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    Marantz-SR5001-rs232-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

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    Marantz-SR5001-rs232-sm 维修电路原理图.pdf

    RS-232C Control Specification : Rev 00 Marantz America, Inc. 2006 All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the written consent of copyright. All specifications might be subject to change without notice. SR5001 RS-232C Control Specification Category : A/V Receiver Document Version : 1.0 Author(s) : Marantz America, Inc. Date : 2006/08/18 Number of Page : 20 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库SR5001 RS-232C Control Specification Page: 2 / 20 Document Version 1.0 Company Restricted Table of Contents 1. Introduction.3 1-1. Purpose.3 1-2. Scope.3 1-3. Abbreviations .3 1-4. References.3 2. Global Description.3 2-1. Overview.3 2-2. Block Diagram.3 2-3. Interface connection specification of the product.3 2-4. Assumptions and Dependencies.3 3. Detailed Description.4 3-1. Connection format.4 3-1-1. Physical connection.4 3-1-1-1. Data transmission sequence from Host to Slave.4 3-1-1-2. Data transmission sequence from Slave to Host.4 3-2. Transmission data format.5 3-2-1. Transmission data format from Host to Slave.5 3-2-1-1. Form1: Command.5 3-2-1-2. Form2: Status request.5 3-2-2. Transmission data format from Slave to Host.5 3-2-2-1. Form1: ACK/NAK.5 3-2-2-2. Form2: Status answer and Auto status feedback.5 3-3. The transaction sequences and the regulations.6 3-3-1. The transaction sequences.6 3-3-2. The transaction regulations.6 3-3-3. Specification of Auto status feedback.6 3-3-4. Example of the transactions.6 3-3-5. Examples of the handshaking flowchart.7 3-3-5-1. Example of successful handshaking.7 3-3-5-2. Examples of handshaking error.7 4. Recommendations of Command, Status and Layer definition.8 5. Definitions of Command, Status and Layer.9 5-1. Normal Command list.9 5-1-1. Main function contents.9 5-1-2. Display and Menu contents.10 5-1-3. Surround contents.11 5-1-4. Tuner contents.13 5-1-5. XM Contents.13 5-1-6. Multi Room contents.14 5-2. Specific Commands.15 5-3. Status request and Status answer list.16 5-3-1. Normal Status request and Status (answer and feedback) list.16 5-3-2. Layer of the statuses.19 6. Revision history.20 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库SR5001 RS-232C Control Specification Page: 3 / 20 Document Version 1.0 Company Restricted 1. Introduction 1-1. Purpose This document was written as a reference specification of products that are controled by the host controller. 1-2. Scope This document would be using by software or hardware engineers for production of the product. 1-3. Abbreviations Abbreviation Description 1-4. References - Hardware Software Interface Specification ver. 1.02 / author: N.Sakamoto - 2. Global Description 2-1. Overview A Host controller can control or watch out the product as a Slave very easily via the communication cable. 2-2. Block Diagram * The product connector is using D-SUB 9pin male. * RS232C cable must use D-SUB 9pin female to connect the products. 2-3. Interface connection specification of the product uP Interface Signal name Connection device D-Sub Pin Connecter - N.C. - 1 TxD (output) 2 UART RxD (input) RS232C Level shift driver 3 - N.C. - 4 - GND GND 5 - N.C. - 6 - N.C. - 7 - N.C. - 8 - N.C. - 9 RS232C D-SUB (9pin,Male) 2-4. Assumptions and Dependencies HOST (Controller) SLAVE (The product) RS232C cable (straight) Connector D-SUB (9pin, male) SR5001 RS-232C Control Specification Page: 4 / 20 Document Version 1.0 Company Restricted 3. Detailed Description The interface specification between the product and a Host controller is described below. 