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    harman/kardon DPR1001 DPR1001 DIGITAL PATH AUDIO/VIDEO RECEIVER SERVICE MANUAL CONTENTS ELECTROSTATICALLY SENSITIVE DEVICES.2 LEAKAGE TESTING.3 SPECIFICATIONS.4 DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS.5 FRONT PANEL CONTROLS.14 FRONT PANEL CONNECTIONS.15 REAR PANEL CONTROLS.16 REAR PANEL CONNECTIONS.17 MAIN REMOTE CONTROL FUNCTIONS.18 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE.21 PROCESSOR RESET.21 UNIT EXPLODED VIEW.22 EXPLODED VIEW PARTS LIST.23 BLOCK DIAGRAM.24 TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW.25 POWER SUPPLY (SMPS).39 TUNER SCHEMATICS/SPECS.47 PCB DRAWINGS.52 MECHANICAL PARTS LIST.72 ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST. .74 SEMICONDUCTOR DATA.107 SCHEMATICS. .143 WIRING DIAGRAM. .164 PACKAGING.165 harman/kardon, Inc. 250 Crossways Park Dr. Woodbury, New York 11797 Rev1 1/2006 RadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库Eachprecautioninthismanualshouldbefollowedduringservicing.Components identified with the IEC symbolin the parts list are special significance to safety. When replacing a component identified with, use only the replacement parts designated, or parts with the same ratings or resistance, wattage, or voltage that are designated in theparts list in this manual. Leakage-current or resistance measurements must be made to determine that exposed parts are acceptablyinsulated from the supply circuit before retuming the product to the customer.Some semiconductor (solid state) devices can be damaged easily by static electricity. Such components commonly are calledElectrostatically Sensitive (ES) Devices. Examples of typical ES devices are integrated circuits and some field effect transistors andsemiconductor chip components.The following techniques should be used to help reduce the incidence of component damage caused by static electricity.1. Immediately before handling any semiconductor component or semiconductor-equipped assembly, drain off any electrostatic charge onyour body by touching a known earth ground. Alternatively, obtain and wear a commercially available discharging wrist strap device,which should be removed for potential shock reasons prior to applying power to the unit under test.2. After removing an electrical assembly equipped with ES devices, place the assembly on a conductive surface such as aluminum foil, toprevent electrostatic charge build-up or exposure of the assembly.3. Use only a grounded-tip soldering iron to solder or unsolder ES devices.4. Use only an anti-static solder removal device. Some solder removal devices not classified as anti-static can generate electrical chargessufficient to damage ES devices.5. Do not use freon-propelled chemicals. These can generate electrical change sufficient to damage ES devices.6. Do not remove a replacement ES device from its protective package until immediately before you are ready to install it. (Most replacementES devices are packaged with leads electrically shorted together by conductive