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    JBL-TLXPS12-sub-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

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    JBL-TLXPS12-sub-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

    JBL Consumer Products Inc.250 Crossways Park DriveWoodbury, N.Y. 11797A Harman International Company1112-TLXPS12 Rev AS E R V I C EM A N U A LTLX PS12Discrete Output, High Current12 Powered SubwooferRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库1Powered SubwooferTLX PS12TABLE OF CONTENTSSpecifications .1Warranty.2Safety Symbols .2Controls and Their Functions.3Test Procedure.4Trouble Shooting Before Opening.5Removing the Amplifier.5Trouble Shooting After Removal .5Components Requiring Exact Replacement.6Block Diagram.7Amplifier Exploded View.8Cabinet Exploded View.9Parts Lists.10Packaging and Shipping.12Integrated Circuit Diagrams.13Printed Circuit Boards .14Schematic Diagrams .16SPECIFICATIONSAmplifier Power RMS.120 WattsDrivers .12 with high-polymer-laminated conesInputs.Line level and Speaker LevelOutputs*.High level with High-Pass filter at 180HzCrossover Frequency.50-150Hz(continuosly variable)Frequency Response.23Hz to (50-150Hz)(-6dB)External Dimensions (Inches)Height.19 3/4Width.15Depth.16 3/4Weight .43 lbsShipping Weight .49 lbsExternal Dimensions (mm)Height.502 mmWidth.381 mmDepth.426 mmWeight .19.5 kgShipping Weight .22.3 kg* High-Level (speaker) outputs are active only if high-level input are used.Occasional refinements may be made to existing products without notice, but will alwaysmeet or exceed original specifications unless otherwise stated.RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?3Powered SubwooferTLX PS12CONTROLS AND THEIR FUNCTION1. Output Level - The Output Level adjustmentdetermines volume level strength.2. Crossover Frequency - The Crossover Frequencyadjustment determines the highest frequency theTLX PS10 will reproduce. It allows a seamlesstransition from the subwoofer to the satellitespeakers.3. On (LED) - This LED will light green when the unit isplugged in and is receiving signal. When instandby mode the LED is red.4. Low Level Input - These left and right Line LevelInputs are normally used when the receiver/processor has line-level “pre-amp out” or subwooferout” jacks.5. Phase Switch - The Phase switch is used to adjustthe relative polarity of the subwoofer. Normallythis switch is set to “0”.6. High Level Inputs - These High Level Inputs are forreceivers that dont have line-level “pre-amp out” or“subwoofer out” jacks. When a pair of main orsatellite speakers are attached to the OUTPUTterminals, frequencies below 180 Hz are attenuatedby the high-pass filter.7. Fuse - Use only a slow-blo 2.0A 250V GMC fuse.4Powered SubwooferTLX PS12TEST PROCEDURESGeneral FunctionUUT = Unit Under Test1.Connect both right and left line level inputs (RCA) to signal generator and UUT. Use Y-cable if necessary frommono source. VOLUME control should be full counterclockwise.2.Turn on generator, adjust to 50mV, 50 Hz.3.Plug in UUT; red LED should be ON. Turn VOLUME control full clockwise.4.LED should turn Green; immediate bass response should be heard and felt from port tube opening.5.Turn off generator, turn VOLUME control fully counterclockwise, disconnect RCA cables.6.Connect one pair of speaker cables to either high level input terminal on UUT. Cables should be connected toan integrated amplifier fed by the signal generator.7.Turn on generator and adjust so that speaker level output is 2.0V, 50 Hz. Turn VOLUME control full clockwise.8.Green LED should light, immediate bass response should be