McIntosh-MC225-pwr-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf
MAINTENANCEMANUALMC225STEREOPOWER AMPLIFIER(Serial Nos. 100C1 & above)RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库Table 1. MC225 VOLTAGE AND RESISTANCE CHART(Schematic No. SC126-167A)Tube12AX7(VI)12AU7(V2 or V3)12BH7(V4 or V5)7591(V6, V7, V8, or V9)Pin No.12345678912345678912345678912345678DC Volts11501FILFIL11501FIL295115121FILFIL295100121FIL2852539FILFIL2852539FILFIL3903900.8-21FIL390Resistance inOhms, Unit Off180K1M3.3K00180K1M3.3K027K*180K18K0030K*2.4M18K022K*220K4.7K0022K*220K4.7K0062*130*40180K0130*This Resistance measured to positive side of B+ rectifier SR2. Warning:Discharge filter condensers before making measurements.A high resistance VTVM is used for all measurements, voltages and resis-tances are to ground except as noted.Special components used in the MC225 are listed below.These components are designed and built specifically forthe MC225. They may be purchased directly from CustomerService, Mclntosh Laboratory Inc. When you order parts besure to give the SCHEMATIC NO. and DESCRIPTION fromTable 2 below, and serial and model number for your am-plifier.Table 2. MC225 SPECIAL COMPONENTS(Schematic No. SC126-167A)LABORATORY INC.2 CHAMBERS STREET, BINGHAMTON, N. Y.Made in U.S.A.Phone-Area Code 607 723-54912M-AA126-170COMPONENT NO.C29A, B, CL5R45SR1, SR2SR3TlT2T3DESCRIPTIONFilter Capacitor, 80-35/15 MF 500/450 VChoke, FilterThermistorSilicon Rectifier, 500PIV, 500 MASelenium Rectifier, 400 PIV, 75 MAOutput Transformer, Type M-220AOutput Transformer, Type M-220BPower Transformer, Type M-221