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    Loewe-Xemix_59501-dvd-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

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    Loewe-Xemix_59501-dvd-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

    GB 230-90347.911LOEWE. DVD-PlayerXemixArt.-Nr. 59501LOEWE systems DVD-PlayerAuroArt.-Nr. 59502General DescriptionAdjustment ProceduresBlock / Schematic DiagramsExploded Views / Parts ListDigital Versatile DiscCLASS 1LASER PRODUCTTRACKTITLESCANTIMETRACKTOTALCHAPTERVCDSHUFFLECHAPTERTITLETRACKA -B REPEATFTSTRACKTITLESCANTIMETRACKTOTALCHAPTERVCDSHUFFLECHAPTERTITLETRACKA -B REPEATFTSRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库Technical specificationsGB 259502 & 595011.1.Technical specifications1.1General:Mains voltage: 230V (196 - 263V AC)Mains frequency: 50 Hz -60HzPower consumption: 20WPower consumption standby: 10W (5W for low power standby; without P50)1.2Audio performanceTest equipment: Audio PrecisionTestdiscs: CDDA: Philips audio signal testdisc 1: VCD: Philips A/V testdisc & ABEX A/V testdisc: DVD: Philips LVP09.00 audio testdisc1.3Line output1.3.1Normal mode (stereo)Output voltage:2 channel mode: 2Vrms +/- 1.5dB5.1 channel Dolby: 1.41 +/- 1.5 dBChannel unbalance (1kHz): 105dB 20Hz-20kHz: 95dBFrequency response:20Hz- 12kHz: +/- 0.1dB maxSignal to noise ratio: 100 dBDynamic range:1kHz: 90dB20Hz-20kHz: 88dBDistortion and noise:1kHz: 90dB20Hz-20kHz: 80dBIntermodulation distortion: 87dBPhase non linearity: +/- 1 max.Level non linearity: +/- 0.5dB max.Mute (spin-up, pause, access): 100dBOutband attenuation: 50dB above 25kHz1.3.2Center on mode (mono)Output voltage: 2Vrms typChannel unbalance (1kHz: 85 dBDynamic range 20Hz-20kHz: 85 dBDistortion and noise 20Hz-20kHz: 80 dBIntermodulation distortion: 87 dBPhase non linearity: not applicableLevel non linearity: +/- 1 dBMute (spin-up, pause, access): 100dBOutband attenuation: 50dB above 25kHzCenterdelay adjusting: 0-5 msec (steps 1 msec)1.46-channel output1.4.1Front Line out(channel 1 and 2)fully according to PQR class IIIOutput voltage:channel mode: 1.41Vrms +/- 1.5dB5.1 channel Dolby: 1.41V +/- 1.5 dBChannel unbalance (1kHz): 105dB20Hz-20kHz: 95dBFrequency response 20Hz- 12kHz: +/- 0.1dB maxSignal to noise ratio: 100 dBDynamic range :1kHz: 90dB20Hz-20kHz: 88dBDistortion and noise:1kHz: 90dB20Hz-20kHz: 80dBIntermodulation distortion: 87dBPhase non linearity: +/- 1 max.Level non linearity: +/- 0.5dB max.Mute (spin-up, pause, access): 100dBOutband attenuation: 50dB above 25kHz1.4.2Surround channels (channel 3,4,5 and 6)Surround channels are according to dolby group C products (*1)Testequipment: audio precision (*2)LFE + Center + Rear line out Output voltage:2 channel mode: muted5.1 channel Dolby: 1.41Vrms +/-1.5dB: Adjustable 0.7V-2.82 V: (+/- 6dB to front channels)Channel unbalance: 100 dB (A-weighted)Dynamic range: 85 dBDistortion and noise: 80 dB (90 typical)Crosstalk: 95 dB (*3)*1: referenced to dolby digital licensee information manual version 2.0*2: measured in normal mode and with balance control neutral*3: crosstalk from channels 1,3,5(channel 1 is ref) to 2,4,6(measured channels)1.5Headphone outputAccording PQR1 IMS30mW at 32 Ohm load.Headphone impedance: 8-2000 Ohm1.6Video performanceVCD testdisc: Philips A/V disc & ABEX A/V discRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库Technical specificationsGB 359502 & 595011.DVD testdisc: Philips MPTD PAL CVP0213 / Philips LVP10.00 video testdisc1.6.1CVBSFully according PQR3 IMSVideo output: 1Vpp(0.1V into 75 Ohm)1.6.2S-video (Y/C)Fully according PQR3 IMS1 - GND ?2 - GND ?3 - Y 1Vpp +/- 0.1V into 75 Ohm 4 - C burst 300mVpp +1/-4dB into 75 Ohm Aspect ratio switching by DC on C(pin4).Connector type : 4 pin mini- DIN1.7ScartFully according PQR3 IMSConnector implementation according EN50049-1; color = black; dual SCARTFully according to prEN1057-2-1Signal switching is P50 controlled; supported features of mode 3 see survey of applicable standards.1.7.1SCART II (connected to TV)Pin signals:1 - Audio R 1.8V RMS ?2 - Audio R ?3 - Audio L 1.8V RMS ?4 - Audio GND ?5 - Blue/Chroma GND ?6 - Audio L ?7 - Blue out/Chroma in 0.7Vpp +/- 0.1V into 75 Ohm (*) ?8 - Function switch 4.5V / 9.5V / 12V = asp. ratio 4:3 DVD ?9 - Green GND ?10- Nc 11- Green 0.7Vpp +/- 0.1V into 75 Ohm (*) ?12- Nc 13- Red/Chroma GND ?14- Fast switch GND ?15- Red out/Chroma out 0.7Vpp +/- 0.1V into 75 Ohm (*)+/- 3dB 0.3Vpp in case of Chroma ?16- Fast switch RGB/ CVBS or Y 1V / 3V into 75 Ohm = RGB ?17- Y/CVBS GND ?18- Fast switching GND ?19- CVBS/Y/RGB sync 1Vpp +/- 0.1V into 75 Ohm (*) ?20- CVBS/Y ?21- Shield ?1.7.2SCART I (connected to AUX)Pin signals:1 - Audio R 1.8V RMS ?2 - Audio R ?3 - Audio L 1.8V RMS ?4 - Audio GND ?5 - Blue/Chroma GND ?6 - Audio L ?7 - Blue in/Chroma out +/- 3dB 0.3vpp Chroma (burst) ?8 - Function switch ?9 - Green GND ?10- P50 Control 11- Green ?12- Nc 13- Red/Chroma GND ?14- Fast switch GND ?15- Red in/Chroma in ?16- Fast switch RGB/ CVBS or Y ?17- CVBS GND ?18- Fast switching GND ?19- CVBS/Y/RGB sync 1Vpp +/- 0.1V into 75 Ohm (*) ?20- CVBS/Y ?21- Shield ?(*) for 100% white1.8Digital output1.8.1CoaxialCDDA/ LPCM (incl MPEG1): According IEC958MPEG2, AC3 audio: According IEC1937Remark:DTS audio output mode is only available on “digital out”1.8.2OpticalIdentical to coaxial1.9Dimensions and weightPlace and height of feet: acc. to Loewe Harmonisation lineApparatus tray closed: WxDxH: 435 x 315x 75/88Apparatus tray open: WxDxH: 435 x 442 x 75/88Weight without packaging: ca. 4 KgWeight in packaging: ca. 6 Kg1.10Laser output power & wavelength1.10.1 DVDOutput power: 7mWWavelength: 650nm1.10.2 CDOutput power: 10mWWavelength: 785nmWarnings and Laser safety instructionsGB 459502 & 595012.2.Warnings and Laser safety instructionsSHOCK, FIRE HAZARD SERVICE TEST:CAUTION: After servicing this appliance and prior to returning to customer, measure the resistance betweeneither primary AC cord connector pins (with unit NOT connected to AC mains and its Power switch ON), and theface or Front Panel of product and controls and chassis bottom,Any resistance measurement less than 1 Megohms should cause unit to be repaired or corrected before ACpower is applied, and verified before return to user/customer.Ref.UL Standard NO.1492.NOTE ON SAFETY:Symbol : Fire or electrical shock hazard. Only original parts should be used to replace any part with symbol Any other component substitution(other than original type), may increase risk or fire or electrical shock hazard.FATTENTIONTous les IC et beaucoup dautres semi-conducteurs sont sensibles aux dchargesstatiques (ESD).Leur longvit pourrait tre considrablementcourte par le fait quaucune prcautionnest prise a leur manipulation.Lors de rparations, sassurer de bien trereli au mme potentiel que la masse delappareil et enfiler le bracelet serti dunersistance de scurit.Veiller a ce que les composants ainsi que lesoutils que lon utilise soient galement a cepotentiel.DWARNUNGAlle IC und viele andere Halbleiter sindempfindlich gegen elektrostatischeEntladungen (ESD).Unsorgfltige Behandlung bei der Reparaturkann die Lebensdauer drastisch vermindern.Sorgen sie dafr, das Sie im Reparaturfallber ein Pulsarmband mit Widerstand mitdem Massepotential des Gertes verbundensind.Halten Sie Bauteile und Hilfsmittel ebenfallsauf diesem Potential.WAARSCHUWINGAlle ICs en vele andere halfgeleiders zijngevoelig voor elektrostatische ontladingen(ESD).Onzorgvuldig behandelen tijdens reparatiekan de levensduur drastisch doenverminderen.Zorg ervoor dat u tijdens reparatie via eenpolsband met weerstand verbonden bent methetzelfde potentiaal als de massa van hetapparaat.Houd componenten en hulpmiddelen