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    Sony-CDPC245-cd-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

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    Sony-CDPC245-cd-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

    RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库CDPC245 Subject DISC TABLE ROTATES SLOWLY - REPLACED ROTARY GEAR SYMPTOMS Disc table rotates slowly. RESOLUTION Replaced rotary gear B, operation restored to normal. 495728401 #66 GEAR, ROTARY B CDPC245 Subject DISC TABLE WONT STOP - REPLACED M801 SYMPTOMS Disc table rotates continuously and cd player wont detect discs. Replaced flex cable and checked D801 sensor, player is still doing same thing. RESOLUTION Replaced Table motor assy and player restored normal operation. Repaired two units, CDPC245/CDPC345 with replacing M801. A4660322A M801 MOTOR, TABLE CDPC245 Subject DISK SKIPS INT. - REPL GEAR REF 66 SYMPTOMS Table would try to move and then would stop. found gear ref# 66 had teeth bent or worn. RESOLUTION Replaced gear ref. 66. 495728401 66 GEAR LOTARY B CDPC245 Subject HUMMING NOISE FROM MACHINE - ADD WEIGHT(S) TO BU ASSY SYMPTOMS As per SBHFP0381, stated to add weight and screw to optic to eliminate noise. Works for some but not all. Noise originated from spindle motor assy X49175233. Hot glued to 2 weights 496297901 to left hand rear side of BU assy I cannot determine if this is a permanent fix or not, but it did eliminate the noise. Need to see if it affects skipping or if weights fall off. RESOLUTION As per our phone conversation, there has been some feedback that this weight mod doesnt work in all cases. As long as your solution stopped the noise and ultimately satisfied the customer I cant see a problem using the weights in this way. 496297901 N/A COUNTERWEIGHTS CDPC245 Subject INTERMITTENTLY DOES NOT RECOGNIZE DISCS SYMPTOMS Intermittently, unit will not recognize disc. Occurs in shuffle mode or checking discs. Unit will load and chuck discs w/o problem. No problem with alignment as describe in SB CSA13/#390. Turntable appears to rotate a bit too fast. Logic from disc sensor and photo interrupter is counting teeth for position information looks good. Turntable rotating too fast for CPU to recognize data, slowing turntable down by changing value of R458 to750 ohm and R459 to 1K each resolves problem. This changes reference voltage at IC451. RESOLUTION P/N for the 750 ohm resistor is 1-247-128-00. The P/N for the 1K ohm resistor is 1-249-417-11. CDPC245 Subject KSS240 BD BOARD, WRONG # SYMPTOMS When this board is ordered A4649433A to compliment the KSS240 optic it is the wrong board for this unit. There is no IC102 on the A side of the board. There is a totally different CN101 connector. Can you please explain why/send the correct board # RESOLUTION This is parts issue, I will forward this report to KCP. 4/4/95 - I have forwarded the two boards sent to me by G. Smith. I will wait for KCPs response. 6/14/95 - According to WRPC the correct P/N for the BD board would be A4649890A. KCP checked against the samples that were sent and the new lot of boards are the correct type. A4649433A 152 COMPLETE BOARD CDPC245 Subject NO AUDIO SYMPTOMS Had no audio output on either channel. Found input to line amp Ic501 only showing a small sawtooth wave in. RESOLUTION Resolder D/A converter IC103. 875235545 IC103 D/A CONVERTER CDPC245 Subject NO OPEN/MECH NOISE - CD MECH STUCK AGAINST TABLE SYMPTOMS Unit open and makes mech. moise. After opening case found CD mech stuck with table B. RESOLUTION After free mech away from table B. 492638301 52 TABLE B DISK CDPC245 Subject TRAY MOTOR SPINNING BACKWARDS - REPLACE TABLE MOTOR SYMPTOMS Ran into this problem 5 times in past 3 weeks. Removed tray motor. Old motor is installed with lable on motor facing up. If new motor is installed with label facing up, motor and tray will spin backwards. If the tray is spinning in the wrong direction the unit will not play the correct disc. Ex: if disc 5 is requested disc 2 may be played. RESOLUTION When replacing this motor, I installed it with label facing down so it spins the correct way. Replaced motor because of tray hitting the BU mech. Tried resistor mod but it did not work. If the mod doesnt work, tray motor will usually fix the problem. A4660322A M801 DISC TABLE MOTOR CDPC345 Subject BU MECH POPPING OUT OF CAM GEAR IN THE UP POSITION SYMPTOMS BU mech came out of cam gear in the up position causing the door not to open and unit to jam up. RESOLUTION As per Tech Dept saying this doesnt happen, here is a record of one happening. This unit WO# WH125136 is a dealer stock unit (Graffiti). Is it possible this unit was factory shipped with the BU mech in the down position, the BU popped out due to shipping in this position, the unit was sold with the mech already out of the U/D gear. The customer brought the unit home, tried it (plugged it in tried to play a disc), the gears rotated, the unit was returned - you got the unit with the BU up? CDPC345 Subject INCOMPLETE TURNTABLE MOVEMENT - SHAFT OF GEAR, REF#66, BENT SYMPTOMS After replacing IC401, R457, R458, R459 per SVC Bulletin, CSA13, the disc turntable still moved irregularly, demonstrated jerking movement. RESOLUTION The motor under the turntable used to drive the wormgear and gear (#61 X4943-479-1 and #66 4-957-284-01). The shaft of the gear #66 is bent too close to the wormgear. This bent shaft made the gear (#66) too tight to move regularly. Re-positioned gear shaft of #66 gear restored free movement and regular operations. 