Pioneer-SA610-int-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf
f fo ll,r*:(EefvicecVlanualSTEREO AMPLIFIERS -Ci,lO()rrroruEErlRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库o This service manual is applicable to the KU type.CONTENTSI . S P E C I F I C A T | O N S . . . . . . . 32 . F R O N T P A N E L F A C I L I T I E S . . . . . 43 . D I S A S S E M B L Y . . . . 64 . P A R T S L O C A T I O N . . . . . . 65 . B L O C K D I A G R A M . . . . . . 86 . L E V E L D I A G R A M . . . . . . . 8T . C T R C U I T D E S C R I P T I O N S . . . . . . 9S . A D J U S T M E N T S . . . . . . 1 09. EXPLODEDVIEWSANDPARTSLIST . . . . . . . 1110. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM, P.C. BOARDPATTERNS AND PARTS LIST1 0 . 1 M i s c e l l a n e a . - . . . 1 410.2 Schematic Diagram 1510.3 P.C. Board Connection Diagram 1810.4 Parts List of P.C. Board Assembly 2111. PACKING . . . . . . 2 2(RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库rI1. SPECIFICATIONSSemiconductorslCsTransistors 27D i o d e s . . . . . . 1 8Amplifier SectionContinuous p0wer output of 45watts* per chan-nel, min., at 8ohms from 20Hertz to 20,000Hertz with no more than 0.3%total harmonicdistortion.Total Harmonic Distortion (20 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz,I ohms, from AUX)22.5 watts per channelpower output.No more than 0.02%Intermodulation Distortion (50 Hertz : 7,000 Hertz= 4 : 18 ohms, from AUX)continuous rated power output . . No more than 0.03%22.5 watts per channel power outputNo more than O.O2%Damping Factor (2OHertz to 20.000 Hertz, S ohms) . . 50I nput (Sensitivity/lmpedance)PHONO .2.5mV/50kilohmsTUNER 150mV/50 kilohmsA U X . . . . . 1 5 0 m V / 5 0 k i l o h m sTAPE PLAY 1 ,2 . . 150mV/50 kilohmsPhono Overload Level (T.H.D. O.O5o/o, 1.000H2)PHONO 130mVOutput (Level)T A P E R E C l , 2 . . . . . 1 5 0 m VS p e a k e r . . . . A , B , O F FsiA-ci1 clFrequency ResponsePHONO (R IAA Equalization)TUNER, AUX, TAPE PLAY20Hz to 20.000H210.3d81 . 2. . 1OHz to 60,000H2 13dBTone ControlB A S S . . . t 1 0 d B ( 1 0 0 H 2 )T R E B L E . . . . t 1 0 d B ( 1 0 , 0 0 0 H 2 )Subsonic Filter . . 15Hz (-6dB/oct)Loudness Contour (Volume control set at -40dB position). . . . +6dB (100H2), +3dB (10,000H2)Hum and Noise (lHF, short-circuited, A network)PHONO . . .82dBT U N E R , A U X , T A P E P L A Y 1 , 2 . . , . . . I O O d BMiscellaneousPower Requirements AC 120V,60H2PowerConsumption .100W(UL)Dimensions . 42O(Wl x 94(H) x 347(D) mm16-9/16(W) x 3-11l16(H) x 13-11/16(D) inWeight (without package) 6.9kg (15 lb 3oz)Furnished PartsO p e r a t i n g l n s t r u c t i o n s . . . . . . . . 1NOTE:Specifications and the design subject to possible modificationswithout notice due to improvements.* Measured pursuant to the Federal Trade Commission,s TradeRegulation rule on Power Output Claims for Amplifiers.2. FRONT PANEL FACILITIESO POWER SWITCHSet this switch to ON to supply power to the amplifier.There will be a short delay when it is set to ON. becausethe muting circuit has been actuated to suppress theunpleasant noise that is sometimes generated when thepower is on and off . SPCETER SELECTORUse this selector to select the speaker system.OFF: Sound not obtained from speakers.A: Sound obtained from speakers connected to theA speaker terminals.B: Sound obtained from speakers connected to theB speaker terminals. BASS AND TREBLE CONTROLSUse these controls to adjust the bass and the treble.lf you set the tone switch to ON and turn the bass controlto right from its center position, you will be able toemphasize the sound in the low-frequency range. Con-versely, turning the bass control to the left from thecenter position, you will attenuate the sound.You can use the treble control to adjust the sound in thehigh-frequency range. POWER