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    Monarch-SA450-int-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

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    Monarch-SA450-int-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

    I NSTALLATI ON ANDOPERATI NGMANUALL,$FEATURE-:The MONARCH Model SA-450 is a deluxa integrated solid state stereo amplifier. Itis a simple to operate compact and flexible unit with ample pov/er 26 watts Mus-ic Power maximum to the speakers. It is provided with Phono, Tuner and Auxillaryinput, and a Tape-In and Tape-Out for the taperecording and monitoring of your favor-ite programs. Only the selected high quality components have been us.ed for stable andtroublefreeoperation. All silicon transistor circuitry.HILBERINKElectro nic sAcousticsfi202ul8 M&ATRlCtlThe NetherlandsRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库INSTALLATION:Before attempting to operate the MonarchModel SA-450, please read ftre followirrg instruc-tions carefully. Only after all necessary con-nections a_re made, should the?ower (1L7 /zro/z4ovolts 50/60 Hz only) be applied.SPEAKER CONNECTIONS:The amplifier has output terminals for con-nection to speaker system of 4, B, or lG ohmimpedance. Wherever possible, it is recomendedthat identical speakers be used for each channel.In all cases, the speaker leads are connected tothe single pair of terminals on each channel out-put strip as shown in hook-up position.CA.UTION:1. Never short the speaker terminals and neveruse thg speakers of higher or lower impedancethan that specified. (Dont use two- 4 ohmspeakers connected in parallel or two 1G ohmspeakers in series).2. Both speakers must be connected to preventsevere damage to the unit.STEREO HEADPHONE:Stereo headphone jack is located at the lou,erend of the leit edge of front panel. Plug in alow impedance stereo headphone, it automaticallycuts off speaker system.INPUT CONNECTIONS:(6MAG Input:Connecl both leads from- your record playerto the LEFT and RIGHT MAGinput jaks onthe rear panel.Note:This input terminal should be used only formagnetic or variable reluctance cartridge. Shield-ed cable should be used for these connections.X-TAL Input:Connect the output from a high impedancecartridge such as tfre cr:ystal or ceramic typepickup.TUNER, and AfIX Inputs:These jacks are to be used with a high levelsignal c,ri high impe,dance such as a tape rcorder,tuner, and T.V.HOOK- UP POSITIONS.TAPE TNConnect these jacks to output terminal (highlevel) of taperecorder with shielded cables. -OUTPUT COhINECTIONS:.TAPE OUT using shielded cable, connecting the outputfrom these two jacks to the tuner input jackJ of Jyour taperecorder will allow simultaneous record-ing without interference for your listening pleas-ure.IMPORTANT:Do not apply power to this unit without mak-irrg certain both speakers are connected. Failureto do so may result in severe damage to theunit. If soundless, while pilot light ls oD, pI-ease replace PROTECTION FUSE ocateci onrear panel. Ifse quick-blow (instrument) fuse 1AMP. only.Never connect or remove the speaker or anyinput plug when the power switch is placed iilOlY position.OPERATION:Before applying power to the amplifier, makesure that yoy rr connected yrr_ prog_ram Lsources (record player, tuner, etc.) and speakerscorrectly. Before plugging in the unit be sureto keep the Power Switch; OFF, and the powersource must correspond to the voltage indicated /on the name plate.X-TAL TUNER 1APE-OUTMAG+RIC;HT LEFTSPEAKERS SPEAKERSSWITCHOUTLET pOwERi(A TY, APE I PNOTECTIOI PROTECTIONl I rx I rusE tA FUSE rAPower OutputContinuous Power OutputHarmonic DistortionFrequency ResponseInput S ensitivity26 watts + 1 db at8/8 watts rms at 8t % ( rated output )30 - 30,000 Hz + 1.5Phono 3 mVX-Tal 150 rnVTuner 150 mVAux 150 mVPhono 60 dbTuner 70 dbAux 70 dbTape - Ply 70 db4 ohmsohmsdbHum & NoiseRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库LSet the SELECTOR to the unit you