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    Sansui-AU517-int-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

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    Sansui-AU517-int-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

    RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库AU-517/7171. SPCIFICA TlaNSAU-717Power outputMin. RMS, both channels driven, from 20 to 20000 Hz, with nomore than 0.025% total harmonic distortion85 watts per channel into 8. ohmsLoad impedance. . . . . . . . . 8 ohmsPower bandwidth. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 to 20000 Hz at or belowrated min. RMS power outputand total harmonic distortionTotal harmonic distortion (POWER AMP IN). less than 0.025% at or belowrated min. RMS power outputIntermodulation distortion (70 Hz: 7 kHz = 4:1 SMPTE method).,. lessthanO.025%Frequency response (at 1watt) (POWER AMP IN).,. Oto200OOOHz+OdB-3dBRIAA curve daviation (PHONO) . . . . +0.2 dB -2 dB(20 to 20000 Hz)approximately 60 at 8 ohmsloadDamping factor. . . . . . . . . .Input sensitivity and impedance (1 kHz, for rated power output)PHONO 2.5mV/47kilohms(Max. input capability; 350 mV at 1 kHz, less than 0.01 % totalharmonic distortion)AUX, TAPE. . . . . . . . . . . . . 150mV/47 kilohmsOutput level (1 ,000 Hz)TAPEREC(pinjack) 150mV/47kilohmsPREOUT.1V/47kilohmsChannel separation (1 kHz, at rated power output)PHONO betterthan60dBAUX. betterthan65dBHum and noise (short-circuit, A-network)PHONO .78dBAUX. 100dBControlsBASS. . . . . . . . . .Tone selectorTREBLE .Toneselector.SUBSONIC FILTER.HIGHFILTER.MUTING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LOUDNESS (-30dB) .,.:!:10dB (50 Hz)200400 Hz:!:10dB (15kHz), 6 kHz3dB(16Hz),6dB/oct3dB (10kHz),6dB/oct20dB9dB at 50Hz7dBat10kHzPower requirementsPowervoltage. 100, 120220240V (50/60Hzl120V (Usable 110 - 130V)60 Hz (for U.A. & Canadaonly)Power consumptionMaximum consumption. . . . . . .Rated consumption. . .Dimentions.Waight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .735 watts425 watts 500 VA430mm (16-15/16) W168 mm (6-5/8) H389mm (15-3/8) D8kg (39.2lbs) net19.8 kg (43.7 Ibs) packed2. BLOCK DIAGRAMr-_n:r:t: IUUI, I- a: I-, . ,-,0. I I : , , ,0. ILn_-0 ;1 7, I t -_:_-+ _:i!:i!, - $; ;: , , ,- - ,-.,.n_-_n_n_-,j,- - - - - -;,I:10.I: I:51,21 L_- - -,-IIAJlI-Ii;II,JII:I:(0d .:.- - - - - -JL_-n_-_n-ttJr- - - -. : 1- I .:. u0.I I I gl =1 I L_- - - - - - - - -_r-(0 -(0 -C0 -(0- c0-: g &ii&ii.:.: ii L_- - - - - - - -_!_-_RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库AU-517/7173. ADVANTAGE AND OPERATION OFPOWER AMPLIFIER CIRCUITRY SECTIONDOlZDOIFETOl.-ZDO21. AdvantageOThere is neccessity not to decrease the phase response tillDC range in order to increase the music signal response ofextremely low frequency range. Therefore, this amplifier isemploying no capacitors except ones for phase compensa-tion, and has an almost perfect transient characteristics.0 The first stage FET (2SK9?) is a dual FET of even characteris-tics and has a large Gm and no-leakage current at normaltemparature.To avoid the influence by