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    Kenwood-KRFV8010D-avr-sm2 维修电路原理图.pdf

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    Kenwood-KRFV8010D-avr-sm2 维修电路原理图.pdf

    AV SURROUND RECEIVERKRF-V8010D/V8010DWSERVICE MANUAL 1998-8/B51-5464-00 (K/K) 1751ASPEAKERSBBASS BOOSTMONITORSOURCEDIRECTMULTI CONTROLINPUT SELECTORVOLUME CONTROLDOWNUPSTANDBYAV SURROUND RECEIVERON / STANDBYPHONES- ON OFFPOWERPTYTA/NEWSDISPLAYBANDAUTOMEMORYINPUT MODE LISTEN MODESOUNDSETUPDOLBY DIGITALDVD 6ch INPUTCLIP INDICATERCENTER SPEAKERFRONT SPEAKERSFM75GNDAMANTENNASYSTEM CONTROLREC OUTPHONODVD 6CH. INPUTCDMD / TAPEVIDEO 1VIDEO 1VIDEO 2VIDEO 3VIDEO 1VIDEO 2DVD 6CH.VIDEO 3DVD 6CH.VIDEO 2DOLBY DIGITAL / PCM INVIDEO 3SUBWOOFERSUBWOOFERSURROUNDSURROUNDSURROUND SPEAKERSFRONT SPEAKERSPRE OUTMONITORPLAY INREC OUTPLAY INREC OUTPLAY INPLAY INPLAY INCENTERCENTERSL16XS8LR+-+-RAL CLLRLRRLRBMONITORVIDEO INVIDEO OUTIndicator (B12-0341-04)KENWOOD badge(B43-0302-04)Metallic cabinet *(A01-)AC outlet *(E03-)Phono jack x 2(E63-0046-15)Phono jack x 2(E63-0047-15)Lock terminal board (E20-0321-05)Power cord bushing(J42-0083-05)AC power cord *(E30-)Knob (K27-2275-04)Phone jack(3P) (E11-0127-05)Foot x4(J02-1168-03)Optical receiving module(W02-1181-05)Lock terminal board(E70-0047-05)Phono jack(E63-0094-05)Phono jack(E63-0199-05)Slide switch(S62-0034-05)Phono jack(E63-0114-05)Front glass(B10-3428-12)Knob (K29-7311-03)Panel *(A60-)Knob (K29-7312-04)Miniature phone jack(2P)(E11-0188-05)Knob (K29-7313-04)Knob *(K29-7371-02)(E,T,Q,X type)This manual is available for repair in the Europe, England, Australia and Russia markets. Please refer to the original manual (B51-5419-00) if need the information in the USA and Canadaand other markets.* Refer to parts list on page 31 .Phono jack(E63-0093-05)Screw terminal board(E70-0100-05)Phono jack(E63-0114-05)KRF-V8010D(K) COVER1,1( 98.12.10 17:50 yW 2RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库Resetting the MicrocomputerIf the microcomputer may malfunction (unit cannot be operated,or shows an erroneous display) if the power cord is unpluggedwhile the power is ON, or due to some other external factor. If thishappens, execute the following procedure to reset the micro-computer and return the unit to its normal operating condition.Please note that resetting the microcomputer will clear the contentsof the memory and returns the unit to the state it was in when it left thefactory.With the power cord plugged in, turn the POWER keyOFF. Then, while holding down the ON/STANDBY key,press POWER.FM (T90-0836-05)(A70-1252-05)Battery cover (A09-0366-08)indoor antenna (1)Loop antenna stand (1)Remote control unit (1)Batteries (R03/AAA) (4)AM loop antenna (1) (T90-0833-05)KRF-V8010D/V8010DW2CONTENTS / ACCESSORIES / CAUTIONSCONTENTS / ACCESSORIES / CAUTIONS.2CONTROLS.3DISASSEMBLY FOR REPAIR.5BLOCK DIAGRAM.6CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION.7ADJUSTMENT. 