Philips-AZ300-cd-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf
Version 1.2 3141 785 36912Compact design MP3-CD Black CD SoundmachinePublished by LZ 1139 Subject to modificationCopyright 2011 Philips Consumer Electronics B.V. Eindhoven, The NetherlandsAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievalsystem or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,or otherwise without the prior permission of Philips.CONTENTSBlock diagram.3-1Wiring diagram .3-2Circuit Diagram Layout diagram MAIN BOARD Layout.5-1 5-2Technical Specification.1-1.1-7Safety Instruction.2-2AZ300/55/78KEY Layout.5-3Explode Drawing.6-1Version Variation.2-1Main + KEY board.4-1Main board.4-2AZ300X/78RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION1-1IIIxVersionRefer to /05UK/12Europe /55 latum/79Australian /98 Asia Pacific /77 /78For operation and thermal stability test :220/230/240Vac setting : 198Vac to 264Vac120Vac setting : 99Vac to 140Vacdual voltage ac setting (120Vac / 230Vac) : 99Vac to 140Vac and 196Vac to 264VacREMARKS:37 120VAC/60HZ+/-10%120/230VAC50/60HZ+/-15%120/230VAC50/60HZ+/-15%Refer to versionchart230VAC50HZ+/-15%Refer to versionh120/230VAC50/60HZ+/-15%Refer to versionh230VAC50HZ+/-10%Refer to versionchart230VAC50HZ+/-10%Measured according to: R 3% (CE52)DERIVED VERSIONS: APPROBATIONAC Voltage/ Frequency on type plateSafety Power off mode:?5W typ. 3 W (power off mode)Standby:0nW (power off mode)Maximum: 15 WMaximum:General:Q and R according to production division rules : Q 1% (Major), Q 50kHzRF ? 1V/mRF ? ?26 to 1mVN/A218kHZ? 3kHzFrequency drift vs temp.15KHZ/?C10KHZ/?C15KHZ/?CFrequency drift vs temp.-10?C to 10?C10?C to 30?C30? to 50?C0.7 / 1000 * operating frequencyggggIF45KHZ? 3kHzIF-1.2+/- 1.5MHz1415.5 dBuVSelectivityIF rejectionbandwidthB+Switching on 6dBwave rangeSensitivity for 50mWnoise limited sensitivityImage Dial calibration57%Dial calibration Stereo On point (Pilot deviation : 6kHz)15KHZ/?C30? to 50?CS9/300kHznom.215521lim.195019nom.3528213li2824162 572?MW683dBFM19gy(26dB)rejectionlim.2824162.5?V/mdBfdBdBdBkHzunit?V?V/mdB?72MW?dBdBdBkHzunit?V?dB?1-4TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONLoudspeaker 2 X 1 W, 8ohmGENERAL part:Hd htNPassive componentsTECHNICAL description:Power supplyTone ControlAF-AmplifierActive components?D8227INDICATORS:Odi iPower stage protectionAC NO; DC - NO; Temperature YES; Short circuit NOPublic addressNoHeadphone typeNoneLoudspeaker filter, high passNoneLoudspeaker filter, low passNoneMechanical noise (ISO 1996)ELECTRICAL DATA:TONE/EQUALIZER/DBBBalance controlNoOutput power or VU-meterNo : digits:Frequency responseNo : digits:Low power (battery)No500mV mVInput sens.: Nom.Channel difference at 50mWHum(vol.max.-20dB to vol.min.)Limit:200nWResidual noise (volume minimum)Limit:260nW()Noise overall (ISO) mV mV mVMusic power (MPO) / Peak-MPO (PMPO): (acc. to DIN45324)OUTPUT POWER:Mains operation: D=10% 2 X 1W Limit: - 1dBBattery operation: D=10% 2 X 1W Limit: - 1dBLine outp.: Nom.voltage Limit:for 50mW Limit:Bandwidth DIN 3dB at:-(acc. to IEC 60268-15)Frequency response at Vol. max 20dB:typ. 60Hz to 16kHz (?3dB)Headphone output voltage/power:Bandwidth FTC 1dB at:n.a.