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    JVC-XV421BK-cd-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

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    JVC-XV421BK-cd-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

    1. Main adjustment2. Check point for each error3. IC701 (M101C12GHA)For the above 3 items, a supplementary edition will be issued in early July.Important InformationRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库SERVICE MANUAL No.20836XV-521BK/523GDXV-525BK/421BKXV-521BK/523GDXV-525BK/421BKContentsSafety precautionsImportance administering point on the safetyDismantling and assembling the traverse unitDisassembly methodPrecautions for serviceDescription of major ICs1-21-31-41-51-151-16 VICTOR COMPANY OF JAPAN, LIMITEDOPTICAL DISC BUSINESS DIV. PERSONAL & MOBILE NETWORK BUSINESS UNITAV & MULTIMEDIA COMPANY 1644, Shimotsuruma, Yamato, Kanagawa 242-8514, JapanDVD PLAYERNo.20836Jun. 2000COPYRIGHT 2000 VICTOR COMPANY OF JAPAN, LTD.Printed in Japan2000 06 (S)XV-521BK/523GDXV-525BK/421BKJU.S.AArea SuffixXV-525BK/523GDJU.S.ACCanadaArea SuffixXV-521BKArea SuffixXV-421BKRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库XV-521BK/523GD/525BK/421BK1-2Safety Precautions1. This design of this product contains special hardware and many circuits and components specially for safety purposes. For continued protection, no changes should be made to the original design unless authorized in writing by the manufacturer. Replacement parts must be identical to those used in the original circuits. Services should be performed by qualified personnel only.2. Alterations of the design or circuitry of the product should not be made. Any design alterations of the product should not be made. Any design alterations or additions will void the manufacturers warranty and will further relieve the manufacture of responsibility for personal injury or property damage resulting therefrom.3. Many electrical and mechanical parts in the products have special safety-related characteristics. These characteristics are often not evident from visual inspection nor can the protection afforded by them necessarily be obtained by using replacement components rated for higher voltage, wattage, etc. Replacement parts which have these special safety characteristics are identified in the Parts List of Service Manual. Electrical components having such features are identified by shading on the schematics and by ( ) on the Parts List in the Service Manual. The use of a substitute replacement which does not have the same safety characteristics as the recommended replacement parts shown in the Parts List of Service Manual may create shock, fire, or other hazards.4. The leads in the products are routed and dressed with ties, clamps, tubings, barriers and the like to be separated from live parts, high temperature parts, moving parts and/or sharp edges for the prevention of electric shock and fire hazard. When service is required, the original lead routing and dress should be observed, and it should be confirmed that they have been returned to normal, after re-assembling.5. Leakage currnet check (Electrical shock hazard testing)After re-assembling the product, always perform an isolation check on the exposed metal parts of the product (antenna terminals, knobs, metal cabinet, screw heads, headphone jack, control shafts, etc.) to be sure the product is safe to operate without danger of electrical shock.Do not use a line isolation transformer during this check.Plug the AC line cord directly into the AC outlet. Using a Leakage Current Tester, measure the leakage current from each exposed metal parts of the cabinet , particularly any exposed metal part having a return path to the chassis, to a known good earth ground. Any leakage current must not exceed 0.5mA AC (r.m.s.)Alternate check methodPlug the AC line cord directly into the AC outlet. Use an AC voltmeter having, 1,000 ohms per volt or more sensitivity in the following manner. Connect a 1,500 10W resistor paralleled by a 0.15 F AC-type capacitor between an exposed metal part and a known good earth ground.Measure the AC voltage across the resistor with the AC voltmeter. Move the resistor connection to eachexposed metal part, particularly any exposed metal part having a return path to the chassis, and meausre the AC voltage across the resistor. Now, reverse the plug in the AC outlet and repeat each measurement. voltage measured Any must not exceed 0.75 V AC (r.m.s.). This corresponds to 0.5 mA AC (r.m.s.). Warning1. This equipment has been designed and manufactured to meet international safety standards.2. It is the legal responsibility of the repairer to ensure that these safety standards are maintained.3. Repairs must be made in accordance with the relevant safety standards.4. It is essential that safety critical components are replaced by approved parts.5. If mains voltage selector is provided, check setting for local voltage.Good earth groundPlace this probe on each exposedmetal part.AC VOLTMETER(Having 1000 ohms/volts,or more sensitivity)1500 10W0.15 