McIntosh-MC2205-pwr-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf
MC 22O5SERVICE INFORMATIONMclNTOSH L A B O R A T O R Y INC. BINGHAMTON, NEW YORK 13903P O W E R A M P L I F I E RSTARTING WITH SERIAL NO. AX1001038-980RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库MC2205PERFORMANCE LIMITS & RATINGSPERFORMANCEMc Intosh audio power rat i ngs are in ac-cordance with the Federal Trade Commis-sion Regulation of November 4, 1974 con-cerning power output claims for ampli-fiers used in home entertainment pro-ducts.POWER OUTPUTSTEREO: 200 watts minimumsine wave continuous aver-age power output, per chan-nel, both channels operatinginto 1 ohm, 2 ohms, 4 ohms,or 8 ohms load impedance,which i s:14.1 volts RMS across 1 ohm20.0 volts RMS across 2 ohms28.3 volts RMS across 4 ohms40.0 volts RMS across 8 ohmsMONO: 400 watts minimum sinewave continuous average poweroutput into 0.5 ohm, 1 ohm,2 ohms, or 4 ohms load imped-ance, which is:14.1 volts RMS across 0.5 ohm20.0 volts RMS across 1 ohm28.3 volts RMS across 2 ohms40.0 volts RMS across 4 ohmsOUTPUT LOAD IMPEDANCESTEREO: 1 ohm, 2 ohms, 4 ohms,and 8 ohms; separate terminalsare provided for each outputMONO: 0.5 ohm, 1 ohm, 2 ohms,and 4 ohms; obtained by con-necting together the appro-priate terminals of both chan-nel sRATED POWER BAND20 Hz to 20,000 HzTOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTIONSTEREO: 0.1% maximum harmon-ic distortion at any powerlevel from 250 m i l l i w a t t s to200 watts per channel from20 Hz to 20,000 Hz, bothchannels operat ingMONO: 0.1% maximum harmonicdistortion at any power lev-el from 250 milliwatts to400 watts from 20 Hz to20,000 HzSTEREO: 0.1% maximum if instantaneouspeak power output is 400 watts or lessper channel with both channels opera-ting for any comb i nat ion of frequen-cies, 20 Hz to 20,000 HzMONO: 0.1% maximum if instantaneouspeak power output is 800 watts or lessfor any combination of frequencies,20 Hz to 20,000 HzFREQUENCY RESPONSE(at one watt output)20 Hz to 20,000 Hz, +0 -0.25 dB10 Hz to 100,000 Hz +0 -3.0 dBNOISE AND HUM95 dB below rated outputRATINGSOUTPUT VOLTAGES25 volts for distribution linesDAMPING FACTORSTEREO: 16 at I ohm output, 50 at 2ohms output, 30 at 4 ohms output,16 at 8 ohms outputMONO: 16 at 0.5 ohms, 50 at 1 ohm,30 at 2 ohms, and 16 at 4 ohmsoutputINPUT IMPEDANCE100,000 ohmsINPUT SENSITIVITYSwitchable: 0.75 volt or 2.5 volts-Level control provided for higherinput voltagesPOWER REQUIREMENTS120 volts 50/60HZ, 70 to 550 watts.INTERMODULATION DISTORTIONRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库MC2205LEFT INPUTACLINEBLOCK DIAGRAMRIGHT/MONOINPUTLEFTSPEAKEROUTPUTRIGHTSPEAKEROUTPUTI N T E R C O N N E C T I O NRIGHT/MONOINPUTLEFT INPUTLEFTCHANNELOUTPUTHEADPHONE1. Unless otherwise spec ified: Resistance values are in ohms, 1/4 watt, and 10% to 1erance;capacitance values sma llr than 1 a re in microfarads (F) : capacitance values greaterthan 1 are in picofarads (pF); inductors are in microhenries (H).2 . Printed c i r c u i t board components a re ou t1i ned on the schema tics by dotted lines. Thec i rcled numbers on the dotted l i n e s correspond to the numbers on the PC board layouts.3. The heavy li nes on the schema tics denote the pr ima ry signal path.4. The terminal number ing of rotary switches is for reference only.5. A l l voltages i nd i cated on the schemat i cs a re measu red under the fo11owi ng cond i t i ons;a. Use of an 11 megohm impedance