heard and felt from the port tube opening.Sweep Function1.Follow steps 1-4 above, using a sweep generator as a signal source.2.Sweep generator from 20Hz to 300Hz. Listen to the cabinet and drivers for any rattles, clicks, buzzes or anyother noises. If any unusual noises are heard, remove driver and test.Driver Function1.Remove driver from cabinet; detach + and - wire clips.2.Check DC resistance of driver; it should be 3.3 ohms.3.Connect a pair of speaker cables to driver terminals. Cables should be connected to an integrated amplifier fed bya signal generator. Turn on generator and adjust so that speaker level output is 5.0V.4.Sweep generator from 20Hz to 1kHz. Listen to driver for any rubbing, buzzing, or other unusual noises.5Powered SubwooferTLX PS121. TROUBLE SHOOTING BEFORE OPENINGCheck connections, control settings, driver and otherpossible external problems. If there is Output, determine ifall controls and Inputs function properly. Rotate Pots overfull range while applying lateral and vertical oscillatingforces to locate possible intermittent function. High LevelInputs should be tested individually both differentially(signal from - to + with normal output) and in commonmode (signal from low level ground to both + and -shorted together, giving virtually no output). While passinga signal, corner drop the enclosure a few inches to exposepossible intermittent problems. Check woofer for rubbing ofvoice coil or tears in cone or surround. Check cabinet forloose extraneous articles which may have been pushedinto front port.2. REMOVING THE AMPLIFIER.There are voltages and hot components at many pointsin the amplifier which can, if contacted, cause personalinjury. Be extremely careful. Any adjustments or serviceprocedures that require operation of the amplifier out of itsenclosure should be performed only by trained servicepersonnel. Refer to PCB drawings for locations of hazardsand familiarize yourself with their locations before starting.3. TROUBLE SHOOTING AFTER REMOVALVerify AC plug is disconnected See WARNINGS insection 2.To prevent loose hardware from reducing safetyspacings, it is essential that all hardware be replaced in thesame manner as it was removed, with lock washers underall nuts, proper torque on screws and thread locking sealeron the transformer nuts.If line core, its strain relief, or the AC switch arereplaced, it is necessary to seal them completely to panelwith an approved conformal coating to prevent airwhistling through any openings from woofer pressure.To reduce the risk or electric shock and/orfire, replace items as marked on schematicwith the safety marking only with the exactreplacements listed in the safety componentlist, section 5.If exact replacements are not available,order them from the factory or an authorized service center.A.)Check fuse F1. If blown visually check transformerfor discoloration, and large capacitors (C36, C37) forbulges or venting. Check for shorts in Q3-Q7 withan Ohmmeter, (see schematic).B.With ohmmeter, verify contacts of thermostat areclosed, voice coil of woofer is 3.3 ohms, andwindings of transformer are continuous.C.Examine board and wiring for obvious damage,broken or poorly soldered connections, ordiscoloration.D.Repair or replace items identified above. Proceduresfor replacing power transistors and removing PCBare as follows:Use low power, grounded temperature regulated ironwith small tip such as Weller PTA7 and ESD control.Use SN63/37 solder 0.032 diameter with no cleanflux core, Alpha Metals P2 or equal.I)Replacing power transistors: Clip all 3 leadsnear body of transistor. Remove screw anddiscard device (keep hardware