Yamaha-CX1-pre-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf
6t,)MMSTEREO CONTROL AMPLIFIERcx1llwfrliAoury rnF7N*/( n * )./v/2+tuj,/ ll v-.11 ll-.- t.- ,/l-l -vllf.* ntffi*1 |t I tlu -4Ll/ H)( )(._J lJ Ul-)a)a)OCOC- t a t -la-*tri: ftHf;IMPORTANT NOTICEThis manual has been provided for the use of authorized YAMAHA Retailers and their service penonnel.It has ben assumed that basic service procedures inherent to the industry, and morc specifically YAMAHAProducts, are already known md understood by the uwrs, and have therefore not bcen restated.WARNING: Failure to follow appropriate service and safety procedurcs when seruicing this product mayresult in personal injury, destruction of expensive components, and failure of the product toperform as specified. For these reasons, we advise all YAMAHA product owners that anyseruice required should be perfomed by an authorized YAMAHA Retailer or the appointedseruice representative.IMPORTANT: The presentation or sale of this mmual to any individual or fim does not constitute authoriza-tion, cenification or recognition of any applicable technical capabilities, or establish aprinciple-agent relationship of any form.The data provided is believed to be accumte and applicable to the unit(s) indicated on the cover. The reseach,engineering, and service depanmenb of YAMAHA arc continually striving to imprcve YAMAHA products.Modifications are, tbereforc, inevitable and specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation !oretrofit. Should any discrepancy appear to exist, please coniact the distributors Seruice Division.WARNING: Static discharges can destroy expensive components. Discharge any static electricity your bodymay have accumulated by grounding yourself to the ground buss in the unit (heavy gauge blackwires connect to this buss).IMPORTANT: Tum the unit OFF during disassembly md part replacement. Recheck all work before you applypower to the unit,YAMAHAYAMAHA CORPORATIONP.O.Box1 .Hamamatsu,Japan3.05K-203 ffl Q Prinred in Japan ll q/Wli oo4sslRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库cx-1I TO SERVICE PERSONNEL1. Critical Components Informalion. AC LEAKAGEComponents having special characteristics are marked and WALL EqUIpMENT TESTER ORmust be replaced with parts having specificalions equal to OUTLET UNDER TEST EQUIVALENTthose originally installed.2. Leakage Current Measurement (For 120V Models Only).When service has been completed, it is imperative to veriythat all exposed conductive surfaces are properly insulatedlrom supply circuits.o Meter impedance should be equivalenl lo 1500 ohm shuntedby 0.15pF.o Leakage current must not exceed 0.5mA.o Be sure to test for leakage with the AC plug in bothoolarities.