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    Yamaha-AI8-aib-sm(1) 维修电路原理图.pdf

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    Yamaha-AI8-aib-sm(1) 维修电路原理图.pdf

    1YDP-123CSERVICE MANUALPA011505Copyright (c) Yamaha Corporation. All rights reserved. PDF-K-* K 01.03HAMAMATSU, JAPAN CONTENTSREVISED PAGE LIST . 2-1SPECIFICATIONS .3-1PANEL LAYOUT.3-2DIMENSIONS .3-3CONNECTOR CIRCUIT DIAGRAM . 4BLOCK DIAGRAM . 6DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE . 7LSI PIN DESCRIPTION. 11IC BLOCK DIAGRAM . 14CIRCUIT BOARDS . 16INSPECTION . 21/23TEST PROGRAM . 26/31ERROR MESSAGES. 42PARTS LISTCIRCUIT DIAGRAMANALOG INPUT BOXMODELREFERENCE SERVICE MANUALAI8-ML8LMY2-MLPA011502AI8-AD8LMY4-ADPA011503AI8-ML4AD4LMY4-ADPA011503LMY2-MLPA011502AI8-ML8ABLMY2-MLABPA011736AI8-ML8FLMY4-MLFPA011737RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库AI82-1REVISED PAGE LISTSPECIFICATIONSPANEL LAYOUTDIMENSIONSBLOCK DIAGRAMDISASSEMBLY PROCEDUREIC BLOCK DIAGRAMCIRCUIT BOARDSAC, IPC3, DR, PSB, LED1DC, MB1IFC2INSPECTIONTEST PROGRAMERROR MESSAGESITEM3-13-23-367,91416201619202122232742PAGEOVERALL ASSEMBLYSIDE PANEL ASSEMBLYMOTHER ASSEMBLYELECTRICAL PARTSITEM2, 3, 44, 56712PAGEUNC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM002003IFC2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM002003004005006007008IPC1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAMIPC3 CIRCUIT DIAGRAMAICOM CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 002ITEM349101112131415161718PAGERadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库AI82-2WARNING: CHEMICAL CONTENT NOTICE!The solder used in the production of this product contains LEAD. In addition, other electrical/electronic and/or plastic (whereapplicable) components may also contain traces of chemicals found by the California Health and Welfare Agency (and possiblyother entities) to cause cancer and/or birth defects or other reproductive harm.DO NOT PLACE SOLDER, ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONIC OR PLASTIC COMPONENTS IN YOUR MOUTH FOR ANY REASONWHAT SO EVER!Avoid prolonged, unprotected contact between solder and your skin! When soldering, do not inhale solder fumes or expose eyesto solder/flux vapor!If you come in contact with solder or components located inside the enclosure of this product, wash your hands before handlingfood.IMPORTANT NOTICEThis manual has been provided for the use of authorized Yamaha Retailers and their service personnel. It has been assumed thatbasic service procedures inherent to the industry, and more specifically Yamaha Products, are already known and understood bythe users, and have therefore not been restated.WARNING:Failure to follow appropriate service and safety procedures when servicing this product may result in personalinjury, destruction of expensive components and failure of the product to perform as specified. For thesereasons, we advise all Yamaha product owners that all service required should be performed by an authorizedYamaha Retailer or the appointed service representative.IMPORTANT:This presentation or sale of this manual to any individual or firm does not constitute authorization, certification,recognition of any applicable technical capabilities, or establish a principal-agent relationship of any form.The data provided is belived to be accurate and applicable to the unit(s) indicated on the cover. The research engineering, andservice departments of Yamaha are continually striving to improve Yamaha products. Modifications are, therefore, inevitable andchanges in specification are subject to change without notice or obligation to retrofit. Should any discrepancy appear to exist,please contact the distributors Service Division.WARNING:Static discharges can destroy expensive