temperature drift, such as centervoltage (OV) deviation, this FET is used as differential am-plifier and operates at cross point which is the optimumpoint of drain current (at about 3mA) against the tempera-ture drift.OTransistors, TROS and TRO?, the push-pull pre-driver stagefunctions as current differential amplifier that the stabilizedoperation can be obtained. In addition, the collector cur-rent of these transistors is enough high to make linearityexcellent.OSince this Amplifier employs phas advancer circuits (CO6COB, C1S, R29, C16 and R30J, which have not been fre-quently used, to compensate the phase characteristics onhigh frequency range and is also made to have enough4. ADJUSTMENTS1. Driver Circuit Board AdjnstmentsNote: 1.STEP IMaster Volume. . .MinimumRoomTemperature.SUBJECT I EQUIPMENT I MEASURE OUTPUT Icurrent on each stage to increase the through-rate, theperformance on high frequency range is conspicuouslyimproved.OTo avoid the voltage deviation, regulated power supplycircuit composed of ZDO1, ZDO2 is employed.2. OperationThe use of differential amplification at first stage dual FET(FETO1, FETO2) and connection of the FET to the differentialamplifier composed of TRO1, TRO2, make possible to obtainenough gain and remarkable low distortion.The output signals of TRO1 and TRO2 are untiphase.The output signal of TRO2 adds to TROS, on the other handthe output phase of TRO1 is inverted by TRO3, then, it becomesinput signal of TRO4 and TRO? which are cascoded connection.The output signals at TROS and TRO? are inphase that the op-eration of this stage is push-pull drive and current differentialamplification. The power amplifier of the final stage is com-posed ofSEPP (Single Ended Push-Pull) symmetry complementary in 3-stage darlington connection type.TRO9 and TR10 are composing current limiter circuit to protectpower transistor from break-down by overload.(See the picture of top view on page 3. For adjustment, run the unit for more than 3 minutes afterthe power is switched on.ADJUSTADJUST FORCONDITIONDCOVDC Volt MeterSpeaker TerminalF-2721DC OV:tSmV0 Set VRO1 and VRO2 to centerL-CHVRO1, VRO2position.0 Then, for the purpose of pro-DCOVSame as aboveSame as aboveF-2722DC OV:tSmVceeding the accurate adjust-ment, set the voltage to 0 voltVRO1, VRO2by VRO1 first and VRO2 next.Bias CurrentSame as aboveTP Terminal (+) (-)F-2721DC 20mV:t1mV0 By turning VRO3 counterclock-of F-2721VRO3wise, the bias current is de-creased gradually.Bias CurrentSame as aboveTP Terminal (+) (-)F-2722DC 20mV:t1mVof F-2?VRO3AU-517/7175. OTHER PARTS1. Top View(AU-517) Power Cord(AU-717)Speaker Terminal 8P Input Terminal4P Input TerminalR701, R702CO701-CO703C703T70JC701C704T702C702Power CordSpeaker Terminal 8P Input Terminal4P Input TerminalCO701-CO703C703T701C701C704T702C702R701, R702Parts No.Parts List AU-517/717?Stock No.Ground TerminalTR703TR701VR02VR01VR03VR01VR02VR03TR702TR704round TerminalTR703TR701TR702TR704DescriptionParts No. Stock No.Parts No. Stock No.DescriptionDescriptionClO5C707-714R701,7O2C0701-7O3 