-TNSLiLATTNGTABLEWARNING: CHEMICAL CONTENT NOTICE!The solder used in the production of this product contains LEAD. In addition, other electrical/electronicand/or plastic (where applicable) components may also contain traces of chemicals found by theCalifornia Health and Welfare Agency (and possibly other entities) to cause cancer and/or birth defectsor other reproductive harm.DO NOT PLACE SOLDER, ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONIC OR PLASTIC COMPONENTS IN YOUR MOUTHFOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVERIAvoid prolonged, unprotected contact between solder and your skin! When soldering, do not inhalesolder fumes or expose eyes to solder/f lux vapor!lf you come in contact with solder or components located inside the enclosure of this product, washyour hands before handling food.IHIRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库GX-1T REAR PANELSV U, C modelsltlllGTJIGyw.r:xr|_*tE-ff=t .- 9ll lilFl -* rr:lr ra Iil .OlkatilH Fi n-,ttrrP)T*-*-xtr-uE._-,.o-r.*.,1r_ffi-i I ii /A in zAr,r Ilollo ll.cY l Ylil -lLIF6ry1L9- :e-e : :L:-lyffiffi# -wfffuaoRoRArnoiu (n ffi :9ol;taVh) a,-n i l nil il n_n lttlllt uuu il r1Jy.p-alV,OIMI/IH,A T99EM YAIMAHA COruqCRATIONtrsPE 36*n9rqI,R)92cx-1I SPECIFICATIONSInput Sensitivity/l mPedancePhono MCPhono MMCD etc100pV/220O,1ko2.SmY/47ka1 50mV/47kOPower SupplyU, C modelsR modelA, B modelsG modelAC120V,60HzAC1 1 0V-1 20V 1220V -24OV, 60/50H2AC240V, 50HzAC230V, 50Hzlnput SensitivitY (New IHF)Phono MCPhono MMCD etc33pV0.83mV50mVPower Consumption35WMaximum Input Signal (1kHz)Phono MC 0.05/o THDPhono MM0.05% THD6mV150mVAC OutletSwitched x 3U, C modelsG, R modelsSwitched x 1A, B models200W max. Total1.7A max. Total200W max. Total200W max.Output Level/lmPedanceRec OutPre Out150mV/2.5kO1 .5V t47l,)Dimensions(WxHxD)438x86x405mm(17-1t4 x 3-3/8 x 15-15/16)Maximum Output Voltage (2OHz-Z0kHz 1% THD)Pre OutHeadphone Jack Rated Outputilmpedance0.1% THD RL=100OFrequency ResPonse (20H2-20kHz)CD etcRIAA Equatization DeviationPhono MC/MM ZOHz-2QkHz Specifications subject to change without notice.8VWeight8.8k9 (l9lbs 6oz)4.5V/68O0 I 0.2d8U .U.5.A. ModetC . Canadlan ModelA .Australlan Model. DIMENSIONSB . British ModelG ., European ModelR,.,.General ModelUnits : mm (inch)10.2/r0.2dBTotal Harmonic Distortion (20H2-20kHz)Phono MC to Rec Out 3VPhono MM to Rec Out 3VCD etc to Pre Out 3V0.003%o.ooza0.002kSignal to Noise Ratio (lHF-A Network)Phono MC (50OPV InPut Shorted)Phono MM (5mV InPut Shorted)CD (Shorted)AUX etc (Shorted)90dBv50ti1 10dB1 07dBResidual Noise (lHF-A Network)1.0pVChannel Separation (Vol. -30d8)Phono MM, MC(lnput Shorted 1 kHz/1OkHz)CD etc80dB/70d8(lnput 5. 