(acc. to FTC/16/1/D/432)Music power (MPO) / Peak MPO (PMPO):(acc. to DIN45324)Short term maximum output power:-(acc. to IEC 60268-15)Long term maximum output power:-(acc. to IEC 60268-15)High pass crossover frequency:- kHz tolerance: HzShort term maximum output power:- W (acc. to IEC 60268-15) DBB raise level Disc SBC429 Track 12LOUDSPEAKER (output):Low pass crossover frequency:- kHz tolerance: HzFrequency response at Vol. max20dB:typ. 60Hz to 16kHz (?3dB)Frequency response at: - Hz kHzREMARKS:27 : Measured in Tuner mode; 28: CD or LINE IN mode.pp()Long term maximum output power:- W (acc. to IEC 60268-15)TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION1-5Logiccontrol1ActivecomponentsTC94A77FG-2032Passivecomponents3Servoprocessor4Passivecomponents6789Wedge10Eccentric11Fingerprint12Black dot13Doubleblack dot14Skew 0.6 deg, 8cm15Bad HF track16Heavyfingerprint17Maximumdiameter18Thick disc19Thindisc20Playbackposition2223? Z axis24? X or Y axis25Shock resistance: (acc. to AR 13-A6-CD-068)5 G5 G21Horizontal, Normal position (Set is located on a flat surface, floor)- Playback of above mentioned tracks possible without track loss or audible defects.- This unit can playback CD-R or CD-RW discs. No failureThin test discVerticaldeviationdiscNo failure TNO 1,16 of ABEX TCD-732RA (VDD +/- 0.5mm)No audio effectLast TNO of Subchassis 8ANo failureThick test discNo audible defectTNO 8 of Subchassis 8A No track jumps/plopsTNO 10 of Subchassis 8A No failureTNO 9 of Subchassis 8ANo audible defectTNO 1,6 of 0.6deg C, 8cm skew discNo audible defectTNO 11of Subchassis 8A500 ?m600 ?mTNO 13, 14 of SBC 444A (7104 099 24990)600 ?m900 ?mTNO 7,9 of SBC 444A (7104 099 24990)150 ?m200 ?mTNO 1,24 of 200?m disc (7104 099 24960)Indicators/Display/Keys:Display: LCD for Track No. display 3 Digit Keys: Slide switches & tact switchesPlayability: (acc. to AHR-82-Gbu-00-4201)LimitTypical TestdiscD9258PH5Activecomponents CD:TC94A77FG-203CD:TC94A77FG-203Signal processingD/A converterHF-preamplifierTechnical description:InputOutputMotor/control2-1Mode:Play/Pause26Mode: Jump (Next)27Output level (TNO1)28SNR unwtd.29SNR wtd. dBA30Crosstalk(1kHz)TNO 67, 71Crosstalk(other range)TNO 66 73 (16 TO 16KhZ)FrequencyresponseVol.max.20dB(DBB on)THD(1kHz,0 dB)35THD(overallfrequencyresponserange, 0dB)36Channeldifference37Frequencyaccuracy38De-emphasis3940-+/-0.5 % Hum Volme Min 1.8MV75?s / 50?s Switchable via Subcode informationREMARKS:-Amplification reserve for CD = +2dB (?2dB); Ref. Level for CD is a 1kHz, -6dB (Audio signal disc 1, track 35)341%1.50%2%3%0.5 dB2 dBResidual Noise Volme Min 1.8MV -1.5dB -1dB?3dB at 80Hz?3dB at 12.5kHz33Frequencyresponse at DBB off(+/- 3dB)80Hz12.5k100 Hz10 kHz62 dBA57 dBA35 dB30 dB3135 dB30 dB 32Typ.Limit2.85V60 dB50 dB45 dBA max.Acoustic feedback:Acoustical feedback is not allowed. Test disc TNO 2,6,11,18,19,20 of SBC444 , 10% THD