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    Kenwood-KX66CW-tape-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

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    Kenwood-KX66CW-tape-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

    rnoO reutto;l a.*,(K29-2539-04) A53-)lid assy (A)*Cassette Iid assy (B)*iA53-Knob (Button)(K29-2539-04)Metallic cabinet1A01-1557-01)Tape counter(B35_oo35-o5)nob assy Button)29-2oo1-o4lKnob (A)(K29-2632-03lKnob assy (B)K29-2628-04lKnob (SIide)(K29-2634-03) X 2Cylindrical receptacleEo6-08o6_05)LFooiJo2lJa2O161 04:O170-04:Phono iack (4P(E1 3_0446-o5Front) x 2Rear x 2Miniatue phone iack(E1 1-o1 65_05)Power cord bushing(J42-o083-05)Ac power cord*(E30_)* Refer to parts list on page 38.KX-66CWKENWooDSERVICE MANUAL,ry,mo1RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库cONTENTsCoNTRoLS, INDICATORS AND CoNNECTORS ,. . .,. . 2D|SASSEMBLY FoR REPA|R .,. 4BLOCK & LEVEL D|AGRAM . . 6C|BCU|T DESCRIPT|ON . . 7MECHAN|SN/ D|SCR|PTION ,. . .,11ADJUSTN/ENT, ,.,., .2oO l aect EJECT buttonPressing this button opens the A deck cassette holder,o powen switchUse this switch to turn the power on and off. pxorut .llcrPlug stereo headphones into this jack to monitor record-ings or tape playback. truoex SCAN key (only A deck)This key is for A deck only.Press this key to select the desired turn. When this keyis pressed, the beginning of each tune is played back forabout l 0 seconds.G) B dect operation keyso Rewind key (), trretape is rewound and the tape is played back from thefirst tune of side A. Fat orward key ( D tr )Press to rapidly advance the tape, Tape will move fromthe left reel to the right reel at high speed. When this keyis pressed during playback, tunes are skipped in the for-ward direction each time the key is pressed,When this key is pressed together with the reverse playkey ( ), the tape is rewound and the tape is playedback from the first tune of side B. Reverse play key ()Press to play tape in the reverse direction (side B). Whenthis key is pressed more than twice, the current tune isplayed back repeatedly (16 times). To release the currenttune being played back repeatedly, press the stop key(D).When the reverse play key () is pressed with tapesloaded in both A and B decks, the unit enters relay playback mode.KX_66CWE:RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库GONTROLS, lNDlcATORs AND GONNEGTORSo Forward play key (r,:ss to play the tape in the forward direction (side A).,ren this key is pressed more than twice, the current:-e is p|ayed back repeatedly (16 times). To release the:-rrent tune being played back repeated|y, press thes:op key (!),rlhen the forward play key () is pressed with tapescaded in both decks, the unit enters relay p|ayback-lode,o Stop key (l)f,less to stop tape travel. This will also release the previ-s mode of operation,G) A decr operation key (One way for A deck)o Rewind key (). Forward play key (F)o Stop key (!O Pause key (llWhen this key is pressed during playback, recording,dubbing or high-speed dubbing, the unit temporarilystops.To release playback pause mode, press the play key.Tc release rec pause mode, press the REC/ARM key.O neclnnm tey, .: :ais key to start recording The REC indicator ,: -,e recording mode can only be entered from the:- . - _3O peax LEVEL meter, , : : l-i oeak values of the input leve|s for recording_- -, = , :,. eve|s for p|ayback.