METERThis meter allows you to read out the rated power levelon the fluorescent display tube when speakers with anominal impedance of 8 ohms are connected to theampl if iers speaker terminals. FUNCTTON INDICATORSThe TUNER, PHONO, TAPE, AUX function indicatorslight up in accordance with the position of the functionse lector. FUNCTION SELECTORUse this selector to select the program source. When set.the function indicator above the meter panel correspond-ing to the position of the function selector will light up.TUNER: Set here when listening to broadcasts on a tunerconnected to the TUNER jacks.(The TUNER function indicator lights up.)PHONO: Set here when playing records on a turntableconnected to the PHONO jacks.(The PHONO function indicator lights up.)TAPE 1: Set here when playing tapes on the tape deckconnected to the TAPE 1 jacks.(The TAPE function indicator lights up.)AUX: Set here when listening to a program sourcewhich is connected to the AUX jacks.(The AUX function indicator lights up.)riIiO volurvrE coNTRoLUse this control to adjust the output level to the speakersand headphones. Turn it clockwise to increase the outputlevel. No sound will be heard if you set it to ,0., nCRopHoNE JAcKPlug the headphones into this jack when you want tolisten through your stereo headphones.NOTE:Set the speaker selector to OFF when listening only with head-phones.) suesoNtc FTLTER SWTTCHWhen this switch is set to the l 5Hz position, the subsonicfilter with a cut-off frequency of 15Hz is actuated. Thesubsonic filter serves to attenuate frequencies lower than15Hz in a 6dB/oct slope. lt is therefore effective insuppressing ultra-low-frequency noise which is generatedby record warp and other causes. You cannot actuallyhear this noise but it is a factor in the generation ofintermodulation distortion and it may damage yourspeaker system. Set this switch to the 1SHz positionduring record play for the best effect. rorue swtrcHSet this switch to ON when adjusting the bass and treblecontrols. When set to the upper (OFF) position, the tonecontrol circuits are disengaged and frequency response isflat. This function is convenient for checking phono car-tridge and speaker tone quality and listening roomacoustics. powen tNDtcAToRWhen the power switch is set to ON this lamp lights up,indicating the amplif ier is turned on.sA-Ci1cl LouolrrEss swtrcHWhen listening to a performance with the volume controlturned down, set this switch to ON and the bass andtreble will be accentuated.When the volume is low, the human ear finds it harderto hear the bass and treble than when the volume is high.The loudness switch is thus designed to compensate forthis deficiency. By setting it to ON, the bass and treblecome through much more strongly and the sound takes ona punch even when the volume control is turned down. rnpe 2 swrTcHSet this switch to the ON position when monitoring a tapeperformance on a tape deck which you have connected tothe TAPE 2 jacks or when monitoring a recording.NOTE:Set the switch to the upper (OFF) position when tistening torecords or broadcasts, etc. selected by the function selector. BalarucE coNTRoLUse this control to balance the volume of the left andright channels. lf the sound appears to be louder on theright, it means that the volume of the right channel ishigher. Turn the balance control to the left and adjust.Conversely, if the sound appears to be louder on the left,it means that the volume of the left channel is higher.Therefore, turn the balance control to the right andadjust.IIfrt-3. DISASSEMBLYBonnet CaseRemove the four screwsFront PanelRemove the four screwso.e.Bottom PlateRemove the six screws O.o The !i, marh found on some component parts indicatesthe importance of the safety factor of the part. Therefore, when replacing, be sure to use parts of identicaldesignation.4. PARTS LOCATIONFront PanelViewm(t .J!g!r.