3-1. Connection format 3-1-1. Physical connection Host (Controller) Slave (the product) Serial setting RS232C basic Baud Rate : 9600bps Data Bits : 8bit Parity : None Stop bit : 1bit Handshaking : None 3-1-1-1. Data transmission sequence from Host to Slave Host (Controller) Slave (The product) TxD RxD RxD TxD 1. Host starts a data transmission from TxD. 2. Host performs the data transmission of the number of required bytes, and ends a transmission. 3-1-1-2. Data transmission sequence from Slave to Host Host (Controller) Slave (The product) TxD RxD RxD TxD 1. Slave starts a data transmission from TxD. 2. Slave performs the data transmission of the number of required bytes, and ends a transmission. TxD RxD GND RxD TxD GND SR5001 RS-232C Control Specification Page: 5 / 20 Document Version 1.0 Company Restricted 3-2. Transmission data format 3-2-1. Transmission data format from Host to Slave There are two kinds of transmission data form from Host shown below. 3-2-1-1. Form1: Command Command is a data that requests some status change. Start character : COMMAND : see “Command list” End character (CR) : 0Dh 3-2-1-2. Form2: Status request Status request is a data that requests a answer of some status. Start character : Request status : see “Status request list” Request character : ? End character (CR) : 0Dh 3-2-2. Transmission data format from Slave to Host There are two kinds of transmission data form from Slave shown below. 3-2-2-1. Form1: ACK/NAK ACK is a reply data from Slave when Slave got an acceptable command data from Host. (ACK is sent to Host when Slave has no related status by the Command.) Start character : , ACK : 06h, End character (CR) : 0Dh NAK is a reply data from Slave when Slave got an incorrect Command data, Status request data or some other data from Host. Start character : , NAK : 15h, End character (CR) : 0Dh 3-2-2-2. Form2: Status answer and Auto status feedback Status answers are reply data when Slave got an acceptable Request status or Command data from Host. Auto status feedbacks are send to Host data when a Slaves status is changed. Start character : Answer character : see “Status list” End character (CR) : 0Dh AACK 06h CR 0Dh start ANAK 15h CR 0Dh start start command “xxx:”+”.” end 0Dh start request status “xxx:?”+”.” end 0Dh start status “xxx:”+”.” end 0Dh SR5001 RS-232C Control Specification Page: 6 / 20 Document Version 1.0 Company Restricted 3-3. The transaction sequences and the regulations 3-3-1. The transaction sequences The transactions have three kinds of sequence. *A transaction is a Command from Host then Slave will be an answer by Status answer, ACK or NAK. *A transaction is a Status request from Host then Slave will be an answer by Status answer or NAK. *A transaction is Auto status feedback from Slave when a Slaves status changed. (If the auto status feedback is enabled.) 3-3-2. The transaction regulations The transactions have some kinds of regulation. * An answer (ACK, NAK or Status answer) transmittion by Slave has to finish within 500ms when got a Command or a Status request from Host. * Host must not transmit an another Command or Status request until it receives a answer by a previous Command or Status request or it passes a term of waitinng time from a finishing of previous transmission of a Command or a Status request . * Slave has to finish a transaction under 500ms when it sends Auto status feedback data. 3-3-3. Specification of Auto status feedback There are some specific regulations about Auto status feedback. * The product status has segmented into four layers of 1, 2, 3 and 4. * The status of layer 1 are assigned most kindly status to Host. (The statuses of layer 2 are assigned kindly status, the statuses of layer 3 are not so need status to Host and the statuses of layer 4 are probably no wished statuses.) * Each layer status can control transmit enable or disable by Host command. (The product default