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    Sony-CDPCX220-cd-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

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    Sony-CDPCX220-cd-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

    MICROFILMSERVICE MANUALCOMPACT DISC PLAYERUS ModelCanadian ModelAEP ModelUK ModelE ModelAustralian ModelCompact disc playerLaserSemiconductor laser ( = 780 nm)Emission duration: continuousLaser outputMax 44.6 W* This output is the value measured ata distance of 200 mm from theobjective lens surface on theOptical Pick-up block with 7 mmaperture.Frequency response20 Hz to 20 kHz 0.5 dBSignal-to-noise ratioMore than 105 dBDynamic rangeMore than 98 dBHarmonic distortionLess than 0.0045%Channel separationMore than 97 dBOutputsSPECIFICATIONSCDP-CX220Model Name Using Similar MechanismCDP-CX250CD Mechanism TypeCDM-40BBase Unit TypeKSM-213BKN/M-NOptical Pick-up TypeKSS-213B/S-NJackMaximumLoad impedancetypeoutputlevelLINE OUTPhono2VOver 10 kilohmsJacks(at 50 kilohms)DIGITALOptical18 dBmWave length: 660 nmOUToutput(OPTICAL)connectorWhere purchasedPower requirementsUSA/Canada120 V AC, 60 HzAustralia240 V AC, 50/60 HzEurope220 V 230 V AC, 50/60 HzOther countries110 V 120 V or 220 V 240 V AC,adjustable, 50/60 HzGeneralPower requirementsPower consumption12 WDimensions (approx.)When the front cover is closed(w/h/d)430 200 480 mm (17 7 7/8 19 in.)incl. projecting partsMass (approx.)9.5 kg (21 lbs)Supplied accessoriesAudio cord (2 phono plugs 2 phono plugs) (1)Remote commander (remote) (1)Sony SUM-3 (NS) batteries (2)CD booklet holders (2) and label (1)Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS1.SERVICING NOTES.32.GENERAL.63.DISASSEMBLY.74.TEST MODE. 105.MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENTS. 136.ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENTS. 197.DIAGRAMS. 227-1.Note for Printed Wiring Boards andSchematic Diagrams . 237-2.Printed Wiring Board BD Section . 257-3.Schematic Diagram BD Section . 277-4.Printed Wiring Board Main Section . 297-5.Schematic Diagram Main Section . 317-6.Printed Wiring Boards Jack Section . 337-7.Schematic Diagram Jack Section . 357-8.Printed Wiring Boards Panel Section . 377-9.Schematic Diagram Panel Section . 397-10. Printed Wiring Board Sensor/Motor Section . 417-11. Schematic Diagram Sensor/Motor Section . 437-12. IC Pin Function Description . 478.EXPLODED VIEWS. 499.ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST. 56CAUTIONUse of controls or adjustments or performance of proceduresother than those specified herein may result in hazardousradiation exposure.The laser component in this productis capable of emitting radiationexceeding the limit for Class 1.This appliance is classified asa CLASS 1 LASER product.The CLASS 1 LASERPRODUCT MARKING islocated on the rear exterior.4-998-525-04-998-525-14-998-525-24-998-525-44-998-525-54-998-525-6US modelCanadian modelAEP, AED UK modelSingapore modelE modelAustralian modelPART No.MODELMODEL IDENTIFICATION BACK PANEL AbbreviationAED: North EuropeanCAUTIONINVISIBLE LASER RADIATION WHEN OPEN ANDINTERLOCKS DEFEATED. AVOID EXPOSURE TO BEAM.ADVARSELUSYNLIG LASERSTRLING VED BNING NR SIKKERHEDSAFBRYDERE ER UDE AF FUNKTION. UNDG UDSAETTELSE FOR STRLING.VORSICHTUNSICHTBARE LASERSTRAHLUNG, WENN ABDECKUNG GEFFNET UND SICHEREITSVERRIEGELUNG BERBRCKT. NICHT DEM STRAHL AUSSETZEN.VARO!AVATTAESSA JA SUOJALUKITUS OHITETTAESSA OLET ALTTIINA NKYMTTMLLE LASERSTEILYLLE. L KATSO STEESEEN.VARNINGOSYNLING LASERSTRLING NR DENNA DEL R PPNADOCH SPRREN R URKOPPLAD. BETRAKTA EJ STRLEN.ADVERSELUSYNLIG LASERSTRLING NR DEKSEL PNES OG SIKKERHEDSLS BRYTES. UNNG EKSPONERING FOR STRLEN.VIGYAZAT!A BURKOLAT NYITSAKOR LTHATATLAN LZERSUGRVESZLY KERLJE A BESUGRZST (Except for the customers in the United States andCanada)The following caution label is located inside the