and insulator).Holding each lead in turn with needle noseBEFORE THIS AMPLIFIER IS PLUGGED IN, make sure its rated voltage corresponds to the voltage of the AC powersource to be employed. Failure to use the correct voltage could cause damage to the amplifier when the AC power cable isplugged in. Do not exceed the rated voltage by more than 10%; operation below 90% will degrade performance or cause theunit to shut off.6Powered SubwooferTLX PS12pliers, gently heat and remove cut lead fromhole in edge or PCB.Clean insulator and seating area on back ofpanel. Coat both sides of insulator with silicon(white) thermal compound (unless siliconerubber pads are provided), position it centeredon back of device with holes aligned. Insertleads into PCB then place pair over hole inpanel; ensure hole in insulator is aligned. Insertscrew from far side, pass shoulder bushing overscrew and carefully seat shoulder in hole in tab,add flat washer, lock washer and nut (fingertight). Center insulator tighten screw first thensolder all three leads in respective slots with fullfillet, being careful not to bridge pads. Useohmmeter to verify there is no short from tab oftransistor to panel, or between pads.Never operate amplifier with load connectedwhen PC assembly is not attached to panel orwhen any of output transistors is not properlyscrewed to panel.After repair, inspect for possible safety hazards,including loose hardware, missing lock washers, correctfuse and lead dress of primary wires (these must be held inposition with cable ties so that they cannot touch secondarycomponents).With ohmmeter, check that panel isconnected to signal ground.It is essential that the following safety insulation test beperformed prior to returning the Power Sub-Woofer to thecustomer, using one of the following methods:A) Insulation Resistance TestWith a 500VDC Insulation Tester, Checkinsulation from the outer metal contact of theRCA jack (chassis) to the line neutral of ACcord. Resistance should be 100M.B) Hi-Pot TestIf a UL approved Hi-Pot tester is available, testline & neutral of AC cord to outer shell of RCAjack (chassis) at 1100VAC for 2 seconds.Observe all of instrument manufacturersinstructions and safety warnings in performingthis test.Connect sub-woofer system to a music source. Play athigh level while checking for air leaks around panel edge,driver, panel jacks and controls, and voice coil problemssuch as rubbing or loose turns.With the crossoverfrequency set to 50Hz, very little of the voice contentshould be heard.4. LIST OF SAFETY COMPONENTSREQUIRING EXACT REPLACEMENTSF1Fuse SLOW BLO 2.0A 250v GMC 20mmUL approved.FHFuse holder. Use only factoryreplacement.PWR CORDSPT-2 better with polarized plug,UL appoved wired with the hot sideto fused side. Use with UL approvedpanel strain relief only.XFtransformer. use only factoryreplacement.BD1Bridge diode. Use only factoryreplacement.C36, 376800uF, 63V electronic filter caps.Be sure replacement part is at least thesame working voltage and capacitancerating. Also the lead spacing isimportant. Incorrect spacing maycause premature failure due to internalcabinet pressures and vibration.K1Safe operating area relay to protectoutput devices. Use only factoryreplacement.R645.6 .5W METAL FILM, non flammable.7Powered SubwooferTLX PS12TLX PS12 AMPLIFIER BLOCK DIAGRAM8Powered SubwooferTLX PS12AMPLIFIER EXPLODED VIEW9Powered SubwooferTLX PS12CABINET EXPLODED VIEW10Powered SubwooferTLX PS12ELECTRICAL PARTS LISTRef. NumberPart NumberDescriptionQuantityCapacitorsC1, 2130001529100UF 100V NP2C3, 41300005574.7UF 16V2C5, 6135100811100PF CERAMIC2C7, 111300006270.015UF 5% MYLAR2C813502081120PF