F AC TYPE!CAUTIONBurrs formed during molding may be left over on some parts of the chassis. Therefore, pay attention to such burrs in the case of preforming repair of this system.XV-521BK/523GD/525BK/421BK1-3Caution: For continued protection against risk offire, replace only with same type 1.6A/250V for F901. This symbol specifies type of fast operating fuse.Precaution: Pour eviter risques de feux, remplacezle fusible de surete de comme le meme type que 1.6A/250V pour F901. Ce sont des fusibles suretes qui functionnes rapide.Importance administering point on the safety For USA and Canada / pour Etats - Unis d Amerique et CanadaF901XV-521BK/523GD/525BK/421BK1-4Dismantling and assembling the traverse unit1. Notice regarding replacement of optical pickupElectrostatic discharge (ESD), which occurs when static electricity stored in the body, fabric, etc. is discharged, can destroy the laser diode in the traverse unit (optical pickup). Take care to prevent this when performing repairs to the optical pickup or connected devices. (Refer to the section regarding anti-static measures.)1. Do not touch the area around the laser diode and actuator.2. Do not check the laser diode using a tester, as the diode may easily be destroyed.3. It is recommended that you use a grounded soldering iron when shorting or removing the laser diode. Recommended soldering iron: HAKKO ESD-compatible product4. Solder the land on the optical pickups flexible cable. Note : Short the land after shorting the terminal on the flexible cable using a clip, etc., when using an ungrounded soldering iron. Note : After shorting the laser diode according to the procedure above, remove the solder according to the text explanation. ShortingShot with the clipXV-521BK/523GD/525BK/421BK1-5Remove the four screws A on both side of the body.Remove the two screws B on the back of the body.Lift up the rear part of the top cover while pulling the lower part of the sides, then detach upward.1.2.3.Disassembly methodRemoving the top cover (See Fig.1)Prior to performing the following procedure, remove the top cover.Remove the seven screws C on the back of the body.1.Removing the rear panel (See Fig.2)Fig.1Fig.2Top coverRear panelBCCA 2A 2CCXV-521BK/523GD/525BK/421BK1-6Prior to performing the following procedure, remove the top cover. by handTurn over the body. Insert a screwdriver into the hole of the bottom chassis and turnit. The loading tray will be ejected out of the front panel assembly.Pull the loading tray toward the front.Remove the fitting upward from the loading tray at the joints b.Push and return the loading tray. the fitting (See Fig.3 to 6)To remove the front panel assembly and the DVD mechanism assembly, remove the fitting in advance.ATTENTION: Front panelFront panel assemblyLoading trayHoleBottom chassis(Bottom)Fig.3Fig.4Fig.5Fig.6Front panel assemblyFittingJoint bJoint bLoading trayLoading trayFront panel assemblyDVD mechanism assemblyTRAY OPENXV-521BK/523GD/525BK/421BK1-7Prior to performing the following procedure, remove the top cover and the fitting.Disconnect the card wire from connector CN703 on the main board.Turn over the body and remove the screw D attaching the front panel assembly.Release the five joints c on both sides and bottom of the body and remove the front panel assembly toward the front.1.2.3.Removing the front panel assembly (See Fig.7 to 10)The connector CN832 on the front panel assembly and CN971 on the AC jack board will be disconnected at the same time.ATTENTION: Fig.7Fig.8Fig.9Fig.10Main boardDDC mechanism assemblyAC jack boardFront panel assemblyCN703CN971Joint cJoint cFront panel assemblyJoint cFront panel assemblyJoint cXV-521BK/523GD/525BK/421BK1-8Prior to performing the following procedure, remove the top cover and the front panel assembly.Disconnect the card wire from connector CN101 on the DVD Servo.Disconnect the harness from connector CN031 on the DVD mechanism assembly.Remove the screw E on the rear left part of the loading tray.From the front side of the DVD mechanism assembly, move the lever d in the direction of the arrow and pull out the loading tray.Remove the two screws F on the upper side of the DVD mechanism assembly. Then release the two joints e and detach the clamper base back-upward.Remove the three screws G attaching the DVD mechanism assembly. the DVD mechanism assembly(See Fig.11 to 14)Fig.11Fig.12Fig.13Fig.14Loading trayLoading trayCN101CN101Joint eJoint eClamper baseP031Lever dDVD ServoDVD mechanism assemblyP031DVD mechanism assemblyDVD mechanism assemblyEFGGGFCN101DVD mechanism assemblyXV-521BK/523GD/525BK/421BK1-9Prior to performing the following procedure, remove the top cover and the front panel assembly.Remove the two screws H attaching the AC jack board.Remove the two screws C on the rear panel.Disconnect connector CN951 and CN961 on the AC jack board from CN704 and CN705 on the main board respectively.1.2.3.Removing the AC jack board (See Fig.15 and 16)Prior to performing the following procedure, remove the top cover.Remove the screw I attaching the DVD Servo.Pull out the DVD Servo from the fix