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    Pioneer-VSX41-avr-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

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    Pioneer-VSX41-avr-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

    ORDER NO.PIONEER CORPORATION 4-1, Meguro 1-chome, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8654, JapanPIONEER ELECTRONICS (USA) INC. P.O. Box 1760, Long Beach, CA 90801-1760, U.S.A.PIONEER EUROPE NV Haven 1087, Keetberglaan 1, 9120 Melsele, BelgiumPIONEER ELECTRONICS ASIACENTRE PTE. LTD. 253 Alexandra Road, #04-01, Singapore 159936PIONEER CORPORATION 2002RRV2614THIS MANUAL IS APPLICABLE TO THE FOLLOWING MODEL(S) AND TYPE(S).T ZZK MAY. 2002 Printed in JapanModel No.Order No.RemarksVSX-D811S/KUXJIRRV2583 This service manual should be used together with the following manual(s):AUDIO/VIDEO MULTI-CHANNEL RECEIVERVSX-41TypeModelPower RequirementRemarksVSX-41KUXJI/CAAC120VRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库VSX-412jpfyFor the applying amount of lubricants or glue, follow the instructions in this manual.(In the case of no amount instructions, apply as you think it appropriate.)1. CONTRAST OF MISCELLANEOUS PARTS CONTRAST TABLEVSX-41/KUXJI/CA and VSX-D811S/KUXJI are constructed the same except for the following :Parts marked by NSP are generally unavailable because they are not in our Master Spare Parts List.The mark found on some component parts indicates the importance of the safety factor of the part.Therefore, when replacing, be sure to use parts of identical designation.Screws adjacent to mark on product are used for disassembly.Reference Nos. indicate the pages and Nos. in the service manual for the base model. NOTES:Notes : For PCB ASSEMBLIES, Refer to “CONTRAST OF PCB ASSEMBLIES” and “2. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM”.Part No.Ref. No.MarkSymbol and DescriptionVSX-D811SVSX-41Remarks/KUXJI/KUXJI/CAPCB ASSEMBLIESP9 - 1DD & INPUT ASSYXWX3049XWX3052NSPAMP&PS ASSYXWK3059XWK3063P9 - 2 AMP&PRIMARY ASSYXWZ3539XWZ3543NSPCOMPLEX ASSYXWK3046XWK3051P9 - 8 6CH IN ASSYXWZ3508XWZ3509P9 - 9 DIGITAL IN ASSYXWZ3519XWZ3520P9 - 10 S. VIDEO ASSYXWZ3522XWZ3523P9 - 11 COMPORNENT ASSYXWZ3524XWZ3525P9 - 14 PRE-OUT ASSYXWZ3530XWZ3531P9 - 15 VIDEO ASSYXWZ3583XWZ3491P11 - 1 FRONT ASSYXWZ3501XWZ3506P11 - 6 R. ENCODER ASSYXWZ3582XWZ3512PACKING SECTIONP7 - 4NSPDry Cell Batteries (AA/R6P)VEM-013Not usedP7 - 4NSPDry Cell Batteries (AA/LR6)Not usedVEM1021P7 - 5Operating Instructions (English)XRB3013XRB3018P7 - 7Remote Control UnitXXD3043XXD3046P7 - 13Packing CaseXHD3202XHD3310EXTERIOR SECTIONP9 - 40Rear PanelXNC3141XNC3175FRONT PANEL SECTIONP11 - 18D Panel R5 WXAK3274XAK3345P11 - 19BN CoverXAK3294XAK3319P11 - 21Pioneer BadgeXAM3006VAM1109P11 - 24Front PanelXMB3063XMB3090P11 - 30Door AssyXXG3091XXG3132P11 - 31NSPDoorXAK3275XAK3344When ordering resistors, first convert resistance values into code form as