495728401 66 GEAR CDPC345 Subject NO PART # FOR FRONT FOOT - P/N IS X49445291 SYMPTOMS There is no part number for the front foot of the CDPC345. Part X49435101 is (CDPC235) the front panel assy which appears to come with the front foot. If we order X49435101 we get the front panel for the CDPC235. There is not part # for the front panel of the CDPC 345. RESOLUTION We have contacted KCP for information on the availability of a part number and parts. The part number for the CDPC345 front panel assy is X49445291. Currently, there are seven pcs. avail. CDPC345 Subject CD DRAWER TAKES MINUTES TO OPEN - REPLACED IC451 SYMPTOMS Drawer took several minutes to open. Found drawer would spin endlessly. RESOLUTION Unit had many problems. IC451 constantly outputting over 1 volt at pin 5/6. Replaced IC451 unit returned to normal. Normal operating voltages at pin 5 and pin 6 are 0.3 and 0.1 VDC, respectively. 875917231 IC451 BA6191 CDPC345 Subject CLICKING & KNOCKING WHEN CHANGING CDS - REPL BRACKET ASSY SYMPTOMS As the cam gear turns and brings the bu bracket up a knock is heard. This knock causes the CD not to be chucked properly it will load the CD off center and jam up. The knock or clicking also causes the bu holder to bounce into position. RESOLUTION Replace the bracket gear assy. The knocking is coming from the main gear and the ud gear cam gear ref 119 where these two gears mesh together as the bu bracket is coming up. The problem discovered is that diatance between these two gears is too wide, this will cause it to knock the new bracket. The distance between the two posts appears to be too wide. The replacement part holds the gears slightly closer. X49434781 114 BRACKET GEAR ASSY HOWLING MECHANICAL NOISE COMING FROM INSIDE UNIT - HFP#381 SYMPTOMS Loud howling noise heard from inside unit. but only on certain cds and only on some tracks of those cds. If you press lightly on spindle motor while it is turning the noise will increase. RESOLUTION Replaced defective spindle motor/ chassis assy to correct problem. This problem has been noted in some earlier models also. Please try S/B HFP #381, it should work on all models using the KSS240A (or 390) FOP. This fix is for this whining noise problem. X49175233 M102 SPINDLE MOTOR ASSY CDPC345 Subject PLAYS ONLY 10 SECONDS OF ANY DISK - RESOLDERED SLED MOTOR SYMPTOMS Sled motor wont play past 10 seconds. RESOLUTION Sled motor neg. terminal breaks away from feed through to other side - resolder, unit works. A4649610A 157 BD BOARD CDPC345 Subject TIMING APPEARS TO BE A PROBLEM - RESOLDERED MAIN BOARD SYMPTOMS The unit acts very erratic, i.e. the drawer opens fast or slow, timing seems off, but when done by hand (unpowered) timing is ok. RESOLUTION By inspecting the main board I saw a couple of solder spots that were missed or just slightly soldered. Resoldering cured problem. CDPC345 Subject TRAY MOTOR NOT LABELED OR WIRED CORRECTLY SYMPTOMS After replacing the tray motor with a new one the player would not work correctly, the tray would rotate back and forth and not recognize the cd in the unit. RESOLUTION Checking the old motor found, it mounted in the unit with the lable facing up and the positive terminal on the left, this turns counterclockwise. I installed the new motor the same way and it did not work. The new motor installed with label down worked correctly. I checked the samples sent to the Tech dept. Youre correct the new motor does spin in the opposite direction of the original motor. I have notified KC parts to check stock and take corrective action. A4660322A M801 TRAY TABLE MOTOR CDPC345 Subject TRAY MOTOR SPINNING BACKWARDS - REPLACE TABLE MOTOR SYMPTOMS Ran into this problem 5 times in past 3 weeks. Removed tray motor. Old motor is installed with lable on motor facing up. If new motor is installed with lable facing up, motor will spin backwards and tray will not function properly. RESOLUTION When replacing this motor, I installed it with lable facing down so it spins the correct way. Replaced motor because of tray hitting the BU mech. Tried resistor mod but it did not work. If the mod doesnt work, tray motor will usually fix the problem. A4660322A M801 DISC TABLE MOTOR CDPC345 Subject WHISTLING NOISE - ADD RTV BTWN SPINDLE MOTOR & BD BOARD SYMPTOMS A whistling noise (about 400HZ) manifests itself on certain cuts of disc (Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Elton John, Polydor D103076). If you touch the optical block lightly, the noise disappears. RESOLUTION Remove the spindle motor from the BD board. Add a layer of silicone sealer (RTV) between the spindle motor and BD Board. Re-install the spindle motor, take care not to allow the base of the spindle motor to contact, or directly lay on the BD board during reassembly. Adding the RTV silicone compound between the motor and BD board isolates the two parts. There is no vibration transfer from the motor and spinning disc, therefore, the whistling noise stops. 732206519 RTV SILICONE COMPOUND CDPC345 Subject WHISTLING NOISE SYMPTOMS Re: Vistains complaint of whistling noise with this unit. RESOLUTION Better solution increase the tension of the spring holding the BU assy to its mount. This will also eliminate the whistling noise. This solution holds true for all cd mechs and is on file under another model number but I dont remember which one.


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