foam, aluminum foil or comparable conductive material.)7. Immediately before removing the protective material from the leads of a replacement ES device, touch the protective material to thechassis or circuit assembly into which the device will be installed2Be sure no power is applied to the chassis or circuit, and observe all other safety precautions.8. Minimize bodily motions when handling unpackaged replacement ES devices. (Otherwise harmless motion such as the brushing togetheror your clothes fabric or the lifting of your foot from a carpeted floor can generate static electricity sufficient to damage an ES devices.CAUTION :2ELECTROSTATICALLY SENSITIVE (ES) DEVICESPRODUCT SAFETY NOTICE DPR1001DPR1001DPR1001 harman/kardonRadioFans.CN 收音机爱 好者资料库1. Inspect all lead dress to make certain thatleads are not pinched or that hardware is notlodged between the chassis and other metalpartsintheunit.2. Be sure that any protective devices such asnonmetallic control knobs, insulating fish-papers,cabinetbacks,adjustmentandcompartment covers or shields, isolationresistor-capacitynetworks,mechanicalinsulators, etc. Which were removed for theservicingareproperlyre-installed.Before returning the unit to the user, perform the following safety checks :3. Be sure that no shock hazard exists ; check for leakagecurrentusingSimpsonModel229LeakageTester,standardequipment item No. 21641, RCA Model WT540A or usealternatemethod asfollows : Plug the power cord directlyInto a 120 volt AC receptacle (do not use an IsolationTransformer for this test). Using two clip leads, connect a1500ohms,10wattResistorparalleledbya0.15uFcapacitor,inserieswithallexposedmetalcabinetpartsandaknownearthground,suchas a water pipe or conduit. Use a VTVM or VOM with 1000 ohms per volt, or higher sensitivity to measure the AC voltage drop across theresistor. (See diagram) Move the resistor connection to each exposed metal part having a return path to the chassis (antenna, metal,cabinet,screwheads,knobsandcontrolshafts,escutcheon,etc.)andmeasuretheACvoltagedropacrosstheresistor.(Thistestshouldbeperformedwiththe0.35voltRMSormoreisexcessiveandindicatesapotentialshockhazardwhichmustbecorrectedbeforereturningtheunittotheowner.3LEAKAGE TESTINGAVR1001harman/kardonDPR1001Audio SectionContinuous Average Power (FTC)All Channels: 50 Watts per channel 8 ohms, 1kHz, 0.19% THDPower Output per EIA 490A: 65 Watts x 7 8 ohmsInput Sensitivity/ImpedanceLinear (High-Level)200mV/47k ohmsSignal-to-Noise Ratio (IHF-A)90dBSurround System Adjacent Channel SeparationPro Logic I, II 40dBDolby Digital 55dBDTS55dBFrequency Response 1W (+0dB, 3dB)20Hz 22kHzTransient Intermodulation Distortion (TIM)NoneNegative FeedbackNoneFM Tuner SectionFrequency Range87.5MHz 108MHzUsable SensitivityIHF 1.3V/13.2dBfSignal-to-Noise RatioMono/Stereo 70dB/68dBDistortionMono/Stereo 0.2%/0.3%Stereo Separation40dB 1kHzSelectivity400kHz, 70dBImage Rejection80dBIF Rejection90dBAM Tuner SectionFrequency Range520kHz 1710kHzSignal-to-Noise Ratio45dBUsable SensitivityLoop 500VDistortion1kHz, 50% Mod 0.8%Selectivity10kHz, 