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    Kenwood-X92_4450_0x-cd-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

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    Kenwood-X92_4450_0x-cd-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

    2002-1 PRINTED IN JAPANB51-7889-00 (N) 3415CD MECHANISM ASSYSERVICE MANUALX92-4430-0 xX92-4450-0 xDESCRIPTION MECHANISMX92-4430-00 (DXM-6010W)X92-4430-01 (DXM-6011W)X92-4430-02 (DXM-6012W)X92-4430-03 (DXM-6013W)X92-4450-00 (DXM-6110W)X92-4450-01 (DXM-6111W)X92-4450-02 (DXM-6112W)X92-4450-03 (DXM-6113W)outer-chassisdumper (X4)floating spring (X4)traverse chassis assy Mecha PCBroller springroller lever assydamper bracketdisc guide assyCONSTRUCTION OF MAJOR PARTSRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库2X92-4430-0 xX92-4450-0 xNOTE FOR HANDLING MECHANISM ASSYTrigger LeverPick is under the finger, itmay touch.NGDont touch the lever be-cause the trigger levercomes off.NGDont have the center ofentrance because the discinsertion mouth is trans-formed.NGOKOKPICK UPSPINDLE MOTORSLIDER ASSYROLLEROKOKNG Dont touch in the frame, since grease isapplied to the parts. Dont applied grease to the roller. Dont touched PICK and SPINDLE MOTOR.RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库X92-4430-0 xX92-4450-0 x3EFACBTR COILFO COILAPC1 CHIP ICSERVOMI-COMIC2Q116.93MHzCLOCKX1DRIVERMOTORIC4PROCESSORSPINDLEMOTORMOTOR& SLEDLPFIC68V SWQ3Q2SWS3S4S1S2D. GND(0-01)ONLYRF AMPIC1LOADINGREF5V REGD2S. GNDA. GNDD. GNDSLEDLOADINGQ5SW5V SWQ4D. GNDPICK-UPMOTHER BOARD6VREFL-chR-chA. GNDA. +8VD. GNDBU. +5VLOE/LIM SW8EJE SW12EJE SWLOS SWS7.5VLO/EJMOTORS. GNDVREFVREF227DRV MUTEMUTEDOUTDATA42CLKMSTOPMRSTMUTE LMUTE R22HL11D+5V244312222311108917191618151413122021BLOCK DIAGRAMCOMPONENTS DESCRIPTIONRef.No.Component NameApplication/FunctionOperation/Condition/CompatibilityGeneration of RF signal based on the sig-nals from the APC circuit and pickup, andgeneration of servo error (focusing errorand tracking error) signals.Detection of dropout, anti-shock, trackcrossing and off-track conditions, includedgain control function during CD-RW.Focusing, tracking, sled and spindle servoprocessing. Automatic adjustment (focus-ing, tracking, gain, offset and balance) oper-ations. Digital signal processing (DSP, PLL,sub-codes, CIRC error correction, audiodata interpolaration) operations, andMicrocomputer function.Focusing, tracking, sled and spindle servoprocessing. Automatic adjustment (focus-ing, tracking, gain, offset and balance) oper-ations. Digital signal processing (DSP, PLL,sub-codes, CIRC error correction, audiodata interpolaration) operations, includedCD-text decoder and Microcomputer func-tion.Focusing coil, tracking coil, spindle motorand sled motor driver, disc loading andeject operation.2nd low pass filter for audio signalsLD power controlWhen D.5V SW is turned on, Q2 and Q3are turned on, and A.+8V is supplied to lowpass filter circuit and D/A converter.When PON goes Hi, Q4 and Q5 are turnedon, and BU+5V is supplied to microproces-sor peripheral circuit, IC1 and the pickup.GCD PLAYER UNIT (X32-5180-0X, X32-5200-0X)IC1IC2IC2IC4IC6Q1Q2Q3Q4Q5AN22000AAMN662774KJ2(X32-5180-0X)MN662773KH2(X32-5200-0X)BA5824FPNJM4580M1MCH6101DTC124EUADTA143XUA2SA1362(Y)DTC124EUARF amplifier adapted for CD-RWCD signal processor bult-in MI-COM.CD signal processor bult-in MI-COM.4CH BTL driverLow pass filterAPCA.8V SWD.5V SWX92-4430-0 xX92-4450-0 x4MICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONGIC2(CD PLAYER UNIT : X32-5180-0X, X32-5200-0X)Pin No.Pin NameI/ODescriptionProcessing Operation1BDOIDropout signal inputHi : Dropout detected2OFTIOff-track signal inputHi : Off-track detected3/RFDETIRF detection inputHi : RF signal detected4VDETIVibration detection inputHi : Vibration detected5LDONOLaser diode ON signal outputHi : Laser diode ON6,7NC-Not used (N.C.)8AVSS3-Ground connection terminal for analogue circuits Connected to GND lines.9AVDD3-Positive power supply connection terminal for analogue circuits Connected to BU 5V lines.10FBALOFocusing balance adjustment output11TBALOTracking balance adjustment output12FEIFocusing error signal input13,14NC-Not used (N.C.)15TEITracking error signal input16-18NC-Not used (N.C.)19RFENVIRF envelope signal input20VREFIVREF input terminal21ARFIRF signal input (for DSL)22DRFIDSL bias terminal23DSLFI/ODSL loop filter terminal24IREFIReference current input terminal25PLLFI/OPLL loop filter terminal26PLLF2I/OPLL loop filter characteristic switching terminal27VCOFI/OVCO loop filter terminal28VCOF2I/OVCO loop filter terminalDigital servo 33.8688MHz generation29TRVOTraverse forced feed output30TVDOTraverse drive output31PCOSpindle motor ON/OFF output (Lo : ON)Not used (N.C.)32ECMOSpindle motor drive output (forced mode output)33ECSOSpindle motor drive output34KICKOKick pulse output35TRDOTracking drive output36FODOFocusing drive output37TOFSOTracking off-set adjustment output38AVDD2-Positive power supply connection terminal for analogue circuits(for DSL, PLL, AD, DA)Connected to BU 5V lines.39AVSS2-Ground connection terminal for analogue circuits (for DSL, PLL, AD, DA)Connected to GND lines.40DVSS2-Ground connection terminal for digital circuitsConnected to GND lines.41EFM or CK384OEFM signal outputNot used (N.C.)42PCK or DSLBOPLL sampling clock output43/CLDCKOSub-code frame clock signal outputNot used (N.C.)44FCLKOCrystal frame clock signal outputNot used (N.C.)45IPFLAGOInterpolation flag signal output (Hi : Interpolated)Not used (N.C.)46FLAGOFlag signal outputNot used (N.C.)47TRCRSITrack crossing signal input48STOUTOSerial data output for monitor signalNot used (N.C.)49STLDOLoad output for monitor signalNot used (N.C.)50SMCKOBit clock signal output for monitor signalNot used (N.C.)51CSELICrystal oscillation frequency selection terminalHi : 33.8688MHz, Lo : 16.9344MHz52TEST1Itest terminal 1Not used (Connected to GND lines)53TEST2Itest terminal 2Not used (Connected to GND lines)54IOSELIAudio DAC data input mode selection terminalHi: External data, Lo: Internal data55NRSTIReset input (Lo: Reset)Not used(Connected to BU 5V lines)56BCLKOBit clock output for SRDATANot used (N.C.)57LRCKOL/R identification signal outputNot used (N.C.)58SRDATAOSerial data outputNot used (N.C.)59SUBCOSub-code serial outputNot used (N.C.)60SBCKIClock input for Sub-code serial outputNot used (Connected to GND lines)61DQSYOCD-TEXT read permission signal outputNot used (N.C.)62DEMPHODe-emphasis detection signal output (Hi : ON)Not used (N.C.)63TXODigital audio interface signal output64PSELISRDATA input/Test terminalNot used (Connected to GND lines)65MSELILRCK input/SMCK output frequency switchingNot used (Connected to GND lines)66SSELIBCLK inputNot used (Connected to BU 5V lines)67DVDD1-Positive power supply connection terminal for digital circuitsConnected to BU 5V lines.68X1ICrystal oscillation circuit connection terminal69X2OCrystal oscillation circuit connection terminal70DVSS-Ground connection terminal for digital circuitsConnected to GND lines.71XSUB1IMicroprocessor clock input terminalNot used (Connected to GND lines)72XSUB2OMicroprocessor clock output terminalNot used (N.C.)73DVDD2-Positive power supply connection terminal for digital circuitsConnected to BU 5V lines.74,75NCONot used(N.C.)7673/74SELI73/74 selection terminalHi : CD-TEXT OFF (DXM-601xW)Lo : CD-TEXT ON (DXM-611xW)77DRV MUTEODriver muting control terminalLo : Spindle motor, focusingactuator and tracking actuatoroutputs OFF78,79NCONot used (N.C.)80TESTITest mode switching terminalNot used (Connected to GND lines)81ASELIAudio output polarity detection terminalHi : Non inverted, Lo : Inverted82PONOAudio/digital power supply control terminal Hi : Power ON83SEARCHOServo