(D nec LEVEL coNTRoL knobs- ,: - - , -i and |eft recording leve|s, ,with these(-,: _:-, .-: .ght channels can be adjusted separate-(D ooLsv NR switchTo recorc o: D,a,i back a tape with Do|by NR, set theswitchto: ,-(D Normal-speed dubbing keyWhen this e, s:-=ssed, the normal dubbing indicatorlights and o,c. -J -:- Deck A to Deck B starts.(D nign-speed dubbing keyWhen this key s prg53g:, lhe high speed dubbing indi_cator Iights and hlgn speec dubblng rom Deck A toDeck B starts,(E rlruen stand-by switchThis switch is used a|ong with an audio timer when anunattended recording or timer-pIayback is performed.Set this switch to the REC position for unattended re-cording, to the PLAY position for timer-playback and tothe OFF position when the timer is not used. For timeroperation, B deck has the priority.(D Dulbing indicatorsNORMAL - Lights when the normal speed dubbing keyis pressed.HIGH - Lights when the high speed dubbing key ispressed.(D nec indicatorThis indicator lights during recording or dubbing.(D pnusr indicatorThis indicator lights when the pause key (nl) is pressed.(D olRrcrloN switchNormal mode ( - ) - ln this position, one side play-back or recording is possible. ilhen the end of tapeis reached, the operation mode is released and thetape Stops.When the tape reaches its end in playback mode,the tape loaded on the other deck is played back.Reverse mode ( _D ) - ln this position, both sides canbe played back or recorded. ln this mode, recordingand playback do not automatically change from sideB to side A.When the tape reaches its end in playback mode,the tape loaded on the other deck is played back.Endless mode ( ) - ln this position, tape is played$ack repeatedly. DPSS, index scan are carried out,.twice (2 sides).ln endless mode (c-), relay playback is not possi-ble,(D B aeck EJECT/B buttonPressing this button opens the B deck cassette holder. rnpr CoUNTER and reset buttonThe TAPE COUNTER provides a means of locating pas-sages on the tape. When starting a recording, set thecounter 000 by depressing the reset button.(D B deck FORWARD/REVERSE indicatorShows the dirction of tape tiavel.(D necluruE lN jacksConnect to the Tape Rec jacks of your amplifier usingthe audio cables (supplied). ptlYl1-1NE oUT jacksConnect to the Tape Play jacks of your amplifier usingthe audio cables (supplied).