30dBVideo SectionTelevision FormatNTSCInput Level/Impedance1Vp-p/75 ohmsOutput Level/Impedance1Vp-p/75 ohmsVideo Frequency Response (Composite and S)10Hz 8MHz (3dB)Video Frequency Response (Component)10Hz 30MHz (3dB)GeneralPower RequirementAC 120V/60HzPower Consumption7.6W standby, 550W rated output,all channels drivenDimensions Width17.3 inches (440mm)Height4.75 inches (120mm)Depth18.75 inches (476mm)Weight17 lb (7.7kg)Depth measurement includes knobs, buttons and terminal connections.Height measurement includes feet and chassis.All features and specifications are subject to change without notice.Harman Kardon and Power for the Digital Revolution are registered trademarks of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.is a trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated (patent no. 5,386,478).*Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories.“Dolby,”“Pro Logic” and the Double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. Confidential Unpublished Works. 19921999 Dolby Laboratories, Inc.All rights reserved.Surround EX is a jointly developed technology of THX and Dolby Laboratories, Inc., and is a trademark of Dolby. Used under authorization.DTS, DTS Surround, DTS-ES and DTS Neo:6 are trademarks of Digital Theater Systems, Inc.Cirrus and Cirrus Logic are trademarks of Cirrus Logic Inc.VMAx is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated, and is an implementation of Cooper Bauck Transaural Stereo under patent license.Logic 7 is a registered trademark of Harman International Industries, Incorporated.TiVo is a registered trademark of TiVo, Inc.ReplayTV is a registered trademark of SONICblue, Inc.TMDPR1001 harman/kardon BASIC SPECIFICATIONS4A) ANALOG INPUT, BASELINE AUDIO PARAMETERS (STEREO SURROUND MODE)Measuringmethods arebasedonIHF andIEC standard268-3Measurement conditions,unless otherwisenoted:ToneOff or Tone(Bass,Treble), Balance,EQ control:Center Position, Other SWs :OFF,Volume:MaxNominalinput level:0dBFS sinewavePCM bitstream(Digital),225mVsinewave(Analog)Power figures shouldbekept minimum10min., between15 and35oC.Terminator :1kohmfor generalpurposeinputsAllVoltageMeasurements aremadewithRMS detector,unless otherwisespecified.Filter :IHF-AfilterUUT=Unit Under Test.Power supply : 120 V , 60 HzMARKETING UNIT RATINGS.CONDITIONUNITVALUEWatts/Ch50Watts/Ch50Ohm8 ohm, +/- 1 %,Non-Inductive,455 WSPEAKERAVAILABLESPEAKER MODES*SUB-WOOFER SPKR:YES *SPKR LEVEL:ALL 0dB *TONE OUTSPEAKER POWER AMPLIFIER SECTION11kHz2VOL at min. 10Hz-22KHz BW, peak detector, all inputsterminated w/ 1 KohmmVpk3mV2mVVOL at min. 10Hz-22KHz BW, peak detector, all inputsterminated w/ 1 KohmmVpk2.5mV1.5mVVOL at max. 10Hz-22KHz BW, peak detector, all inputsterminated w/ 1 KohmmVpk10mVpk8mVpkVOL at max. 10Hz-22KHz BW, peak detector, all inputsterminated w/ 1 KohmmVpk4mVpk2.5mVpkVOL at max. 10Hz-22KHz BW, RMS , non-weighted, all inputsterminated w/ 1 KohmmVrms4mVrms3mVrmsVOL at max. 10Hz-22KHz BW, RMS , non-weighted, all inputsterminated w/ 1 KohmmVrms1mVrms0.75mVrmsVOL at max. 10Hz-22KHz