2450060506628022901903800010380019038003202300060230009024100912410830065980106021090202221OlpF 150V M.1.0pF 100V M.2200 2W NH.Voltage S.I.cto SW EU. 85Gmd r.,mlolAU-717 OnlyTRlOI,7O2 0305840-2TRlO3,704 0300520-224112402230052AU-517 OnlYTR701.702 0306450-TR703, 704 0300830-22SCI403AR,2SA745A R, 0, Y r,o,o,ClOt-7040559520T7OI,7O2400258040025844002582F70t043229004340600435150AC 0,11., XXAC 0,., EU, Sp.ok., r.,m;olPow., Co,d XXPow., Co,d EUPow., COld 85Pow., F. Hold., Pow., F. Hold., EU. 85Vollog. S.I.clOt Plg XXVol log. S.I.ctOl Sock. XX12000pF 63V E.C701-7040559518T701.702400259040025944002592F7O1043227004325000435140Pow., r,o,10,m., XXPow., r,0,10,m., EU. 85Pow., r,o,10,m., Ul. CSA5A 125V7A 125V ow., .5A Pow., F. EU, 852SCI116R,2SA747 R, 0, Y r,o,I,o15000pF 63V E.Pow., r,odo,m., XXPow., r,o,fo,m., EU. 85Pow., r,o,fo,m., Ul. CSA5A 125V lOA 250V Pow., F. 15A Pow., F. EU. 2. Front View (AU-717)AU-517/717Parts List AU-517/717/P.s No.Stock No.153188501015170.153188401015230.153188401101780.153188401190410153188301190410153266111171150r32661111716301171610Descdpt;on7 Type Koob250kO (MN)x2 8000 VomeL=25 P=57 Type Koob1000 (C)x2 T,eb. 80, Vol,m,L=25 P=77 Type KoobOlo,y Switch, Sp,ok,7 Type Kooboto,y Switch. Top Copy7 Typa KoobotOty SwiJ,h. op Sel,otLet Switch KoobL Switch, Tooe Del,otL Switch KoobLa,et Switch. PowLe SwiJd. Powat EU. 8S. FiguresConnectors & Pin AssConnectorsType A (3-10 pins)Type B (2-6 pins)P., No.Stock No.De,cdpt;onP., No.Stock No.De,c;pt;on(326620Ph Switch KoobAU-717 Only5286721Koob G,ide!5326611Let Switch Koob1131400Ph Switch.Top, Ploy11 71130L SwiJd. Lo,do2430290Haod Phooe Jock!532661 I L SwiJ,h Koob50066708000ot1171130L Switch. S,b,oo, Filt5336600So, 80dge153188607 Type Koob0319110light Emitt,d Dioda1090280150l0 x2 5kO x 2VoI,me L=25 P=95507070Leg15326611Leet SwiJd KoobAU-S17 Only1171120Le, Switch.M,tiog15326611Le,et Switch Koob15326611Let Switd Koob1171120Le,et Switch,Lo,doe,1171130Leat SwiJd,High Filtet15326611L SwiJd Koobr326620Ph Switch Koob11 711 20Le, Switch,S,b,ooic Filtet5286721Koob G,ide153188607 Typa Koob1131400Ph SwiJch.To 0,1 090250150,OX2Vol,meL=25P=77007570Fto Pooal Ay7007580FtC Pooel Ay505873080ttom Plote505874080ttom Plote0319110Light Emitt,d DiodeSlock No.2 p,ns 24204503 Pins 24204603 PnED) 24206504 PInS 24204705 Pins 24204806 PInS 2420490NOTE: Since stock number of Jamale connectors (type 61 with wires are notshown in each parts list of Complete crrcUit board, please refer to theabove parts list when ordering the connector.AbbreviationsPin AssType A (3-10 pins) TypeB(3-10 pins) Type C (3-10 pins)Type D (2-6 pins) Type E (2-6 pins)Ce.: Carbon Resistor: Solid Resistor: Cement Resistor: Metal FilmResistor: Fusing Resistor: Non.lnflammableResistor: Mylar CapacitorC. : Electrolytic CapacitorBP.: Bi.Polar ElectrolyticCapacitor: Ceramic Capacitor: Mica Capacitor: Oil Capacitor: Polystyrene Capacitor: Tantalum CapacitorMi.AU-517/7176. PARTS LOCATION & PARTS LISTTerminal Circuit Board (AU-517 Stock No. 7595201)(AU-717 Stock No. 7595171)Conductor Side2 F-2723 ualizer Circuit Board (AU-517 Stock No. 7551171)(AU-717 Stock No. 7551161)Conductor SideSince some of capacitors and resistors areomitted from parts lists in this ServiceManual, refer to the common parts list forcapacitors & resistors which was appendedpreviously to each Sansui Manual.Parts ListParts No. Stock No.Description22004808P lop Te.mioolParts ListParts No.Stock No.De.crptionPositionTRoo,0300900.2SA906 (G. H), B. 2 BTROO.0300470. 