f while pinching the fix f.Disconnect connector CN501, CN502 and CN503 on the DVD Servo from CN601, CN701 and CN706 on the main board respectively.1.2.3.Removing the DVD Servo (See Fig.17 and 18)Fig.15Fig.16Fig.17Fig.18CIHHCN951 / CN705CN961 / CN704Rear panelCN501 / CN706DVD ServoDVD ServoMain boardCN503 / CN701CN502 / CN701CN101 Fix f Fix fMain boardAC jack boardXV-521BK/523GD/525BK/421BK1-10Prior to performing the following procedure, remove the top cover, the front panel assembly, the DVD mechanism assembly, the AC jack board and the DVD Servo.Remove the three screws J attaching the main board.Remove the two screws C on the rear panel.1.2.Removing the main board (See Fig.19 and 20)Unsolder connector FW841 on the power switch board on the back of the front panel assembly.Remove the two screws K attaching the power switch board.Push the two tabs g in the direction of the arrow and remove the power switch board.1.2.3.Removing the power switch board (See Fig.21)Unsolder soldering i on the search switch board.Remove the three screws M.Release the four tabs j in the direction of the arrow and remove the search switch board.1.2.3.Removing the search switch board (See Fig.20)Unsolder connector FW802 and soldering h on the LCD board.Remove the four screws L attaching the LCD board.1.2.Removing the LCD board (See Fig.22)Prior to performing the following procedure, remove the top cover and the front panel assembly.Fig.19Fig.20Fig.21Fig.22JMain boardJCKKLMMLLLJRear panelPower switch boardFront panel assemblyFW841FW802hiTabs j 4Tabs gFront panel assemblySearch switch boardLCD boardXV-521BK/523GD/525BK/421BK1-11Remove the screw A and the spring on the upper side of the loading base assembly.Move the rear part of the traverse mechanism unit upward and pull backward to release the two joints a with the base chassis.1.2.Removing the traverse mechanism unit (See Fig.1 and 2)Move the cam plate on the upper side of the loading base assembly in the direction of the arrow. Remove the belt from the motor pulley.Remove the two screws B attaching the loading motor.Turn over the loading base assembly and release the loading motor board from the three tabs b while spreading them outward. The loading motor board will be detached with the loading motor.Unsolder soldering c on the loading motor board and remove the loading motor. the loading motor / loading motor board (See Fig.3 and 4)When reattaching, engage the two joints a and make sure the front springs and the four insulators of the traverse mechanism unit are correctly attached.ATTENTION:To remove the loading motor board only, unsolder soldering c on the loading motor and release the three tabs b.Ref.:Fig.1Fig.2Fig.3Fig.4AABBTraverse mechanism unitSpring Spring Loading motor boardLoading motorBeltCam platecTab bTab bTab bJoints aJoints aSpring and InsulatorSpring and InsulatorInsulatorXV-521BK/523GD/525BK/421BK1-12It is not necessary to remove the traverse mechanism unit.Solder soldering d on the flexible board next to the pickup unit.From the bottom of the traverse mechanism unit, disconnect the flexible wire from CN10 on the pickup board.1.2.Remove the screw C attaching the shaft stopper (R) on the upper side of the traverse mechanism unit. Pull the side of the shaft stopper (R) outward to release the joint e and remove it upward. Remove the skew spring at the same time.Move the shaft in the direction of the arrow to release it from the part f.Release the joint g with the shaft and remove the pickup with the shaft.Pull out the shaft.Remove the screw D attaching the switch actuator. the pickup (See Fig.5 to 9)Disconnecting the flexible wire without soldering may cause damage to the pickup.ATTENTION:Fig.5Fig.6Fig.7Fig.8Fig.9Pickup unitFlexible boardFlexible wirePickup unitShaft stopper (R)Shaft stopper (R)Shaft stopper (R)Skew springShaftShaft Shaft PickupSwitch actuatorShaft Joint gJoint ePart fPickup boardCN10dCCDXV-521BK/523GD/525BK/421BK1-13It is not necessary to remove the traverse mechanism unit.Solder soldering d on the flexible board next to the pickup unit.From the bottom of the traverse mechanism unit, disconnect the flexible wire from CN10 on the pickup board.1.2.Unsolder soldering h, i and j of each harness on the pickup board.Remove the screw E attaching the pickup board and release the two joints k.3.4.Removing the pickup board (See Fig.5 and 10)Disconnecting the flexible wire without soldering may cause damage to the pickup.ATTENTION:Prior to performing the following procedure, remove the traverse mechanism unit.Solder soldering d on the flexible board next to the pickup unit.From the bottom of the traverse mechanism unit, disconnect the flexible wire from CN10 on the pickup board.1.2.Unsolder soldering h of the motor harness on the pickup board.Remove the two screws F attaching the feed motor assembly and remove the thrust spring. Move the feed motor assembly in the direction of the arrow to pull it out from the feed holder.3.4.Removing the feed motor assembly (See Fig.5, 10 and 11)Disconnecting the flexi


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