components. Discharge any static electricity your body may haveaccumulated by grounding yourself to the ground bus in the unit (heavy gauge black wires connect to this bus).IMPORTANT:Turn the unit OFF during disassembly and parts replacement. Recheck all work before you apply power to theunit.WARNINGComponents having special characteristics are marked and must be replaced with parts having specification equal to thoseoriginally installed.IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR THE UNITED KINGDOMConnecting the Plug and CordIMPORTANT.The wires in this main lead are coloured inaccordance with the following code:BLUE:NEUTRALBROWN: LIVEAs the colours of the wires in the main lead of this apparatus may notcorrespond with the coloured markings identifying the terminals inyour plug, proceed as follows:The BLUE wire must be connected to the terminal that is marked withthe letter N (or coloured BLACK).The BROWN wire must be connected to the terminal that is markedwith the letter L (or coloured RED).Be certain that neither core is connected to the earth terminal of thethree pin plug.SPECIFICATIONSAI83-1Sampling frequency (external sync)Power supplyPower consumptionDimensions (W x H x D)WeightOperating temperaturePower cable lengthCooling fan speedAccessories39.69 kHz 50.88 kHzUSA and Canada: 120 V, 60 HzOthers: 230 V, 50 Hz120 W480 mm x 141.5 mm x 466.8 mm15.4 kg10 35 C2.1 malways fixedConnection cable (68-pin, D-sub, half-pitch) x 1, Length: 3 mI/O connectorsOUTPUT A, B, CWORD CLOCK INWORD CLOCK OUTLevelRS-422TTL/75 (ON/OFF)TTL/75 TypeD-sub, half-pitch, 68-pin connector (female)BNC ConnectorBNC ConnectorDigital I/OsCardLMY2-MLLMY4-ADInputChannel 1A or 1B, 2A or 2BChannel 1 4SlotsUNIT NO.PHANTOM MASTERONOFF+48VPOWERON/ OFF12345678ANALOG INPUT BOXINPUT UNIT IDPHANTOM MASTERONOFF+48VPOWERON/ OFFANALOG INPUT BOX* The illustration shows the AI8 analog input box. 75INCBAOUTPUTONOFFOUTABCCONTROLPORTWORD CLOCK75INCBAOUTPUTONOFFOUTABCCONTROLPORTWORD CLOCK12346751INPUT UNIT ID indicator2PHANTOM MASTER switch, indicator3POWER ON/OFF4CONTROL PORT switch5OUTPUT connectors A, B, C6WORD CLOCK IN jack, ON/OFF switch7WORD CLOCK OUT jackAI83-2PANEL LAYOUTFront PanelRear PanelDIMENSIONSAI83-3455466.8480430132 (3U)UNIT NO.PHANTOM MASTERONOFF+48VPOWERON/ OFF12345678141.5ANALOG INPUT BOX9.5Unit: mmPOWERTRANSFORMERFAN3PCN6008PCN10114PCN1005PCN1276PCN1032PCN7005PCN0023PCN8022PCN8004PCN7013PCN7024PCN0015PCN51013PCN70913PCN71010PCN71110PCN71213PCN70513PCN70610PCN70710PCN7085PCN51120PCN10214PCN1004PCN1012PCN3004PCN3012PCN3024PCN30312PCN2004PCN40030PCN10114PCN5098PCN5078PCN5068PCN5058PCN50413PCN70113PCN70210PCN70310PCN7048PCN5028PCN5016PCN51210PCN10410PCN10313PCN10213PCN1018PCN5038PCN5084PCN1264PCN1256PCN1244PCN1236PCN1224PCN12120PCN12030PCN1198PCN1178PCN1168PCN1158PCN1148PCN1138PCN1128PCN1118PCN1108PCN118CN109100PCN108100PCN107100PCN106100PCN105100PCN104100PCN103100PCN102100PCN101100PFGCONTROL PORTABCWORD CLOCKONOFF75 INOUTOUTPUTABC12345678SLOT NO.ONOFFPHANTOMMASTER+48VPOWERON/OFFINPUTUNIT ID*PSBMB1UNCIFC2IPC110PCN10410PCN10313PCN10213PCN101IPC110PCN10410PCN10313PCN10213PCN1015PCN3005PCN200IPC1IPC3DCDRACLED1KEC-92522-2AI84CONNECTOR CIRCUIT DIAGRAMCircuit BoardCN No.Pin No.DCCN100234567891011121314DCCN101123DCCN200123456789DCCN30012DCCN30112DCCN30212DCCN30312DCCN4001234IFC2CN5091234567891011121314MB1CN1261314MB143MB143MB15IFC212MB121MB121MB13IFC234MB14IFC256MB143MB143MB143MB11MB11MB11DR12MB166MB121MB15MB12LED11234LED11234567891011121314LED17LED1CN122CN124CN127CN103CN122CN124CN127CN103CN127CN103CN121CN123CN125CN121CN123CN125CN800CN122CN127CN122CN124CN101CN100CN101CN101CN12465Circuit BoardCN No.Pin No.MB1ACCN70114PSBCN60013KEC-92522-3AI851234567RegisterDecoderRAMCPUDSP5WC SEL & SYNC DETECTORDecoderRegisterDIR244.1K48KDIR2 