unit.PART No.RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库 3 ATTENTION AU COMPOSANT AYANT RAPPORT LA SCURIT!LES COMPOSANTS IDENTIFIS PAR UNE MARQUE !SUR LES DIAGRAMMES SCHMATIQUES ET LA LISTEDES PICES SONT CRITIQUES POUR LA SCURITDE FONCTIONNEMENT. NE REMPLACER CES COM-POSANTS QUE PAR DES PICES SONY DONT LESNUMROS SONT DONNS DANS CE MANUEL OUDANS LES SUPPLMENTS PUBLIS PAR SONY.SAFETY-RELATED COMPONENT WARNING!COMPONENTS IDENTIFIED BY MARK ! OR DOTTEDLINE WITH MARK ! ON THE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMSAND IN THE PARTS LIST ARE CRITICAL TO SAFEOPERATION. REPLACE THESE COMPONENTS WITHSONY PARTS WHOSE PART NUMBERS APPEAR ASSHOWN IN THIS MANUAL OR IN SUPPLEMENTS PUB-LISHED BY SONY.SAFETY CHECK-OUTAfter correcting the original service problem, perform the follow-ing safety check before releasing the set to the customer:Check the antenna terminals, metal trim, “metallized” knobs,screws, and all other exposed metal parts for AC leakage.Check leakage as described below.LEAKAGEThe AC leakage from any exposed metal part to earth ground andfrom all exposed metal parts to any exposed metal part having areturn to chassis, must not exceed 0.5 mA (500 microampers.).Leakage current can be measured by any one of three methods.1.A commercial leakage tester, such as the Simpson 229 or RCAWT-540A. Follow the manufacturers instructions to use theseinstruments.2.A battery-operated AC milliammeter. The Data Precision 245digital multimeter is suitable for this job.3.Measuring the voltage drop across a resistor by means of aVOM or battery-operated AC voltmeter. The “limit” indica-tion is 0.75 V, so analog meters must have an accurate low-voltage scale. The Simpson 250 and Sanwa SH-63Trd are ex-amples of a passive VOM that is suitable. Nearly all batteryoperated digital multimeters that have a 2 V AC range are suit-able. (See Fig. A)Fig. A.Using an AC voltmeter to check AC leakage.1.5 k0.15 FACvoltmeter(0.75 V)To Exposed MetalParts on SetEarth GroundSECTION 1SERVICING NOTESThe laser diode in the optical pick-up block may suffer electro-static break-down because of the potential difference generatedby the charged electrostatic load, etc. on clothing and the humanbody.During repair, pay attention to electrostatic break-down and alsouse the procedure in the printed matter which is included in therepair parts.The flexible board is easily damaged and should be handled withcare.NOTES ON LASER DIODE EMISSION CHECKThe laser beam on this model is concentrated so as to be focusedon the disc reflective surface by the objective lens in the opticalpick-up block. Therefore, when checking the laser diode emis-sion, observe from more than 30 cm away from the objective lens.LASER DIODE AND FOCUS SEARCH OPERATIONCHECKCarry out the “S curve check” in ”CD section adjustment” andcheck that the S curve waveform is output repeatedly.NOTES ON HANDLING THE OPTICAL PICK-UPBLOCK OR BASE UNIT 4 CD-TEXT TEST DISCThis unit is able to display the test data (character information) written in the CD on its fluorescent indicator tube.The CD-TEXT TEST DISC (TGCS-313:4-989-366-01) is used for checking the display.To check, perform the following procedure.Checking Method:1. Turn ON the power, set the disc on the disc table with the side labeled as “test disc” as the right side, close the front cover, and chuck thedisc.2. Press the button and play back the disc.3. The following will be displayed on the fluorescent indicator tube.Display : 1kHz/0 dB/ L&R4. Press the and buttons to switch the track. The text data of each track will be displayed.For details of the displayed contents for each track, refer to “Table 1 : CD-TEXT TEST DISC TEXT Data Contents” and “Table 2 : CD-TEXT TEST DISC Recorded Contents and Display”.Restrictions in CD-TEXT DisplayIn this unit, some special characters will not be displayed properly. These