-Knob (BALANCEIAAB.223Lever knob(LOUDNESS, TAPE 2)AAD.2OOo.oo/o Bonnet caseFront panel6Front View with Front Panel RemovedVariable resistor (BASS. TREBLE)ACT-127I Lever switch (POWERASK.520Headphones .jackAKN-023Lever switch (SUBSONIC, TONE)ASK-1 71Top View with Bonnet Removedj Power transformerATT-667Switch assemblyGWS-215Headphones assemblyGWX460Tone control assemblyGWG-138Rear Panel ViewTerminal INPUT)AK8.064Terminal (TAPE 1)AKB-063!tlr rl|rl tu IVariable resistor ( BA LANCE)ACT-130-Lever switch (TAPE 2)siA-610Fluorescent indicator tubeAAV-O06Slide rotary switch(FUNCTION)ASX-I 13I o L:-Variable resistor (VOLUME)ASK.172Lever switch ( LOUDN ESS)ASK-171AF amplifier assemblyGWK.144Switch assemblyGWS-216Volume assemblyGWX459I AC sockerAKP.O321i Power codeADG-023Strein relielAEC-327Terminal (SPEAKERS)AKE-051ft-tsl ide rota ry r*i ttr -=-.(SPEAKERS) I :ASE-oo3 | , ll5. BLOCK DIAGRAMswtrcHEs:st Fu&trox luxEP-M-raPEI-AUX32 fAPE? ON - 6Ft3 ouoils ox - gll54 Su6oirt(t5Hrl Ox - 655 SPEAXERS OF-A-s6 &sR ox -!Ilse ioilE or _lI!6. LEVEL DIAGRAMl.tlJroot xeai pnone (eo)AUX /TUNER 15OmVn7. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONSEqualizer AmplifierThe 54,-610 features a 3-stage direct-coupledequalizer amplifier for greater reduction of noiseand distortion.Besides the use of an ultra low-noise transistor(25C26O2) in the first stage, the adoption of lowimpedance input resistance and equalizer circuithas contributed to an S/N ratio of at least 82dB(at 2.5mV input, IHF-A).Power AmplifierThis all stage direct-coupled pure complemen-taly SEPP circuit features a current mirror loaddifferential amplifier in the first stage, and incor-porates the tone control circuit in the NFB loop.Although the incorporation of the tone controlcircuits in the power amplifier stage reduces thenumber of elements that the signal has to passthrough, and thereby further reduces noise, dis-tortion, and cost, the power stage does require ahigher gain and a higher degtee of stability. In theSA-610, this high gain and high stability areachieved by a cunent mirror load differentialamplifier in the first stage and by the use of aconstant current circuit for the load of the pre-driver stage. Furthermore, the tendency for thepre-driver stage capacitance impedance load tocause deterioration in the high end frequencyresponse is suppressed by inserting a capacitor (C)between the emitter of the pre-driver stage (Q2)and the base of the constant current circuit (Q1) asshown in Fig. 7-1. At frequencies where thereactance of this capacitor may be ignored, thepush-pull action of Ql and Q2 serves to counteractthe high end frequency response deterioration.The power amplifier stage is a complementary2-stage Darlington connection, resulting in anoutput power rating of 45W + 45W (8Q, 20Hz-2OkHz, harmonic distortion of less than O.O37o(20H2 20kHz at rated output), and outputpower bandwidth of 5Hz - 50kHz (0.O3% THD).Certainly a superb performance for an amplifierof this class is obtained./. Constant current/ circuit)to o,u.,.rnPre-driver stagasiA-61 clProtection CircuitBesides protecting the speakers if a DC voltageshould happen to appear at the power amplifierstage outputs, this circuit also mutes the signalpath when the power switch is turned on and off(See Fig. 7-2).If for any reason a DC voltage (in excess ofabout tbV) should happen to appear in the outputof the power amplifier stage, it is detected imme-diately by either Q23 or q24. qn is turned on bya positive voltage, and Q24 by a negative voltage. Ineither case, Q25 is also turned off, thereby openingthe relay contact to disconnect the power amplifierstage from the speakers. ,The muting action when the power switch isturned on is achieved by delaying the rise of theQ25 base potential by means of the R95/C77 timeconstant circuit. When the power switch is turnedon, C77 is charged up via R95, thereby increasingthe voltage across both ends of this capacitor.When this voltage exceeds the zener voltage of theD15 zener diode, Q25 is biased in the forwarddirection, and is thereby tumed on to close therelay contact.When the power switch is turned off., C77discharges rapidly via D18, resulting in Q25 beingturned off, thereby opening the relay contact.L CH SP OUTR CH SP OUTFig. 