28Data BusAddress BusSLOT NO.FPGAMASTERCLOCK48V/CS1/CON1I11I1275 LOCKWC/CS2/CON2I21I22/CS3/CON3I31I32/CS4/CON4I41I42/CS5/CON5I51I52/CS6/CON6I61I62/CS7/CON7I71I72/CS8/CON8I81I82INPUT UNIT IDPHANTOM MASTER+48VCONTROL PORTABCWORD CLOCKINOUTOUTPUTABCWCICID I/OWCODOCDriverReceiverWCOWCIDONOFF48VONOFFDIR2DIR2DIR2DIR2IC601IC307IC202IC301IC302IC401IC402IC404IC405IC203FLASHIC201IC101MB1IFC2IPC3IPC1WCIBID I/OWCODOBDriverReceiverIPC1WCIAID I/OWCODOADriverReceiverIPC1LED1UNCKEC-925201AI86BLOCK DIAGRAMAI873.LED1 Circuit Board3-1Remove the front panel assembly. (See Procedure 2.)3-2Remove the two (2) screws marked 80. The LED1circuit board can then be removed. (Fig. 2)4.PSB Circuit Board4-1Remove the UNC card assembly. (See Procedure 1.)4-2Remove the front panel assembly. (See Procedure 2.)4-3Remove the seventeen (17) screws marked 430. The toppanel can then be removed. (Fig. 2)4-4Remove the two (2) screws marked 100. The PSB circuitboard can then be removed. (Fig. 2)470500 x 32470: Bonding Screw 3.0 x6 MFZN2BL (VS863000)400: Flat Head Screw 4.0 x8 MFZN2BL (VA221200)450: Oval Head Screw 4.0 x8 MFZN2BL (VS153600)452: Oval Head Screw B4.0 x8 MFZN2BL (V6221000)500: Bonding Screw 3.0 x6 MFZN2BL (VS863000)47040040040012345678450452Mount bracketMount bracketMount bracketFront panel assemblyUNC card assemblyBlank panel450452Mount bracketFig. 1DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE1.UNC Card Assembly1-1Remove the four (4) screws marked 470. The UNC cardassembly can them be removed. (Fig. 1)2.Front Panel Assembly2-1Remove the UNC card assembly. (See Procedure 1.)2-2Remove the thirty-two (32) screws marked 500. Theblank panel can then be removed. (Fig. 1)2-3Remove the eight (8) screws marked 450 and the two (2) screwsmarked 452. Each mount bracket can then be removed. (Fig. 1)2-4Remove the six (6) screws marked 400. The front panelassembly can then be removed. (Fig. 1)180: Bind Head Tapping Screw-B A3.0 x6 MFZN2BL (VP157900)280: Bind Head Tapping Screw-B A4.0 x8 MFZN2BL (VC688800)Fig. 3Upper chassisIPC1IPC3380320A320310240280280180APower transformerMother assemblyDRAI886.Mother Assembly6-1Remove the UNC card assembly. (See Procedure 1.)6-2Remove the front panel assembly. (See Procedure 2.)6-3Remove the top panel. (See Procedure 4-3.)6-4Remove the seven (7) screws marked 280. The motherassembly can then be removed. (Fig. 3)5.Circuit Boards and UnitsRemove the top panel, each circuit board and unit canthen be removed. (Fig. 3)80: Bind Head Tapping Screw-B 3.0 x6 MFZN2BL (EP600230)100: Bind Head Screw 3.0 x8 MFZN2BL (VB659000)170: Bind Head Tapping Screw-B A4.0 x8 MFZN2BL (VC688800)430: Bind Head Tapping Screw-B A4.0 x8 MFZN2BL (VC688800)Fig. 2430 x 17Top panel80170100LED1PSBCircuit Board and UnitIPC1IPC3DRPower TransformerA310320380240ScrewBonding Screw 3.0 x6 MFZN2BL (VS863000)Bind Head Screw A4.0 x6 MFZN2BL (EG340290)Bonding Tapping Screw-B (VN413300)Bonding Tapping Screw-B (VC688800)22224Ref. No.ScrewQTYAI8930: Bind Head Tapping Screw-B 3.0 x6 MFZN2BL (EP600230)50: Bind Head Tapping Screw-B 3.0 x6 MFZN2BL (EP600230)70: Bind Head Tapping Screw-B 3.0 x6 MFZN2BL (EP600230)Fig. 4200: Bind Head Tapping Screw-B A4.0 x8 MFZN2BL (VC688800)260: Bind Head Tapping Screw-B A4.0 x8 MFZN2BL (VC688800)450: Oval Head Screw 4.0 x8 MFZN2BL (VS153600)452: Oval Head Screw B4.0 x10 MFZN2BL (V6221000)Fig. 5MB1305070450452260260Mount bracketSide panel assemblySide panel LIFC2 Mother Assembly450452200200Mount bracket7.MB1 Circuit Board7-1Remove the mother assembly. (See Procedure 6.)7-2Remove the nine (9) screws marked 30 and the five (5)screws marked 50. The MB1 circuit board can then beremoved. (Fig. 4)8.IFC2 Circuit Board8-1Remove the mother assembly. (See Procedure 6.)8-2Remove the six (6) screws marked 70. The IFC2 circuitboard