will be displayed as a space or a character resembling it. Fordetails, refer to “Table 2 : CD-TEXT DISC Recorded Contents and Display”.Table 1 : CD-TEXT TEST DISC TEXT Data Contents (TRACKS No. 1 to 41:Normal Characters)11kHz/0dB/L&R221kHz/-90dB/L&R220Hz/0dB/L&R23Infinity Zero w/o emphasis/L&R340Hz/0dB/L&R24Infinity Zero with emphasis/L&R4100Hz/0dB/L&R25400Hz+7kHz(4:1)/0dB/L&R5200Hz/0dB/L&R26400Hz+7kHz(4:1)/-10dB/L&R6500Hz/0dB/L&R2719kHz+20kHz(1:1)/0dB/L&R71kHz/0dB/L&R2819kHz+20kHz(1:1)/-10dB/L&R85kHz/0dB/L&R29100Hz/0dB/L*97kHz/0dB/L&R301kHz/0dB/L*1010kHz/0dB/L&R3110kHz/0dB/L*1116kHz/0dB/L&R3220kHz/0dB/L*1218kHz/0dB/L&R33100Hz/0dB/R*1320kHz/0dB/L&R341kHz/0dB/R*141kHz/0dB/L&R3510kHz/0dB/R*151kHz/-1dB/L&R3620kHz/0dB/R*161kHz/-3dB/L&R37100Hz Squer Wave/L&R171kHz/-6dB/L&R381kHz Squer Wave/L&R181kHz/-10dB/L&R391kHz w/emphasis/-0.37dB/L&R191kHz/-20dB/L&R405kHz w/emphasis/-4.53dB/L&R201kHz/-60dB/L&R4116kHz w/emphasis/-9.04dB/L&R211kHz/-80dB/L&RTRACKNo.Displayed ContentsNOTE: The contents of Track No. 1 to 41 are the same as those of the current TEST DISC-their titles are displayed.TRACKNo.Displayed Contents 5 42! ” # $ %& (21h to 27h)1kHz 0dB L&RN All the same43( )+ , . /(28h to 2Fh)N All the same440 1 2 3 4 5 6 7(30h to 37Fh)N All the same458 9 : ; ?(38h to 3Fh)N All the same46A B C D E F G(40h to 47Fh)N All the same47H I J K L MNO(48h to 4Fh)N All the same48P QR S T U VW(50h to 57Fh)PQR S T U VW (50h to 57h)49X Y Z _(58h to 5Fh)XY Z _ (5850a b c d e f g(60h to 67Fh)a b c d e f g (60h to 67h)51h i j k l m n o(68h to 6Fh)N All the same52p q r s t u v w(70h to 77Fh)p q r s t u v w (70h to 77h)53x y z I (78h to 7Fh)x y z (7854i (A0h to A7h) 8859-1i (A0 is not displayed55C PR(A8h to AFh)(A8 C P R are not displayed5623 (B0h to B7h) (B0 2 3 are not displayed571(B8h to BFh) (B8 1 are not displayed58 (C0h to C7Fh) (C0h to C7h)59 (C8h to CFh)N All the same60D (D0h to D7Fh)D (D0h to D7h)61 Y(D8h to DFh) Y (D862 (E0h to E7h) (E0h to E7h)63 (E8h to EFh)N All the same64 (F0h to F7Fh) (F0h to F7h)65 y(F8h to FFFh) y (F8h to FFh)66No.66N All the same67No.67N All the sametototo99No.99N All the sameTable 2: CD-TEXT TEST DISC Recorded Contents and Display(In this unit, some special characters cannot be displayed. This is no a fault.)*TRACKNo.Recorded ContentsDisplay141234141234 6 SECTION 2GENERALLOCATION OF PARTS AND CONTROLSFront PanelPpSTANDBY1/uCONNUEGROU GROU 5SHUEGROU 2GROU 6ROG AMGROU 3GROU 7REAGROU 4GROU 8IMEEXGROU I ECH CKAMSO EN C OSECRIN UMEMO EARCHPUSH ENTERDISC/CHARACTER123456789!1 I/u (power switch) button2 CONTINUE button3 SHUFFLE button4 Display window5 PROGRAM button6 REPEAT button7 TIME/TEXT button8 Front cover9 MEMO SEARCH button! INPUT button! / buttons! JOG dial (DISC/CHARACTER/PUSH ENTER knob)! CHECK button! CLEAR button! p button! P button! button! (OPEN/CLOSE) button! GROUP FILE button GROUP 1 8 buttons 7 CASEFRONT PANEL SECTIONNote: Follow the disassembly procedure in the numerical order given.SECTION 3DISASSEMBLY3Remove the case to direction of arrow A.1five screws (case 3 TP2)1four screws (case 3 TP2)2 Open the case.A6Remove the door (CD) assy to direction of arrow A.1flat wire (CN501)4claw3five screws (BVTT3 6)5front panel section2four screws(BVTP3 8)4clawA 8 GUIDE ASSYREAR PANEL SECTION3three screws(BVTT3 6)4boss2screw(PSW3 6)5guide assy3three screws(BVTT3 6)1connector(CN503)5PC board holder1connector(CN505)8bracket1connector(CN904)2flat wire(CN502)3three connectors(CN504, 506, 507)4five screws(BVTT3 6)3four screws(PTTWH3 6)7four screws(BVTT3 6)6rear panel section 9 MECHANISM DECKBASE UNIT1 screw (BVTT3 8)2 fulcrum plate(BU upper) assy3 base unit2mechanism deck1three screws(BVTT3 8)1six screws(BVTT3 8) 10 ButtonButton Number or DisplayCLEAR3CHECK4 (AMS)5 (AMS)6PUSH ENTER7 (OPEN/CLOSE)9INPUT10MEMO SEARCH11I/u18TIME/TEXT19GROUP FILE20GROUP 821GROUP 722GROUP 623GROUP 