10PARTS DESCRIPTIONS.11PC BOARD .12SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM.17EXPLODED VIEW .30PARTS LIST.31SPECIFICATIONS.40ContentsAccessoriesCautionsPlease refer to KRF-V5010 (B51-5425-00) and KRF-V7510D (B51-5419-00) service manuals ifneed the information on circuit description.KRF-V8010D(K) COVER1,1( 98.12.10 17:50 yW 3RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库* *;FM AMkHzMHz3 STEREOBS.DIRECTASPTI.VOL MUTERDS EON PTYTPTA NEWSDOWNMIXMONITORPRO LOGICTUNEDMEMO.AUTOST.SSWCRSRLSLDIGITAL12!65439 07 8?*&#AUTO SOUND? $ %ASPEAKERSBBASS BOOSTMONITORSOURCEDIRECTMULTI CONTROLINPUT SELECTORVOLUME CONTROLDOWNUPSTANDBYAV SURROUND RECEIVERON / STANDBYPHONES- ON OFFPOWERPTYTA/NEWSDISPLAYBANDAUTOMEMORYINPUT MODE LISTEN MODESOUNDSETUP( ) ?DOLBY DIGITALDVD 6ch INPUTCLIP INDICATERDisplaySpeaker selection indicatorsOutput channel indicatorsBand indicatorsAUTO indicatorMEMO. indicatorST. indicatorTUNED indicator3 STEREO indicatorSTEREO indicatorAbout the STANDBY indicatorThis unit has a STANDBY indicator. When the STANDBY indicator is lit, the unit consumes a small amount of power to preserve the memory. This is calledSTANDBY mode. This mode also lets you turn the power ON using the remote control.Frequency display,Input display,Preset channel display,Surround mode displaySpeaker indicatorMUTE indicatorPRO LOGICindicatorS.DIRECT indicatorMONITOR indicatorRDS indicatorTI.VOL indicator BASS BOOST keyUse to select the maximum adjustmentsetting for the low frequency range.& MONITOR key* SOURCE DIRECT key( INPUT MODE keyUse to switch between the digital andanalog inputs.) LISTEN MODE keyUse to select the listening mode. SOUND keyUse to adjust the sound quality and ambi-ence effects. SETUP keyUse to select the surround sound settings. MULTI CONTROL knobUsed to make a variety of settings. INPUT SELECTOR knobUse to select the input sources.1 POWER keyUse to turn the main power ON/OFF.2 ON/STANDBY () keyUse to switch the power ON/STANDBYwhen the POWER is turned ON.STANDBY indicator3 DOLBY DIGITAL indicatorLights when the receiver is in the DolbyDigital mode.4 DVD 6ch INPUT indicatorLights when the receiver is in the DVD 6chINPUT mode.5 CLIP INDICATOR indicatorLights when the input signal is too large tobe handled by the receiver, and clippingis occurring.6 PTY keyUse to perform PTY search.7 TA/NEWS key8 DISPLAY keyUse to change the display indications whenreceiving RDS broadcasts.9 BAND keyUse to select the broadcast band.0 AUTO keyUse to select the auto tuning mode! MEMORY keyUse to store radio stations in the presetmemory. VOLUME CONTROL knob# PHONES jackUse for headphone listening.$ SPEAKERS A keyUse to turn speaker system A on and off.% SPEAKERS B keyUse to turn speaker system B on and off.DOWNMIX indicatorAUTOSOUNDindicatorDIGITAL indicatorKRF-V8010D/V8010DW3CONTROLSKRF-V8010D(K) COVER1,1( 98.12.10 17:51 yW 68 FUNCTION SHIFT keyUse in combination with the numeric keysto execute alternate commands.9 Numeric keysProvide functions identical to those of theoriginal remote control supplied with thecomponent you are controlling.To access the functions printed above thekeys, press within 3 seconds of pressingthe FUNCTION SHIFT key. Function avail-ability varies for each component.0 SHIFT keyUse in combination with