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    GEEr*l ct:)E-f-l l-et r*lrv?FUJIYA CORDERMODET EX.3IIi. , .t|.ff=obgilJir5-lrHOWARD W. !sAInS &The listing of any available replacement part herein doesnot constitute in any case a recommendation, varranty orguarantyby Howard W. Sams & Co. , Inc. , as to the qualityand suitability of such replacement part. The numbere ofthese parte have been compiled from information furnishedto Hovard W. Samg & Co. , Inc. , by the manufacturers ofcQ428iiififfi(E (o.r I t (G. lndlanapolls 6, lndlana3Fo=H;FFg(.)E=EGENERAL INFORMATIONThe Fujiya Corder Model EX-3ll records and plays back two tracks of material onstandard-width recording tape. This doubles the recording and playing time without loss ofquality orfrequency response. Recordings canbe made from a phonograph, radio, or televisionreceiver, in addition to those made directly from the microphone.A record safetylock prevents accidental erasure, and aQuick Stop controlpermits pausesto be made during a recording.Model EX-3ll has one tape speed, 3 3/ 4 ips. The playing and recording time is 90minutes for a 900-foot reel of tape.Model EX-3ll operates on 60 cycles, Il0-I20 volts AC only. Be absolutely certain itagrees with these specifications before connecting to a supply line.Supplied by:U. S. Photo Supply Company6/78 Sligo Mill RoadWashington l.2, D. C.the particular type of replacement part listed. Repro-duction or use, without express permission, of editorial orpictorial content, in any manner, is prohibited. No patentItability is assumed wlth respect to the use of the lnforma-tion contained herein. tggO Howard W. Sams & Co. , Inc. ,aFFl-lFCEet-lletr-l-Indianapolis 6, Indiana.0ATE 6- 60Printed in U.S. of AmericasET490 toLoERRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库PREPARING FOR OPIRATION1.Remove the lid from the carlying case.Removethe AC cord, mlcrophone, and earphonef romthe storage compartment onth right side.Plug the AC cord into a convenient outlet of theproper specilications.Thread the tape (see Threading the Tape).3.4.off -Volu meTurning thekllob clockwise until a click isheardturns tle power o! to the unit, Further rotation in-creases the volume.Safety ButtonThe SaJety Button, marked with an R on theescutcheon, must be depressed belore the urilt can beplaced in Record, This prevents accidental erasureof a prerecorded tape.FUNCTION OF CONTROLSOPERATING INSTRUCTIONSQu ick StopTo stop the tape momentarily in play or Recor.d,pu.ll the lever in tlle direction ol the arrov, When thelever is releaaed, tle tape $rill stalt moving again.Control KnobThe center is the stop position. Turning theknob to the left places the recorder i.n reverse torewind the tape onto the supply ree1. Turning the knobto the right places the recorderin Ptay and in Recordwhen the SaJety button i6 depreseed.Th reading ihe Tapel. Place a reel of tape on Left reel cup (I) and anempty leel on right reel cup (l).2. Unwind about l0 inches of tape. Hold a sectiontaut and insert it into tle tape slotr making cer-tain the dul.I-aoated side faces the rear of therecorder.3. Insert thefree end into one ofthe radiat slots inthehubofthe take-up reel. Turn the reel Eeveralturlls counterclockwise to secure the tapeto thereel and to talIA&i9PIA PHOTOFACT EXPLODED VIEWoHowrrd W. Sams & Co.,lnc. 1960F IG.3A EXPLODED V IEW OF PA RTSPage 6op6iA PHOTOFACT EXPLODED VIEYHowcrd (. Srms & Co.,lnc. 1960FIG.38 EXPLODED VIEW OF PARTS=Eo=H;FFggrE=*-T1Ol-grnv-.1Page 7MECHANICAL PARTS LISTRef .No.PartNo.DescriptionRef .No.PartNo.DescriptionI234567IIIOllL2l3L4t5l6L1l8l9202L2223242526272829303l32333435363738ReeI Cup ISet Screw ITension Spring IClutch Plate IWashers IRight Reel Plate IDrive Wheel Actuating Lever Spring IScrew ITakeup Drive Idler Lever IBrake Spring IPlay-Record-Reverse Actuating LeverlControl Cam ISet Screw IControl ShaJt IControl Cam Locking Lever ITension Spring IMounting Plate IC Washers INylon $ashers IDrive Idler Wheels IFiber Washers ITakeup Drive Idler Lever IC Washers IFiber Vasher IDrive Idler Lever ITension Spring