LG-2300N-cd-sch 维修电路原理图.pdf
NOTES) WarningNOTES) Parts that are shaded are criticalNOTES) With respect to risk of fire orNOTES) electricial shock.3-183-19CIRCUIT DIAGRAM1. POWER(SMPS) CIRCUIT DIAGRAMIMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICEWHEN SERVICING THIS CHASSIS, UNDER NO CIR-CUMSTANCES SHOULD THE ORIGINAL DESIGN BEMODIFIED OR ALTETED WITHOUT PERMISSIONFROM THE ZENITH ELECTRONICS CORPORATIONALL COMPONENTS SHOULD BE REPLACED ONLYWITH TYPES IDENTICAL TO THOSE IN THE ORIGI-NAL CIRCUIT SPECIAL COMPONTS ARE SHADED ONTHE SCHEMATIC FOR EASY IDENTIFICATION.THIS CIRCUIT DIAGRAM MAY OCCASIONALLY DIF-FER FROM THE ACTUAL CIRCUIT USED. THIS WAY,IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LATEST SAFETY ANDPERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT CHANGES INTOTHE SET IS NOT DELAYED UNTILTHE NEW SERVICELITERATURE IS PRINTED.NOTE : 1. Shaded( ) parts are critical for safety. Replace only with specified part number.2. Voltages are DC-measured with a digital voltmeterduring Play mode.IC903 PIN3 (AC110V, PLAY)IC901 PIN3 (AC110V, STAND-BY)IC902 is defective.8V Power Line dead.Q908, R928, D913 and Q909 are defective.5V Power Line dead.Q901 and Q902 are defective.FLD(+), FLD(-) are dead.Q903, Q904 are defective.Power control is abnormal.IC901 is defective.Power dead.C927, R918, R922 and IC905 are defective.Power dead.RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库3-203-21RF/TE/FE SignalgenerationDRAMDigital Servo DSP/ CD DecoderAD Ref.Voltage GenTZC Mirr. Generator3.3V RegulatorSpindle LowPass FilterT.EF.ER.FTRACKING LOOPFOCUS LOOPSPINDLE LOOP SLED LOOPQ202 is defective.DVD LD will not be on.Q203 is defectiveCD LD will not be onIC403 is defectiveNo Spindle Full SpeedIC219 is defectiveServo will not operateIC204 is defectivebeing slipped during search.IC209 is defectiveAD Converter Error2. RF & DVD DSP CIRCUIT DIAGRAMRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库3-223-233. DRIVE CIRCUIT DIAGRAMSPINDLETRACKINGDOORFOCUSSLIEDMOTOR DRIVESPINDLE3-243-254. MPEG & ENCODER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM3.3V Reg.No power onNo power onNo power onNo Audio(check clock)No 5.1CH AudioNo 2CH AudioAudio signal doesnt appearNo screenNo power onNo power onNo power on-com-MPEG addressThe screen is distorted(DVD)Over 3V-Data error. GND:OKNo VCD screen display(option).No CD sound out.Over 3V-Data error. GND:OK(CD/VCD option)No power on-com-MPEG command dataNo power onover 3V: normalNo power onCheck 89MHzNo Pb outputNo Pr outputNo Y outputNo composite video outputNo Luminance output in Y/C VideoNo Chrominanceoutput in Y/C VideoVideo Mute doesnt operate in power on/offVIDEO ENCODERVIDEO ENCODERROMMPEG2 DECODER16M SDRAM16M SDRAMVIDEO1234576891011121314151617181920212223242526CLOCKNo DVD screen display3-283-295. AUDIO CIRCUIT DIAGRAMAUDIO 2CH R OUTAUDIO 2CH L OUT AUDIO 5.1 CH FR / RR OUTAUDIO 5.1CH CENTER OUTAUDIO 5.1CH WOOFER OUTAUDIO DIGITAL DATA INPUTCLOCKDIGITAL DATA OUTAUDIO 5.1 CH FL / RL OUTAUDIO DACAUDIO DACAUDIO DACADCAUDIO DACOPTIONOPTIONIC712, 713 are defectiveAudio badQ601 