12SA726(w) (F. G)1 A. 2 BTR05.0300900. 12SA906 (G. H)1 B. 2 BTROl.0306290. 12SC140011) (E.T.oo,sto.1 B. 2 BTRoo.0300B90.2SA750(3) (E. U)1 A. 2ATRll.0306290.2SC14001I) (E.1 A. 2ATRI3.0306290.2SCI4001I)IE.1 A. 2ATR150300890. 12SA750(3) (E. U)1 A. 2ADOI.0340120VO1212 )1 A. 2 BDoo. 040340120VO1212 Vosto.1 A. 2APorts No.Stock No.DescriptionPositionPorts No.Stock No.DescriptionPositionCOI.06021091.0pF100V1 C.R47.019382082rJ) 1 A. 2ACOl. 08 0620121120PF18.2 BR49.019382082rJ ,W1 A. 2ACI3.0620151150pF 50V1 ASOl1190420lop, Roo.y Switch1 B. CC15.06252722700pF1 A. 2A5021190410Tope Copy Roo.y Switch2 B. CC23.062510310000pF1 A. 2A24109203P Pio A,y Type E RI7.023156101 A. 2ARI9. 200231220nrJ1 A. 2AAU-7T7 OnlyR23.023127327krJ y,W1 A. 2A24109102PPA,yTypeER33.023115315krJ1 A. 2AR35.0231304300krJ1 A.3. F-2673 Tone Control Circuit Board (AU-517 Stock No. 7561841)Conductor SideAU-517/717Parts ListPa.ts No.Stock No.Dese.ptionposmonTRol.020306010. I2SCI222!2) (U. E) flB. I ATRO3.0306010.2SCI222!2)(U.E) lB. I ATR05.0300890. I2SA750(31 (E. U) T,o!o,1 B. I ATRoUB0306010.2SCI222(2) (U. E) Dol. 020340120VD1212Vo;o,1 B. 2 BCOl.020610361360pF50VC05.060233B33pF100VVROI1015170. I250kO(MN)x2 BoloooeVR2ASOl1171120lood lem SwHoh2A. BS021171150Toos Deleo! lew SwH,h2 BSO31171120Sobo,l, Fllte l.,a, SwH,h2 B24105705P PI, A,y Typa D24109203PPI,A,yTypaE4. F-2674 Bass & Treble Volume Circuit Board (AU-517 Stock No. 7561861)Parts List5. F-2670 Pre-Main Switch Circuit Board (AU-517 Stock No. 7595211)(AU-717 Stock No. 7595191)6. F-2667 Tae PlaCircuit Board (AU-517 Stock No. 7595181)(AU-717 Stock No. 7595221)Pa.ts No. Stock No.DeseptionVROI.02 1015230.1 IOOkO(C)x2 T,abla.Bo VolomaParts ListParts No. Stock No.DeseptionSOl11102902200500PRE-MAIN Sllda SwIoh4P I,po !a,m,olParts ListPa.ts No. Stock No.DeseptionSOl113140024107002410920Topa Ph SwHoh6P PI, A,y Typa F3P PI, A,y Typa EAU-517/7177. F-2720 Tone Control Circuit Board (AU-717 Stock No. 7561941)Conductor Side, Parts ListPacts No.Stock No.DesciptionPositionPacts No.Stock No.Desc,iptionPositionPas No.Stock No.Desc,iptionPositionTRO1,0360370-22SA798 (F, G, H)lB. 1 ADO1,0340120VD1212Voo1 C. 1 ASOl1171130MO1log SWTR03,0300470,2SA726M) (F, G)1 C. 1 ACor. 020620361360pF50V2 BS021171130lo,doe SW2 BTRos, 06 0306290,2SCI400(1) (E, U)I C.l ACOS,060233833pF100WVS031171150Tooe Deleot SWTR07,0300890,2SA750(3) (E. U)T,o,o,1 C. 1 AC09,0620121120pF50VlB. 1 AS041171130S,b,oolk FII, SWTR09,030629D,2SCI400(I) (E,U) 1 C. 1 AR37,Dl91820820; !4W1 C. 1 B5051171130High Fllte, SW2 BTRII,03D6290, 12SCI4DO(1) (E, U) 1 C. 1 AR39,0191820820 41 C.l A24105705P Plo Ay Type DTR13, 140300890, I2SA750(3) (E. U)1 C.1 AVRO11015170.250kO(MN) X 2 8010ooe VR24109203P Plo Ay Type E8. F-2665 Bass & Treble Volume Circuit Board (AU-717 Stock No. 7561851)Conductor SideParts ListPa,ts No. Stock No.Desc,iptionVROr.02 1015230,1 100kO(C)X2 T,eble,BoVol,me9. F-2666 Turn Over Switch Circuit Board (AU-717 Stock No. 7561871)Conductor SideParts ListPa,ts No. Stock No.Desc,;ptionSO11131410T010 am Ph 10. 