IReverse Lever IDrive Idler Mounting Lever IDrive ldler Actuating Lever IC Washer IFiber Washer IPressure Roller IFiber Washe IPlay-Record Head IPressure Pads IPressure Roller Tension Spring IHead Mounting Plate IPressure Pad Actuating Lever I39404l41A4243444546414849505I5253545556575859606I62636465666?6869?0?l12?37475Pressure Roller Actuating LeverQuick Stop LeverPlay-Record Head Tension SpringAzimuth Adjust ScrewFlywheel-Capstan Assr y.Ball BearingRecord Lock Actuating Leverttc WasherReverse Drive PulleyReverse Drive BeltLeft Reel PlateRecord Lock ButtonRecord Lock CamRecord Lock ShaJtRecord Lock StopWashersPressure Pad Tension SpringWasherHead Cover ScrewsHead CoverControl KnobDress Plate Mounting ScrewsEscutcheonDress PlateOff-Volume Control KnobLockwasherHex NutTension SpringMotor Mounting PlateGrommetSpacerWasherLockwasherHex NutMotorTenslon SpringMotor Mounting ScrewTape GuidePage 8TUBES. CBS . GENERAL ELECTRIC . RAYTHE0N . SYLVAN|A .AMP PARTS IIST.AND DESCRIPTIONSETECTROLYTIC CAPACITORSFIXED CAPACITORSCopocity volues given in the roting column ore in mld. for PoperCopocitors, ond in mmfd. for Mico ond Ceromic Copocitori.coNTROtSRESISTORSAll wattages l/2wall, or less, unless otherwise listedTRANSFORMER (AUD|OOUTPUT) Drill New Mounting lloleMISCELLANEOUSGeneral-use Unshielded Hook-up Wire . . Use BELDEN No. 8530 (Softd) Availabfe in Ten Colors8524 (Stranded) Available in Ten ColorsPower Cord Use BELDEN No. t?65-B (6 Ft, Length)1725-K (7; Ft. Length)Low-LoBs Shielded Lead (Interconnecting) . .,Use BELDEN No, g40IPhono Pick-up Arm Cable . Use BELDEN No. 8430 (Two Conductor - Twisted)PAGE 9r;3co=H;FFg(E=FatoFI?llvITEAANo.RATINGREPTACEMENT DATACAP.votT.FUJTYAPART No.AEnOVOXPART No.CORNELL-DUBITIERPART No-A AttoRYPART No,PYRAMIDPART No.SPRAGUEPART No.NOTESclABcc2c3c4c5.40r40r40530525r50t50150I50615025AFH3-IOsRE150v5xPP-6030PRS1400 xPP-25025c0090NLW5-150NLW30-6NLWS-150NLWz0-25FP3ll.4TTISOXSTT6X30TTi50X5TT25X25TMT-9TD-4-150ML30-6TD-4-150ML30-25TVL-3438TE-1504TE-1092TE-1504TE-120?O Soure vefsions may u6e 25mfd 6V ln thts application.ITEMNo.RATINGREMARXSREPTACEMENT DATAAEROVOXPAPT No-:ENTRALAIPART No.CORNELI.DUBITIERPAIT NaELMENCOPAPT NMALTORYPART NoSPRAGUEPART No,c6c7c8c9cl0ctl.005 400v.005 400v.005 400v150.0l 400v.02 400vP488N-005P488N-005P488N-005SI i6OP488N-01P488N-02D6-502D6-502D6 -502D6-l5tD6-r03DD-203CUB6D5CUB6D5CUB6D5LIOTISCUB4SICUB(LS26DP-l-5026DP-r-5026DP-t-502ccD-l5l4DP-l-1034DP-2-203GEM.625GEM-625GEM-625GP3I5GEM-4IIGEM-4126TM-D56TM-D56TM-D5IOTS-TI54TM-Sl4TM-S2ITEJiANo.RATINGREPTACEAIENT DATAINSTALLATION NOTESFUJTYAPART No.CENTRATABPART No.CTAROSTATPART No.crs - tRcPART No.MAIIORYPART No.RE5I5T-ANFWATTSRlABC500KShaftSwitchIz34. 06AAB.6OAK-29KR-3VolumePower Off-OnITEMNo.RATINGREMARKSR2R3R4R5R6R72meg250Kt50K300K2000fl500KITEMNo.RATINGREMANKSR8R9Rl0RllRl2RI32meg150c50s,100C, lw300r,l0KITEMNo.RATINGREMARKSRl4R5RI6RI?l50K800K150sl 5W20,ITEMNo.IMPEDANCEREPI.ACEMENT DATANOTESFUJTYAPART No.HolldorsonPART No.MeritPART No.RomPART No.StqncorPART No.ThordorsonPART No.TriodPART No.PRI.SEC.TI180006-8f,22586L-2928AU-603A-3849622S86s-53X(l)ITEMNo.PART NAMEFUJIYAPART No.NOTESMIM2M3IIeadHeadMotorEraseRecord-PlaybackDriveWIRING DATA35W4 3SA512AV6I28A6AMP CHASSIS_TOP VIEWAMP CHASS IS_ BOTTOM V IEWPage l0ft=obgiliH?-J_.JvreE-Lgt EEi g F gP=E FE 3HCb: EEE 8= =E q; *E: EE pf;s E e$;ts, - S a.)9* -bFEEE:;EFPLA(99-s sE d i.Er a3?.Ht5E F=(J an sr l.c oJulIvartz8geFdio.qzucUOgE,E(=l-|!ttoL, o)lr.ooIo-j=(-)E(JLdJ-FzIJoe.L)lrlJtrlLtrJ -zFolJ- o-o rrrz.:-oF4OFz.o()ul-Fz.oo=(9z.oz.UICLtrl =fo- u-EOr-2.JA-=-z-3 rrt-o a!2 trJ!llt tY Z.E -tZ.60= AE9DFJ(foor$qOoGtl(o-cOZornZoorno(Y(.tr3alrJE3ct) zr!F,-ll,9 A tltI ft v,la&IJ*IIlnqI l j- c-/)L-i act)tfrfoc)|f)ut)c:dFoalrlC)E_totltt=Fc- to:y(9*eooo)=Hogo-F-j-Ito?-oF. Cl Cr)o.(=aad822lrl - r-rav.-=i=se3cL (./t o-Erf)atr-ltv,.nEct EIZ(J q;r=3o-z.cOe5Z(.)oor)islo-IAie.lo aJO =HH eotsF.Ei I li-Jrxuz5?z, d.OEr-vo-Oa lJ.lsaq=3sr-6il li!-tflr-(=o=(?=+gl lr(JAtti,EEfit,co=o=fEJ-,qoo(r.=ooTI3tro=H;FFg(.) E-ril-TlOr(7rrlnPage 11


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