would be all disables.) * Slave sends auto status feedback by itself when the status is changed and if the status feedback is enabled. * The product defined and segmentationed layers are takeing in status list. 3-3-4. Example of the transactions TxD RxD RxD TxD Example of the transactions max. 0.5sec a transaction a transaction Command Status answer , ACK or NAK Status request Status answer max. 0.5sec SR5001 RS-232C Control Specification Page: 7 / 20 Document Version 1.0 Company Restricted 3-3-5. Examples of the handshaking flowchart 3-3-5-1. Example of successful handshaking S LA V EH O S TC o m m anda cce pta bleR e que sta cce pta bleC o m m andA C KS ta tusre qu estS ta tusan sw erR elate dS ta tus answ e rorA u to statu sfee db ackC h ang edso m e statu s! The product can reply ACK instead of related status, if the product can not send the related status immediatly. 3-3-5-2. Examples of handshaking error S L A V EH O S TC o m m a n din c o rre c tR e q u e s tin c o rre c tC o m m a n dN A KS ta tu sre q u e s tN A K SR5001 RS-232C Control Specification Page: 8 / 20 Document Version 1.0 Company Restricted 4. Recommendations of Command, Status and Layer definition - All Commands, Statuses and Layers will be defined other specific document. - MANDATORY The product MUST have Commands and the Statuses same as a remote controller buttons (IR controller) of the product. - All Commands are required working by discreate as ON/OFF commands. (It means that do not support TOGGLE command only. ) - All Commands and Statuses are defined same chharacter size except ACK/NAK on the product. ( Recommended character length : 36 characters ) - It permits attaching 0 x0A character to a reply characters from the product. In this case, must suppose that the object is followed altogether. - Recommend to supports numbers or values direct setting command, if it has variable numbers or values. SR5001 RS-232C Control Specification Page: 9 / 20 Document Version 1.0 Company Restricted 5. Definitions of Command, Status and Layer This section is told how to define “Command”, “Status” and “Layer” of this product. 5-1. Normal Command list 5-1-1. Main function contents Command Reply from Slave TOGGLE “PWR:0” OFF “PWR:1” POWER ON “PWR:2” “PWR:1” “PWR:2” TOGGLE “ATT:0” OFF “ATT:1” AUDIO ATT ON “ATT:2” “ATT:0”(None) “ATT:1”(OFF) “ATT:2”(ON) TOGGLE “AMT:0” OFF “AMT:1” AUDIO MUTE ON “AMT:2” “AMT:1” “AMT:2” TOGGLE “VMT:0” OFF “VMT:1” VIDEO MUTE ON “VMT:2” “VMT:1” “VMT:2” VALUE “VOL:0 xxx” UP “VOL:1” VOLUME DOWN “VOL:2” “VOL:xxx” xxx = Vol. value as +18 -99, 0db = ”VOL: 00”, - = “VOL:-ZZ” VALUE “TOB:0 xxx” UP “TOB:1” TONE BASS DOWN “TOB:2” “TOB:xxx” xxx = vol. value as +6 -6 VALUE “TOT:0 xxx” UP “TOT:1” TONE TREBLE DOWN “TOT:2” “TOT:xxx” xxx = vol. value as +6 -6 TV “SRC:1” DVD “SRC:2” VCR1 “SRC:3” DSS/VCR2 “SRC:5” AUX1 “SRC:9” AUX2 “SRC:A” CD “SRC:C” CD-R “SRC:D” TAPE “SRC:E” TUNER “SRC:F” FM “SRC:G” AM “SRC:H” SOURCE Select XM “SRC:J” “SRC:va”, (v ,a= 0 I) (v = video, a = audio.) v = 0 (V-OFF) a = N (7.1CH) TOGGLE “71C:0” OFF “71C:1” 7.1 Channel Input ON “71C:2” “71C:1” (OFF) “71C:2” (ON) SR5001 RS-232C Control Specification Page: 10 / 20 Document Version 1.0 Company Restricted 5-1-2. Display and Menu contents Command Reply from Slave VALUE “SLP:0 xx” “SPL:xx” SLEEP OFF “SLP:1” “SPL:00” TOGGLE “MNU:0” OFF(EXIT) “MNU:1” ON “MNU:2” MENU ENTER “MNU:3” “MNU:1”(non-Menu mode) “MNU:2”(on Menu mode) UP “CUR:1” DOWN “CUR:2” LEFT “CUR:3” CURSOR RIGHT “CUR:4” ACK Command Reply from Slave TRG. 1 OFF “DCT:11” (DC TRG. 1 OFF) DC TRG. TRG. 1 ON “DCT:12” (DC TRG. 1 ON) “DCT:a” ( a = 1:OFF, 2:ON), a = TRG.1 Command Reply from Slave TOGGLE “SSU:0” OFF(EXIT) “SSU:1” ON “SSU:2” Simple Setup ENTER “SSU:3” “SSU:1”(non-Setup mode), “SSU:2”(on Setupmode) UP “CUR:1” DOWN “CUR:2” LEFT “CUR:3” CURSOR (same as Menu