the AUDIO andVIDEO keys to change the remote controlmode without changing the input selectoror in combination with the POWER key toturn on and off components programmedinto the remote control.! TV selector keySets the remote control to operate a TV orcable box. This key does not change theinput selector on the receiver. AUDIO selector keySelects the audio inputs and sets the re-mote control to operate the respectiveKENWOOD audio component.If you connect audio components fromKENWOOD and other makers to the MD/TAPE or CD jacks, you can set the remotecontrol to operate these components byregistering the appropriate setup code atthe respective input.# GUIDE keyUse to activate the OSD menu functions ofregistered components.$ VOLUME keyUse to adjust the receiver volume.% MUTE keyUse to temporarily mute the sound. SOUND keyUse to adjust the sound quality and ambi-ence effects.& LISTEN MODE keyUse to select the listening mode.* SETUP keyUse to select the surround sound settings.1 POWER keyUse to turn the receiver on and off.Use in combination with the input selector(AUDIO, VIDEO, or TV) keys and SHIFTkey to turn various components on and off.2 MACRO keyUse in combination with the AUDIO, VIDEO,or TV keys to execute a series of com-mands automatically (MACRO PLAY).3 VIDEO selector keySelects the video inputs and sets the re-mote control to operate the componentregistered at the respective input.4 Multi control keysUse to operate the selected component.5 REC keyUse to operate the selected component.6 TUNING/SKIP keyUse during the setup procedure to specifyvarious settings. Use to operate the tuneror selected component.7 SUBWOOFER keyUse in combination with the VOLUME +/keys to adjust the volume of the subwoofer.There are some cases in which keys (orknobs) that have the same function onthe receiver and on the remote controlhave different names. In the instruc-tions of this manual, if the names ofcorresponding keys (or knobs) on thereceiver and remote control are differ-ent, the name of the remote control keyis indicated in parentheses.AUDIOSHIFTMACROTVVIDEOGUIDERECMUTEVOLUMETUNING/SKIPTHEMEFAVMENUFUNCTIONSHIFTSETUPINFOALT AUDTV/SAT/VIDREPEATRANDOM+100DISPLAYENT+10LISTENMODESOUNDSUBWOOFER23156489701237894560!#*&%$8746BANDP. CALLP. CALLPOWERKRF-V8010D/V8010DW4CONTROLSKRF-V8010D(K) COVER1,1( 98.12.10 17:51 yW 7KRF-V8010D/V8010DW5DISASSEMBLY FOR REPAIR1. Remove the 8 screws (1,2,3),remove the rear panel.2. Connect the GND of the rear paneland the chassis, the GND of themounting hardware and the chassiswith 2 alligators clip (4)12244433x2x2x3KRF-V8010D(K) COVER1,1( 98.12.10 17:51 yW 12KRF-V8010D/V8010DWLFEDAAD22BYPASSSWCLS/RSL, RL, RLRCLSRSSWDIRCLS/RSL/R+for 50W4700uF3300uFfor 50W3300uF4700uFfor 100WONLY3300uF470uF2200uFfor 100WONLY3300uF470uF+2IC2ATT 2ATT 1ATT OFFLINE BUFPHONO EQTUNERIC4NJM2279MCS4226LPFLPFLPFLPFx2x2x2x1x0.6x0.3x0.3x1SW MIXSW LPFIC18BUFMIXx2YSS248DSPATTx0.5HPFHPFATTx0.6M62446SP6ch E. VOLwithTONE CONT.LchRchCchLSchRSchSWchx0.5BUFSTK411-230DSTK410-030D10dB ATTMUTE+B HITAP B HITAP+B LOWTAP B