1 kC) terminated l kHz/1okHz) 85dB/65d8Tone Control CharacteristicsBASS boost/cutturnover frequencYTREBLE boost/cutturnover frequencYt1odB (20H2)350H2+10d8 (20kHz)3.5kHzFiller CharacteristicsSubsonic (1 5Hz)-1 8dB/octAudio Muting-20d8Gain Tracking Error (0-60d8)2dBcx-1ffi_tl| fr:* | ;q:d! |l-61TTI-_TI l+ 1o N ; oN - t r+ + o l=ts daF - =lt lo=g:= aI BLOGK DIAGRAM : 6s3?fr?3*- i _ iT_IIIL_J,-N6 =G =-+5 !sBIIIlil I o; -= : l_:d l= lII(z q:d-r lo lt lz l=iI+r 9 u;?=l c =9g i;: J -= za 6- - - - - l=; rtw-+I-r-+-_.5! sF N Du 9 u o u S , )c u c u o g J c E EF t s FET ,-83E O Xu oz l).o).o).(4 r I tlo)Bottom Covor3. Removal ol Front Panala. Removo 6 knobs.b.Removs4screws().Precautlons lor FPlacementol InPut Selsclor SwitchMake sure to Perform initial setting ol the input selector switch alter itsrEolacament.a How to petlorm Initlat gettlngioition the slctot witch at the mid-point betweEn theCD position-andtUt,tEn position ana turn ON the POWER switch. Then the SELECTORswitch turns automaticalty until it tinally stops at theCD PositionSid6 Covr (L)qxa)14 x 22)I PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD (Foil Side)t Semiconductor LocationPHONOUt.O II/IC._CARTRIDGE LOAO2200. .lKn. f tt1t- t li+-|- grild.JqjenAl 6*4lll.l3b4lHil:t F;4L i l lfo r69-?woo=mac)oz,5lll.l l;llYi 6orerdHflV-G)/nlA *I I ll:llfrl a;aI ii lFllBl _-/-,Lrlrl-1at6.r -/NOLocalionB4B4o44840D3Q1464D3o1 46CD3o 147D3() 148D3Q 150D3o 152D3o 153D3Q1 54AD3o1 54CD3o55D4oabD4059NK060U361oozu463r464E465H3ooH2b /5t68o69ua70F571F4u7G4o/ JF4F4(.)75F5oF(o77F5t dF4Ef,8081F682F5(,83ts5840185AE Ao1 8scF4o 186ff,a io 191F5Q1 924E501 92CE5NOLocalion01a atc02D3E3lc 04tc05rJUOrJl 0708B4tcnoD5ta10o01t3o02o03E3a0405F2olrnFQ17Bo1 07DnaQ1098b J01 090aeol 1D4(D3ol 3UJ01 415E316E4n1 7E41819E320E421E4TJo1238c3Q13Dc3o1258c2Q1 25Dn27E3o28E429trAo30E3n31F3oJZrJo33vz034n)oD2oJOD23/D21381 4)4)4IHGcx-1MATNP.C.B.(1)AUX TAPE IPB REC OUTTAPE 2PB REC OUTTAPE 3PB REC OUTTO : MAIN (4 )REMOTECONTROLPOWER AMP0o Jllf-?FAL PdHSH ffiffi EMffi Bffi gI!o=m:tr-rz,U-Tlo3=mft?F 0-#e nv1-r - F 1 / . - Q l i H E -.d)?ir:od h-t4 F i. lH-l -2+ -lcu!b ;S,s f;q FH|F|F$E=_cg krsel hot6, l lf+-.1 poN -.1S$J- -./ -l llt f i1#l v-l anC)rz.or.n =c) -o=:o-oz,mc)oz.