Cursor ) RIGHT “CUR:4” ACK SR5001 RS-232C Control Specification Page: 11 / 20 Document Version 1.0 Company Restricted 5-1-3. Surround contents Command Reply from Slave AUTO “SUR:00” STEREO “SUR:01” DOLBY “SUR:02” PL2xMOVIE “SUR:03” PL2 MOVIE “SUR:04” PL2xMUSIC “SUR:05” PL2 MUSIC “SUR:06” PL2xGAME “SUR:07” PL2 GAME “SUR:08” Dolby PROLOGIC “SUR:09” EX/ES “SUR:0A” VIRTUAL 6.1 “SUR:0B” DTS ES “SUR:0E” NEO6 CINEMA “SUR:0F” NEO6 MUSIC “SUR:0G” Multi Ch. STEREO “SUR:0H” CS? CINEMA “SUR:0I” CS? MUSIC “SUR:0J” CS? MONO “SUR:0K” VIRTUAL “SUR:0L” DTS “SUR:0M” DD+ PL2x MOVIE “SUR:0O” DD+ PL2x MUSIC “SUR:0P” SOURCE DIRECT “SUR:0T” PURE DIRECT “SUR:0U” UP “SUR:1” Surr. Mode DOWN “SUR:2” “SUR:x“ (x = 0 Z) SR5001 RS-232C Control Specification Page: 12 / 20 Document Version 1.0 Company Restricted Command Reply from Slave TOGGLE “TTO:0” OFF “TTO:1” ON “TTO:2” NEXT “TTO:3” Test Tone (Force start/stop Test Tone with Auto mode) PREV “TTO:4” “TTO:1xy” (OFF), “TTO:2xy” (ON, x= auto(0)/manual(1), y= ch.) TOGGLE “NGT:0” OFF “NGT:1” Night Mode ON “NGT:2” “NGT:1”(OFF), “NGT:2”(ON) BYPASS “DHM:0” “DHM:1” (+PL2 MOVIE) “DHM:2” Dolby Headphone Mode DH1 (+PL2 MUSIC) “DHM:3” “DHM:x” x = Dolby Headphone mode Command Reply from Slave VALUE “LIP:0 xxx“ (xxx = value) xxx = 000 (OFF), xxx = 010,020,.190,200 (ms) UP “LIP:1” Lip Sync. DOWN “LIP:2“ “LIP:xxx” (xxx = Lip Sync. value) xxx = 000 (OFF), xxx = 010,020,.190.200 ms SR5001 RS-232C Control Specification Page: 13 / 20 Document Version 1.0 Company Restricted 5-1-4. Tuner contents Command Reply from Slave VALUE “TFQ:0 xxxxx“ (xxxxx = freq.) UP “TFQ:1“ DOWN “TFQ:2“ Auto-UP “TFQ:3“ Tuner Frequency Auto-DOWN “TFQ:4“ “TFQ:xxxxx” (xxxxx = Frequency) if ( xxxxx 00256 ) band = XM; else if (xxxxx 02000) band=AM; else band=FM; (ex.“08750” = FM87.50MHz) *Auto-UP/DOWN dose not operate in XM *XM can be selected When Band is XM. VALUE “TPR:0ww” UP “TPR:1” DOWN “TPR:2” P-Scan start “TPR:3” Tuner Preset P-Scan stop “TPR:4” “TPR:ww” (ww = current preset nr.) (ww = 01 ?) TOGGLE “TMD:0” OFF(MONO) “TMD:1” Tuner mode ON(AUTO) “TMD:2” “TMD:0”( - ), “TMD:1” (MONO), “TMD:2” (AUTO) Tuner MEMO - “MEM:0” ACK CLEAR - “CLR:0” ACK Tuner Numeric keys Key0, Key1, Key2, Key3, Key4, Key5, Key6, Key7, Key8, Key9 “NUM:0” “NUM:1” “NUM:2” “NUM:3” “NUM:4” “NUM:5” “NUM:6” “NUM:7” “NUM:8” “NUM:9” ACK 5-1-5. XM Contents Command Reply from Slave TOGGLE “XDP:0” NORMAL “XDP:1” ART/SNG “XDP:2” CATEGORY “XDP:3” XM DispMode STATUS “XDP:4” “XDP:1”(NORMAL) “XDP:2”(ART/SNG) “XDP:3”(CATEGORY) “XDP:4”(STATUS) VALUE “CAT:0 xx” CH. UP “CAT:1” CH. DOWN “CAT:2” CAT. NEXT “CAT:3” XM Category CAT. PREV “CAT:4” “CAT:yxx” y= 1(un search), 2(in search) xx= Category No. 00(none), 01 to 32 SR5001 RS-232C Control Specification Page: 14 / 20 Document Version 1.0 Company Restricted 5-1-6. Multi Room contents Command Reply from Slave TOGGLE “MPW:0” OFF “MPW:1” Multi Room POWER ON “MPW:2” “MPW:1”, “MPW:2” TOGGLE “MAM:0” OFF “MAM:1” Multi Room AUDIO MUTE ON “MAM:2” “MAM:1”, “MAM:2” VALUE “MVL:0 xxx” UP “MVL:1” Multi Room VOLUME DOWN “MVL:2” “MVL:xxx” xxx = vol. value as +90 -90 VARIABLE “MVS:1” Multi Room VOLUME SET FIXED “MVS:2” “MVS:1”, “MVS:2” TV “MSC:1” DVD “MSC:2” VCR1 “MSC:3” DSS/VCR2 “MSC:5” AUX1 “MSC:9” AUX2 “MSC:A” CD “MSC:C” CD-R “MSC:D” TAPE “MSC:E” TUNER “MSC:F” FM “MSC:G” AM “MSC:H” Multi Room SOURCE Select XM “MSC:J” “MSC:va”, (v ,a= 0 I) (v = video, a = audio.) VALUE “MSL:0 xx” (“xx” = min) “MSL:xx” (xx = min) Multi Room SLEEP OFF “MSL:1” “MSL:00” VALUE “MTF:0 xxxxx“ (xxxxx = freq.) UP “MTF:1“ DOWN “MTF:2“ Auto-UP “MTF:3“ Multi Room Tuner Frequency Auto-DOWN “MTF:4“ “MTF:xxxxx” (xxxxx = Frequency) if ( xxxxx 00256 ) band = XM; else if (xxxxx 02000) band=AM; else band=FM; (ex.“08750” = FM87.50MHz) *Auto-UP/DOWN dose not operate in XM *XM can be sele


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