CERAMIC1C9, 101300006270.015UF 5% MYLAR2C121300486070.1UF 16V1C13130006100.001UF 5% MYLAR1C141300486040.68UF 16V1C151300006200.033UF 5% MYLAR1C161300006280.0039UF 5% MYLAR1C17, 261300486050.33UF 16V2C181300006390.0056UF 5% MYLAR1C191300006100.001UF 5% MYLAR1C201300005960.22UF 16V1C21135470811470PF CERAMIC1C22130054710100UF 16V1C231321046520.1UF CERAMIC1C241300005511000UF 25V1C251300005274.7UF 16V1C27, 28, 29130000518100UF 25V3C301300006220.01UF MYLAR 5%1C311300006190.047UF MYLAR 5%1C3213502281122PF CERAMIC1C3313000050610UF 16V1C34, 35130000549220UF 25V2C36, 371300015446800UF 63V2CPRD1332233120.022UF CERAMIC1ResistorsR1, 2, 3, 4092101502100 MF 2W4R5, 6084274503270K CF 1/4W2R7, 80864725024.7K CF 1/4W 10MM2R9, 1008447350347K CF 1/4W 10MM2R11, 1208433350333K CF 1/4W2R13, 1408647350247K CF 1/4W 10MM2R15, 160861025021K CF 1/4W 10MM2R17, 18075893582589K MF 1/16W 1%2R1907524258252.4K MF 1/16W 1%1R200723945822.39M MF 1/16W 1%1R21, 22079303582930K MF 1/16W 1%2R23071415282141.5K MF 1/16W 1%1R2407738258273.8K MF 1/16W 1%1R25071475282147.5K MF 1/16W 1%1R26073203582320K MF 1/16W 1%1R27071603582160K MF 1/16W 1%1R28073203582320K MF 1/16W 1%1Ref. NumberPart NumberDescriptionQuantityR29, 30, 31,08410350310K CF 1/4W635, 36, 37R320843925033.9K CF 1/4W1R33086224502220K CF 1/4W 10MM1R340861025021K CF 1/4W 10MM1R380841025031K CF 1/4W1R3908447050347 CF 1/4W1R4008410350310K CF 1/4W1R410842755032.7M CF 1/4W1R42, 430843325033.3K CF 1/4W2R440867525027.5K CF 1/4W1R45084104503100K CF 1/4W1R460841025031K CF 1/4W1R47, 5008422350322K CF 1/4W2R480713715431.37K MF 1/4W 1%1R490841025031K CF 1/4W1R510841025031K CF 1/4W1R52, 530843925033.9K CF 1/4W2R540862725022.7K CF 1/4W2R550861825031.8K CF 1/4W 10MM1R56, 570911525021.5K MF 2W2R58, 5908447050347 CF 1/4W2R60, 6108422050322 CF 1/4W 10MM2R62, 630921585020.15 MF 2W2R640955695025.6 MF 1/2W1R65084104503100K CF 1/4W1R660844725034.7K CF 1/4W 10MM1R6708422350322K CF 1/4W1R68084561503560 CF 1/4W1R6908415350315K CF 1/4W1R700845625035.6K CF 1/4W 10MM1R710844725034.7K CF 1/4W 10MM1R721051025021K 5W1R730921225021.2K MF 2W1R74105681502680 MF 5W1R75, 76, 77, 7808447050347 CF 1/4W4R79, 800921585020.15-MF 2W2DiodesBD1240184801DIODE BRIDGE RS402L/KBL011D1, 2, 3, 4240002605DIODE IN41484ZD1, 2240224101ZENER IN5231B2ZD3, 4, 5, 6240221701ZENER IN4744A4ZD7240094701ZENER 24V 1/2W1TransistorsQ12301545012SC18151Q22301645012SA10151Q3230201201MPSA061Q42301759012SD15631Q52301758012SB10861TLX PS12 PARTS LISTS11Powered SubwooferTLX PS12Ref. NumberPart NumberDescriptionQuantityQ62300360012SB6881Q72300359012SD7181Q8, 102301545012SC18152Q92301645012SA10151Q112300781012SC22741Q122300360012SB6881Q132300359012SD7181Integrated CircuitsU1, 2, 3, 4, 5220214601IC 4558L DUAL OP AMP5U6220013602IC 4558D DUAL OP AMP1FuseF1290205102FUSE SLOW-BLO T2.0A 250V1MiscellaneousK1200222501RELAY 24V 6A14150227701TRANSFORMER 8603072F18260231001CONNECTOR SPEAKER2TERMINALS9120215401VR1 500K x 2 Frequency110120211501VR2 20K x 2 Volume1SW1180200301SLIDE SWITCH1LED1250213501LED BRG333B(R/G)113260231802CONN DUAL RCA INPUT115260232901FUSE HOLDER123210213601POWER CORD1MECHANICAL PARTS LISTRef. NumberPart NumberDescriptionQuantity1SMPP42606MACHINE SCREW22S2PP43008SELF TAPPING SCREW13560050700HEATSINK15NOT SOLDPCB INSULATOR FOAM BEZEL16NOT SOLDFOAM INSULATION TAPE17510112701FACEPLATE114530051901KNOB216550087300STRAIN RELIEF118540083700BRACKET FOR HEATSINK21950107100SPACER220560031601HEATSINK FOR Q4 &Q5221STPP43007SELF TAPPING SCREWS222STPP33W14SELF TAPPING SCREWS224SMPP43A12MACHINE SCREW (3 piece set)225STPP43006MACHINE SCREW426NH0H54000NUT427WS4426600SPRING WASHER4


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