is defective5.1CH FL/FR Audio out badIC604 is defective5.1CH FL/FR Audio out badIC705,706,707 are defectiveAudio POP noise or 2CH Audio out badQ703,704 are defectiveHeadphone output badIC602 is defective5.1CH RL/RR Audio out badIC605 is defective5.1CH RL/RR Audio out badIC708 is defectiveMic input badIC710,711 are defectiveDigital Data out badIC709, 702 are defectiveAudio pop noise or Audio output badIC607,608,609,610,611,612 are defectiveAudio pop noise or 5.1CH Audio out badIC606 is defective5.1CH woofer/center Audio out badIC603 is defective5.1CH woofer/center Audio out badIC703 is defective2CH Audio out badIC601 is defective5.1CH FL/FR Audio out badIC704 is defective2CH Audio out badQ705 is defective2CH Audio out bad3-303-316. -COM/EXPANDER CIRCUIT DIAGRAMFLASH ROMMAIN CPUSDRAMEXPANDEREEPROM MUXBCA DECODERAT49F8192A-90TC/AM29F800BBGM71C4260CJ60R197 OPENOPTION(DIVX)Audio output is unstableServo will not operateX101; No Power onVideo output level is unstableOPEN, Close ErrorServo will not operateD00:15 ; FLD ErrorA00:21 ;FLD Error3-323-337. FRONT(TIMER) & KEY CIRCUIT DIAGRAMFRONT CONTROLOPEN/CLOSEPOWERRemoconReceiverRESETENTER4 Direction S/WSFUTTLESW509 is defectiveDirection Key is defectJS500 is defectiveSCAN +/- wll not operateIC501 is defectiveReset ErrorRE500 is defectiveR/C receiver ErrorDIG501 is defectiveFLD is distortedQ500 is defectiveLED will not operate3-343-358. JACK CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS VIDEO (C)AUDIO (L)AUDIO (R)OPTICALCOMP.VIDEOS VIDEO (Y)EXT/DVD cant be changed16:9 cant be changedScart Mode cant be changedIC903 Pin 3PLAY(AC110V)3-263-27WAVEFORMIC901 Pin 3STAND-BY(AC110V)(POWER)(VIDEO ENCODER)(RF/SERVO)IC201 Pin 21, Focus ErrorIC201 Pin 19, SBADDIC201 Pin 20Tracking ErrorTek Stop : 1 00kS/s3290 AcqsM 500sCH1 280/mVRecordLength Fit to ScreenOFFTime BaseMainTriggerPosition50%HorizScale(/div)HorizPos FastFrameSetupmore1 of 33Ch31.00V T T RecordLength2500T2500points in50divs1000points in20divs500points in10divsIC800 Pin 28 35 , MPEG DataIC801 Pin 13 16 , 19 22 , MPEG DataIC800 Pin 10, CompositeIC801 Pin 57, CompositeIC800 Pin 12, ChrominanceIC801 Pin 58, ChrominanceTek Stop : 2.50MS/s4 AcqsM20.0s2 Apr 199914:47:27GlitchCh1Ch3500mVT T3IC800 Pin 13, LuminanceIC801 Pin 59, LuminanceIC800 Pin 40, 41 SDA/SCLIC801 Pin 75, 76 SDA/SCLTek Stop : 1 00kS/s3290 AcqsM 500sCH1 280/mVEdge SlopeType SourceCh1CouplingDCLevel280mVMode&Holdoff3Ch31.00V T T SlopeTIC800 Pin 43, MPEG Clock(27MHz)IC801 Pin 71, MPEG Clock(27MHz)Tek Stop : 10.0kS/s13 AcqsM 5 .00msCH1 280/mVEdge SlopeType SourceCh1CouplingDCLevel280mVMode&Holdoff3Ch31.00V T SlopeTIC800 Pin 49, Vertical SYNCIC801 Pin 24, Vertical SYNCTek Stop : 2.50MS/s7 AcqsM 20.0sCH1 280/mVEdge SlopeType SourceCh1CouplingDCLevel280mVMode&Holdoff3Ch31.00V T SlopeTIC800 Pin 50 Horizontal SYNCIC801 Pin 59 Horizontal SYNCIC801 Pin 42 Component PbIC801 Pin 43 Component PrIC801 Pin 44 Component YIC201 Pin 20VBR TRACKING ErrorIC201 Pin 28,RFIC206 Pin 88, SLED Drive(FMO)IC202 Pin 18, SLED FGIC201 Pin 21, Focus Error(in Focus Search)IC206 Pin 83, Focus Drive(FDO)