IC gain switching control terminalHi : Search, Lo : Normal operation84EQCNTORF amplifier doable-speed switching control terminalNot used (N.C.)85SW3ILimit switch detection terminalHiLo : Pickup most inner position86/AMUTE LOL Ch. analogue muting control terminalLo : Muting requested87/AMUTE ROR Ch. analogue muting control terminalLo : Muting requested88CD-RWOCD-RW control terminalHi : CD-RW, Lo : Normal operation89/RSTISystem reset input terminalLo : System reset90MECHASELI6000/6010 selection terminalLo : 6000 series, Hi : 6010 series 91/MSTOPIStandby detection terminalHi : Operation mode, Lo : Stop mode92LDCNTOLD control terminalHi : LD ON, Lo : LD OFF93DATAI/OI2C bus data line (communication line with System microprocessor)94/CLKI/OI2C bus clock line (communication line with System microprocessor)95HOTITemperature protection detection terminalNot used (Connected to GND lines)96AVREF-A/D converter reference voltage connection terminalConnected to BU 5V lines.97OUT ROR Ch. Audio output98AVDD1-A/D converter positive power supply connection terminalConnected to analogue 5V lines.99OUT LOL Ch. Audio output100AVSS1-A/D converter ground connection terminalConnected to GND lines.5X92-4430-0 xX92-4450-0 xMICROCOMPUTERS TERMINAL DESCRIPTIONPin No.Pin NameI/ODescriptionProcessing Operation6Centerof rotationProjectionDisc 8cm DiscTrigger armADiscTrigger armPosition pushed by the discSwitch ON!Disc arm(L)Disc arm(R)DiscClaw (A)OPERATION DESCRIPTION1 Disc Loading(1) Turning the loading switch ON1) When a disc is inserted, the disc arms open to the left andright and the claw below disc arm (L) sets the loadingswitch ON.2) The above starts the motor rotation.(2) Loading the disc1) When the motor starts rotation, the worm gear also startsto turn as shown in the figure.2) The rotation force is transmitted to the gear train.3) When the force is transmitted to the final gear, the rollersrotate to pull in the disc.The disc is pulled in or out when the rollers are pushedagainst the disc guide.2 Operation of Slider (R)(1) Activating the trigger arm1) When the disc is pulled in by the rollers, the disc edgepushes the trigger arm and rotates it.2) When the disc is an 8cm disc, it is pulled upwards by thetapering on the disc guide. The trigger arm is rotatedwhen the disc pushes the claw (section A) located beforethe trigger arm.When the 8cm disc reaches the loading end position, theroller areas supporting the disc decreases. To prevent thedisc from dropping in this case, the claw is provided with aprojection for supporting the disc.Worm gearMotorRubber rollersDisc INSide viewDisc guideRollerDisc INDisc OUTDisClamper chassisX92-4430-0 xX92-4450-0 x7(2) Basic construction (Initial position ofthe planetary gear mechanism)1) Even after the disc has been inserted,the motor rotated and the gear train alsorotated, slider (R) does not startoperation yet.This is because theplanetary gear mechanism is used andthe carrier gear is locked by the slidermechanism. In this period, the planetarygear is in the loose condition.2) When the sun gear is rotating and thecarrier gear is locked, the planetary gearis running idle.(3) Basic construction (Construction ofthe trigger slider and slider (R)The trigger slider is assembled with slider(R) and pushed in the direction of the arrowby the force of a spring.