ook opditzelfde potentiaal.AVVERTIMENTOTutti IC e parecchi semi-conduttori sonosensibili alle scariche statiche (ESD).La loro longevita potrebbe essere fortementeridatta in caso di non osservazione della piugrande cauzione alla loro manipolazione.Durante le riparazioni occorre quindi esserecollegato allo stesso potenziale che quellodella massa dellapparecchio tramite unbraccialetto a resistenza.Assicurarsi che i componenti e anche gliutensili con quali si lavora siano anche aquesto potenziale.All ICs and many other semi-conductors aresusceptible to electrostatic discharges (ESD).Careless handling during repair can reducelife drastically.When repairing, make sure that you areconnected with the same potential as themass of the set via a wrist wrap withresistance.Keep components and tools also at thispotential.WARNINGSafety regulations require that the set be restored to its original conditionand that parts which are identical with those specified be used.Veiligheidsbepalingen vereisen, dat het apparaat in zijn oorspronkelijketoestand wordt terug gebracht en dat onderdelen, identiek aan degespecifieerde worden toegepast.Bei jeder Reparatur sind die geltenden Sicherheitsvorschriften zu beachten.Der Originalzustand des Gerats darf nicht verandert werden.Fur Reparaturen sind Original-Ersatzteile zu verwenden.Le norme di sicurezza esigono che lapparecchio venga rimesso nellecondizioni originali e che siano utilizzati pezzi di ricambiago idetici a quellispecificati.Les normes de scurit exigent que lappareil soit remis a ltat dorigine etque soient utilises les pices de rechange identiques celles spcifies.“Pour votre scurit, ces documentsdoivent tre utiliss par desspcialistes agres, seuls habilits rparer votre appareil en panne.”GBNLIDIFGBNLCL 96532065_002.eps120799Warnings and Laser safety instructionsGB 559502 & 595012.LASER SAFETYThis unit employs a laser. Only a qualified service person should remove the cover or attempt to service thisdevice, due to possible eye injury.LASER DEVICE UNITType: Semiconductor laser GaAlAsWave length: 650 nm (DVD)780 nm (VCD/CD)Output Power: 7 mW (DVD)10 mW (VCD/CD)Beam divergence: 60 degreeUSE OF CONTROLS OR ADJUSTMENTS OR PERFORMANCE OF PROCEDURE OTHER THAN THOSESPECIFIED HEREIN MAY RESULT IN HAZARDOUS RADIATION EXPOSURE.AVOID DIRECT EXPOSURE TO BEAMWARNINGThe use of optical instruments with this product will increase eye hazard.Repair handling should take place as much as possible with a disc loaded inside the playerWARNING LOCATION: INSIDE ON LASER COVERSHIELDCAUTION VISIBLE AND INVISIBLE LASER RADIATION WHEN OPEN AVOID EXPOSURE TO BEAM ADVARSEL SYNLIG OG USYNLIG LASERSTRLING VED BNING UNDG UDSTTELSE FOR STRLING ADVARSEL SYNLIG OG USYNLIG LASERSTRLING NR DEKSEL PNES UNNG EKSPONERING FOR STRLEN VARNING SYNLIG OCH OSYNLIG LASERSTRLNING NR DENNA DEL R PPNAD BETRAKTA EJ STRLEN VARO! AVATT AESSA OLET ALTTIINA NKYVLLE JA NKYMTTMLLE LASER STEILYLLE. L KATSO STEESEEN VORSICHT SICHTBARE UND UNSICHTBARE LASERSTRAHLUNG WENN ABDECKUNG GEFFNET NICHT DEM STRAHL AUSSETZEN DANGER VISIBLE AND INVISIBLE LASER RADIATION WHEN OPEN AVOID DIRECT EXPOSURE TO BEAM ATTENTION RAYONNEMENT LASER VISIBLE ET INVISIBLE EN CAS DOUVERTURE EXPOSITION DANGEREUSE AU FAISCEAU Warning for powersupply on position 1005The primary side of the powersupply including the heatsink carries live mains voltage when theplayer is connected to the mains even when the player is swiched off !This primary area is not shielded so it is possible to touch copper tracks and/or components whenservicing the player. Service personnel have to take precautions to prevent touching this area orcomponents in this area .The primary side of the powersupply has been indicated with a lightning stroke and a stripe-markedprinted on the printed wiring boardNote:The screws on the basic Engine (position 82 in on the