LOWTAPVIDEO3COXIALOPTICALVIDEO2INDIGITALVIDEO3VIDEO2VIDEO1CDPHONOTAPE1/MDTAPE2/MONIPLAY/MONITAPE2/MDTAPE1VIDEO1VIDEO3VIDEO2VIDEO1VIDEO1MONITORPLAYRECOUTOUTRECLchH, P, RchH, P, LchRchCchLchRchSLchSRchSLchSRchCchSWchREC OUTSP-BSP-AAC IN+5VA.V.Rforu-COM+15VA.V.RA.V.R15V+5V+7V7VA.V.R+5Vfor E. VOLforfor E. VOLfor u-COM ( 30V)for DSP, AD/DA, DIRfor FL(AUDIO and VISUAL)TUNERfor AMP (HI TAP)AMP (LOW TAP)ONLY for 100Wforfor RELAY SWTC9163AFTC9164AFA1J1IC3IC5IC6(1/3)2.5mV/27KPHONOIC21IC23(2/2)(1/2)(1/2)(2/2)IC22IC6AUDIO200mV/47K200mV/2.2KINOUT1VP-P/75VIDEO IN/OUTIC7(1/3)IC6(2/3)IC7(2/3)IC11IC8IC6(3/3)VIDEO SELK1Q1SWITCHEDS1D1D2D5IC1IC230V A.V.RIC8-10Q2IC1IC2IC14(2/2)IC15(2/2)IC14(1/2)IC15(1/2)IC17IC16IC12IC13HPFIC20IC5 (1/2)IC9Q3Q4Q7Q5Q6Q8Q9Q10Q13Q11Q12Q16IC4IC3K1K4K21V/2.2K2V/2.2KSWchC, SL, SRchPRE OUT6ROTARY ENCREMOCON INKEY MATRIXFLKEY RETURNKEYSCANSEGMENTGRID11387LEDAC-3CXP82852-134Qu-COMPOWER RELAY(RELAY FA, RELAY FB,RELAY4(STANDBY(TMUTE, PLLCE, PLLCLK,MUTE10dB ATTVOL DT)(VOL STB, VOL CLK,E-VOLVIDEORELAY C, RELAY S)VMUTE)(VIDEO A, VIDEO B,33(SCK,SI,SO,IC)RESETSTEREO, SLEVEL)PLLDT, PLLDO, PLLSD,TUNER85E2ROM(DATA, CLK)PROTECTIONSYNCHRO(SDATA, SBUSY)DOL.DIG,P.LEVEL)22K3IC51ED51IC7(3/3)INPUT SEL.UNITTC9162AFDA&ADDIRCONVERTERD1-4T1(1/2)(2/2)(1/2)(1/2)(2/2)(2/2)IC10IC10IC12IC11IC11IC12D3-6SP. 5ch OUTPUTE, T, QX28.3V/8 (10%)20V/4 (0.7%)LS/RSLINE BUFIC31CLINE BUFIC32 (1/2)IC32 (2/2)LINE BUFSWIC19IC23IC22IC5(2/2)6chINPUTDVD150.5Vp-p/75COAXDIGITAL INPUTOPTICAL21dBmKRF-V8010D(E)(X00)(X08)(AUDIO)(VISUAL)(X09)(X08)6BLOCK DIAGRAMKRF-V8010D(K) COVER1,1( 98.12.10 17:51 yW 11KRF-V8010D/V8010DWFL DISPLAY (X09) ED5111GRID17SEGMENTX8X3X3X4X3X3X2X2X2(X09) S517SERIALBUSYDATAVOLUMEENCODER(X09) S519MULTIENCODER(X09) S518SELECTORENCODER(X09)X4X1X3X38.0MHzCERESETX3X1X3X2(M TYPE ONLY)AUDIO MUTETUNER MUTETUNER (X09) IC2(X09) IC1-10dB ATTSDSTEREOX111-MT-116GKLED(PEAK. LEVEL)(DOLBY DIGITAL)(STANDBY)(X09) IC6,7AUDIO SELECTOR(X08) IC4NJM2279M(X09) A501REMOCONVIDEO SELECTOR ICTC9163/9164CXP82832-134Q(X00) POWER Relay - (K1)SP. A RELAY - (K1)SP. B RELAY - (K2)SURR RELAY - (K3)CENTER RELAY - (K4)(X08) IC1DSP IC(X08) IC2DAC ICYSS248CS4226(CRYSTAL)(X09) IC5, 6FUNCTION SW(X09) IC9VOLUME IC(X09) IC52E2PROMM62446FPLC72131X24CO2(XICOR)TC9162/916412KR013KR114KR281KS0P.CH DOWNON/STANDBYSPEAKER A80KS1P.CH UPDIMMERSPEAKER B79KS2BANDLISTEN MODEBASS BOOST78KS3AUTOSOUNDMONITOR77KS4MEMORYSETUPSOURCE DIRECT76KS5INPUT MODE75KS6DSW0DSW1DSW274KS7* No. of : u -COM Port NO.DSW3DSW (AC3)Key matrix7CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION1. Microprocessor: CXP82832-134Q(X09 : IC51)1-1 Microprocessor periphery block diagramKRF-V8010D(K) COVER1,1( 98.12.10 17:51 yW 18KRF-V8010D/V8010DWPin No.Pin NameI/ODescription1,2G10,11ODisplay grids 10,113NoneIc test mode port.4CKIRDS clock input.5RDS. DTIRDS data input.6AUDIOIAudio signal detection port. L=AUDIO.7VOL.ENC.AIVolume encoder A(clockwise) input.8REMOCONIRemote contol signal input.9VOL.ENC.BIVolume encoder B(counterclockwise) input.10,11NoneOIc test mode port.12-14KR0-2IKey return 0-2.15PROTECTIProtection signal detection port. H=PROTECT.16S.DATAI/OSerial DATA signal.17S.BUSYI/OSerial BUSY