BW, RMS , A Weighted, all inputsterminated w/ 1 KohmmVrms3mVrms2.5mVrmsVOL at max. 10Hz-22KHz BW, RMS , A Weighted, all inputsterminated w/ 1 KohmmVrms0.7mVrms0.5mVrmsVOL at max. 10Hz-22KHz BW, RMS , A Weighted, all inputsleft un-terminatedmVrms3mVrms2.5mVrmsVOL at max. 10Hz-22KHz BW, RMS , A Weighted, all inputsleft un-terminatedmVrms0.7mVrms0.5mVrms8CHSTEREO8 CHSTEREO8 CHSTEREO8 CHSTEREO8 CHSTEREO8 CHSTEREO20Hz1k20k22540225200.65053CD1kHzat 0.6%THD,10 Hz-80 KHz measurement BW.Volumeat Max.W5053CD20 KHzat 0.6%THD,10 Hz-80 KHz measurement BW.Volumeat Max.W50538 CHDIRECT20 Hzat 0.6%THD,10 Hz-80 KHz measurement BW.Volumeat Max.W50538 CHDIRECT1kHzat 0.6%THD,10 Hz-80 KHz measurement BW.Volumeat Max.W50538 CHDIRECT20 KHzat 0.6%THD,10 Hz-80 KHz measurement BW.Volumeat Max.W5053Shouldbemet byCHDIRECT InputsSinewave# 1 f=60Hz. Ampl=4,sinewave# 2 f=7KHz.Ampl=130 step Sweep of GentoDrivetoPk-Pkvalueof sineratedpower%0.60.4Shouldbemet byallAnalogStereoInputsSinewave# 1 f=60Hz. Ampl=4,sinewave# 2 f=7KHz.Ampl=130 step Sweep of GentoDrivetoPk-Pkvalueof sineratedpower%0.67075Shouldbemet byCHDIRECT Inputs1kHzReferredto1WOut.Volat max,allinputs terminatedw/1 Kohm.Shouldbemeasuredwitha 10 Hz-22 KHz BW,RMS noisereadingdB5560VID4DVD8 CH8 CHTAPECDVID1VID2VID320Hz1k20k20Hz1k20k20Hz1k20KReferredtoRatedOutput Power,Volat max,allinputsterminatedw/ 1 Kohm.Shouldbemeasuredwitha 10Hz-22 KHz BW,RMS noisereading0.60.450.251kHzShouldbemet byallAnalogStereoInputs3TOTALHARMONICDISTORTION(Rated8 CHDIRECT PowerOutput - 1 dB)TOTALHARMONICDISTORTION(1 WPower Output)TOTALHARMONICDISTORTION (1WPower Output)20Hz-20 KHz,Power out =RatedPower - 1 dBVolat Max,10 Hz-22KHz Meas BW.AWEIGHTEDShouldbemet byallStereoInputs20Hz-10 KHz,Power out =1 WVolat Max,10 Hz-22KHz Meas BW.AWEIGHTED8 CHDIRECT4CONTINUOUSAVERAGEPOWER:A)Stereo,8 Ohmload,FLandFR driven.CONTINUOUSAVERAGEPOWER:B) All7 Channels Driven,8 ohmsVolat Max,10 Hz-22KHz Meas BW.AWEIGHTED8 CHDIRECT20Hz-10 KHz,Power out =1 WIMD(SMPTE)5%dB%0.158085%7075AM/FM TunerInput1 KHzApplyanFM StereoRF input thrua 50-75 ohmdummyantenna (98 MHz carrier,75 KHz modulation,1 KHz tone,72 dBuVlevel).Thenset UUT toFM Stereo,98MHz. Set Volumecontrolto10 dB belowMax.RecordtheFLandFR speaker output levelas thereferedB75858 CHDIRECTInputsTofindthepoint intheFrequencyResponseCurve,whereOutput Levelfalls by 3 dB,referredtothe1Shouldbemet withVolumeat Max (50 mVinput) Use10Hz-500KHz BWHz20 Hz-18KkHz10 Hz-20 kHz8 ch8 chstereo8 chstereo8 chstereo8 chstereoDVD8 CHstereoCDVID1VID2VID3VID4DVDTAPEVID4CDVID1VID2VID3TAPE5575AllAnalogStereoand8 CHDIRECTInputs10 kHzVolumeat Max. ApplySinewaveSignalGenamplitudetothetestedinput,toobtainR/O-3dB at thespeakeroutputs.RecordtheFLandFR speaker output levelasthereferenceoutput.Scrollthruother stereoinputs,and measuretheoutput level.ComputethdBVolumeat Max.ApplySinewaveSignalGenamplitudetothetestedinput,toobtainR/O-3dB at thespeakeroutputs.Recordtheoutput levelas thereferenceoutput.Then,scrollthrutheother possiblestereoinputs, andmeasuretheoutput level.ComputetdB7075Volat