(lt7A A + /t l t i l I - t 2 r $idi l3l l3l bg4 -l B l l : l l : l J -|-l uu 5;31*T0 : MAIN (a )FROM:TONE-CON(1)TO: TONE-CON (1 )cx-1I PRINTED CIRGUIT BOARD (Foil SidelMATNP.C.B.(2)TO : MAIN (1 )MATNP.C.B.(4)PREoMATNP.C.B.(6)MATNP.C.B.(3)REMOTECONTROLPOWERT0 : TONE-CON (1 )=oMATNP.C.B.(5)PURE DIRECToCDz=oFllclI-at:Do=qt-n5o=-lo=maoo=oo=mICAo=TO:MAIN(1)Precautlons lor Replacementol Inpul Salector SwltchMake sure to pertorrn initial setting of the input selectorswitch afler its replgcsment.o How to perlorm Inltlal rettlngPosition the selector switch at the mid-point betweentheCD position and TUNER position and turn ON thePOWER switch. Then the SELECTOR switch turns au-tomatically until it finally stops at the CD position.VOLUMEAuX-PTUNERrtr$EEr )PHoloTAPE 3-/I PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD (Foil SidelTONE-CON P. C. B. ( 1 )L-_/oo2,.mc)o=l)SUBSONICFI LTERFROM : MAIN (8 )PUREDIRECTMATNP.C.B.(7)MATNP.C.B.(8)T0 : TONE-CON (1 )tolclHcx-1l*MAN(1)TO: MAIN (1 )-TtTo=a:d1ss133M4185MTZ6.28MTZ)8.2CMTZ,I6.8CDzS8A20L81294ild illiLII_ _ _ JI.RCL&c,n, rtClro ltl?20F/rNrllF/t00ler3t1Rt!. ?0?420z,a!6,J5t ,a5eoTrtREIxtaort7F2!9. eE , ag$ 294xto(r8tncrBr6lYltt!oArotlYlrulDta!xrsttslrllntTttoc(rlawtre.allJ6Irnt*cnangaebl0 Paate at lLtf,rfactrlro-gtagoe PaFt,P.trtlul0tgFfllttlleP167UFltro2 FYtGt*fl cYtzHlt-ll_._rrntanchangsaola Paftr at lgrutacttrr-stagollut0tlFlr.!otr8Pil!7uPa? P t7E=rorc0rlrl roicc(nlStPOWER SUPPLYAll voltage are measured with a l0tvlWV DC electric volt meter.Components having special characteristics are marked A anAmust be replaced with parts having specifications equal to thoseoriginally installed.Schematic diagram is subject to change without notice.ICl: r! flf,rol#ffi1 l1u:* ld I l: I1f1 tE I=-F191 liI rto:t tgj*B1 8 8corrlYlpr$2.9IrIIi lI sFV llEg/i rI nl lLlf; IMArNg)l II Pglggc -J!u.IE _ _ Jfi4ANiTT I_tnArNrtl IrIIII-tIIII|-.-.-1ffir t r r t t t t t lTDGC|trltlrrr lETlro0|ltlPI?l. - 6-tt03PtotPAffirf,Il_|;t-I r l jt - l zo ; EP.r!06 :REXAP(PAN TSllo Ii l lAnB 0 xEFS Ir0FiIEIAL OXIDE FILT NESISTONTFTnFsTnpIIETAL PLATF FEgISTOFIPF pn00F t-.ltFdN Fil lr EFsrsr0CEXEIIl IIOLNEO FESISTORE1I IARIABLE RESISTlFC H I P R E S I S I O NnFrlntsPAITI NI IIFt0 illPKcTnoLYTIC CtpleIr0nssIIIIALUI CIPACITORlERl1C ClFlCIr0FAXIIL LEAD CERAHIC CAPACITOPPot rFEIFt FIt I Clplclron9LYSTYREIE FILII CIPTCITOR ll,tl ca cAprc IT0PYPEOPYLEIIE FILH CAPACIIONSEXI CONDUCIIf F CFNAllT CIPICTIONcx-1r SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (TONE-CONO:rIMC HEAD AMPIl_I_Jam3_ r!r03zOdB AMPST POINT WAVEFORMS (See Page 15)I.