o/p , DBB onAUDIO part: (Measured with Audio Signals Disc-1, 7104 078 04911 on Speakers or Headphone socket with nom. load)Acoustical noise:35 dBA max. (45 dbA in Search mode) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONTECHNICAL SPECIFICATION( A )( N )( B )( O )( G )( P )( K )( Q )( L )( R )( M )( S )High reflected CD-RWMP3CD-M400-1.0ABurn-in SBC 442MP3CD-MX-1.0B Mixed Mode CDPrinted CD-RWMP3CD-XA-1.0B CD ExtraLow reflect CD-RWMP3CD1.0D Audio signal disc 1MP3CD-1.0B Multi-PurposeSBC444AMP3CD-MS-1.0B Multi-SessionCD-RW /MP3 Test discs :( M )( S )( T )condition(test disc)1“K” TNO 182“K” 13, 17um400FingerprintNo audible disturbanceBlack dot800CD-RW playabilityDescriptionNoramllimitHigh reflected CD RWMP3CD M400 1.0AMP3CD-Multiformat-1.0B,3“L”4“M”1Html file of “N”File format checkFile in non supported formats are skipped.High reflectionStartupMP3 playability : See specification on CD-DAMP3 - Data-format-checkRemark :support ISO-9660, Joliet format and UDF 1.0 & 2.0Low reflectionNo audible disturbanceN2“N”4“O”No audible disturbanceM l iiAll i libldibl dibSample rate checkNo audible disturbance3Bitrate check32,40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 250, 320kbps, VBR (variable bit rate)“N”4“O”5“N”67“N”“Q”Remark : selectable8CD-Extra (1 audio seesion + 1 digitalsession)No audible disturbance.Iso9660All titles accessible, no audible disturbancePlaylist m3uNot supportedId3 checkNot supportedMultissessionAll titles accessible, no audible disturbanceby mode button9“R”10“P”1112WMA-playbacksupportedDirect CDNo audible disturbanceMixed CD No audible disturbanceAAC-playbackNot supported13Max. titles / directoriesAll titles accessible, no audible disturbance.“S”max. 350 titles and directories, avg. length of filename/foldername is 20 characters1-7VERSION VARIATION2 - 1Type /Versions:FeaturesBoard in used:AZ300(X)Service policyMain BOARD* TIPS : C - Component Lever Repair.M - Module Lever Repair- Used/55Feature diffrenceRDSVOLTAGE SELECTORECO STANDBY - DARKType /Versions:AZ300(X)/55KEY BOARDM+CM+C/78M+CM+C/782.0 SAFTETY INSTRUCTIONSGBWARNINGAll ICs and many other semi-conductors aresusceptible to electrostatic discharges (ESD).Careless handling during repair can reduce lifedrastically.When repairing, make sure that you areconnected with the same potential as the massof the set via a wrist wrap with resistance.Keep components and tools also at thispotential.FATTENTIONTous les IC et beaucoup dautressemi-conducteurs sont sensibles auxdcharges statiques (ESD).Leur longvit pourrait tre considrablementcourte par le fait quaucune prcaution nestprise leur manipulation.Lors de rparations, sassurer de bien tre reliau mme potentiel que la masse de lappareil etenfiler le bracelet serti dune rsistance descurit.Veiller ce que les composants ainsi que lesoutils que lon utilise soient galement cepotentiel. ESDDWARNUNGAlle ICs und viele andere Halbleiter sindempfindlich gegenber elektrostatischenEntladungen (ESD).Unsorgfltige Behandlung im Reparaturfall kandie Lebensdauer drastisch