Max,GenamplitudeadjustedtoobtainR/O-3dB,measuredw/ APs Xtalkmode.Drivingeverychannelindividually. Undrivenchannels shouldbeterminatedw/1 kOhm.Use10Hz-22KHz BWdB5060Volat Max,GenamplitudeadjustedtoobtainR/O-3dB,measuredw/ APs Xtalkmode.Drivingeverychannelindividually. Undrivenchannels shouldbeterminatedw/1 kOhm.Use10Hz-22KHz BWdB6065100HzVolat Max,GenamplitudeadjustedtoobtainR/O-3dB,measuredw/ APs Xtalkmode.Drivingeverychannelindividually. Undrivenchannels shouldbeterminatedw/1 kOhm.Use10Hz-22KHz BWdB55601kHzSTEREO8CHAllAnalogStereoInputsTofindthepoint intheFrequencyResponseCurve,whereOutput Levelfalls by 3 dB,referredtothe1KHz point.1kHzShouldbemet by8CHDIRECTInputsShouldbemet byallAnalogStereoInputs10kHzAllAnalogStereoand8 CHDIRECTInputs1 kHz6S/NRATIO,IHF-AFILTER7CHANNELSEPARATION:Zterm=1KW/1000pFIHF-AFILTERShouldbemet byallAnalogStereoand8 CHDIRECTInputs9FREQUENCYRESPONSE8FUNCTIONCROSSTALK,(MeasuredonallChannels)IHF-AFILTER5 Hz-22 kHz10 Hz-20kHzReferredto1WOut.Volat max,allinputs terminatedw/1 Kohm.Shouldbemeasuredwitha 10 Hz-22 KHz BW,RMS noisereadingVol.maxinput:50mVdBShouldbemet withVolumeat Max (50 mVinput),andalsowithVolumeat 40 dB belowMax (5 Vinput).Hz55601kHzdB80858 CHDIRECTInputsTofindthepoint intheFrequencyResponseCurve,whereOutput Levelfalls by 3 dB,referredtothe1Shouldbemet withVolumeat Max (50 mVinput) Use10Hz-500KHz BWHz20 Hz-18KkHz10 Hz-20 kHzTAPECDVID1VID2VID3VID4DVD8 CHDIRECTInputsTestedat 8 CHDIRECT ModeRatedPower -3dB-THD0.6%Testedin8 CHDIRECT Mode,at 8CHDIRECT RatedPower -3dB. FindtheInput SinawaveFrequencyPointwhereTHDincreases to0.6%.RecordtheFrequency.HzkHz20-20kHz20-22kHzSTEREO8CHSTEREO8CHAllAnalogStereoInputsTofindthepoint intheFrequencyResponseCurve,whereOutput Levelfalls by 3 dB,10POWERBANDWIDTH -3dBCD9FREQUENCYRESPONSE20-22kHz5 Hz-22 kHzHzkHzTestedat StereoModeRatedPower -3dB -THD0.6%TestedinStereoMode,at StereoRatedPower -3dB.FindtheInput SinawaveFrequencyPoint whereTHDincreases to0.6%.RecordtheFrequency.20-20kHz10 Hz-20kHzVol.-40input:5VVol.maxinput:50mVShouldbemet withVolumeat Max (50 mVinput), andalsowithVolumeat 40 dB belowMax (5 Vinput).Hz7CHDIRECTInputs8ReferredtoRatedOutput Power,Volat max,allinputsleft un-terminated. Shouldbemeasuredwitha 10Hz-22 KHz BW, RMS noisereadingSPECIFICATIONSAVR1001harman/kardonDPR1001B) DIGITAL INPUT, BASELINE AUDIO PARAMETERS (STEREO SURROUND MODE)Measuringmethods arebasedonIHF andIEC standard 268-3Measurement conditions,unless otherwisenoted:Output resistiveload=(8) ohms/ Allchannels loaded.ToneOff or Tone(Bass,Treble), Balance, EQ control:Center Position, Other SWs :OFF, Volume:MaxAllVoltageMeasurements aremadewithRMS detector, unless otherwisespecified.Filter :IHF-AfilterR/O =RatedOutput, whichis50 Winto8 ohmresistiveload, for PCM Digitalinputs.UUT=Unit Under Test.Allmeasurements aremadeinStereomode, at FLandFR Speaker Output jacks,unless otherwisenoted.Power supply : 120 V , 60 HzUNIT?RatedStereoPower OutputWatts/Ch50Rated6 CHDIRECT Power OutputWatts/Ch50RatedResistiveLoadOhm8 ohm,+/- 1 %,Non-


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