-C-lffi rttro - |-JMOTOR DRIVEAMUTEDR IVE0316A!0r51 Yl- 20.0AUDTOMUTE ofrf?,DR IVE _,OOMOTOR DRIVEAAVIUTE)RIVEAr0ttlv-?o.oAUDIOMUTE roiriDR IVE -.OOPIN CONNECTION DIAGRAM OFTRANSISTORS, DIODES AND ICS.u,cRA.0tle2333zac56xX0.0,7s5s50 xx1.736ntotxtit366xt357xx366IiGt69J7lEltotvco7EO v744oxIs0Sruo,lxWlaEEOxI99c8533,534xvP?o850 xx310 !84t,642xoxxstlE:tlxooEl2.E!lxxxo313cEEl t3. 5t4XxxvF205108taF!01xxxTe. S asvri5FIiO2xT.l00tA250Vxxst6 F5032Aa50Va250vT,f00nA250YI,lt0na250vQ ffi,658Ixq n.J662.6:i:txxxoI rolcoN(il2541015 (Y)2SBs60 (E, R2SCr815 (n2SC2240 (GR, 8L)2SAB8 (E, F)2SA1er7 (O, Y)2SC47e3 (O, Y)2sK38effiNJM78Ml2FAI r ii:irf2rCorEa3!Ot ThrT1ss1331sR139-100MTZJ4.38MTA4.7AMTAs.1AMTZJ6.2AMTZ6.2CM5219Lnntx.3ffiTA7291St/6t I IU u t Ir=51ST0R I(R)AS160,llaSELECTOR POSITION DATA (INPUT)s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s712109I7oztrzql!9to_Yryql-aq-IIP_E_1_IlP_11TAPE 3III:I.1-t_Ir: gN EXTENTTtlRrcIr0HSI.,BPOWERS U PFLYAtlsrSFUtS-l00r6e All voltage are measured with a l1ttlcvv DC electric vort meter. Components having special characteristics are marked A andmust be replaced with parts having specifications equal to thoseoriginally installed. Schematic diagram is subject to change without notice.RESETPHONES DR IVEI l-ruNrcoNGil Il_-.-JI - _TONE CONTROLPHONE AMPFi-tt-I l- Pt6I l- rArNr3r fz:Flt lt-L:f-rrAtNt t)P r 6E1qq-epi-JolJolqolsolTIcESrlrPHONES DRIVEd, _ I =b-546 | otgrsrlsrrtIIzOdB AMPAU DIOMUTELREMOTEI SCHEMATICCONTROLDIAGRAMcx-1TRANSMITTERr/oo3 Krloot/ooz Kt/o1t/oo1 Kt/ozl/ooo Krlo3s-rN Kt/o4s-oti,T KtlosREM KIIO6voo Kt/o7osc-ouT KroOSC-IN Kt 1vss KlzAC KI3POYECOOCi!iiC5.boLa555co t F l c c l M 0 l l 6OCf C ?tIY FOOCME ITOP EC 5TCC)CO PE 1OIAPE 2OfTlP !Kr.IUTINGc-)Yolu OYAMAHAICrcTEcoxllo(tatsrr llcKeyNo.CUSTAOM(HEX)DATA(HEx)FUNCTIONI7A00PLAY (TAPE)27A01 (TAPE)47A03STOP (TAPE)57A40DIR B (TAPE)I7A04REC/PAUSE (TAPE)107A05REC MUTE (TAPE)1 17A06DECK A/B (TAPE)127A07DIR A (TAPE)1 77A08PLAY (CO)1 87A09PAUSE/STOP (CD)1 97AOASKIP ra (CD)207AOBsKtP rr (CD)267AODsERCH (CD)327A4FDrsc sKrP (cD)337A1 0PRESET + (TUNER)347A1 1PRESET- (TUNER)357A1 2NBICIDIEfiUNER)417A1 4PHONO (INPUT)427A1 5CD (INPUT)437A1 6TUNER (INPUT)447At7AUX (INPUT)457A54TAPE 3 (INPUT)497A1 8TAPE 1 (INPUT)507A1 9TAPE 2 (INPUT)517A1 AVOLUME +527A1 BVOLUME -577A1 CMUTING607A1 FPOWERIIiiII8cx-1PARTS LISTI ELECTRICAL PARTSABBREVIATIONS IN THIS LIST ARE AS FOLLOWSCHIP ALUMI. ELECTROLYTIC CAPCERAMIC CAPCERAMIC CAP AFIRAYCHIP CERAMIC CAPMULTILAYER CERAMIC CAPCHIP MULTILAYER CERAMIC CAPRECOGNIZED CERAMIC CAPCERAMIC TUBULAR CAPSEMI CONDUCTIVE CERAMIC CAPELECTROLYTIC CAPMICA CAPMULTILAYER FILM