(E Jack (Synchro for the receiver unit)(D Jack O (Synchro for the system component)(D Power cordPlug in to a convenient AC outlet.KX-66cWDISASSEMBLY FOR REPAIR1 . Remove the three screws retaining the dressing plate fromthe bottom of the ront panel ( Q ) and remove the dress-ingplate().2. Remove each control knob located on the lower side of thecassetteholder().cJ.4.Remove the switch unit located on back of the controlknobs by removing the Iugs as shown in the figure ( ).Remove the dressing plate mounted on the right side of theset as shown in the figure ( ),Remove the knobs as shown in the figure ( ).5.Remove the screw retaining the chassis to the front panelsection ( o ).Remove the lugs on both ends retaining the chassis to theront panel ( G) ). trren slightly lift up the froni pnel andremove the lugs located on the bottom of the front panel( ) ), pult out the whole o the front panel section in thedirection of the arrow l At this time, the swltch j-: .-.: io the main unit bythe connectors wl a s: .: -:.roved ( (D ) WhenreassembIing the ro.:.-. s.cton, perform it takingca,e of lhese cor.e.-, :/o,/Pa,2KX_66CW6.4DlsAssEMBLY FOR BEPAIR7. Remove the rubber belt of for the tape counter ( (D ).B. Bemove the eight screws and the metal fitting retainingthe A and B mechanisms l (D ).9. pull out the both mechanisms in the direction of the ar-row ( (E ).1O. Hemove the lugs retaining the switch unit ( ), andremove the switch unit ( ).KX_66cWBtOcK & LEVEL DIAGHAMot(Drooo utrJ-z,) gJoJ=J.Eqlr)Nlol),alrJF=(.)!.O?=B)oloo(o_l)JtJ-otooN)_,oo)llNo.loJ-ol:u,6roli,oo-=c)LH:t)o6sjoz=laG.*Ha=al)(L.(oIooll,aL6 lrJ-(D)aOlrJoYOlrozlrlzJFouJz?o_L=lr6!.H#aoF3(Iz.oJooHzo:-.(oUB o-gI=|.l)E)L3(Eo-Eb-c,EH9gdoEn,E-g o,9.=c-6P.99i9c9=L-6t ocU)oooo o H 69 E 3 lJ- E :i g,.9.9oooaooqcLnL6-9_,=onEoc,9Oo,!oa!RS99*qts! E tr Ii 9.X c. -_:, + o,-oLJ!P6.:- h.= E t,E id E = E: ; E:= eb,;P.9*otP 1; a + 9c3 -_ 6 _-6o6e3Eto o 9 6 E o).E qe:tnt:bp6.3p3tLOEF=OEFo!oEoFu).cEoo!EGo,=oIo!o=o.ooo3llc,9oooo,9Cl(joooo!o= fr FoP: , Eo-,oc - c FEi !;a; g.lo c c o(/, tr o o_co(_coOo o*C ao* O a-oi:F,-o=(D(od)h.9F -. it d8,E p,bb E Po E EE. L -.c* o 9 E Er!r+LMEGHANISM DEscRIPTIONE,G_EFsEEDo,i cFoOE)tl.tr,ioHOc.og,o)o,= 6_o=l!FL.!E oF3o.q,lEl&oq6,o)o6 .q:ro(t(DL-c, =o6,-tr.Yoo:oCo.L-6Eq)co.9POLo)PovtL9alFPocooaoEPao-t-o,Ec_o.ooiE.9bEt,goDEoLol 9EP al)o!oo!x6I q.tsL9(Ec0b_9 Fo)o.,9:6F; go-c YlJ-F oLLoJocF,o-oE!_EooPao-Eoo-=6lEA8.!oE_c(DE(EE g b.EE =a82= oE.p3Oau-cxoP.Y co o,=-yoL=,p,3J o.o)=o.u1oc(oo!o.x.9o(D,6,o-LLo.9(t)(/)o)ooD o.Eo-oFtL (/)ooi=ilc,lo1.9lolo/o,ag 1; EElB:;,.H 5 E En;_E;E-+9= o_ _ 6g=gi;Epo.!P.;i:c,l!cc6)qD c o o_co(E-c6)Pog *! (/)osU_,-o,E tstsbtsE.=o o)-;6aqEo,Eo .:, P :!-_!Lio P tra bo 9 EFu-tsMEcHANlsM DEscRIPTlONEotrNo)o,tro.Fooq).,E!-,9o-lJ.Fi clloo19KX-66CWADJUSTMENTllo.ITElI llPUTsETT I cS0UTPUTsETT I ticsCASSBTTE TAPEDEc( SETTIliGSAL tGlitEllTP0I ltTsALGN FORF IG.CASSETTE DECK SECTt0ll TAPE: ilORtlAL. DOLBY: OFF, lIPUTLIliE 0dBs-075YREC/PLY HEDt1DEMGiDTIZTI0lPOER: OFFRenove thecassette doorREc/PLAYheadDemagnetize the REC/PLAYhead vith a headderrragnet i zer.l2lCLEN I llcPLAYREc/PLYheaderase head,caps t an,pinch rol lerClean the REC,/PLAY headerase head, capstan andpinch roller usin8 a cottonswab sliglrtly danrpedvith alcohol.t3Z ItlUTIitTT-1 1410kHz,-1OdB(B)PLAYAzimuthadj ustmentscre*aximum output Pc BORD (x28 1820 xx)TPD SPEED(nI SPnrD)tTT-1 1 13kHz(B)Connect a jumperbetveen GllDand TPl (TP2) .PLAY(x28-1820-Xx)DECI( A: VR6DECI( B: VR4Adjust the tape speed sothat a 6kHz signal isproduced at the centerof the tape.