PHoro FAcr FolJtctlqE=i t.rtet ElGENERAL INFORMATIONThe Butoba Model MT-5 is a battery-operated, dual-speed, dual-track transistorized taperecorder.Supplied as opti.onal equiprnent is a converter unit which can be used on Uor 130, 150,220, 240, or 260 volt AC, 50-60 cycles. AIso connections can be made to a 6-volt car battery.Recordings can be made from a radio, phonograph, television receiver, or telephone aswell as those made directly from a microphone.Tape speeds are L 7 / I and 3 3/ 4 ips. The playing or recording times, using both tracks,are as follows:Reel Size5 (600 ft.)1 r/blps2 hous3 3/4 ipsI hourMotor Power Supply - Four - 1. BatteriesAmplilier Power Supply - Four - f.5V D Ce1l BatteriesSupplied By:Stanford lnternalional1227 Laurel StreetSan Carlos, CaliforniaHCWARD W. SA|US &The listing of any available replacement part herein doesnot constltute in any case a recommendation, warranty orguarantyby Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., as to the quaiityand suitability of such replacement part. The numbers ofthese parts have been compiled from informetion furnishedto Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc., by the manufacturers ofcQ479C O.t I Il G. Indianapolls i, lndianathe particular type of replacement part listed. Repro-duction or use, vithout express permission of editorial orpictorial content, in any mamer i8 prohibited. No patentliability i8 assumed with re8pect to the use of the informa-tion contained herein. O 1962 Howard w. sams & Co. , Inc. ,aCJIcrctretE-cttIndianapolis 6, Indiana.DAII 2 -62Printed in U.S. of AmerlcaFcoF3oIIstl 565r0DtR 0 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库Stop Key, Symbol 0When depressed, stops the tape motion andsiruts off the amplifier. Before operating a new key,the stop key should always be depressed first.Recording Key, Symbol .Q-When depressed, puts the recorder in the re-cord mode-Playback Key, Symnot fflWhen depressed, puts the recorder in the play-back mode.N0Tt: With the Recording key and Playbackkey depressed simultaneously, the record-er may be used as a public address system.Fast Forward Key, Symbol -When depressed, moves the tape at a rapid rateonto the take-up spindle.Fast Rewind Key, Symbol E-03oInFTo Erase a RecordingIn the Record position, any recording on thetape is automatically erased before a new recordingis made. Should it be desired to erase a recordjngwithout recording new material, follow the normalrecording procedure, but set the volume control fullycloekwise.To EdiI and Splice TapeN0TE: It is impossible to edit and splice onetrack without affecting the other. Record-DISASSEMBLYTo Remove Recorder from CaseI. Remove the battery holder or the converter byloosening the large screrp in the center.2. Rernove the plastic lid from the top of cabinet.3. Remove two screws. Remove the Pushbuttoneseutcheon (?).4. Remove two screws (5). Remove head cover(6).5. Remove tape counter knob (ll).l.I NSTRUCTI ONS6. Loosen set screw onmove knob (2).7. Remove four screws0).ings to be edited should be limited to onetrack.Tape may be edited by cutting outunwanted por-tions, or by joining selections into another se-quence. Announcements canbe inserted betweenselections, etc. Unused tape can be spliced forre-use.For best results, cut tape at a slight diagonal,butt ends together and fasten on the glossy sidewith splicing tape. Trim off any excessivewidth.2.speed seleetor (3). Re-(4) from top dress plate8. Remove top dress plate (l).9. Remove 4 wood screws from recorder. Liftrecorder straightup until it clears the top, thenunsolder speaker