(4) Operation of slider (R)1) Activating the trigger sliderWhen the trigger arm is rotated by thepressure of the disc, the trigger armpushes the trigger slider.LockedLockedSun gearCarrier gearCarrier gears ribSlider (R)Trigger sliderSpringSlider (R)Centerof rotationTrigger sliderTrigger sliderTrigger armDiscTrigger armGear teethon the traversechassis2) Rotating (engaging) the planetary gearWhen the trigger slider is moved, it pushes down thewall (section A) of the carrier gear. (Initial rotation of thecarrier gear)This causes the planetary gear, which is attached on apin of the carrier gear, to move according to the rotationof the carrier gear. When the planetary gear is meshedwith a gear tooth (section B) of the traverse chassis, theplanetary gear starts rotation.The rotation of the planetary gears causes the carriergear to rotate.Planetary gearLooseP l a n e t a r yLooseCarrier gearX92-4430-0 xX92-4450-0 x83) Activating slider (R)When the carrier gear rotates, its wall (section C) pushesand moves the trigger slider.When the trigger slider is moved, slider (R) is pulled bythe force of spring (section D).Slider (R)(1) Functions activated by slider (R)1) Operation modesTo play back a CD, it is required to perform a flow of operations as shown below. Pulling the disc in and stopping the roller rotations after it. Moving the clamper downwards so that it can clamp thedisc during playback. (Disc chucking) Moving the rollers that are in contact with the disc.(Lowering the roller lever)2) Coupling conditionsThe parts used for performing the above functions arecoupled with slider (R) as shown below. Float (suspend) the mechanism in order to protect itfrom vehicle vibrations during disc playback. Moving the pickup (optical assy) so that it can reads thedisc signals.These series of operations are activated by the movement ofslider (R).Clamper chassis assySlider (R) assyRoller lever assyRoller armDiscSlider (R)3 Flow Until Disc Chucking (Playback Standby Condition)Right sideWhen the trigger slider moves along the longitudinalgrooves on slider (R) till the ends of grooves, the triggerslider itself begins to push and move slider (R).Start pointEnds of longitudinalgroovesSectionspushing slider (R)X92-4430-0 xX92-4450-0 x9When slider (R) moves, the boss of the roller arm movesalong the groove of slider (R), thereby separating thehelical gear 2 coupled with it from load gear 2.3) Rotation of rollers during disc loadingAs shown in the following figure, themotor rotation force is transmittedthrough sun gear helical gear 2 load gear 2 to the gear that is coupleddirectly with the roller shaft to rotate therollers and pull in the disc.(2) How to stop the roller rotationThe boss of the roller arm is engaged witha groove on slider (R).BossGrooveGrooveRollerRotation direction for pulling the disc inDiscSun gearForce transmitted from themotorLoad gear 2Helical gear 2Roller armSlider (R) assyRoller armHelical gear 2Roller armGear shaftSlider (R)GrooveClamper assyPlate spring(3) Operation of the clamper (Disc chucking)1) Engaged conditionThe plate spring attached to the clamper chassis isoriginally engaged with a groove on slider (R).This stops transmission of the force to the rollers so therollers stop.StoppedSlider (R)Load gear 2Helical gear 2X92-4430-0 xX92-4450-0 x10Centerof rotationSlider (R)ClamperPlate springClamperchassis assyEngaged condition2) Lowering the clamper (for disc chucking)As slider (R) moves, the plate springsection engaged with it moves along itsgroove and lowers the clamper chassisassembly.The following figure shows the flow ofoperation.2) Lowering the rollers (Disc playbackposition)As slider (R) moves, the roller lever shaftengaged with a groove on slider (R)moves along the groove and lowers therollers.The following figure shows the flow ofoperation.Center of rotationShaftFinal positionRoller leverRollerDiscSliderIn contrast to the downward movement of the rollers, the extremity of the roller lever starts to be raised.2-disc insertionpreventionRollers are separated from the disc.Engaged condition(4) How to lower the rollers1) Disc chucking completion positionWhen the disc in this position, the rollers are located belowthe disc and in contact with it.To rotate the disc for playback, it is required to separatethe rollers from the disc.Disc chucking comp


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