wish touse and set VOLUME control to the center.Irormally the BASS and TBEBLE tone con-trol knobs are placed- at the center, butdepending on the acoustics at the room orpersonal preference, these knobs may beAltered to accentuate or decrease the highsand lows. Also when listening at low volumelevels, it is advisable to turn the LOUDNESSswitch in (ON position to accentuate thelows which are otherwise ordinarily lost.When listening to worn scratchy records,turning on the SCRATCH filter switch, thiswill add to your listening pleasure.Set power switch in ON position to switchon amplifier. Operate your associated eqr;ip-ment (record player, tuner, etc.) and increaseamplifier volume controls for desired levelof sound.If you are using a program source with amonophonic output (one cable), set the MONO-STEREO switch MONO. If your programsource is stereophonic, set to Stereo -posi-tion.TAPE IECORDING AND MONITORINGConnect an audio cable from the left channelTAPE-OUT jack to the left input (high level)of the tape-recorder. Repeat for the right chan-nel. Also left channel TAPE-IN to the leftchannel output (high level) of the tape-recorder._ Repeat for _the right_ clqUngt -To lis_ten.lo: Lhe _ply-back of recorded tape, place the TAPEswitch to (ON position. In this position itautomatically bypass the SELECTOR switchand permits you to listen to tape only. Mhenyou are finished with the tape, immediately re-turn the switch to the (OFF position. Other-wise you will be unable to hear any other pro-gram material. If your taperecorder incorporatesa separate play-back head with pre-amplifier, itis possible to listen to the recording a fraction of a second after it is made as a quality check.-/SPEAKER PHASING AND BALANCING:Correct phasing and balancing is importantin a stereophonic system. If the speakers areout of phase, they will work in opposition to1.PILOTLIGHT POWERSELECTORDEMONITOR2.CONTROL POS ITIONSeach other and there will be a noticeable lossin the frequencies. If the speaker output levelsere not equal or balanced initially, there may bean unnatural distribution of sound on a stereoprograffi, resulting in a loss of the stereo effect.To- obtain correct balancing and. phasirg, usethe following procedure1. Set the volume for a moderate output andstand at a position equidistant from thespeakers.2. Play a monophonic record containing heavybass tones. Adjust the balance control sothat the sound output from each speaker isroughly the same level.3. Listen carefully to the sound output anddetermine the correct phase of the speaker,rViSing the ( +), ( - ) termihals of eitherspeaker. The correct or in-phase connec-tion will produce the greatest amount of bassand you will also notice that the soundseems to come from an area somewhere be-tween the two speakers.NOTE:1. Never reverse the ( + ( - connection whenthe pwer is being applied to the unit.2. If you use identical speakers you shouldconnect the speaker leads accordirrg to thespeaker terminal positions of both speakers.In this case you can obtain the in-phaseConnection.r_oUogSS / BALANCEHIGH FILTER TAPEInputsOutputsS witchesControlsPower SourcePower ConsumptionDimensionsWeightTransistor & DiodeVolume, Balance, Bass,Ll7 /220/240 Volts 50/6030 vratts MaxL0+x4xL3+8 lbs.L4- S ilicon Transistor4- Silicon DiodesPhono (nag), Phono (X-Tal), Tunr, Aux, Tape-inS peaker Output (4 - L6 ohm s ) , Tape - outputSelector, Loudness, Tape-Monitor, Mode, Hi-Filtr,and PowerTrebleHzTI=,(,sG*l-=ltJIICJt,ilIllL_-.sovr =tl)lo+a(t)s0(oo(oo( t)e0a1oI:.-f(oEyz0t,-r-+ zx(v)oot =Ef;-rrerui-Loo:(ori1-_-4 Zx(0?-01)001s0.0 yz.B f IhlntooE=.o=Lo-FzILLllOAsz/001: sslN0n0l (elygi - :tLZ y60r00 I 000 0IoF,=l-afi2.azhzHrlHzH0c()coc)C!fco(?COLn!otr-+$xoItt)l3r,r(4LLIz.o-o-t.0 127)0t+A9Zl0e8Aet/0022( 1)s0qtJ.c.ts(!+II:tr-.f()IoI(-)a(Jc!x!iCOIoIs2I(J+7,gN0 r-r JJossrN0n01-,d06r IYU0891Zg,c,x(JIosf()(Jc!xoIorf(JCJ+91/ZZ+ y0lrct?(*)e E = r p=H5; ,i E ? 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