leads.10. To reassemble, reverse the loregoing proced-ure.OInoPage 3FIG. 2 BOTTOM VIEW OF MECHANISM WITH FLYWHEEL REMOVED.ADJUSTMENTSMotor SpeedThe speed regulator serewis accessiblethroughthe cut-out section in the motor case and the openingof the regulator cap. To inerease speed, turn regu-lator screwclockwise. Todecrease speed, turn serewcounterclockwi se.Tape TensionThere should be a certain amountof drag on thesupply reel, to keep tension on the tape. If tape jerkswhile playing a recording, turn adjusting screw (?lA)until proper tension is obtained.Head Alignmentl. Remove the pressure lever (5I).2. Thread a tape onto the recorder.3. Adjust screws (43) until the ferrite edge of theerase head (42) is flush with the top edge of thetape. Adjust screws (43) until the pole piece onthe record-playback head (41) is flush with thetop edge of the tape.4. If the pole piece of the record-playbaek head isnot vertical, it may be adjusted by threading a5,000-cycle note tape onto the recorder.5. Place the recorder in the playback mode. Setvolume to the center of its range.6. Adjust the screws, located on each side ofrecord-playback head (41) for maximum sound.The two brakes(l8and 3b)are released whentherecorder i.s in the record or playback mode. ff thebrakes failto release, adjust the screws onthe brakesuntil proper clearance is obtained.CLEAN I NGThe record head, erase head, capstan, pressureroller, and tape guides should becleaned oceasionallyto remove the tape residue which is worn off the tapeas it passes these parts. Use a soft cloth and alcoholto remove residue.Page 4Clean the rubber tired spindles and belts withcleaning fluid.CAUTI0N: Never clean the magnetic heads withtetrachloride.FIG.3 BOTTOM VIEW OF MECHANISMLUBRICATIONEco0= E03oItnFLubrication should not be required for a longperiod of time. If the, recorder is disassembled forrepair, appiya thincoat ofgreaseon the sliding leversand a drop of oil on the bearings of the spindlescapstan shaft bearings.TROUBLE CHARTSymptomCauseRemedyPushbuttons will not stay inwhen depressed or jump outat the slightest movement.l. Notches of key assembly worn.1. Replace key assembly.No rewind, but motor runs.l. Broken or diseonnected(3?).sprmg1. Replace or connect spring (37).No fast forward but motorruns.l. Broken or disconnected spring(3?A).l. Replace or connect spring (3?A).No takeup in play or recordposition.I. Take-up spring belt (14) broken.l. Replace take-up spring belt (14).Capstan pressure plate failsto engage after start-stoplever is moved.I. Broken or disconnected spring(6r).l. Replace or connect spring (6i).No erase. head (42) defective.Erase head (42) positionedwrong.Replace erase head (42).Position erase head (42) so it isparallel withthe tape when intherecord position.No record or playback.J. Play-record head(41) defective.Page 5I. Replace play-record head (4f).TTo|-(f,mno,A Howard w. sornr $!SlS rrroPRINTED BOARDA Howcrd w. somr S$lS rtroPRINTED BOARDPage 6Ec-lo=r03oImFoInoPRINTED BOARDoc75PRINTED BOARDPage I I,$#kffiMECHANISM-TOP VIEW;,;,-.i:;.i;$tt. tt.*ltl;:. i, iffi;MTCHAN ISM- BOTTOM V IMPage 12aDrFozoFIJtsatz.r E_3a! ef F *H;g$gEi?.186*ngE.t3o o kJ.= 5 0 0 0F.FrElrlOtqOtri-eoz-F1Z.ALroe7Itso4bfFd6Lo-Eizdo.dzd!Fiyzud6ttoat2FF?etrsozF4.nF=*s4!oz*-|1MXMo,E*EtoooooctoooEzdNo.+66rOOvtJo4t-zoIlaIlataII(J4trt=ooFco=s03oItltF(nd,o=(JAIourxII(nc,o=Io.u(Jt-Joc,F(,IttJlltttl&,oF!Ittzc,F|azoIl-EEIJlalr|aozn3Fr-|aIJ|al-E,a.F:LEIJlltnoFElllFoFoFzg=rUIA!dHdozEcEFFFtFFE Ft FFErNN:1. $lllrtr$rldloz=:N FnFFoSsXSsXS !I=E=NNtf (cl :trrtr:! 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