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    JVC-XLR5010BK-cd-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

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    JVC-XLR5010BK-cd-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

    ERRATAINCORRECTCORRECTIf the power cord is unplugged from the wall socket for morethan an hour, the internal clock, program, etc. of the main unitmay require resetting. When this occurs, please set the clock(and timer functions) again.If the power cord is unplugged from the wall socket for morethan a few seconds, the internal clock, program, etc. of the mainunit may require resetting. When this occurs, please set theclock (and timer functions) again.1Load CDs into the trays of the 3-CD changer.Only tracks on the CDs loaded in the 3-CD changer can be reg-istered into the program (i.e., tracks on a CD loaded in the CDRcannot be selected for playback).“CD READ DISC” will be shown in the information display asthe unit reads the information from each disc.1Load CDs into the trays of the 3-CD changer.Only tracks on the CDs loaded in the 3-CD changer can be reg-istered into the program (i.e., tracks on a CD loaded in the CDRcannot be selected for playback).“CD READ DISC” will be shown in the information display asthe unit reads the information from each disc.NoteTo close a tray, press the 0 button for the tray number that isopen. If you press the 0 button for a tray number other than thatfor the tray that is open, the program may not be played correctly.1Load CDs into the trays of the 3-CD changer.Only tracks on the CDs loaded in the 3-CD changer can be reg-istered into the program (i.e., tracks on a CD loaded in the CDRcannot be selected for playback).“CD READ DISC” will be shown in the information display asthe unit reads the information from each disc.1Load CDs into the trays of the 3-CD changer.Only tracks on the CDs loaded in the 3-CD changer can be reg-istered into the program (i.e., tracks on a CD loaded in the CDRcannot be selected for playback).“CD READ DISC” will be shown in the information display asthe unit reads the information from each disc.NoteTo close a tray, press the 0 button for the tray number that isopen. If you press the 0 button for a tray number other than thatfor the tray that is open, the program may not be played correctly.1Load CDs in the 3-CD changer1Load CDs in the 3-CD changerNoteTo close a tray, press the 0 button for the tray number that isopen. If you press the 0 button for a tray number other than thatfor the tray that is open, the program may not be played correctly.Turning the Power On and Standby ModeProgramming Playback Using Main Unit ControlsProgramming Playback Using the Remote ControlProgram Edit RecordingPage 10Page 18Page 27There were some errors in the instruction manual. We apologize for this and correct them as follows.Page 17Errata sheetA4.fm Page 1 Wednesday, May 9, 2001 9:47 PMRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库ERRATAINCORRECTCORRECT4Turn the MULTI JOG control or press the 2/3 (menu) button on the remote control to select “HIGH” or “1x”.If “HIGH” is selected, “HIGH” flashes in the display window.Press the CANCEL button (main unit/remote control) to cancelthe procedure and return to the normal display.4Turn the MULTI JOG control or press the 2/3 (menu) button on the remote control to select “HIGH” or “1x”.If “HIGH” is selected, “HIGH” flashes in the display window.Press the CANCEL button (main unit/remote control) to cancelthe procedure and return to the normal display.5Press the SET button.4Turn the MULTI JOG control or press the 23 (menu) button on the remote control and choose the setting “TR SPACE ON” or “TR SPACE OFF”.Press the CANCEL button (main unit/remote control) to cancelthe procedure and return to the normal display.4Turn the MULTI JOG control or press the 23 (menu) button on the remote control and choose the setting “TR SPACE ON” or “TR SPACE OFF”.Press the CANCEL button (main unit/remote control) to cancelthe procedure and return to the normal display.5Press the SET button.Set the timer immediately after turning on the power to the mainunit for the first time. Additionally, should there be a power black-out that lasts for longer than one hour, or if the AC power cord ofthe unit is unplugged from the wall socket for longer than one hour,please check to see if the clock needs to be reset again before usingany other operation.Set the timer immediately after turning on the power to the mainunit for the first time. Additionally, should there be a power black-out that lasts for longer than a few seconds, or if the AC power cordof the unit is unplugged from the wall socket for longer than a fewseconds, please check to see if the clock needs to be reset againbefore using any other operation.5Press the SET button.DAILY TIMER is shown in the information window.To set DAILY TIMERProceed to step 5.To set ONCE TIMERPress the MENU button and displayONCE TIMER, and then proceed tostep 5.5Press the SET button.DAILY TIMER is shown in the information window.To set DAILY TIMERProceed to step 6.To set ONCE TIMERPress the MENU button and displayONCE TIMER, and then proceed