(a) ii)TAPE SPEED(NORHAL)tTT-l 1 13kHz(B)PLAY(x28-1820-xx)DECI( : YRlDBCI( B: VRSAdjust the tape speed sothat a 3kHz si8naI isproduced at the centerof the tape.(b)m PC BOARD (x28-1820 x, x87-1100-04, X87-1140-01PLYBcrLEvEL(a) tlTT-15040lz(B)PLY(x87 -1 1 00-04)DECK A: VR1 (L)vR2 (R)DECK B: VR3 (L)vR4 (R)Output leve1: -6.0dBs(c)(b) tTT-256315HzOutput level : -9.0dBs(c) llTT-256U31 SlizOutput level: -5.0dBsBIAS CURRENT()1kHz,30dBs10kHz, -3OdBs(B)Adjust VR3 so thatthe REC monitoroutput becomes29dBs at lkHz,then record andreproduce signalof lkHz and 10kHzin alternation.(x28 1820 xx)vR1 (L)vR2 (R)Record lkHz and 10kHz inalternation and adjust thevariable resistors whichcontrol the bias currentso that the same playback1eve1 is obtained.(d)RECORD LEVEL()lkHz, -10dBs(B)Record andreproduce a lkHzsi8nal under theconditions setin (2).(x87-1110-01)vRz (L)vR1 (R)Adjust the variableresistors so that aplayback leve1 of -9dBsis obtained.(e)20KX_66CWREGLAGEsill TEtRECLGE DEL,DilTnDERECLACE DEL SORTIEREGLGE DU IAGIiETO-PHOIE CASSETTBPOl lTs DELnLIGlExEllTALICNER POURt,I G.SEcT0ll DU XCIETOPH0IiE TAPE: ORilAL, DOLBY: OFF, EIITREE: LlllBOdBs : 0?75vTl|TE D EtlREGISTREIElT,/LEOTUREtl DElAG lBT I sAT l0llPOER: OFFEloi8ner la porte.TteD ElREc I sTRExEtlT,/LEcTURBDema8ntiser Ia tteD, ElREG I sTREtEtlT/LECTUREavec un dma8ntiseurde tte.L2lETTOYclPLAYTteD, EIREG I sTREtEllT/LECTUBB teted effacement,cabes t an,8a l etpres s eur .liettoyer 1a tteD DllRDG I sTREtEIT/LECTUREla tte deffacement, lecabestan et 1e 8aletpresseuravec un coton-ti8elgrement inbib d alcool.t3Z I tUTtTT-1 1 41 0kHz. -1 OdB(B)PLYVisd az i rrrutsort ie maxirnerII PLQUE ItPRItEE (x28-1820,xxVITESSE DBDEF I LEtEtlT(HI SPEED)tTT-1 l13kHz(B)connecter uncabla8e entre lesGllD et TPI(TP2),PLAY(x28-1820-xx)DECK A: YR6DECK B: VR4Rgler la vitesse de bandede a9on quun si8na1de 6kHz soit produit aucentre de la bande.(a)( iiVITESSE DEDEF I LDlEtlT(li0RtAL)tTT-1 1 1lk.z(B)PLY(x28-1820-xx)DECK A: YRTDEC( B: VR5Rgler la vitee de bandede facon quun si8naide 3kHz soit produit aucentre de la bande.(b)m PLAQUE IMPRIilEE (x-1820-xx, x87,1100-04, x87-1110)l I vEU DELEcTURE(a) tTT-l504 0 0llz(B)Pt.Y(x87-1l00-04)DECI( : YRl (G)vR2 (D)DEC( B: VR3 (G)vR1 (D)Niveau de sortie: -6,0dBs(c)(b) tTT-256315Hzliveau de sortie: -9,0dBs(c) tTT-256U3lSHziiveau de sortie: -5,0dBsoOURAIT DEPOLARtsTI0l(A)1 kHz. -30dBs10kHz. -30dBs(B)B-9gler VR3 defaon que lasortie de noniteurREC soit de 29dBs lkHz, puis enre8istrer etreproduire dessi8naux de lkHz etl0kllz ena l t ernance.(x28-1820-xx)vR1 (c)vRz (D)Enregistrer un si8na1 de1kHz et 10kHz en alternanceet ajuster 1es rsistancesvariables qui comnandent lecourant de polarit defaqon obtenir le mmeniveau de lecture.(d)l l vEAUD,ElinEGtsTREHEliT(A)1kHz. tlOdBs(B)Enre8istrer etreproduire unsignal de lkHzdans lescondit ionsprcises en (2)(x87-1140-01)vR2 (G)vBl (D)Ajuster 1e8 rsistancesvariables de faqon obtenir un niveau de1ecture de -9dBs.