth adjusting screwfor maxlmumoutput as read on the AC VTVM.To Align Record- Playback Head ( Model KN-43 t 0lThe Record-Playback head on the KN-4310 lspermanently mounted tn the 1/4 track positlon. Thesame procedure may be used for the KN-4075.To Align Erase HeadLoosen mounting nuts and set tte Erase Head(10) so that the top edge of the upper pole piece ig evenwtth the top edge of tte recording tape.PAGE 4Brake Adjustmentl. Check to see that the Brake Arm (49) ls per-fectly parallel with respect to the Speed Selectormounting bracket.2. To adjust the brake arm (49), loosen either theright- orleft-hand screw holding thebrake cordto the motor mounting bracket. Taking up slackor releaslng tension on brale cord moves thebrake arm lnto the proper position.NOTE: If brake tension is adjusted, the Auto-matlc Stop switch adjustment must bechecked.Pressure Roller Tension Adjustmentl. Wtth nopower applied, move the Play-Stop con-trol to the Play position.2. Ustng a pull scale connected to the presaureroller, determine the amount of pressure re-quired to pull the pressure roller away from thecapstan shaft. Pressure should be from 22 to24 ounces.3. Adjust the pressure roller pressure by bendingthe tab on the Play Lever and Cam assembly(36) untU the correct preaaure ie obtalned-q)(rt -z2f6(,EY=zobE6i,xcnZ9rlE566taJTROUBLE CHART79 81 78 B? 7,5 74 Zt 52 49 3e 40 4L 28;*ea*,i#.,;Yl,l,f#te*riffid.*;p#i:id8* Il,. .fr-t! Frr s, ,S*.,*e$.;s5 60 38 s8 57 5644 4661 45 43 33 31 29 19F IG. 2 BOTTOIU V IEW OF MECHAN ISIVISYM PTOMCAUSEREMEDYTapefails to movein PlayorRecord mode.or dirty pressure rollerspindle binding.l. Clean or replaeepressure roller(t5).2. Clean supply spindle shaft orloosen brake cord.3. Inereasetension asdescribedun-der Pressure Roller TensionAdjustment. 4. Replace or connect idler wheeltension spring (45).2. Adjust brakesas descrlbedunderBrake Adjustment. 3. Replace forward or rewind belt(33). Idler pulley arm (56) shouldhaveLl16 + L/32 travel fromleft to rightTn Stop position.4. Remove idler pulley (46); cleanshaft. Oil and replace pulley.l.2.Worn(r5).Supply5. Shafts of ldle! arE plvot (53) 5. Clean shafts or straighten plate.FolTerd or Rewlnd mode. worn.3. Insufficlent pressure rollertension.4. Idler wheel spring (45) weak ordlsconnected.2. Brake cord (3S) too tight.3. Forward or rewlnd belt (33)broken or too tight.4. Idler pulley assembly (56) blnd-ing.t loErnnl. Pressure roller (15) too tlghtagalnst capstan.l. Adjustas descrtbedunder Pres-sur e Roller Tension A djustm ent. Varlation ln tape speed.PAGE 5TROUBLE CHART ( CONTD. )SYMNOMCAUSEREMEDY2,.3.2.3.Oil or dirt on capstan, ldlerwheel (61), idler pulley (46),or motor puUey.Pregsure pad springs (24) and(25) too tight.Clean these parts with a soft clothand alcohol.Loosen springs by bending anchorback.No Speed change.Arm of speed change bracket(52)has jumped out ofgroove oftdler arm (56).Speed ellding post gummed upor corroded.Support bracket of idler arm(52) Jumped to left of playleverand cam bracket (36).Repositlon arm in groove.Stralghten speed change bracket(62).Clean or replace sliding post andapply a thin coat of oll.Bend support bracket (52) downso it will clear top of play leverand cam bracket (36).l.l.G.3.2.3.Automatic stop doesfunction.l. Automatic stop swltch lever bentout of posltlon.l. Adjust lever so spitch actuateswhen lever passes line of tapetravel.Incomplete erasure.Erase head (10) dirty.Erase head out of posltion.l. Clean erase head (f0) with softcloth and alcohol.2. Adjust erase head as describedunder nlo Allgn Erase Head. rtl.2-Recordings weak or dis-torted.Worn Record-Playback head.Rec ord-Playback head dtrty.Replace head.Clean Record-Playback headwith soft cloth and alcohol.l.2.l.2.CLEAN INGPressure roller-(lb), capstan, recording heads,and erasehead should be cleaned odcasstonaliyof liriand foreign matter wlth a soft cloth and alcohol.LUBRICATIONThese recorders do not require lubricailonunder normal use. When dlsassembled for repair,wipe all bearlngs and slide levers with a clean softcloth and apply a thin coat of oll on the surfaces.Descriptlon2223242526272829303l3233343536I234567IIr0llt2l3L4t5l6T7l8l920TS-2152TK-289TK-290TE-317TE-317-tTP-1518960108-lTA-1992TA-1989TH-584TII-590TG-53?TP-1500TB-2073TB-2130TR-1846TW-464TA-1488-lTB-1067-rTK-288Spindle, ReelKnob, Top SectlonKnob, Lower SectlonKnob, Channel SelectorCover, Head (Model KN-40?b)Cover, Head (Model KN-4910)Meter EscutcheonDress Plate (Model KN-40?5)Dress Plate (Model KN-4910)Front Escutcheon (Model KN-40?b)Front Escutcheon (Model KN-4310)Record-Playback HeadErase HeadPost, Tape GuidePlate, Head MountingBracket, Record-Playback pressurePad (Model KN-40?5)Bracket, Record-Playback pressurePad (Model KN-4310)Ring, RetainingRoller, PressureWire Form, Record-playback padReleaeePlate Pressure Roller AssemblyB:acket, Pressure Roller plate StopMotor BoardKnob, Rewlnd and ForwardTB-2073TB-2I30TB-20?3TB-20?6TB-2137TS-1755TS-1993TS-2245TC-174?TR-1614TA-II83TS-2085TA-265TB-1018-5TS-2086TS-2244TA-U76-lBracket, Recond-Playback HeadPressure Pad (Model KN-40?b)Bracket, Record-Playback HeadPressure pad (Model KN-4910)Bracket, Record-Playback(Model KN-40?5)Bracket, Erase Head pressure pad(Model KN-40?5)Bracket, Erase Head pressure pad(Model KN-4310)Sprlng, Record-Playback HeadPressure Pad TensionSprlng, Erase Head Pressure padTensionSprlng, Head Azimuth AdjustmentSpring, Cam Lever and Brake ArmCounter, TapeBelt, Tape Counter DriveCounter and Brake PulleySpring, Brake CordSpindle, PulleyBelt, Rewind and ForwardShaft, Rec ord-Playback leadLlfter SwivelSpring, Pressule Roller TenslonLever,


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