shown in the following examples. Ex.1 When there are 2 effective digits (any digit apart from 0), such as 560 ohm and 47k ohm (tolerance is shown by J=5%, and K=10%).560 56 101561 .RD1/4PU 5 6 1 J47k 47 103473 .RD1/4PU 4 7 3 J0.5 R50 .RN2H R 5 0 K1 1R0 .RS1P 1 R 0 K Ex.2 When there are 3 effective digits (such as in high precision metal film resistors).5.62k 562 1015621 .RN1/4PC 5 6 2 1 FRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库VSX-413XWX3052 and XWX3049 are constructed the same except for the following :DD & INPUT ASSYMarkSymbol and DescriptionPart No.RemarksXWX3049XWX3052JA101JA104 (4P PIN JACK)AKB7048AKB7108FA CONTRAST OF PCB ASSEMBLIESXWZ3520 and XWZ3519 are constructed the same except for the following :DIGITAL IN ASSYMarkSymbol and DescriptionPart No.RemarksXWZ3519XWZ3520C1927Not usedCKSRYB104K25R1915Not usedRS1/16S101JJA1901, JA1907 (1P PIN JACK)VKB1077VKB1074JA1906 (OPT. LINK OUT 12MB/S)Not usedJFJ3000-010020FJXWZ3543 and XWZ3539 are constructed the same except for the following :AMP&PS ASSYFBMarkSymbol and DescriptionPart No.RemarksXWZ3539XWZ3543C701, C702 (4700F/71V)ACH7137Not usedC701, C702 (5600F/71V)Not usedXCH3005XWZ3523 and XWZ3522 are constructed the same except for the following :S. VIDEO ASSYMarkSymbol and DescriptionPart No.RemarksXWZ3522XWZ3523CN352 (3-4P MIN DIN SOCKET)AKP7043Not usedCN353 (2-4P MIN DIN SOCKET)AKP7020AKP7023JA352 (3-4P MIN DIN SOCKET)Not usedAKP7049For CN352FNXWZ3491 and XWZ3583 are constructed the same except for the following :VIDEO ASSYMarkSymbol and DescriptionPart No.RemarksXWZ3583XWZ3491CN305 (6P PIN JACK)AKB7123XKB3018FLXWZ3509 and XWZ3508 are constructed the same except for the following :6CH IN ASSYMarkSymbol and DescriptionPart No.RemarksXWZ3508XWZ3509308 (6P PIN JACK)AKB7089AKB7088FMVSX-414XWZ3506 and XWZ3501 are constructed the same except for the following :FRONT ASSYMarkSymbol and DescriptionPart No.RemarksXWZ3501XWZ3506R428Not usedRS1/16S472JR429RS1/16S0R0JRS1/16S622JFOXWZ3525 and XWZ3524 are constructed the same except for the following :COMPORNENT ASSYFVMarkSymbol and DescriptionPart No.RemarksXWZ3524XWZ3525JA551 (6P PIN JACK)AKB7128AKB7127JA553 (3P PIN JACK)AKB7124XKB3022XWZ3512 and XWZ3582 are constructed the same except for the following :R. ENCODER ASSYMarkSymbol and DescriptionPart No.RemarksXWZ3582XWZ3512D512SLI-343DCW(STU)E1L4E-7B1A(2345)FPXWZ3531 and XWZ3530 are constructed the same except for the following :PRE-OUT ASSYMarkSymbol and DescriptionPart No.RemarksXWZ3530XWZ35311575 (6P PIN JACK)AKB7089AKB7088FWVSX-41512341234CDFABEVSX-41VSX-41NO USENO USENO USEDIGITAL IN ASSY(XWZ3520)CN9101CN951TA2/4JF2. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM2.1 DIGITAL IN ASSYNote : When ordering service parts, be sure to refer to EXPLODED VIEWS and PARTS LIST or PCB PARTS LISTFJVSX-41612341234CDFABE2.2 FRONT ASSYFOVSX-41/KUXJI/CAFRONT ASSY(XWZ3506)OF


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