(e)NRcSIt3il21K)t1l2i iin123ABGtElGHNRGEGENSTAiiDE I liGAllcs-E I ISTELLuilGUsGAllGs-E I lTDLLUtGIAssBTTEllGERT-El llsTELLUtcBGLB I cHPUlTEABGLEIcHEl FURBB.CSSETTEN-DDC( ABTEILUTAPE: ll0RtlAL, DOLBY: OF|, Etcllc: Ltlu 0dBs:075v1 AUFNAHtlE/tIEDERGABE(0PFtl EllTIAcllDT Is I ERUIGPOIEB: OFFDen (assettenfachdeckel obenherausziehen-AUFlIttE/ I EDEBGABE-KopfEntna8net isierung von demAUFllAltE/ l EDERGABE (opf. nit einem TonkopfEntmagnet is i erun8sdrosse1.LZlREINIGUNCPLYUF lillIE/lIEDERGABE XopfLschkopf,TonleI i e,ndruckrol Ie.AUFrEXD,/ l EDERGABE-Kopf ,Lschkopf , Tonvelle undAndruckrolle nit einernleicht mit Alkohol befeuchteten lattebausch reini8en.t3 AZ l ilUT-E I l,STELLUlGtTT-1141 0kHz. -1OdB(B)PLAYz i mutEinstel 1schraubellaximaI Aus8ant.II cDDRUOKTE SCHALTPLATTE (x28-1820-xBA NDOEScIiINDIGKElT(H l SPEED)tTT lli3 kHz(B)Ei nen schal tdrahtzrrischen GlD undTP1 (TP2)anschl ie8en.PLAY(x28 1820 Xx)DECX A: YR6DECI( B : YR4Die Bandgesch*indigkei tso justieren, daB ein6kHz Signal auf der lrlittedes Bands erzeu8t vird.(a) ii )B NDC ESCHlNDIGXEIT( NOBltAL)lTT-1113kHz(B)PLAY(x28 l820-XX)DECK : YR?DECI( B: YR5Die BandBesch*i ndiskeitso justieren, daB ein3kHz Sisnal auf der ittedes Bands erzeu8t yird.(b)m GEDRU0KTE SCHALTPLATTE (x28 182O-xXx8?-1100-04, x87-1140-01) l EDERGABE-PEGEL(a) tTT*150400kltz(B)PLAY(x87 l100-04)DECI( A: VR1 (L)YR2 (R)DECK B: YR3 (L)vR4 (R)Aus8angspe8el : -6, OdBs(c)(b) TT 256315kHzus8an8spe8e1: 9,0dBs(c) ilTT 256U315kHzAus8an8spegel: -5,0dBsLEDRLAUFSTR0l()1 kHz . -30dBs10kHz.-30dBs(B)VR3 so justieren,da8 der RBCtoni toraus8an8-29dBs bei lkHzyird, und danachabvechs e 1 ndSi8nale vonlkHz und l0kHzaufnehnen undr i eder8eben.(x28 l820 xx)vRi (L)vR2 (R)Signale von lkHz und l0kHzablechselnd aufnehmen unddie Regelgiderstnde, dieden vorma8net is ieru8sstromre8eln, so justieren, da8der 8leiche ieder8abepege1erzielt rird.(d)AUF NHi EPEG EL()1kHz. -1 0dBs(B)Ein lkHz Signalunter den in punkt(2) beschriebenenBed i n8un8enaufnehnen undreproduz i eren.(x87-1l10 01)vR2 (L)vR1 (R)Die Regelgiderstnde sojustieren, daB einvieder8abepe8el von-9dBs erzielt lird.(e)2122KX_66CWADJ U sTM ENTlREG tAG EslABG LEIcHSYSTEM CONNECTIONSAGGnerateur audiofrquencesNF-Signal generatorAZIMUTH ADJUSTMENT SCREWKx-66cWAc voltmetervoltmtre cAWechselspan-nungsmesseroscilloscopeOscilloscopeOszilloskop2223KX_66CkHzndieronaBe8e ISYSTEM CONTROLREcoRDlNG AMPLIFIER UNlTx87-114o_01)lNDExscANFe d66 ls*Lc92!l ,4l l,iii.3 li*:;.r+ o,A DECK MlPLAJnzftAA, m, l er,l :n-Zol .-./ ,. F?6- C|4 5-8-Ca,;i:!|8.lll. i1*.l,i:.Bgq 1,t1ja:;.:1.!,l, :l,:l,S:ll, l :i .,:R28 1, ,4ci,. : .),E!,., : l ., ,; 1, :.E4 l,Btil i,:;!:;:; : ,l:3gl, : :R32,l , .,R44.| : , ;, ,_X2? -l _-fi:ii:;.:.,R4e4 :l:ll .,R8 - ,: :mt1_oNffi&L -l l.ffi oZ&ryffi: ffiallE;rl .q-lPl_U l.l FILURl6Y , ,-v,:,3,1, :,&,aoPOWER SUPPLY UNITX27-1560-* *)24u?-l ,:9lo!*c92P,C. BOARD (Gomponent side viewJt? l .-; .illiSL6 vlJ6lJ l62_ _J!53 -MEcHANlsM;1i:3ia i*ll? ?:f_,.,;: ?:?:*_PLAY-2526,*lL#aB DECK MECHANISMsTop pAus. lE- K r M r o ILIt oUTPLYLINE lN El$E,ilicpa,rilIIl r-, !, lllDoLBYB/cNolsERE-DUc_TloNUNlT(W02-0693-05)9J162163FFrrr.r.r.Fr.rn82cNPEAK LEV


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