CAPMETALLIZED PAPER CAPMYLAR FILM CAPMULTILAYER MYLAR FILM CAPPAPER CAPACITORPOLYSTYRENE FILM CAPPOLYESTER FILM CAPPOLYETHYLENE FILM CAPPOLYPROPYLENE FILM CAPTANTALUM CAPCHIP TANTALUM CAPTRIMMER CAPCONNECTORCONNECTOR. BASE PINCONNECTOR, CANNONCONNECTOR, DINCONNECTOR. FLAT CABLECONNECTOR, BASE POSTCOIL, AM MIXCOIL, FM ANTENNACOIL, FM DETECTCOIL, FM MIXOUTPUT COILDIODE ARRAYDIODE BRIDGECHIP DIODEVARACTOR DIODECHIP ZENER DIODEZENER DIODECERAMIC DISCRIMINATORFERRITE BEADSFERRITE CORECHIP FETFLUORESCENT DISPLAYCERAMIC FILTERCOMB FILTER MODULELC FILTER .EMIGROUND PLATEGROUND TERMINALFUSE HOLDERIC PROTECTORJUMPER CONNECTORJUMPER, TEST POINTLIGHT DETECTING MODULEr WARNINGComponents having special characleristics are marked A and must bereplaced with parts having specifications equal to those originally installed.a Carbon resislors (1/6W or ll4w) are not included in the ELECTRICAL PARTSList. For the parts No. ol the carbon resistors, refer to last page.C.A.EL,CHPc.cEC.CE.ARRAYc.cE.cHPC.CE.MLC.CE.M.CHPC,CE.SAFTYC.CE.TUBLRc.cE.sMlC.ELc.MrcAC.ML.FLMC.MPC.MYLARC.MYLAR.MLC.PAPERC.PLSC.POLC.POLYC.PPC.TNTLC.TNTL.CHPC.TRIMCNCN.BS.PINCN.CANNONCN.DINCN.FLATCN.POSTCOIL.MX.AMCOIL.AT.FMCOIL.DT.FMCOIL.MX.FMCOIL.OUTPTDIOD.ARRAYDIODE,BRGDIODE.CHPDIODE.VAR0toD.z.cHPDIODE.ZENRDSCR.CEFER.BEADFER.COREFET,CHPFL.DSPLYFLTR.CEFLTR,COMBFLTR.LC,RFGND.MTLGND.TERMHOLDER.FUSIC.PRTCTJUMPER.CNJUMPER.TSTL.DTCTL.EMITLED.DSPLYLED.INFRDMODUL.RFPHOT.CPLPHOT.INTRPHOT.RFLCTPIN.TESTPLST.RIVETR.ARRAYR.CARR,CAR.CHPR.CAR.FPB,FUSR.MTL,CHPR.MTL.FLMR.MTL.OXDR.MTL.PLATRSNB,CERSNR.CRYSR.TW.CEMR.WWSCR.BND.HDSCR.BW.HDSCR.CUPSCR.TERMSCR.TRSUPRT.PCBSURG.PRTCTSW.TACTSW.LEAFSW,LEVERsw.MtcRoSW.PUSHSW.RT.ENCSW.RT.MTBSW.RTSW.StIDETERM.SPTERM.WRAPTHRMST.CHPTR.CHPTR.DGTTR.DGT.CHPTRANSTRANS.PULSTRANS.PWRTUNER.AMTUNER.FMTUNER.PKVRVR.MTRVR,SWVR.SLIDEVR.TRIMLIGHT EMITTING MODULELED DISPLAYLED, INFRAREDMODULATOR, RFPHOTO COUPLERPHOTO INTERRUPTEHPHOTO REFLECTORPIN. TEST POINTPLASTIC RIVETRESISTOR ARRAYCARBON RESISTORCHIP RESISTORFLAME PROOF CARBON RESISTORFUSABLE RESISTORCHIP METAL FILM RESISTORMETAL FILM RESISTORMETAL OXIDE FILM RESISTORMETAL PLATE RESISTORCERAMIC RESONATORCRYSTAL RESONATORTWIN CEMENT FIXED RESISTORWIRE WOUND RESISTORBIND HEAD B.TITE SCREWBW HEAD TAPPING SCREWCUP TITE SCREWSCREW TERMINALSCREW, TRANSISTORSUPPORT, P.C,B.SURGE PROTECTORTACT SWITCHLEAF SWITCHLEVER SWITCHMICRO SWITCHPUSH SWITCHROTARY ENCOOERROTARY SWITCH WITH MOTORROTARY SWITCHSLIDE SWITCHSPEAKER TERMINALWRAPPING TERMINALCHIP THERMISTORCHIP TRANSISTORDIGITAL TRANSISTORCHIP DIGITAL TRANSISTORTRANSFORMERPU