reduzieren.Veranlassen Sie, dass Sie im Reparaturfall berein Pulsarmband mit Widerstand verbundensind mit dem gleichen Potential wie die Massedes Gertes.Bauteile und Hilfsmittel auch auf dieses gleichePotential halten.NLWAARSCHUWINGAlle ICs en vele andere halfgeleiders zijngevoelig voor electrostatische ontladingen(ESD).Onzorgvuldig behandelen tijdens reparatie kande levensduur drastisch doen verminderen.Zorg ervoor dat u tijdens reparatie via eenpolsband met weerstand verbonden bent methetzelfde potentiaal als de massa van hetapparaat.Houd componenten en hulpmiddelen ook opditzelfde potentiaal.IAVVERTIMENTOTutti IC e parecchi semi-conduttori sonosensibili alle scariche statiche (ESD).La loro longevit potrebbe essere fortementeridatta in caso di non osservazione della pigrande cauzione alla loro manipolazione.Durante le riparazioni occorre quindi esserecollegato allo stesso potenziale che quello dellamassa dellapparecchio tramite un braccialettoa resistenza.Assicurarsi che i componenti e anche gli utensilicon quali si lavora siano anche a questopotenziale.“Pour votre scurit, ces documentsdoivent tre utiliss par des spcia-listes agrs, seuls habilits rparervotre appareil en panne”.GBSafety regulations require that the set be restored to its originalcondition and that parts which are identical with those specified,be used.NLVeiligheidsbepalingen vereisen, dat het apparaat bij reparatie inzijn oorspronkelijke toestand wordt teruggebracht en dat onderdelen,identiek aan de gespecificeerde, worden toegepast.FLes normes de scurit exigent que lappareil soit remis ltatdorigine et que soient utiliss les pices de rechange identiques celles spcifies.DBei jeder Reparatur sind die geltenden Sicherheitsvorschriften zubeachten. Der Original zustand des Gerts darf nicht verndert werden;fr Reparaturen sind Original-Ersatzteile zu verwenden.I Le norme di sicurezza esigono che lapparecchio venga rimessonelle condizioni originali e che siano utilizzati i pezzi di ricambioidentici a quelli specificati.After servicing and before returning set to customer perform aleakage current measurement test from all exposed metal parts toearth ground to assure no shock hazard exist. The leakage currentmust not exceed 0.5mA.CLASS 1LASER PRODUCT3122 110 03420GBWarning !Invisible laser radiation when open.Avoid direct exposure to beam.SVarning !Osynlig laserstrlning nr apparaten r ppnad och sprrenr urkopplad. Betrakta ej strlen.SFVaroitus !Avatussa laitteessa ja suojalukituksen ohitettaessa olet alttiinankymttmlle laseristeilylle. l katso steeseen!DKAdvarse !Usynlig laserstrling ved bning nr sikkerhedsafbrydere erude af funktion. Undg udsaettelse for strling.Caution: These servicing instructions are for use by qualified service personnel only. To reduce the risk of electric shock do not perform any servicing other than that contained in the operating instructions unless you are qualified to do so.2-2SET BLOCK DIAGRAM3 - 13 - 1WIRE CONNECT DIAGRAM3-23-24 - 14 - 1CIRCUIT DIAGRAM -MAIN + KEY BOARD