21 Driver Circuit Board (AU-517 Stock No. 7571721)(AU-717 Stock No. 7571741)Conductor Side11. F-2722 Driver Circuit Board R-ch(AU-517 Stock No. 7571731)(AU-717 Stock No. 7571751)Conductor SidePa,ts No. Stock No.Parts ListAU-517/717Posmon0306290. 125CI400111(E. U)0306290. 125C140011l(E. U)0300690.25A750(3) (E. U)0300890. 125A750(3) (E. u)0300791.25A899 (6. V)0305951. 225C945 (G. p)To,;$lo0306401. 225C1904 (6. V)0306401. 225C1904 (6. V)0305951. 225C945 (G. P)0300791. 225A699 (6. V)0308441-25D362 (M. l. K)0303271. 2256537 (M. l. K)0370251. 225K97fET031116003111601 52473D0311160152473D mode10311160152473D03111601515660316170EG6O1-0316170laM D;odaE 601.TRolTR02TRo3TR04TRo5TR06TRo7TRoaTRooTRIlTR12TR13fTorDolD02Do3Do.ZDolZD02CorCO5CO7062010106203310669505020222202313320231332010339202021520210470021047001035600103560010347901034790135338013533802021000132229Ro.RosRo,RooRJOR28R3IR36R37R43R44R45R46R.7lor4210290103357010353301035310VROIVR02VRO3AU-517 OnlyR03 0107102R16 0107223R28 0210560R31 0210560AU-717 OnlyRO3 0107122R16 0107273R22 0107103R28 0210470R31 0210470Dascptlon100pf330pfl 50V P.5pf 50V C.20 2 W N.J.30 301 W M.9kO YzW 1.50 2W N.J.470 4701 W N.J.gW CR.70 3303301 5 Ca.100 2W N.J.20 2 W Ca.I.5pH Co;!1000(6) Vol,ma20(6) Vol,ma!k0(6) Vol,ma0 2201 W .560 5601 W N.J.1.2O2nO y.,W CR.100470470 .2W N.J.(j I Ltlr G-e1 A. 3 D1 A. 3 D1 A. 3 D1 A. 3 D1 A. 3 D16.1 A. 3 D26. B. 3C1 A. 3D2A.1 B. 3C2 B. 4C2A. 4 D1 A, 3D2A.2A.1 B. 3C2A. 4 D2A. 4 D2A. 4 D1 A. 3D1 A. 3D2A.1 A. 3D26.1 B. 3C2 B. 4 D1 B. 3C2 B. 4C2 B. 4C2A.4c.D2A.2A. 4 D1 A. 3D1 A. 3D2A.1 A. 3DlA.3C.2A.1 A.1 A.1 A. B. 3C.1 A.2A. 4 D1 A. 3DAU-517/71712.2675 Power Supply & Protector Circuit Board (AU-517 Stock No. 7502331)Conductor SideParts ListP.,ts No.Stock No.D.septlonPositionP.,ts No.Stock No.D.septlonPositionPas No.Stock No.D.septlonPositionTRoL020308.521, 22.5D438 (E, F)1 B. 3 BD17-18(0311160152473D2 BC603060233833pF100WV2 BTR03,0303361, 225B560 (E, F)1 B. 3 B0311180151588ROL 0202022727kO1 A. 3ATR6or0305951, 225C945 (Q. P)2 B(0311160152473D2 BR03.02022727kOJ.R.DINO1 A. 3ATR6020305951, 225C945 (Q, P)2 B0311180151588Res, 06 02101011000t r;,W2 B. 3 BTR6030305951, 225C945 (Q, P)T,aIarD6or031035010D2 (152227)2 AR07,02101011000 2J.R.1 B. 3 BTR6040300.510,25A733 (P, Q)2 BD602031035010D2(152227)2 ARI9.0202100100TR6050305951, 225C945 (Q, p)2 BD6030311160152473D2 BR6or02023913900 2 WJ.R.2 BTR6060305951, 225C945 (Q, P)2 BD6040340120VD1212Varior2 BR60202022222kO2 BTR6070305951, 225C945 (Q, P)2 BD6050311160152473D 2 BR6I602104727k0y,WJ.R2 BDOL 02 031153030D2I A. 3AD6060311160: : Dlod.2 BD03,D60703111602 BRl601r 150250R.lay031153030D2D6O8031034010Dl (152226)1150370R.layDes. 06 031153030D21 A. 3 AD07.0311.53030D21 A. 3AZDor,0316570RD33E (B) r1 B. 3 BFOL 0204351604A 12.5VPow., I.


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