exploded view drawing) may never betouched removed or re-adjusted.Handle the Basic engine with care when the unit has to be exchanged!The mechanism of the basic engine is very sensative for droping or shocks!CL 96532065_003.eps011199 Service hintsGB 659502 & 595013.3.Service hintsThe DVD module(Basic Engine and the mono board) has to be exchanged completely in case of failure. A new module for Xemixcan be ordered with codenumber 291-90350.969 for Region Code 4 (Australia), 291-90350.970 for Region Code 5 (Russia), and 291-90350.968 for all European countries Region Code 2.A new module for Auro can be ordered with codenumber 291-90350.988 for Region Code 4 (Australia), 291-90350.989 for Region Code 5 (Russia),and 291-90350.987 for all European countries Region Code 2. Return the defective unit complete assembled in original package to Loewe Consumer Service in Kronach. DIAGNOSTIC SOFTWARE : SCRIPT INTERFACESGB 2759502 & 595016.6.DIAGNOSTIC SOFTWARE : SCRIPT INTERFACES6.1DEALER SCRIPT6.1.1Purpose of Dealer ScriptThe dealer script can give a diagnosis on a standalone DVD player; no other equipment is needed to perform a number of hardware tests to check if the DVD player is faulty. The diagnosis is simply a error or pass message; no indication is given of faulty hardware modules. Only tests within the scope of the diagnostic software will be executed hence only faults within this scope can be detected.6.1.2Contents of Dealer ScriptThe dealer script executes all diagnostic nuclei that do not need any user interaction and are meaningful on a standalone DVD player.The nuclei called in the dealer script are the following (the number after each nucleus name corresponds with the number being on the local display when the nucleus is executed during the dealer script):Figure 6-1 Figure 6-2 VideoColSetupCommChecks the I2C interface with the RGB video processor on theAudio/Video board (only for DVD players with RGB video processor).VideoScartSwCommChecks the I2C interface with the scart switch on the Audio/VideoboardPapChksFl7Calculate and verify checksum of FLASH memory.PapDramWrR6Pattern test of all locations in the DRAM(s).PapI2cDispChecks the I2C interface with the slave processor on the display PCB.PapS2bEchoChecks the I2C interface to the basic engine.PapI2cNvramChecks the I2C interface with the NVRAM.PapNvramWrRPattern test of all locations in the NVRAMCompSdramWrRPattern test of all locations in the SDRAM(s).Nucleus8543219DescriptionCL 96532065_001.eps120799 Press 2 keys simultaneously + Connect to mains.During the test, the following displayis shown: the counter counts downfrom the number of nuclei to be runbefore the test finishes. Example:SET O.K.?YESNOTo exit DEALER SCRIPT ,disconnect from mains.CL96532126_013.eps261099DIAGNOSTIC SOFTWARE : SCRIPT INTERFACESGB 2859502 & 595016.6.2PLAYER SCRIPT6.2.1Purpose of Player ScriptThe Player script will give the opportunity to perform a test that will determine which of the DVD players modules are faulty, to read the error log and error bits and to perform an endurance loop test. To successfully perform the tests, the DVD player must be connected to a tv set to check the output of a number of nuclei. For DVDv2b a multi-channel amplifier, a set of 6 boxes and an external video source are necessary to test. To be able to check results of certain nuclei, the player script expects some interaction of the user (i.e. to approve a test picture or a test sound). Some nuclei (e.g. nuclei that test functionality of the Basic Engine module) require that the DVD player itself is opened, to enable the user to observe moving parts and approve their movement visually. Only tests within the scope of the diagnostic software will be executed hence only faults within this scope can be detected.6.2.2Content


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