can then be removed. (Fig. 4)9.Side Panel Assembly9-1Remove the UNC card assembly. (See Procedure 1.)9-2Remove the front panel assembly. (See Procedure 2.)9-3Remove the top panel. (See Procedure 4-3.)9-4Remove the mother assembly. (See Procedure 6.)9-5Remove the eight (8) screws marked 450 and the two (2) screwsmarked 452. Each mount bracket can then be removed. (Fig. 5)9-6Remove the seven (7) screws marked 200. The sidepanel (L) can then be removed. (Fig. 5)9-7Remove the three (3) screws marked 170 and the five (5)screws marked 180. The upper chassis can then beremoved. (Fig. 2, Fig. 3)9-8Remove the seven (7) screws marked 260. The sidepanel assembly can then be removed. (Fig. 5)AI81010.AC Assembly10-1Remove the side panel assembly. (See Procedure 9.)10-2Remove the three (3) screws marked 90. The ACassembly can then be removed. (Fig. 6)11.DC Assembly11-1Remove the side panel assembly. (See Procedure 9.)11-2Remove the four (4) screws marked 60. The DCassembly can then be removed. (Fig. 6)12.DC Circuit Board12-1Remove the side panel assembly. (See Procedure 9.)12-2Remove the DC assembly. (See Procedure 11.)12-3Remove the four (4) screws marked D60. The TR holdercan then be removed. (Fig. 7)12-4Remove the three (3) screws marked D80. The BRholder can then be removed. (Fig. 7)12-5Remove the five (5) screws marked D90. The DC cricuitboard can then be removed. (Fig. 7)60: Bind Head Screw A4.0 x6 MFZN2BL (EG340290)90: Bind Head Tapping Screw-B A4.0 x8 MFZN2BL (VC688800)Fig. 6D60: Pan Head Screw SP4.0 x8 MFZN2Y (EL200020)D80: Pan Head Screw SP4.0 x8 MFZN2Y (EL200020)D90: Bind Head Tapping Screw-B 3.0 x6 MFZN2BL (EP600230)Fig. 76090D60DC assemblyAC assemblyTR holder DC Assembly Side Panel AssemblyD80D90BR holderDCAI811LSI PIN DESCRIPTIONPINNO.I/OFUNCTIONNAMEPINNO.I/OFUNCTIONNAME123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104NCNCNCNCVddVssXIXOVdd/SYNCI/SYNCOVddCKICKOCKSELVssMCKD/SSYNC/IC/TESTNCNCNCVddVss/CS/WR/RDCA7CA6CA5CA4CA3CA2CA1VssVddCD15CD14CD13CD12CD11CD10CD09CD08CD07CD06VssNCNCNCNCNCNCNCNCVddVddCD05CD04CD03CD02CD01CD00/WAITVssSIO00SIO01SIO02SIO03SIO04SIO05SIO06SIO07VssVddSIO08SIO09SIO10SIO11SIO12SIO13SIO14SIO15VssVddSIO16SIO17SIO18SIO19SIO20SIO21SIO22SIO23VssVddSIO24SIO25SIO26SIO27NCNCNCNCIOOIOIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OOI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/ONot usedGroundPower supplySystem master clock input (60 MHz or 30 MHz)System master clock output (High or 30 MHz)GroundSync. signal inputSync. signal outputGroundSystem clock input (30 MHz)System clock output (30 MHz)System master clock selectPower supplySerial clock input (256 fs)Serial. signal inputInitial clearTest mode setting (0: TEST, 1: Normal)Not usedGroundPower supplyChip selectWrite enable inputRead enable inputCPU address busPower supplyGroundCPU data busPower supplyNot usedGroundCPU data busWait outputPower supplySerial data busPower supplyGroundSerial data busPower supplyGroundSerial data busPower supplyGroundSerial data busNot used105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208NCNCNCNCSIO28SIO29SIO30SIO31VssVddSIO32SIO33SIO34SIO35SIO36SIO37SIO38SIO39VssVddSIO40SIO41SIO42SIO43SIO44SIO45SIO46SIO47VssSIO48SIO49SIO50SIO51SIO52SIO53SIO54SIO55VssVddVddSIO56SIO57SIO58SIO59SIO60SIO61SIO62SIO63NCNCNCNCNCNCNCNCVss/POEVssPIO00PIO01PIO02PIO03PIO04PIO05PIO06PIO07VssVddVddPIO08PIO09PIO10PIO11PIO12PIO13PIO14PIO15VssNCPIO16PIO17PIO18PIO19PIO20PIO21PIO22PIO23VssVddVddPIO24PIO25PIO26PIO27PIO28PIO29PIO30PIO31VssNCNCNCNCI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OII/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/OI/ONot usedSerial data busPower supplyGroundSerial data busPower supplyGroundSerial data busPower s


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