tostep 6.Setting the Unit for High-speed RecordingSetting the Auto Track Spacing FunctionSetting the Present Time Timer Play (wake-up play) LE40829-001APage 29Page 30Page 40There were some errors in the instruction manual. We apologize for this and correct them as follows.Page 38Errata sheetA4.fm Page 2 Wednesday, May 9, 2001 9:47 PMRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库For Customer Use:Model No.Serial No.Enter below the Model No. and Serial No.which are located on the rear, bottom orside of the cabinet. Retain this informationfor future reference.STANDBY/ONCD1CD2CD3CD RECPLAYMODERECREC MUTINGRECSOURCEMENUPITCH 0CHANCELREPEATCDPITCH+SETPITCHRMSXLR5010A REMOTE CONTROLCDRCD EDITFINALIZEDISPLAY12457836910+10FADESYNCHROCONTROLSTANDBYSTANDBY/ONPLAY & EXCHANGE3-CDMAXMINPHONESPLAY MODEPHONES LEVELEJECTREC SOURCE SELECTORXL-R5010 CD/CDR MULTIPLE COMPACT DISC RECORDERMIX BLANCECDLINELINEMICMULTI JOGREC LEVEL+MICCANCELSETMENUPAUSEREC/REC MUTINGPLAYSTOPSYNCHROCD EDITCD RECSTOPPLAYPAUSEFINALIZEMICLINECDDIGITALCD/CDR MULTIPLE COMPACT DISC RECORDERCOMBINE ENREGISTREUR CHANGEUR DE CD/CDRXL-R5010BKLET0181-002A C INSTRUCTIONSMANUELDINSTRUCTIONSXL-R5010BK.book Page 1 Monday, June 4, 2001 11:40 AMG-1Warnings, Cautions and Others / Mises en garde, prcautions et indications diverses(For U.S.A)The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol,within an equilateral triangle is intended toalert the user to the presence of uninsulated“dangerous voltage” within the productsenclosure that may be of sufficient magni-tude to constitute a risk of electric shock topersons.The exclamation point within an equilateraltriangle is intended to alert the user to thepresence of important operating and mainte-nance (servicing) instructions in the literatureaccompanying the appliance.CAUTIONRISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT OPENCAUTION: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT REMOVE COVER (OR BACK) NO USER SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL.WARNING: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIREOR ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT EXPOSETHIS APPLIANCE TO RAIN OR MOISTURE.INFORMATIONThis equipment has been tested and found to com-ply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursu-ant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits aredesigned to provide reasonable protection againstharmful interference in a residential installation. Thisequipment generates, uses, and can radiate radiofrequency energy and, if not installed and used inaccordance with the instructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications. However,there is no guarantee that interference will not occurin a particular installation. If this equipment doescause harmful interference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determined by turning theequipment off and on, the user is encouraged to tryto correct the interference by one or more of the fol-lowing measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipmentand receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuitdifferent from that to which the receiver is con-nected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TVtechnician for help.XL-R5010BK.book Page 1 Monday, June 4, 2001 11:40 AMG-21. CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT2. DANGER: Invisible laser radiation when open andinterlock failed or defeated. Avoid direct exposure tobeam.3. CAUTION: Do not open the top cover. There are nouser serviceable parts inside the unit; leave all ser-vicing to qualitied service personnel.1. PRODUIT LASER CLASSE 12. ATTENTION: Radiation laser invisible quandlappareil est ouvert ou que le verrouillage est enpanne ou dsactiv. Eviter une exposition directeau rayon.3. ATTENTION: Ne pas ouvrir le couvercle du dessus.Ilny a aucune pice utilisable lintrier. Laisser un personnel qualifi le soin de rparer votre appar-eil.CAUTIONTo reduce the risk of electrical shocks, fire, etc.:1. Do not remove screws, covers or cabinet.2. Do not expose this appliance to rain or moisture.ATTENTIONAfin dviter tout risque dlectrocution, dlncendie. etc.:1. Ne pas enlever les vis ni les panneaux et ne pasouvrir le coffret de lappareil.2. Ne pas exposer lappareil la pluie ni lhumidit.Caution STANDBY/ON % BUTTON!Disconnect the mains plug to shut the power off com-pletely. The STANDBY/ON % button in any positiondoes not disconnect the mains line. The power can beremote controlled.Attention Commutateur STANDBY/ON %!Dconnecter la fiche de secteur pour couper complte-ment le courant. Le commutateur STANDBY/ON % necoupe jamais compltement la ligne de secteur, quelleque soit sa position. Le courant peut tre tlcom-mand.For Canada/pour le CanadaCAUTION: TO PREVENT ELECTRIC SHOCK,MATCH WIDE BLADE OF PLUG TO WIDE SLOT,FULLY INSERT.PRECAUTION: POUR EVITER LES CHOCSELECTRIQUES, INTRODUIRE LA LAME LAPLUS LARGE DE LA FICHE DANS LA BORNECORRESPONDANTE DE LA PRISE ETPOUSSER JUSQUAU FOND.For Canada/pour le CanadaTHIS DIGITAL APPARATUS DOES NOT EXCEED THE CLASS BLIMITS FOR RADIO NOISE EMISSIONS FROM DIGITAL APPA-RATUS AS SET OUT IN THE INTERFERENCE-CAUSING EQUIP-MENT STANDARD