7-2 Frotection circuit!fr lIf,Ii FFig. 7-1 Pre-driver stage8. ADJUSTMENTS8.1 IDLE CURRENT ADJUSTMENT1. Set the SPEAKERS selector to the A position,and connect an 8Q resistor to the speaker out-put terminals.2. Turn the VOLUME control down to minimumlevel, turn the power on, and wait about 10minutes.3. Connect a DC voltmeter to the TP terminals(Lch; TP4 and TP3, Rch; TP2 and TP1) of theAF Amplifier Assembly (GWK-144).4. Check that the voltage between TP4 and TP3(Lch) lies within the DC 4mV-50mV rangethen make a similar check for the Rch (betweenTP2 and TP1). If the voltage is less than 4mV,cut jumper wire A (Lch), and jumper wire B(Rch). If the voltage exceeds 70mV, check forcircuit failure.8.2 OUTPUT INDICATOR ADJUSTMENT1. Set the TONE CONTROL to the center position.2. Set the SPEAKERS selector to the A position,and connect an 8O resistor and AC voltmeter tothe speaker output terminals.3. Set the FUNCTION switch to the AUX position,and apply a 7kHz, 150mV signal to the AUXterminals.4. Adjust the VOLUME control so that the voltageon the output terminals (SPEAKERS) read 9V(AC).5. Adjust VR1 (Lch) and VR2 (Rch) of the in-dicator assembly so that the output powerindicator read 10 watts.AF Amplifier Assembly(GWK-144) Jumper wire AJumper-l vR2 vR1F.L Meter Assembly eFig. 8-1 Adjustment point1 0sA-61 clr9. EXPLODED VIEWS AND PARTS LISTExterior ComponentfaIf-Parts ListNOTE:c Parts without part number cannot be supplied.o The A marh found on some component parts indicates the importance of thesafety factor of the part. Therefore, when replacing, be sure to use parts of id.enti-cal designation.Key No. Part No.Descriptionf,1 . caseScrewLever knobFront panel assemblyKnobKnobKnobScrewBottom plateScrew.4.t4 - : 1;rInterior Componentl K ?um;l _s-ilY2o44293032 34- - 36,2ssl-ffu.QN f - ,ro 9;i,w38YsiA-cil ottParts ListKey No. Part No.DescriptionKey No. Part No.Description|x-l 1. 4rT-6672.3.4. GWS-215A s. AsK-s2oA e. Acc-ool7. GWX4608. GWG-I389. AWV0710.11.12. GWS-21613. GWX-45914.15. AEL-32016.17.A rg. AKP-03219.Azo. ADG-o2321 . AEC-32722. AKE-O5123.Azc. AEK-Ioo25. GWK-I44Power transformerWire clipFrameSwitch assemblyLever switchCapacitorHeadphones assemblyTone control assemblyF.L. assemblyCushionLED socketSwitch assemblyVolume assemblyCushion rubberLEDPanel stayHeat sinkAC socketRear panelPower codeStrein reliefTerminalTerminal (GND)FuseAF amplifier assembly26. ASK-I7127. ASK-17228. ACT-13029. AKB-06330. AKB-0643 1 .32. AEC-67233. ABA-10734. 484-06635. ABA-23436. A84-02637. M45-O8638. 871-00439. ABE-00540. ABA-2404t. ABA-19842.43. AEC-35244.45. AEC-48846. 2SA1 108/A/O or R47. 25C2588/A/Oor R48. ABA-145Lever switchLever switchVariable resistorTerminalTerminalFrameFoot assemblyScrewScrewScrewScrew1 t spacerNut 9WasherScrewScrewRemote wireNylon rivetP.C.B. holderI nsulator spacerTransistor t hfe should have theTransistor J same rankScrewr-T,1 31O. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM.P.C.BOARD PATTERNS ANDPARTS LIST10.1 MISCELLANEANOTE:c When ordering resistors,first conuert resistance ualues into code form as shown inthe following examples.Ex. 1 When there are 2 effectiue digits (any digit apart from 0), such as 560 ohmand 47h ohm (tolerance is shown by J = SVo, and K = 10Vo).56Oa-56x10t-561 . RDVTPSEIilJ4