VTVM.b. A l l voltages 10% with respect to chassis ground.c. No signal at input terminals.d. AC input at 120 volts AC, 50/60Hz.e. Front pane l con t rols at: Rear panel swi tches a t:Left Gain FULLY CCW Input Level 0.75VMeter Range WATTS Mode S tereoRight/Mono Gain FULLY CCW Power Guard NormalSpeakers ONPower ON6. Relay K301 shown in energized pos i t i on.7. Meter adjustments:A m p l i f i e r must be working properly to adjust meters. Ope rate a m p l i f i e r at f u l l power (40V rms)into 8 ohm loads with 1 KHz input signal.a. Set METER RANGE switch to WATTS.b. Adj us t pot en t i ometer R125 on meter board for a reading of 200 watts on the left meter.c. Adjust R126 for a reading of 200 watts on the r i g h t meter.d. Set METER RANGE switch to 0 dBe. Adjust potenti ometer R105 on meter board for a reading of 0 on the DECIBEL scale of theleft meter.f. Adjust RI06 for a reading of 0 on the right meter.8. Power a m p l i f i e r bias adjustment:Operate MC 2205 at 120 volts l i n e input with no input signal. Measure the input power(approximately 50 watts) or current (approximately O.4 amps). The bias potentiometers R241 &R242 are located on the power output PC boards.a. Turn both bias potentiometers f u l l ccwb. Rotate bias ad jus tment cw to the point where the l i n e input power or current begins toi ncrease then back off s l i g h t l y to the point where the line in put reaches its l owestva l ue .c . Repeat step b for each channel independently.SCHEMATIC NOTESMC2205M C 2 2 0 5METER RANGE PC BOARD 044-623TOPBOTTOMQ241Q239Q237Q229TOPBOTTOMQ235Q233Q231Q227TOPBOTTOMQ236Q234Q232Q228LOCATION OF TRANSISTORS NOT ON PC BOARDQ242Q240Q238Q230TOPBOTTOMMETER RANGE PC BOARD 044-623SWITCH IS SHOWN FRONT VIEWIN WATTS POSITIONMETER R A N G EMC2205MC2205LAMP PC BOARD 044-792LAMP PC BOARD 044-792MC2205LAMPMC2205METER PC BOARD 044-624METERMC2205POWER SUPPLYPOWER SUPPLY PC BOARD 044-631MC2205MC2205LEFT CHANNEL POWER OUTPUT PC BOARD 044-626POWER OUTPUTMC2205POWER OUTPUTMC2205RIGHT CHANNEL POWER OUTPUT PC BOARD 044-626MC2205A l l partsable f r omREPLACEMENT PARTSnot listed are common i temsradio parts jobbers.Rep l a cement pa rts may be obta i ned whenobta i n-orderedby PART NUMBER from:SymbolNumberC1O1 , 102C109, 1 10C1 13, 114Cl 15Cl 18C201 ,202C203,204C207,208C213,214C215,216C219,220C227,228C229,230C231 ,232C233,234C235,236C239,240C301C305,306C307,308C309C310,31 1D101 , 102D 103, 104D 105, 106D 107, 108D 109, 1 10D 1 1 1 , 1 1 2D113,1 14Dl 15, 1 16D117,1 18D119D120Mclntosh Laboratory, Inc.Customer Service Department2 Chambers StreetBinghamton, New York 13903(telephone 607-723-3512)CAPACITORSDescr i pt i onElect 10F 35VM y l a r 1 .5F 1 00VElect 10F 50VElect 22F 35VElect 47F 16VElect 10F 50VElect .47F 50VElect 10F 35VElect lOF 35VElect .47F 50VElect 220F 1 6VM y l a r .0047F 100VPoly .01F 2.5% 63VMylar .068F 1 00VPoly .01F 2.5% 63VM y l a r .0047F 1 00VElect 1F 63VElect 10F 50VElect 100F 16VElect 2200F 1 6VM y l a r .22F 630VElect 39000F 50VD I O D E SSi. si gna l d i odeSi. si gna l d i odeS t . si gna l d iodeSi. si gna l d i odeSi. si gna l d i odeSi. si gna l d i odeSi. si gna l d i odeSi. si gna l d iodeSi. si gna l d i odeZener diodeS i . rect i f i erPartNumber066-173064-143066-221066-214066-182066-221066-244066-173066-173066-244066-218064-132064-142064-136064-142064-132066-248066-221066-226066-247064-052066-225070-047070-047070-047070-047070-047070-047070-047070-047070-047070-085070-031D201 ,202D203,204D205.206D207,208D209,210D21 1 ,2120213,214D215,216D217,218D301D302,303D304,305D306D307D308F301M101 , 102Q101 , 102Q103, 104Q105Q201 ,202Q203,204Q205,206Q209,210Q21 1 ,212Q213,214Q215,216Q217,218Q219.220Q221 ,222Q223,224Q225,226Q227,228Q229,230Q231 ,232Q233,234Q235,236Q237,238Q239,240Si. si gna l d i odeSi. si gna l d i odeSi. si gna l d i odeSi. si gna l d i odeS i . rect i f i erS i , rect i f i erS i . rect i f ierSi. si gna l d i odeSi. si gna l d i odeSi. si gna l d i odeSi. si gna l d i odeZener d i ode 1 6VZener d i ode 1 6VRect i f i er br i dgeS i . rect i f i erFUSESFuse 10AMETERSMeter (power level )TRANSISTORSS i . NPN trans i storS i . PNP trans i storS i . NPN trans i storSi . NPN transistorS i . PNP trans istorDual NPN trans i storS i . PNP trans i storS i . PNP trans istorS i . NPN trans-i storS i . NPN trans i storS i . PNP trans i storS i . PNP trans i storS i . NPN trans i storS i . NPN trans i storS i . PNP trans i storS i . PNP trans i storS i . N P N transistorSi . NPN transistorS i . NPN trans i storS i . NPN trans i storS i . PNP trans i storS i . PNP trans i stor070-047070-047070-047070-047070-031070-031070-031070-047070-047070-047070-031070-089070-089070-050070-031089-034124-026132-092132-096132-092132-093132-096132-155132-096132-096132-149132-093132-148132-150132-143132-136132-147132-151132-152132-164132-164132-164132-165132-165MC2205Q241 ,242Q301Q302Q303Q304Q305Q306Q307Q308IC101 , 102IC 103, 104IC105,106IC201 ,202R105, 106R125, 126R241 ,242R201-1,202-1R135,136R137,138R 139, 140R141 , 142R229,230R249,250R251 ,252R255,256R257,258R279,280R281 ,282R283,284R285,286R287,288R289,290R291 ,292R295,296R297,298R299R323R200-1R203-1,204-1S i , PNP trans i storS i . NPN trans i storS i . NPN trans i storPower t rans i storS i . PNP trans i storS i . NPN trans i storS i . NPN trans i storSi . NPN transistorS i . NPN trans i storINTEGRATED CIRCUITSI ntegrated c i rcu i tI n tegrated c i rcu i tI ntegra ted c i rcu i tI ntegrated c i rcu i tPOTENTIOMETERSdB AdjustLog AdjustBias AdjustGa i n control sRESISTORSFi 1m 2.49K 2% 1 /4WFilm 649R 2% 1/4WFi 1m 274R 2% 1 /4WThermi s torFi 1m 365n 1% 1/4WF i l m 909R 1% 1/4WF i l m 82. 5R 1% 1/4WFi 1m 82.5R 1% 1/4WF i l m 909R 1% 1 /4WThermistorW i rewound . 1 5R 5WW i rewound . 1 5R 5WW i rewound . 1 5R 5WW i rewound . 1 5R 5WW i rewound . 1 5R 5WW i rewound . 1 5R 5WTherm i storFi 1m 61 .9K 2% 1/4WF i l m 38. 3K 2% 1/4WThermi s torFilm 38. 3K 2% 1 /4WWirewound 220R 2W132-165132-090132-078132-079132-096132-090132-143132-090132-143133-037133-037133-037133-037134-294134-293134-298134-273144-049144-050144-048144-075144-071144-073144-072144-072144-073144-074139-105139-105139-105139-105139-105139-105144-074144-077144-076144-012144-076139-076S101S201S301S302,303K301T201 ,202T301SWITCHESMeter range swi tchPower on-off swi tchSpeaker sw i tchThermal cutoutRELAYSpeaker controlTRANSFORMERSOutput transformerPower transformerFRONT PANEL & TRIMFront panelFront pane l end capsKnobs (al l control s)LAMPS#1866 Panel & meters#7382 Normal & l i m i t#7381 Hold, dB & wattsPANLOC SYSTEMShelf bracket (right)Shelf bracket ( left)Mounting template #300Hardware packageMISCELLANEOUS ITEMSPlast ic feetSh i pp i ng cartonOwners manua lLine cordFuse hol der ,146-180146-167146-167153-017087-017044-636044-637044-634018-173090-156058-014058-061058-062043-678043-679038-244044-871017-218045-008038-950170-021178-001MC2205038-980BE07200315C1105S7-M6980-3