signal.18E2.DTI/OE2 PROM data.19E2.CLKI/OE2 PROM clock.20SEL.ENC.AISelector encoder A(clockwise) input.21SEL.ENC.BISelector encoder B(counterclockwise) input.22MULTI.ENC.AIMulti encoder A(clockwise) input.23MULTI.ENC.BIMulti encoder B(counterclockwise) input.24AC3IAC-3 signal detection.25AC3.SCKOYSS248 clock output.26AC3.SIIYSS248 data input.27AS3.SOOYSS248 data output.28VddAnalog power supply(+5V)29S. LEVELISignal level A/D input.30SEL.ST2OTC9162AF/63AF/64AF st2 output. H=latch.31AC3.CSOYSS248 CS output.32CODEC.CSOCS4226 CS output.33PLL.DOIPll ic do signal input port.34PLL.STITuner stereo signal detection port. L=STEREO.35PLL.SDITuner sd signal detection port. L=TUNED.36RCV.CEIReceiver chip enable signal port. L=ENABLE.37AvssAnalog GND.38RESETIMicroproessor reset signal.39,408MHzIMain clock generation(8MHz).41VssMicroprocessor GND.42NoneINo connect43TEXGND.44VddPower supply(+5V).45VfdpPower supply(-33V).46SEL.ST1OTC9162AF/63AF/64AF st1 output. H=latch.47PLL.DTOPll ic data signal output.48PLL.CKOPll ic clock signal output.49PLL.CEOPll ic ce signal output port.50T.TUNEOTuner mute control. L=mute on.51A.MUTEOOutput mute control. L=mute on.52SW.MUTEOSub woofer mute control. L=mute on.5310dB.ATTOVolume 10dB attenuation control. H=att. on.54VOL.DTOVolume ic (M62446SP) data control.55VOL.CKOVolume ic (M62447SP) clock control. H=active.1-2 Pin description8CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONKRF-V8010D(K) COVER1,1( 98.12.10 17:51 yW 17KRF-V8010D/V8010DW9CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONPin No.Pin NameI/ODescription56VOL.STOVolume ic (M62448SP) st control. H=active.57VCR.MUTEOVideo ic (NJU2279D) cont2/4 mute control. L=mute on.58VCR.AOVideo ic (NJU2279D) cont1 mute control. H/L=static.59VCR.BOVideo ic (NJU2279D) cont3 mute control. H/L=static.60FA.RLYOFront A speaker relay control. H=relay on.61FB.RLYOFront B speaker relay control. H=relay on.62C.RLYOCenter speaker relay control. H=relay on.63S.RLYORear speaker relay control. H=relay on.64POWER.RLYOPower relay control. H=relay on.65STANDBY.LEDOStandby led control.L=led on.66DOL.DIG.LEDODolby digital led control.L=led on.67CLIP INDI. LEDOClip indicator led control.L=led on.68DVD 6CH LEDODVD 6CH input level control.69-70NoneONo connect71PACL_CTLONon oscillation of power pack ic at power off. L=stop oscillation.72AC3.ICOYSS248/CS4226 initial clear port.73EMPHASISOTuner emphasis on/off. H=100k/10k,L=50k/9k.74-81P1-8ODisplay segments 1-8 & key returns 0-7.82-88P9-15ODisplay segments 9-15.89VddOMicroprocessor power supply(+5V)90,91P16,17ODisplay segments 16,1792-100G1-9ODisplay grids 1-9.KRF-V8010D(K) COVER1,1( 98.12.10 17:51 yW 24KRF-V8010D/V8010DWCENTER SPEAKERFRONT SPEAKERSFM75GNDAMANTENNASYSTEM CONTROLREC OUTPHONODVD 6CH. INPUTCDMD / TAPEVIDEO 1VIDEO 1VIDEO 2VIDEO 3VIDEO 1VIDEO 2DVD 6CH.VIDEO 3DVD 6CH.VIDEO 2DOLBY DIGITAL / PCM INVIDEO 3SUBWOOFERSUBWOOFERSURROUNDSURROUNDSURROUND SPEAKERSFRONT SPEAKERSPRE OUTMONITORPLAY INREC OUTPLAY INREC OUTPLAY INPLAY INPLAY INCENTERCENTERSL16XS8LR+-+-RAL CLLRLRRLRBMONITORVIDEO I


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