ENTITLED “DIGITAL APPARATUS,” ICES-003OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATIONS.CET APPAREIL NUMERIQUE RESPECTE LES LIMITES DEBRUITS RADIOELECTRIQUES APPLICABLES AUX APPAREILSNUMERIQUES DE CLASSE B PRESCRITES DANS LA NORMESUR LE MATERIEL BROUILLEUR: “APPAREILS NUMERIQUES”,NMB-003 EDICTEE PAR LE MINISTRE DES COMMUNICATIONS.XL-R5010BK.book Page 2 Monday, June 4, 2001 11:40 AMG-3Caution: Proper VentilationTo avoide risk of electric shock and fire and to protect from damage, position the main unit as follows:Front:Open space with no obstructions.Sides:At least 3cm of space on each side. Top:At least 5cm of space between the top of the unit and the nearest object. Back:At least 15cm of space between the back panel and the nearest object/wall. Bottom:Place the unit on a flat, level surface with no obstructions. In addition, maintain the best possible air circulation as illustrated.Attention: Ventilation CorrectePour viter les chocs lectriques, lincendie et tout autre dgt.Disposer lappareil en tenant compte des impratifs suivantsAvant:Rien ne doit gner le dgagementFlancs:Laisser 3 cm de dgagement latralDessus:Laisser 5 cm de dgagement suprieurArrire:Laisser 15 cm de dgagement arrireDessous:Rien ne doit obstruer par dessous; poser lappareil sur une surface plate.Veiller galement ce que lair circule le mieux possible comme illustr.Spacing 15 cm or moreDgagement de 15 cm ou plusWall or other objectsMur, ou obstructionFrontAvantStand height 15 cm or moreHauteur du socle: 15 cm ou plusXL-R5010BKFloorPlancherXL-R5010BK.book Page 3 Monday, June 4, 2001 11:40 AM1EnglishEnglishTable of ContentsIntroduction .1Precautions.2Features .2Connections.3Analog Connections.3Digital Connections.4Components.5Main Unit.5Display Window.7Using the Remote Control.8Remote Control.8Inserting the Batteries .9Using the Remote Control.9Power STANDBY/ON Operations.10Turning the Power On and Standby Mode.10Listening to CDs.113-CD Changer Continuous Playback.11CDR Playback Operations .12Using the Remote Control to Control Playback.13Direct Playback of a Specific Track.14Forward and Reverse Search.14Skipping Tracks .15Repeat Playback.15Random Playback.16CD Playback Pitch Control.16Disc Lock Function.16Programming Playback Using Main Unit Controls.17Programming Playback Using the Remote Control.18Recording onto CD-R/RW Discs.20Add Finalize Feature.20Manual Recording.21Synchronized Recording of 3-CD Changer Playback.231 Disc Dubbing .25Listening Edit Recording .26Program Edit Recording.273-CD Changer to CDR Recording Options.28Setting the Unit for High-speed Recording.29Setting the Auto Track Spacing Function.29Synchronized Recording from External Sources.30Mixed Input Recording.31Special Recording Edit Operations .33Skipping a Recorded Track on a CD-R or CD-RW (Track Skip).33Erasing a Track or Tracks (Erase Function).33Erasing All Tracks (Disc Erase Function).34Finalizing a Disc.35Making Recording of a Finalized CD-RW Disc Possible (Unfinalize Function) .35Bypassing the FS Converter (Sampling Frequency Converter*) for More Efficient Digital Recording.36Setting Up Synchronized Start Recording for External Digital Source (CD, MD, and DAT only) .37Resetting the Unit to the Factory Default Settings.37Setting the Clock.38Setting the Present Time .38Timer Operations.40Timer Play (wake-up play).40Timer Recording (Unattended Recording from a Broadcast Receiver or Other Source).42COMPU LINK Function.43CD and CDR Messages.44SCMS (Serial Copy Management System).46Troubleshooting.47Main Specifications.48XL-R5010BK.book Page 1 Monday, June 4, 2001 11:40 AM2EnglishEnglishPrecautionsThank you for purchasing the XL-R5010BK CD/CDR MultipleCompact Disc Recorder. Please read these instructions thoroughlyand carefully before using the unit to ensure that you will obtainoptimum performance and a long service life.Safeguarding against electric shock, fire hazards and damage1) A very low electrical current continues to flow when theSTANDBY/ON (power) button is in the standby mode. Tosave power and ensure safety when the unit is not going to beused for an extended period of time, disconnect the power cordfrom the wall socket. (See page 10)2) Do not handle the power cord with wet hands.3) To unplug the power cord from the wall socket, always takehold of the molded plug part and pull the plug rather than pull-ing on the cord.4) If the power cord is damaged or a disconnected wire or worncontact is found, consult the nearest JVC dealership.5) Do not bend the cord at a sharp angle or pull or twist it.6) Do not modify the power cord in any way.7) Do not attempt to disassemble the unit. Do not remove casingscrews or touch any of the parts inside the unit.8) Do not insert metallic objects into the unit.9) Unplug the power cord from the wall socket during electricalstorms.10) If water should find its way inside the unit, unplug the power cordfrom the wall socket and consult the nearest JVC dealership.11) Do not install the unit in a poorly ventilated location.Installation1) Do not place the unit on or next to an amplifier. This is to pre-vent the humming caused by the units proxim


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