PART13.3V2.45V1.9V1.35V0VVoltLCD 16k EEPROMLCD 32k EEPROMLED 32k EEPROMPin 6Mode: Pin 7LED 16k EEPROMSlaveSony KSS-213CLRichly R801Sanyo DA11VFSony KSS-900AAA0V1.2V2V3.3VR8R17Open15k27k15k10k15k10kOpenPUH SELVoltPull DownPull UpPull DownPull UpPin 40Pin 32USB DisableUSB EnableSD DisableSD Enable8. Add R49 2.2k ohm7. Add R20 10k ohm6. Change R18 to open, R19 to 10k5. R123 change to 8.2k ohm4. Add R10: 4.7k ohm3. Pin 7 LCD/LED/Slave/Standalone SEL2. Pin 8 add USB power control1. R16 change to 91PLAY/PAUSESTOPDOWN/FRUP/FFFD- UPFD- DOWNPLAY MODePROGSlave/Standalone SELPUH SELLCD/LED SELAs near as possibleAs near as possibleAs near as possibleAs near as possibleCLOSEOPENSYNC-RECC2xx uses condensor typeJumper to connect Power GND (NET5)DVSS(GND) for DAC patternSLT-SLT+FM+FM-DM-DM+TR-TR+FC-FC+VRVccVcFBDAGNDLDECPD888CARDUSBDISCMP3REPEATRANDOMREPEATREPEATREPEATPROGRAM123456789101112LCD3011234S405PALY1234S406STOP1234S407DOWN/FR1234S404UP-FF1234S401FD-UP1234S402FD-DOWN1234S408MODEC401100pR4012kR4072.2kR4022.7kR4033.9kR4046.8kR40512kR40627k1234S403PROG12345678910111213141516CN401123Q3032SA1015GRL30110uH123456CN302R31810C31747000pC30647000pC3631000u/10C3220.1uC362100u/6.3R3158.2k12345678910111213141516CN301CFF5116C304470pC3030.1u1OT-1A2OT-1B3IN-1A4NC15TRB6REG-O7NC28GND9NC310IN-2A11OT-2B12OT-2A13GND114NC415NC516NC617OT-3A18OT-3B19IN-3A20NC721VCC122VCC223BIAS24NC825IN-4A26OT-4A27OT-4B28GND229GND-P230GND-P1U302MM1669XH/D9258C302470pX30116.9344MHzC30115pC32515p1FMO2DMO3P1-0/ADIN14P1-1/ADIN25P1-2/ADIN36P1-3/ADIN47P2-0/ADIN58PIN2-1/ADIN69VREG10P3-0/MX011P3-1/MXI12VDD313VSS14VSSP315VCOI16VDDP317P3-2/OSCIN18RESETN19VDD120VSS21DVSS322LO23DVR24RO25DVDD326XVSS127XI28XO29XVDD130P4-0/DCK/SI131P4-1/RSD/SO132R4-2/RCK/SCK133R4-3/SCK2/SCL34R5-0/SO2/SDA35P5-1/SI2/INTR336VSS37VDD138P6-0/S16/S2039P6-1/S15/S1940P6-2/S14/S1841P6-3/S13/S1742P7-0/S12/S1643P7-1/S11/S1544P7-2/S10/S1445P7-3/S9/S1346P8-0/S8/S1247P8-1/S7/S1148P8-2/S6/S1049P8-3/S5/S950VDD351P9-0/S4/S852P9-1/S3/S753P9-2/S2/S654P9-3/S1/S555P10-0/COM8/S456P10-1/COM7/S357P10-2/COM6/S258P10-3/COM5/S159P11-0/COM460P11-1/COM361P11-2/COM262P11-3/COM163VDDM164#HOLDN65VSS66VDD167PDO68TMAX69LPFN70LPFO71PVREF72VCOF73RVDD374SLCO75RFI76RFRPI77RFGO78AGCI79RFO80EQSET81RVSS382FNI283FNI184FPI285FPI186TPI87TNI88VRO89MDI90LDO91AVSS392RFZI93RFRP94SBAD/RFDC/FTE95FEI96TEI97TEZI98AVDD399FOO100TROIC301TC94A77FG-2033I2O1GU301LM1117-3.3VC356220UC3240.1uC358100u/16C3350.1uC3050.1uC357100u/16C3090.1uC3200.1uNET302NET306NET305NET304R3259K1R3269K1C3533.3u/50C3523.3u/50C319102C318102R3307k5R3317k5123Q3012SB1457R33333C364100u/16C3160.1uC3150.1uC3144700pC3110.1uC3100.1uC3210.1uC3080.1uC3430.1uC3410.1uR314220C3400.1uC3382200pC3370.1uC35022u/16C35447u/16C3340.1uC3360.1uR321330kR3225.6kR32347kR32415kC33315000pC33247pC3310.1uC3300.1uC32833pC3270.1uC3260.1uC3494700pC34810000pC35147u/16R3070C34710pC30733000pC34433000pC3450.1uC3460.1uR308312CN303(ON-ON)R303100kR30222kR30122kC3291000pJP303JP302JP301NET3031A02A13A24GND5SDA6SCL7WP8VCCIC302AT24C32C3230.1uR31910kC36110u/50JP304C3390.1u12C355100u/16C35910