524REPEAT27PROGRAM28SHUFFLE29CONTINUE30GROUP 431GROUP 332GROUP 233GROUP 134All lit (LED lit)PPartial lighting 1 (LED lit)pPartial lighting 2DISC/Partial lighting 3CHARACTER When the jog dial is rotated to the right, theGROUP LEDs light up in the order of 1 2.8 2nd 1. When the jog dial is rotated to the left, theGROUP LEDs light up in the order of 8 7.1 2nd 8.SECTION 4TEST MODEDISPLAY CHECK MODEWith the power turned off (standby state), press the I/u buttonwhile pressing the P (pause) button.All FL segments and grids light up together with the (play),P (pause), and standby LEDs.At the same time, the GROUP LEDs are scanned one by one.Note: To exit this mode, press the p (stop) button.ADJ MODE1.Turn ON the power of the unit, set disc to disc table, and per-form chucking.2.Disconnect the power supply plug from the outlet.3.To set ADJ mode, connect the test point (TP: ADJ) of the MAINboard to Ground, and connect the power supply plug to theoutlet.The power will turn on automatically, and the first track will beplayed.In this mode, table rotation and loading operations are not per-formed because it is taken that the disc has already been chucked.Note: The same operations are also performed in the following when thetest point (TP: ADJ) is connected to Ground after turning on thepower. Direct search (movement of sledding motor) is not performedduring accessing Ignored even when GFS becomes L Ignored even when the Q data cannot be read Focus gain does not decrease Spindle gain does not decrease Servo related settings can be set manually and checked (Referto ADJ Mode Special Functions Table)ADJ Mode Special Functions Table(The buttons shown with ( ) function by using the sup-plied remote commander only)KEY AND FLUORESCENT DISPLAY TUBE CHECKMODE1.Connect the test point (TP:AFADJ) of the MAIN board to theGround, and insert the power plug to the outlet to set this mode.First, the external SRAM is checked, and if abnormal, “SRAMNG” is displayed.If OK, the following steps are performed.* Fluorescent Display Tube Check ModeThe whole fluorescent display tube lights up when the con-nection in step 1 is made.* Key Check ModeThis mode is set when a button is pressed after the wholefluorescent display tube lights.All buttons have a button number.When a button is pressed, the counter display is counted up,and the number of that button is displayed.However, the counter display will only count up to 26, butthe number of buttons pressed will always be displayed.*OCounter displayButton number displayButtons and Corresponding Button NumbersButtonButton Number or DisplayCONTINUEServo average displayDisplays VC, FE, RF, TE and traverse in hexadecimalnumbersSHUFFLEFocus bias displayEach time this is pressed, the focus bias is switchedbetween 1 and 21Bias actually setOptimum biasMinimum jitter2U:Upper aliasing biasL:Lower aliasing biasPROGRAMAuto gain displayDisplays focus, tracking, sledding in hexadecimalnumbersGROUP 1 (1)Increases the focus bias in 8 steps.GROUP 2 (2)Sets the focus bias in the middle of aliasing.GROUP 3 (3)Turns off the tracking and sledding servoGROUP 4 (4)Returns the auto gain to the initial value (30)GROUP 5 (5)Turns off the focus servoGROUP 6 (6)Decreases the focus bias in 8 steps.GROUP 7 (7)Re-adjusts the focus biasGROUP 8 (8)Turns on the tracking and sledding servo(9)Switches the focus servo gain between normal and downFG. norm: normal, FG. down: down(10/0)Sets the focus bias to 0 (no bias)Next, displays the jitter measured at the focus bias setCHECKS-curve observation modeCLEARAutomatic eccentric measurementThe results of measurement is displayed in mm directly. 11 Partial lighting 1Partial lighting 2Partial lighting 3Test Points Location:AGING MODE Mode which repeatedly changes and plays back discs automati-cally in the unit. It will repeat aging as long as n


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